【舞伴问题 -- 链队列实现】

来源:互联网 发布:哨子办公软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/14 12:54

如有BUG ,欢迎指出!!

#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;#define status int #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 typedef struct  QNode{    int sex;    char name[100];    struct QNode *next;}QNode;typedef struct LinkQueue{    QNode *rear=new QNode;    QNode *front=new QNode;    status init(){  // 初始化         front->next=rear;        rear->next=front;        return OK;    }    bool IsEmpty(){  // 队列是否为空         return front->next==rear;    }    bool Pop(QNode& e){// 弹出队顶元素         QNode *p;        if(IsEmpty()) return ERROR ;        e.sex=front->next->sex; strcpy(e.name,front->next->name);        p=front->next;        front->next=p->next;        delete p;        return OK;    }    bool Push(QNode temp){  //  输入队列         QNode *p;  QNode *t=new QNode;        t->sex=temp.sex; strcpy(t->name,temp.name);        p=rear->next;        p->next=t;        t->next=rear;        rear->next=t;        return OK;    }    bool Top(QNode &e){ // 得到队列顶元素          if(IsEmpty()) return ERROR;         e.sex=front->next->sex; strcpy(e.name,front->next->name);         return OK;    } }LinkQueue;LinkQueue Queue,MQueue,FQueue; //  分别为 所有dancer ,女dancer,男dancer bool DancerAssign(){    Queue.init();MQueue.init();FQueue.init(); // 初始化     printf("Please input the nummber of dancer:");    int n;scanf("%d",&n);    char sex[10];QNode p,e;    int id=1;    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){        printf("Please input the %d dancer information :\n",id++);        printf("name :");scanf("%s",p.name);        printf("sex :"); scanf("%s",sex);  // 要输入中文         if(strcmp(sex,"男")==0)             p.sex=1;        else            p.sex=0;         Queue.Push(p);    }    while(!Queue.IsEmpty()){        Queue.Pop(e);        if(e.sex==1)             FQueue.Push(e);        else             MQueue.Push(e);    }    id=1;    while(!MQueue.IsEmpty()&&!FQueue.IsEmpty()){        printf("The %d dancing partners are :",id++);        MQueue.Pop(e) ; printf("%s and ",e.name);        FQueue.Pop(e) ; printf("%s .\n",e.name) ;    }    if(!MQueue.IsEmpty()) {        MQueue.Top(e);        printf("The first woman to get a partner is : %s .\n",e.name);    }else if(!FQueue.IsEmpty()){        FQueue.Top(e);        printf("The first man to get a partner is : %s .\n",e.name);    }} int main(){    puts("----------Welcome to use----------");    while(1){        char op[10];        puts("\n  A :the party begin !!");        puts("  Q :End .");        printf("Please input command: ");        scanf("%s",op);        if(op[0]=='A')            DancerAssign();        else if(op[0]=='Q')             break;        else            puts("Your command is wrong ,please input again !!\n");    }    puts("Welcome to use again .\nBye ~ ");    return 0 ; } 