
来源:互联网 发布:搜狐动态ip软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 12:28
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This library provides an easy way to combine images and audio into a video or merge multiple videos into one.


  • create a video from a single image and audio file
  • create a video from multiple image/audio pairs
  • merge multiple videos into one

Supported video formats

  • mov (only when merging videos)
  • m4v
  • mp4 (only when merging videos)


  • iOS 9.0 or later
  • Xcode 8.3 or later
  • Swift 3.2 or later


  • If you need help or want to ask a general question, you can find me @guardians_devil or @devlabsbg. Or tag #swift-video-generator on Twitter
  • If you found a bug, open an issue
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request



CocoaPods is a dependancy manager for Xcode. You can install it by running the following command in the Terminal:

$ gem install cocoapods

To use Swift Video Generator in your Xcode project using CocoaPods, add it in the Podfile:

platform :ios, '10.0'use_frameworks!target '<Your Target Name>' do  pod 'SwiftVideoGenrator'end


If you don't want to use a dependency manager, you can integrate SwiftVideoGenerator manually.

Download the following .swift files:



Add files to project:
  • Open your project in Xcode
  • Select your project target, right-click and create two New Groups: VideoGenerator and ImageExtension (you can also create a group Extensions and add a subgroup Image)
  • Now add the files you downloaded to their respective groups
  • And you're done. You're now ready to make some video magic.


If you used Cocoapods to install SwiftVideoGenerator, you need to import the module:

import SwiftVideoGenerator

For both the .single and .multiple types of video generation the output video file format is m4v.

Create a video from a single audio and image file

if let audioURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "audio", withExtension: "mp3"), let _image = UIImage(named: "image") {  VideoGenerator.current.fileName = "singleMovie"  VideoGenerator.current.generate(withImages: [_image], andAudios: [audioURL], andType: .single, { (progress) in    print(progress)  }, success: { (url) in    print(url)    self.createAlertView(message: "Finished single type video generation")  }, failure: { (error) in    print(error)    self.createAlertView(message: error.localizedDescription)  })}

With the generator type .single you can create a video from a single pair of audio and an image.

Exmaple video

The scaleWidth property scales the image to a desired size. Only used in a .single type of video.

The fileName property sets the output file's name.

The videoBackgroundColor property is used when scaling the image. When an image is scaled to a smaller frame then the video's it leaves empty spaces around the image. You can set the background color of that space with the videoBackgroundColorproperty. If you don't specify a scaleWidth the image is scaled (keeping the aspect ration) to fill the entire video frame.

Create a video from multiple image/audio pairs

if let audioURL1 = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "audio1", withExtension: "mp3"), let audioURL2 = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "audio2", withExtension: "mp3"), let audioURL3 =  Bundle.main.url(forResource: "audio3", withExtension: "mp3") {  if let _image1 = UIImage(named: "image1"), let _image2 = UIImage(named: "image2"), let _image3 = UIImage(named: "image3") {    VideoGenerator.current.fileName = "multipleVideo"    VideoGenerator.current.videoBackgroundColor = .red    VideoGenerator.current.scaleWidth = 700    VideoGenerator.current.generate(withImages: [_image1, _image2, _image3], andAudios: [audioURL1, audioURL2, audioURL3], andType: .multiple, { (progress) in      print(progress)    }, success: { (url) in      print(url)      self.createAlertView(message: "Finished single type video generation")    }, failure: { (error) in      print(error)      self.createAlertView(message: error.localizedDescription)    })  }}

With the type .multiple you can create a video that combines multiple image/audio pairs. The finished video will queue up multiple videos created by taking one image from the array and it's corresponding index element from the audio array, creating a video from it and then appending it to the finished video. Then the next pair of audio and image will be made into a video and appended after the first one. This will continue untill all image/audio pairs have been appended. If the image/audio pairs are not the same count, the extra audio(s)/image(s) is not used.

The fileName and videoBackgroundColor properties are used in the same way as in the .single type.

Exmaple video

Merging multiple videos into one

if let videoURL1 = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "video1", withExtension: "mov"), let videoURL2 = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "video2", withExtension: "mov") {    VideoGenerator.mergeMovies(videoURLs: [videoURL1, videoURL2], andFileName: "mergedMovie", success: { (videoURL) in      print(videoURL)    }) { (error) in      print(error)    }}

You can provide URLs both for local resource files as well as those stored on the device (i.e. in the Documents folder).

Exmaple video

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