Sparse Array Util (C#)

来源:互联网 发布:js小球碰撞原理 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 10:08


Incremental Algorithm Implementation for sparse array utilities.

Basic Data Structure

public struct Index{public int i, j;public Index(int i, int j){this.i = i;this.j = j;}}public struct Entry{public Index ind;public double v;public Entry(int i, int j){this.ind = new Index(i,j);this.v = 0;}public Entry(int i, int j, double v):this(i,j){this.v = v;}}public struct SArray{public int m, n, num;public List<Entry> sa;public SArray(int row=10, int col=10){this.m = row;this.n = col;this.num = 0; = new List<Entry>();}public SArray(int row, int col, int number, int max):this(row, col){this.num = number;Random rd = new Random();List<Index> inds = new List<Index>();int w = 0;while(w < number){Index temp = new Index(rd.Next(number),rd.Next(number));if(inds.Contains(temp)){continue;}else{inds.Add(temp);w++;}}for(int k = 0; k<number; k++){Entry et = new Entry(inds[k].i,inds[k].j,rd.Next(max)+rd.NextDouble());sa.Add(et);}}}

Here Index struct is used to index the non-zero entry of the array; 
Entry is used to hold the index and value of the entry;
SArray is used to hold all the entries with the number of rows, columns, non-zero entries and the maximum value randomly generated. 

1. To use generic List avoids the boxing and unboxing of ArrayList.
2. Constructor of SArray creates a list of indices first, in turn used to create entries.

Sparse Array Multiply Method

public static SArray SparseArrayMul(SArray a, SArray b){if(a.n!=b.m){WriteLine("Row number in a is NOT equal to column number in b!");}SArray result = new SArray(a.m,b.n);foreach(Entry ea in{foreach(Entry eb in{if(ea.ind.j==eb.ind.i){ Entry(ea.ind.i,eb.ind.j,ea.v*eb.v));result.num++;}}}//SparseArrayPres(result);Shrink(ref result);//SparseArrayPres(result);return result;}

1. Idea is to multiply the necessary operands for later sum operation.
2. Has to sum up with another round of loops. 


public static bool SparseArrayPres(SArray a){WriteLine($"SArray {a.GetHashCode()} has {a.num} entries:");WriteLine("Row\t\t Col\t\t Val");foreach(Entry e in{WriteLine($"{e.ind.i}\t\t {e.ind.j}\t\t {e.v}");}return true;}public static bool Shrink(ref SArray a){//Index ti = new Index();List<Entry> result = new List<Entry>();for(int i=0;i<a.num;i++){Entry et =[i];for(int j=i+1;j<a.num;j++){if([i][j].ind.i&&[i][j].ind.j){[j].v;a.num--;;WriteLine($"Shrinked for entry ({[i].ind.i},{[i].ind.j}).");}}result.Add(et);} = result;//SparseArrayPres(a);return true;}

1. Pres is for display.
2. Shrink is for sum the value of the result array.
