[Kubernetes] CentOS 7 离线安装 Kubernetes 1.7.6 教程

来源:互联网 发布:commvault恢复sql 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 06:22



           *  操作系统:CentOS  Linux release 7.2.1511  x86_64

           *  Docker版本:1.12.6 (Docker 安装请参考这里)

           *  Ectd 已集群式部署于3台机器(242~243),版本号为:v3.0.17 (Etcd 集群部署请参考这里)

           *  IP地址: ~ 245

          根据 Kubernetes 集群角色分类需要,使用 245 作为 Master 节点,其余为 Node 节点 


  2.1  操作系统设置(所有机器)

          a. 配置本地 DNS 

            (保证系统能够正确解析回环地址127.0.0.1 和物理网卡地址,如172.16.64.245)

# vim /etc/hosts localhost172.16.64.245 INM-BJ-VIP-ms04      

            (清空本地 DNS 服务器设置)

echo "" > /etc/resolv.conf

          b. 关闭 SELINUX

# setenforce 0# vim /etc/selinux/config
          c. 关闭防火墙

# systemctl stop firewalld.service# systemctl disable firewalld.service

          d. 清理多余虚拟网卡

              如果之前安装过 kubernetes,可能会有多余的虚拟网卡残留,这会影响 kubernetes 的正常部署,需要手动删除

              对于 flannel netwok:

# ifconfig cni0 down# ifconfig flannel.1 down # brctl delbr cni0# ip link delete flannel.1

              对于 weave network,首先上传 weaveworks/weaveexec:2.0.5 镜像到服务器,然后使用 weave 脚本清理


# chmod +x weave# ./weave reset
              weave 脚本内容:

#!/bin/shset -e[ -n "$WEAVE_DEBUG" ] && set -xSCRIPT_VERSION="2.0.5"IMAGE_VERSION=latest[ "$SCRIPT_VERSION" = "unreleased" ] || IMAGE_VERSION=$SCRIPT_VERSIONIMAGE_VERSION="2.0.5"# - The weavexec image embeds a Docker 1.10.3 client. Docker will give#   a "client is newer than server error" if the daemon has an older#   API version, which could be confusing if the user's Docker client#   is correctly matched with that older version.## We therefore check that the user's Docker *client* is >= 1.10.3MIN_DOCKER_VERSION=1.10.0# These are needed for remote execs, hence we introduce them hereDOCKERHUB_USER=${DOCKERHUB_USER:-weaveworks}BASE_EXEC_IMAGE=$DOCKERHUB_USER/weaveexecEXEC_IMAGE=$BASE_EXEC_IMAGE:$IMAGE_VERSIONWEAVEDB_IMAGE=$DOCKERHUB_USER/weavedbPROXY_HOST=${PROXY_HOST:-$(echo "${DOCKER_HOST#tcp://}" | cut -s -d: -f1)}PROXY_HOST=${PROXY_HOST:-}DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST=${DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST:-$DOCKER_HOST}# Define some regular expressions for matching addresses.# The regexp here is far from precise, but good enough.IP_REGEXP="[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}"CIDR_REGEXP="$IP_REGEXP/[0-9]{1,2}"####################################################################### helpers that run locally, even without --local######################################################################usage_no_exit() {    cat >&2 <<EOFUsage:weave --help | help      setup      versionweave launch        [--password <pass>] [--trusted-subnets <cidr>,...]                    [--host <ip_address>]                    [--name <mac>] [--nickname <nickname>]                    [--no-restart] [--resume] [--no-discovery] [--no-dns]                    [--ipalloc-init <mode>]                    [--ipalloc-range <cidr> [--ipalloc-default-subnet <cidr>]]                    [--plugin=false] [--proxy=false]                    [-H <endpoint>] [--without-dns] [--no-multicast-route]                    [--no-rewrite-hosts] [--no-default-ipalloc]                    [--hostname-from-label <labelkey>]                    [--hostname-match <regexp>]                    [--hostname-replacement <replacement>]                    [--rewrite-inspect]                    [--log-level=debug|info|warning|error]                    <peer> ...weave primeweave env           [--restore]      config      dns-argsweave connect       [--replace] [<peer> ...]      forget        <peer> ...weave attach        [--without-dns] [--rewrite-hosts] [--no-multicast-route]                      [<addr> ...] <container_id>      detach        [<addr> ...] <container_id>weave expose        [<addr> ...] [-h <fqdn>]      hide          [<addr> ...]weave dns-add       [<ip_address> ...] <container_id> [-h <fqdn>] |                    <ip_address> ... -h <fqdn>      dns-remove    [<ip_address> ...] <container_id> [-h <fqdn>] |                    <ip_address> ... -h <fqdn>      dns-lookup    <unqualified_name>weave status        [targets | connections | peers | dns | ipam]      report        [-f <format>]      ps            [<container_id> ...]weave stopweave reset         [--force]      rmpeer        <peer_id> ...where <peer>     = <ip_address_or_fqdn>[:<port>]      <cidr>     = <ip_address>/<routing_prefix_length>      <addr>     = [ip:]<cidr> | net:<cidr> | net:default      <endpoint> = [tcp://][<ip_address>]:<port> | [unix://]/path/to/socket      <peer_id>  = <nickname> | <weave internal peer ID>      <mode>     = consensus[=<count>] | seed=<mac>,... | observerTo troubleshoot and visualize Weave networks, try Weave Cloud: http://www.weave.works/product/cloud/EOF}usage() {    usage_no_exit    exit 1}handle_help_arg() {    if [ "$1" = "--help" ] ; then        usage_no_exit        exit 0    fi}docker_sock_options() {    # Pass through DOCKER_HOST if it is a Unix socket;    # a TCP socket may be secured by TLS, in which case we can't use it    if echo "$DOCKER_HOST" | grep -q "^unix://" >/dev/null; then        echo "-v ${DOCKER_HOST#unix://}:${DOCKER_HOST#unix://} -e DOCKER_HOST"    else        echo "-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"    fi}docker_run_options() {    echo --privileged --net=host $(docker_sock_options)}exec_options() {    case "$1" in        setup|setup-cni|launch|reset)            echo -v /:/host -e HOST_ROOT=/host            ;;        # All the other commands that may create the bridge and need machine id files.        # We don't mount '/' to avoid recursive mounts of '/var'        attach|expose|hide)            echo -v /etc:/host/etc -v /var/lib/dbus:/host/var/lib/dbus -e HOST_ROOT=/host            ;;    esac}exec_remote() {    docker $DOCKER_CLIENT_ARGS run --rm \        $(docker_run_options) \        --pid=host \        $(exec_options "$@") \        -e DOCKERHUB_USER="$DOCKERHUB_USER" \        -e WEAVE_VERSION \        -e WEAVE_DEBUG \        -e WEAVE_DOCKER_ARGS \        -e WEAVE_PASSWORD \        -e WEAVE_PORT \        -e WEAVE_HTTP_ADDR \        -e WEAVE_STATUS_ADDR \        -e WEAVE_CONTAINER_NAME \        -e WEAVE_MTU \        -e WEAVE_NO_FASTDP \        -e WEAVE_NO_BRIDGED_FASTDP \        -e DOCKER_BRIDGE \        -e DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST="$DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST" \        -e DOCKER_CLIENT_ARGS \        -e PROXY_HOST="$PROXY_HOST" \        -e COVERAGE \        -e CHECKPOINT_DISABLE \        -e AWSVPC   \        $WEAVEEXEC_DOCKER_ARGS $EXEC_IMAGE --local "$@"}# Given $1 and $2 as semantic version numbers like 3.1.2, return [ $1 < $2 ]version_lt() {    VERSION_MAJOR=${1%.*.*}    REST=${1%.*} VERSION_MINOR=${REST#*.}    VERSION_PATCH=${1#*.*.}    MIN_VERSION_MAJOR=${2%.*.*}    REST=${2%.*} MIN_VERSION_MINOR=${REST#*.}    MIN_VERSION_PATCH=${2#*.*.}    if [ \( "$VERSION_MAJOR" -lt "$MIN_VERSION_MAJOR" \) -o \        \( "$VERSION_MAJOR" -eq "$MIN_VERSION_MAJOR" -a \        \( "$VERSION_MINOR" -lt "$MIN_VERSION_MINOR" -o \        \( "$VERSION_MINOR" -eq "$MIN_VERSION_MINOR" -a \        \( "$VERSION_PATCH" -lt "$MIN_VERSION_PATCH" \) \) \) \) ] ; then        return 0    fi    return 1}check_docker_version() {    if ! DOCKER_VERSION=$(docker -v | sed -n -e 's|^Docker version \([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\).*|\1|p') || [ -z "$DOCKER_VERSION" ] ; then        echo "ERROR: Unable to parse docker version" >&2        exit 1    fi    if version_lt $DOCKER_VERSION $MIN_DOCKER_VERSION ; then        echo "ERROR: weave requires Docker version $MIN_DOCKER_VERSION or later; you are running $DOCKER_VERSION" >&2        exit 1    fi}is_cidr() {    echo "$1" | grep -E "^$CIDR_REGEXP$" >/dev/null}collect_cidr_args() {    CIDR_ARGS=""    CIDR_ARG_COUNT=0    while [ "$1" = "net:default" ] || is_cidr "$1" || is_cidr "${1#ip:}" || is_cidr "${1#net:}" ; do        CIDR_ARGS="$CIDR_ARGS ${1#ip:}"        CIDR_ARG_COUNT=$((CIDR_ARG_COUNT + 1))        shift 1    done}kill_container() {    docker kill $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || true}####################################################################### main######################################################################[ "$1" = "--local" ] && shift 1 && IS_LOCAL=1# "--help|help" and "<command> --help" are special because we always want to# process them at the client end.handle_help_arg "$1"handle_help_arg "--$1"handle_help_arg "$2"if [ "$1" = "version" -a -z "$IS_LOCAL" ] ; then    # non-local "version" is special because we want to show the    # version of the script executed by the user rather than what is    # embedded in weaveexec.    echo "weave script $SCRIPT_VERSION"elif [ "$1" = "env" -a "$2" = "--restore" ] ; then    # "env --restore" is special because we always want to process it    # at the client end.    if [ "${ORIG_DOCKER_HOST-unset}" = "unset" ] ; then        echo "Nothing to restore. This is most likely because there was no preceding invocation of 'eval \$(weave env)' in this shell." >&2        exit 1    else        echo "DOCKER_HOST=$ORIG_DOCKER_HOST"        exit 0    fifiif [ -z "$IS_LOCAL" ] ; then    check_docker_version    exec_remote "$@"    exit $?fi####################################################################### main (remote and --local) - settings####################################################################### Default restart policy for router/proxyRESTART_POLICY="--restart=always"BASE_IMAGE=$DOCKERHUB_USER/weaveIMAGE=$BASE_IMAGE:$IMAGE_VERSIONCONTAINER_NAME=${WEAVE_CONTAINER_NAME:-weave}PLUGIN_NAME="$DOCKERHUB_USER/net-plugin"OLD_PLUGIN_CONTAINER_NAME=weavepluginCNI_PLUGIN_NAME="weave-plugin-$IMAGE_VERSION"CNI_PLUGIN_DIR=${WEAVE_CNI_PLUGIN_DIR:-$HOST_ROOT/opt/cni/bin}# Note VOLUMES_CONTAINER which is for weavewait should change when you upgrade WeaveVOLUMES_CONTAINER_NAME=weavevolumes-$IMAGE_VERSION# DB files should remain when you upgrade, so version number not included in nameDB_CONTAINER_NAME=${CONTAINER_NAME}dbDOCKER_BRIDGE=${DOCKER_BRIDGE:-docker0}BRIDGE=weave# This value is overridden when the datapath is used unbridgedDATAPATH=datapathCONTAINER_IFNAME=ethweBRIDGE_IFNAME=v${CONTAINER_IFNAME}-bridgeDATAPATH_IFNAME=v${CONTAINER_IFNAME}-datapathPORT=${WEAVE_PORT:-6783}HTTP_ADDR=${WEAVE_HTTP_ADDR:-}STATUS_ADDR=${WEAVE_STATUS_ADDR:-}PROXY_PORT=12375OLD_PROXY_CONTAINER_NAME=weaveproxyPROC_PATH="/proc"COVERAGE_ARGS=""[ -n "$COVERAGE" ] && COVERAGE_ARGS="-test.coverprofile=/home/weave/cover.prof --"####################################################################### general helpers; independent of docker and weave####################################################################### utility function to check whether a command can be executed by the shell# see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/592620/how-to-check-if-a-program-exists-from-a-bash-scriptcommand_exists() {    command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1}fractional_sleep() {    case $1 in        *.*)            if [ -z "$NO_FRACTIONAL_SLEEP" ] ; then                sleep $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 && return 0                NO_FRACTIONAL_SLEEP=1            fi            sleep $((${1%.*} + 1))            ;;        *)            sleep $1            ;;    esac}run_iptables() {    # -w is recent addition to iptables    if [ -z "$CHECKED_IPTABLES_W" ] ; then        iptables -S -w >/dev/null 2>&1 && IPTABLES_W=-w        CHECKED_IPTABLES_W=1    fi    iptables $IPTABLES_W "$@"}# Insert a rule in iptables, if it doesn't exist alreadyinsert_iptables_rule() {    IPTABLES_TABLE="$1"    shift 1    if ! run_iptables -t $IPTABLES_TABLE -C "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then        ## Loop until we get an exit code other than "temporarily unavailable"        while true ; do            run_iptables -t $IPTABLES_TABLE -I "$@" >/dev/null && return 0            if [ $? != 4 ] ; then                return 1            fi        done    fi}# Delete a rule from iptables, if it existdelete_iptables_rule() {    IPTABLES_TABLE="$1"    shift 1    if run_iptables -t $IPTABLES_TABLE -C "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then        run_iptables -t $IPTABLES_TABLE -D "$@" >/dev/null    fi}# Send out an ARP announcement# (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5227#page-15) to update ARP cache# entries across the weave network.  We do this in addition to# configure_arp_cache because a) with those ARP cache settings it# still takes a few seconds to correct a stale ARP mapping, and b)# there is a kernel bug that means that the base_reachable_time# setting is not promptly obeyed# (<https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=4bf6980dd0328530783fd657c776e3719b421d30>>).arp_update() {    # It's not the end of the world if this doesn't run - we configure    # ARP caches so that stale entries will be noticed quickly.    ! command_exists arping || $3 arping -U -q -I $1 -c 1 ${2%/*}}####################################################################### weave and docker specific helpers######################################################################util_op() {    if command_exists weaveutil ; then        weaveutil "$@"    else        docker run --rm --pid=host $(docker_run_options) \            --entrypoint=/usr/bin/weaveutil $EXEC_IMAGE "$@"    fi}check_forwarding_rules() {    if run_iptables -C FORWARD -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited > /dev/null 2>&1; then        cat >&2 <<EOFWARNING: existing iptables rule    '-A FORWARD -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited'will block name resolution via weaveDNS - please reconfigure your firewall.EOF    fi}# Detect the current bridge/datapath state. When invoked, the values of# $BRIDGE and $DATAPATH are expected to be distinct. $BRIDGE_TYPE and# $DATAPATH are set correctly on success; failure indicates that the# bridge/datapath devices have yet to be configured. If netdevs do exist# but are in an inconsistent state the script aborts with an error.detect_bridge_type() {    BRIDGE_TYPE=$(util_op detect-bridge-type "$BRIDGE" "$DATAPATH")    case "$BRIDGE_TYPE" in        bridge|bridged_fastdp)            ;;        fastdp)            DATAPATH="$BRIDGE"            ;;        *)            return 1            ;;    esac    # WEAVE_MTU may have been specified when the bridge was    # created (perhaps implicitly with WEAVE_NO_FASTDP).  So take    # the MTU from the bridge unless it is explicitly specified    # for this invocation.    MTU=${WEAVE_MTU:-$(cat /sys/class/net/$BRIDGE/mtu)}}try_create_bridge() {    # Running this from 'weave --local' when weaveexec is not on the    # path will run it as a Docker container that does not have access    # to /etc/machine-id, so will not give the full range of persistent IDs    if [ -z "$WEAVEDB_DIR_PATH" ]; then        WEAVEDB_DIR_PATH="$HOST_ROOT/$(docker inspect -f '{{with index .Mounts 0}}{{.Source}}{{end}}' $DB_CONTAINER_NAME 2>/dev/null)"    fi    MAC=$(util_op unique-id "$WEAVEDB_DIR_PATH/weave" "$HOST_ROOT")    BRIDGE_TYPE=$(util_op create-bridge "$DOCKER_BRIDGE" "$BRIDGE" "$DATAPATH" "$WEAVE_MTU" "$PORT" "$MAC" "$WEAVE_NO_FASTDP" "$WEAVE_NO_BRIDGED_FASTDP" "$PROC_PATH" "$1")    # Set some variables that are expected by code that comes later    [ "$BRIDGE_TYPE" != "fastdp" ] || DATAPATH="$BRIDGE"    MTU=${WEAVE_MTU:-$(cat /sys/class/net/$BRIDGE/mtu)}}create_bridge() {    validate_bridge_type    if ! try_create_bridge "$@" ; then        echo "Creating bridge '$BRIDGE' failed" >&2        # reset to original value so we destroy both kinds        DATAPATH=datapath        destroy_bridge        exit 1    fi}validate_bridge_type() {    detect_bridge_type || return 0    if [ -n "$LAUNCHING_ROUTER" ] ; then        if [ "$BRIDGE_TYPE" = bridge -a -z "$WEAVE_NO_FASTDP" ] &&               util_op check-datapath 2>/dev/null ; then            cat <<EOF >&2WEAVE_NO_FASTDP is not set, but there is already a bridge present ofthe wrong type for fast datapath.  Please do 'weave reset' to removethe bridge first.EOF            return 1        fi        if [ "$BRIDGE_TYPE" != bridge -a -n "$WEAVE_NO_FASTDP" ] ; then            cat <<EOF >&2WEAVE_NO_FASTDP is set, but there is already a weave fast datapathbridge present.  Please do 'weave reset' to remove the bridge first.EOF            return 1        fi    fi}expose_ip() {    ipam_cidrs allocate_no_check_alive weave:expose $CIDR_ARGS    for CIDR in $ALL_CIDRS ; do        if ! ip addr show dev $BRIDGE | grep -qF $CIDR ; then            ip addr add dev $BRIDGE $CIDR            arp_update $BRIDGE $CIDR || true        fi        [ -z "$FQDN" ] || when_weave_running put_dns_fqdn_no_check_alive weave:expose $FQDN $CIDR    done}# create veth with ends $1-$2, and then invoke $3..., removing the# veth on failure. No-op of veth already exists.create_veth() {    VETHL=$1    VETHR=$2    shift 2    ip link show $VETHL >/dev/null 2>&1 && ip link show $VETHR >/dev/null 2>&1 && return 0    ip link add name $VETHL mtu $MTU type veth peer name $VETHR mtu $MTU || return 1    if ! ip link set $VETHL up || ! ip link set $VETHR up || ! "$@" ; then        ip link del $VETHL >/dev/null 2>&1 || true        ip link del $VETHR >/dev/null 2>&1 || true        return 1    fi}destroy_bridge() {    # It's important that detect_bridge_type has not been called so    # we have distinct values for $BRIDGE and $DATAPATH. Make best efforts    # to remove netdevs of any type with those names so `weave reset` can    # recover from inconsistent states.    for NETDEV in $BRIDGE $DATAPATH ; do        if [ -d /sys/class/net/$NETDEV ] ; then            if [ -d /sys/class/net/$NETDEV/bridge ] ; then                ip link del $NETDEV            else                util_op delete-datapath $NETDEV            fi        fi    done    # Remove any lingering bridged fastdp, pcap and attach-bridge veths    for VETH in $(ip -o link show | grep -o v${CONTAINER_IFNAME}[^:@]*) ; do        ip link del $VETH >/dev/null 2>&1 || true    done    if [ "$DOCKER_BRIDGE" != "$BRIDGE" ] ; then        run_iptables -t filter -D FORWARD -i $DOCKER_BRIDGE -o $BRIDGE -j DROP 2>/dev/null || true    fi    [ -n "$DOCKER_BRIDGE_IP" ] || DOCKER_BRIDGE_IP=$(util_op bridge-ip $DOCKER_BRIDGE)    run_iptables -t filter -D INPUT -i $DOCKER_BRIDGE -p udp --dport 53  -j ACCEPT  >/dev/null 2>&1 || true    run_iptables -t filter -D INPUT -i $DOCKER_BRIDGE -p tcp --dport 53  -j ACCEPT  >/dev/null 2>&1 || true    run_iptables -t filter -D INPUT -i $DOCKER_BRIDGE -p tcp --dst $DOCKER_BRIDGE_IP --dport $PORT          -j DROP >/dev/null 2>&1 || true    run_iptables -t filter -D INPUT -i $DOCKER_BRIDGE -p udp --dst $DOCKER_BRIDGE_IP --dport $PORT          -j DROP >/dev/null 2>&1 || true    run_iptables -t filter -D INPUT -i $DOCKER_BRIDGE -p udp --dst $DOCKER_BRIDGE_IP --dport $(($PORT + 1)) -j DROP >/dev/null 2>&1 || true    run_iptables -t filter -D FORWARD -i $BRIDGE ! -o $BRIDGE -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null || true    run_iptables -t filter -D FORWARD -o $BRIDGE -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null || true    run_iptables -t filter -D FORWARD -i $BRIDGE -o $BRIDGE -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null || true    run_iptables -F WEAVE-NPC >/dev/null 2>&1 || true    run_iptables -t filter -D FORWARD -o $BRIDGE -j WEAVE-NPC 2>/dev/null || true    run_iptables -t filter -D FORWARD -o $BRIDGE -m state --state NEW -j NFLOG --nflog-group 86 2>/dev/null || true    run_iptables -t filter -D FORWARD -o $BRIDGE -j DROP 2>/dev/null || true    run_iptables -X WEAVE-NPC >/dev/null 2>&1 || true    run_iptables -t nat -F WEAVE >/dev/null 2>&1 || true    run_iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -j WEAVE >/dev/null 2>&1 || true    run_iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o $BRIDGE -j ACCEPT >/dev/null 2>&1 || true    run_iptables -t nat -X WEAVE >/dev/null 2>&1 || true}add_iface_fastdp() {    util_op add-datapath-interface $DATAPATH $1}add_iface_bridge() {    ip link set $1 master $BRIDGE}add_iface_bridged_fastdp() {    add_iface_bridge "$@"}attach_bridge() {    bridge="$1"    LOCAL_IFNAME=v${CONTAINER_IFNAME}bl$bridge    GUEST_IFNAME=v${CONTAINER_IFNAME}bg$bridge    create_veth $LOCAL_IFNAME $GUEST_IFNAME configure_veth_attached_bridge}configure_veth_attached_bridge() {    add_iface_$BRIDGE_TYPE $LOCAL_IFNAME || return 1    ip link set $GUEST_IFNAME master $bridge}router_bridge_opts() {    echo --docker-bridge "$DOCKER_BRIDGE" --weave-bridge "$BRIDGE" --datapath "$DATAPATH"    [ -z "$WEAVE_MTU" ] || echo --mtu "$WEAVE_MTU"    [ -z $WEAVE_NO_FASTDP ] || echo --no-fastdp}ask_version() {    if check_running $1 2>/dev/null ; then        DOCKERIMAGE=$(docker inspect --format='{{.Image}}' $1 )    elif ! DOCKERIMAGE=$(docker inspect --format='{{.Id}}' $2 2>/dev/null) ; then        echo "Unable to find $2 image." >&2    fi    [ -n "$DOCKERIMAGE" ] && docker run --rm --net=none -e WEAVE_CIDR=none $3 $DOCKERIMAGE $COVERAGE_ARGS --version}attach() {    ATTACH_ARGS=""    [ -n "$NO_MULTICAST_ROUTE" ] && ATTACH_ARGS="--no-multicast-route"    # Relying on AWSVPC being set in 'ipam_cidrs allocate'    [ -n "$AWSVPC" ] && ATTACH_ARGS="--no-multicast-route --keep-tx-on"    util_op attach-container $ATTACH_ARGS $CONTAINER $BRIDGE $MTU "$@"}####################################################################### functions for interacting with containers####################################################################### Check that a container for component $1 named $2 with image $3 is not runningcheck_not_running() {    RUN_STATUS=$(docker inspect --format='{{.State.Running}} {{.State.Status}} {{.Config.Image}}' $2 2>/dev/null) || true    case ${RUN_STATUS%:*} in        "true restarting $3")            echo "$2 is restarting; you can stop it with 'weave stop'." >&2            return 3            ;;        "true "*" $3")            echo "$2 is already running; you can stop it with 'weave stop'." >&2            return 1            ;;        "false "*" $3")            docker rm $2 >/dev/null            ;;        true*)            echo "Found another running container named '$2'. Aborting." >&2            return 2            ;;        false*)            echo "Found another container named '$2'. Aborting." >&2            return 2            ;;    esac}# Given a container name or short ID in $1, ensure the specified# container exists and then print its full ID to stdout. If# it doesn't exist, print an error to stderr and# return with an indicative non-zero exit code.container_id() {    if ! docker inspect --format='{{.Id}}' $1 2>/dev/null ; then        echo "Error: No such container: $1" >&2        return 1    fi}http_call() {    addr="$1"    http_verb="$2"    url="$3"    shift 3    CURL_TMPOUT=/tmp/weave_curl_out_$$    HTTP_CODE=$(curl -o $CURL_TMPOUT -w '%{http_code}' --connect-timeout 3 -s -S -X $http_verb "$@" http://$addr$url) || return $?    case "$HTTP_CODE" in        2??) # 2xx -> not an error; output response on stdout            [ -f $CURL_TMPOUT ] && cat $CURL_TMPOUT            retval=0            ;;        404) # treat as error but swallow response            retval=4            ;;        *) # anything else is an error; output response on stderr            [ -f $CURL_TMPOUT ] && cat $CURL_TMPOUT >&2            retval=1    esac    rm -f $CURL_TMPOUT    return $retval}call_weave() {    TMPERR=/tmp/call_weave_err_$$    retval=0    http_call $HTTP_ADDR "$@" 2>$TMPERR || retval=$?    if [ $retval -ne 0 ] ; then        check_running $CONTAINER_NAME && cat $TMPERR >&2    fi    rm -f $TMPERR    return $retval}death_msg() {    echo "The $1 container has died. Consult the container logs for further details."}# Wait until container $1 is alive enough to respond to "GET /status"# http requestwait_for_status() {    container="$1"    shift    while true ; do        "$@" GET /status >/dev/null 2>&1 && return 0        if ! check_running $container >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then            kill_container $container # stop it restarting            echo $(death_msg $container) >&2            return 1        fi        fractional_sleep 0.1    done}# Call $1 for all containers, passing container ID, all MACs and all IPswith_container_addresses() {    COMMAND_WCA=$1    shift 1    CONTAINER_ADDRS=$(util_op container-addrs $BRIDGE "$@") || return 1    echo "$CONTAINER_ADDRS" |  while read CONTAINER_ID CONTAINER_IFACE CONTAINER_MAC CONTAINER_IPS; do        $COMMAND_WCA "$CONTAINER_ID" "$CONTAINER_IFACE" "$CONTAINER_MAC" "$CONTAINER_IPS"    done}echo_addresses() {    echo $(printf "%.12s" $1) $3 $4}echo_ips() {    for CIDR in $4; do        echo ${CIDR%/*}    done}echo_cidrs() {    echo $4}peer_args() {    res=''    sep=''    for p in "$@" ; do        res="$res${sep}peer=$p"        sep="&"    done    echo "$res"}####################################################################### CNI helpers######################################################################install_cni_plugin() {    mkdir -p $1 || return 1    if [ ! -f "$1/$CNI_PLUGIN_NAME" ]; then        cp /usr/bin/weaveutil "$1/$CNI_PLUGIN_NAME"    fi}upgrade_cni_plugin_symlink() {    # Remove potential temporary symlink from previous failed upgrade:    rm -f $1/$2.tmp    # Atomically create a symlink to the plugin:    ln -s "$CNI_PLUGIN_NAME" $1/$2.tmp && mv -f $1/$2.tmp $1/$2}upgrade_cni_plugin() {    # Check if weave-net and weave-ipam are (legacy) copies of the plugin, and    # if so remove these so symlinks can be used instead from now onwards.    if [ -f $1/weave-net  -a ! -L $1/weave-net  ];  then rm $1/weave-net;   fi    if [ -f $1/weave-ipam -a ! -L $1/weave-ipam ];  then rm $1/weave-ipam;  fi    # Create two symlinks to the plugin, as it has different    # behaviour depending on its name:    if [ "$(readlink -f $1/weave-net)" != "$CNI_PLUGIN_NAME" ]; then        upgrade_cni_plugin_symlink $1 weave-net    fi    if [ "$(readlink -f $1/weave-ipam)" != "$CNI_PLUGIN_NAME" ]; then        upgrade_cni_plugin_symlink $1 weave-ipam    fi}create_cni_config() {    cat >"$1" <<EOF{    "name": "weave",    "type": "weave-net",    "hairpinMode": $2}EOF}setup_cni() {    # if env var HAIRPIN_MODE is not set, default it to true    HAIRPIN_MODE=${HAIRPIN_MODE:-true}    if install_cni_plugin $CNI_PLUGIN_DIR ; then        upgrade_cni_plugin $CNI_PLUGIN_DIR    fi    if [ -d $HOST_ROOT/etc/cni/net.d -a ! -f $HOST_ROOT/etc/cni/net.d/10-weave.conf ] ; then        create_cni_config $HOST_ROOT/etc/cni/net.d/10-weave.conf $HAIRPIN_MODE    fi}####################################################################### weaveDNS helpers######################################################################dns_args() {    retval=0    # NB: this is memoized    DNS_DOMAIN=${DNS_DOMAIN:-$(call_weave GET /domain 2>/dev/null)} || retval=$?    [ "$retval" -eq 4 ] && return 0    DNS_DOMAIN=${DNS_DOMAIN:-weave.local.}    NAME_ARG=""    HOSTNAME_SPECIFIED=    DNS_SEARCH_SPECIFIED=    WITHOUT_DNS=    while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do        case "$1" in            --without-dns)                WITHOUT_DNS=1                ;;            --name)                NAME_ARG="$2"                shift                ;;            --name=*)                NAME_ARG="${1#*=}"                ;;            -h|--hostname|--hostname=*)                HOSTNAME_SPECIFIED=1                ;;            --dns-search|--dns-search=*)                DNS_SEARCH_SPECIFIED=1                ;;        esac        shift    done    [ -n "$WITHOUT_DNS" ] && return 0    [ -n "$DOCKER_BRIDGE_IP" ] || DOCKER_BRIDGE_IP=$(util_op bridge-ip $DOCKER_BRIDGE)    DNS_ARGS="--dns=$DOCKER_BRIDGE_IP"    if [ -n "$NAME_ARG" -a -z "$HOSTNAME_SPECIFIED" ] ; then        HOSTNAME="$NAME_ARG.${DNS_DOMAIN%.}"        if [ ${#HOSTNAME} -gt 64 ] ; then            echo "Container name too long to be used as hostname" >&2        else            DNS_ARGS="$DNS_ARGS --hostname=$HOSTNAME"            HOSTNAME_SPECIFIED=1        fi    fi    if [ -z "$DNS_SEARCH_SPECIFIED" ] ; then      if [ -z "$HOSTNAME_SPECIFIED" ] ; then        DNS_ARGS="$DNS_ARGS --dns-search=$DNS_DOMAIN"      else        DNS_ARGS="$DNS_ARGS --dns-search=."      fi    fi}rewrite_etc_hosts() {    HOSTS_PATH_AND_FQDN=$(docker inspect -f '{{.HostsPath}} {{.Config.Hostname}}.{{.Config.Domainname}}' $CONTAINER) || return 1    HOSTS=${HOSTS_PATH_AND_FQDN% *}    FQDN=${HOSTS_PATH_AND_FQDN#* }    # rewrite /etc/hosts, unlinking the file (so Docker does not modify it again) but    # leaving it with valid contents...    util_op rewrite-etc-hosts "$HOSTS" "$FQDN" "$EXEC_IMAGE" "$ALL_CIDRS" "$@"}# Print an error to stderr and return with an indicative exit status# if the container $1 does not exist or isn't running.check_running() {    if ! STATUS=$(docker inspect --format='{{.State.Running}} {{.State.Restarting}}' $1 2>/dev/null) ; then        echo  "$1 container is not present. Have you launched it?" >&2        return 1    elif [ "$STATUS" = "true true" ] ; then        echo "$1 container is restarting." >&2        return 2    elif [ "$STATUS" != "true false" ] ; then        echo "$1 container is not running." >&2        return 2    fi}# Execute $@ only if the weave container is runningwhen_weave_running() {    ! check_running $CONTAINER_NAME 2>/dev/null || "$@"}# Iff the container in $1 has an FQDN, invoke $2 as a command passing# the container as the first argument, the FQDN as the second argument# and $3.. as additional argumentswith_container_fqdn() {    CONT="$1"    COMMAND_WCF="$2"    shift 2    CONT_FQDN=$(docker inspect --format='{{.Config.Hostname}}.{{.Config.Domainname}}' $CONT 2>/dev/null) || return 0    CONT_NAME=${CONT_FQDN%%.*}    [ "$CONT_NAME" = "$CONT_FQDN" -o "$CONT_NAME." = "$CONT_FQDN" ] || $COMMAND_WCF "$CONT" "$CONT_FQDN" "$@"}# Register FQDN in $2 as names for addresses $3.. under full container ID $1put_dns_fqdn() {    CHECK_ALIVE="-d check-alive=true"    put_dns_fqdn_helper "$@"}put_dns_fqdn_no_check_alive() {    CHECK_ALIVE=    put_dns_fqdn_helper "$@"}put_dns_fqdn_helper() {    CONTAINER_ID="$1"    FQDN="$2"    shift 2    for ADDR in "$@" ; do        call_weave PUT /name/$CONTAINER_ID/${ADDR%/*} --data-urlencode fqdn=$FQDN $CHECK_ALIVE || true    done}# Delete all names for addresses $3.. under full container ID $1delete_dns() {    CONTAINER_ID="$1"    shift 1    for ADDR in "$@" ; do        call_weave DELETE /name/$CONTAINER_ID/${ADDR%/*} || true    done}# Delete any FQDNs $2 from addresses $3.. under full container ID $1delete_dns_fqdn() {    CONTAINER_ID="$1"    FQDN="$2"    shift 2    for ADDR in "$@" ; do        call_weave DELETE /name/$CONTAINER_ID/${ADDR%/*}?fqdn=$FQDN || true    done}is_ip() {    echo "$1" | grep -E "^$IP_REGEXP$" >/dev/null}collect_ip_args() {    IP_ARGS=""    IP_COUNT=0    while is_ip "$1" ; do        IP_ARGS="$IP_ARGS $1"        IP_COUNT=$((IP_COUNT + 1))        shift 1    done}collect_dns_add_remove_args() {    collect_ip_args "$@"    shift $IP_COUNT    [ $# -gt 0 -a "$1" != "-h" ] &&    C="$1" && shift 1    [ $# -eq 2 -a "$1"  = "-h" ] && FQDN="$2" && shift 2    [ $# -eq 0 -a \( -n "$C" -o \( $IP_COUNT -gt 0 -a -n "$FQDN" \) \) ] || usage    check_running $CONTAINER_NAME    if [ -n "$C" ] ; then        check_running $C        CONTAINER=$(container_id $C)        [ $IP_COUNT -gt 0 ] || IP_ARGS=$(with_container_addresses echo_ips $CONTAINER)    fi}####################################################################### IP Allocation Management helpers######################################################################check_overlap() {    util_op netcheck $1 $BRIDGE}detect_awsvpc() {    # Ignoring errors here: if we cannot detect AWSVPC we will skip the relevant    # steps, because "attach" should work without the weave router running.    [ "$(call_weave GET /ipinfo/tracker)" != "awsvpc" ] || AWSVPC=1}# Call IPAM as necessary to lookup or allocate addresses## $1 is one of 'lookup', 'allocate' or 'allocate_no_check_alive', $2# is the full container id. The remaining args are previously parsed# CIDR_ARGS.## Populates ALL_CIDRS and IPAM_CIDRSipam_cidrs() {    case $1 in        lookup)            METHOD=GET            CHECK_ALIVE=            ;;        allocate)            METHOD=POST            CHECK_ALIVE="?check-alive=true"            detect_awsvpc            if [ -n "$AWSVPC" -a $# -gt 2 ] ; then                echo "Error: no IP addresses or subnets may be specified in AWSVPC mode" >&2                return 1            fi            ;;        allocate_no_check_alive)            METHOD=POST            CHECK_ALIVE=            ;;    esac    CONTAINER_ID="$2"    shift 2    ALL_CIDRS=""    IPAM_CIDRS=""    # If no addresses passed in, select the default subnet    [ $# -gt 0 ] || set -- net:default    for arg in "$@" ; do        if [ "${arg%:*}" = "net" ] ; then            if [ "$arg" = "net:default" ] ; then                IPAM_URL=/ip/$CONTAINER_ID            else                IPAM_URL=/ip/$CONTAINER_ID/"${arg#net:}"            fi            retval=0            CIDR=$(call_weave $METHOD $IPAM_URL$CHECK_ALIVE) || retval=$?            if [ $retval -eq 4 -a "$METHOD" = "POST" ] ; then                echo "IP address allocation must be enabled to use 'net:'" >&2                return 1            fi            [ $retval -gt 0 ] && return $retval            IPAM_CIDRS="$IPAM_CIDRS $CIDR"            ALL_CIDRS="$ALL_CIDRS $CIDR"        else            if [ "$METHOD" = "POST" ] ; then                # Assignment of a plain IP address; warn if it clashes but carry on                check_overlap $arg || true                # Abort on failure, but not 4 (=404), which means IPAM is disabled                when_weave_running http_call $HTTP_ADDR PUT /ip/$CONTAINER_ID/$arg$CHECK_ALIVE || [ $? -eq 4 ] || return 1            fi            ALL_CIDRS="$ALL_CIDRS $arg"        fi    done}show_addrs() {    addrs=    for cidr in "$@" ; do        addrs="$addrs ${cidr%/*}"    done    echo $addrs}####################################################################### weave proxy helpers######################################################################docker_client_args() {    while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do        case "$1" in          -H|--host)            DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST="$2"            shift            ;;          -H=*|--host=*)            DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST="${1#*=}"            ;;        esac        shift    done}# TODO: Handle relative paths for args# TODO: Handle args with spacestls_arg() {    PROXY_VOLUMES="$PROXY_VOLUMES -v $2:/home/weave/tls/$3.pem:ro"    PROXY_ARGS="$PROXY_ARGS $1 /home/weave/tls/$3.pem"}# TODO: Handle relative paths for args# TODO: Handle args with spaceshost_arg() {  PROXY_HOST="$1"  if [ "$PROXY_HOST" != "${PROXY_HOST#unix://}" ]; then    host=$(dirname ${PROXY_HOST#unix://})    if [ "$host" = "${host#/}" ]; then      echo "When launching the proxy, unix sockets must be specified as an absolute path." >&2      exit 1    fi    PROXY_VOLUMES="$PROXY_VOLUMES -v /var/run/weave:/var/run/weave"  fi  PROXY_ARGS="-H $1 $PROXY_ARGS"}proxy_parse_args() {    while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do        case "$1" in          -H)            host_arg "$2"            shift            ;;          -H=*)            host_arg "${1#*=}"            ;;          -no-detect-tls|--no-detect-tls)            PROXY_TLS_DETECTION_DISABLED=1            ;;          -tls|--tls|-tlsverify|--tlsverify)            PROXY_TLS_ENABLED=1            PROXY_ARGS="$PROXY_ARGS $1"            ;;          --tlscacert)            tls_arg "$1" "$2" ca            shift            ;;          --tlscacert=*)            tls_arg "${1%%=*}" "${1#*=}" ca            ;;          --tlscert)            tls_arg "$1" "$2" cert            shift            ;;          --tlscert=*)            tls_arg "${1%%=*}" "${1#*=}" cert            ;;          --tlskey)            tls_arg "$1" "$2" key            shift            ;;          --tlskey=*)            tls_arg "${1%%=*}" "${1#*=}" key            ;;          *)            REMAINING_ARGS="$REMAINING_ARGS $1"            ;;        esac        shift    done}proxy_args() {    REMAINING_ARGS=""    PROXY_VOLUMES=""    PROXY_ARGS=""    PROXY_TLS_ENABLED=""    PROXY_TLS_DETECTION_DISABLED=""    PROXY_HOST=""    proxy_parse_args "$@"    if [ -z "$PROXY_TLS_ENABLED" -a -z "$PROXY_TLS_DETECTION_DISABLED" ] ; then        if ! DOCKER_TLS_ARGS=$(util_op docker-tls-args) ; then            echo -n "Warning: unable to detect proxy TLS configuration. To enable TLS, " >&2            echo -n "launch the proxy with 'weave launch' and supply TLS options. " >&2            echo "To suppress this warning, supply the '--no-detect-tls' option." >&2        else            proxy_parse_args $DOCKER_TLS_ARGS        fi    fi    if [ -z "$PROXY_HOST" ] ; then      case "$DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST" in        ""|unix://*)          PROXY_HOST="unix:///var/run/weave/weave.sock"          ;;        *)          PROXY_HOST="tcp://$PROXY_PORT"          ;;      esac      host_arg "$PROXY_HOST"    fi}proxy_addrs() {    if addr="$(call_weave GET /proxyaddrs)" ; then      [ -n "$addr" ] || return 1      echo "$addr" | sed "s/$PROXY_HOST/g" | tr '\n' ' '    else      return 1    fi}proxy_addr() {    addr=$(proxy_addrs) || return 1    echo "$addr" | cut -d ' ' -f1}warn_if_stopping_proxy_in_env() {    if PROXY_ADDR=$(proxy_addr 2>/dev/null) ; then        [ "$PROXY_ADDR" != "$DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST" ] || echo "WARNING: It appears that your environment is configured to use the Weave Docker API proxy. Stopping it will break this and subsequent docker invocations. To restore your environment, run 'eval \$(weave env --restore)'."    fi}####################################################################### launch helpers######################################################################launch() {    LAUNCHING_ROUTER=1    check_forwarding_rules    CONTAINER_PORT=$PORT    ARGS=    IPRANGE=    IPRANGE_SPECIFIED=    [ -n "$DOCKER_BRIDGE_IP" ] || DOCKER_BRIDGE_IP=$(util_op bridge-ip $DOCKER_BRIDGE)    while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do        case "$1" in            -password|--password)                [ $# -gt 1 ] || usage                WEAVE_PASSWORD="$2"                export WEAVE_PASSWORD                shift                ;;            --password=*)                WEAVE_PASSWORD="${1#*=}"                export WEAVE_PASSWORD                ;;            -port|--port)                [ $# -gt 1 ] || usage                CONTAINER_PORT="$2"                shift                ;;            --port=*)                CONTAINER_PORT="${1#*=}"                ;;            -iprange|--iprange|--ipalloc-range)                [ $# -gt 1 ] || usage                IPRANGE="$2"                IPRANGE_SPECIFIED=1                shift                ;;            --ipalloc-range=*)                IPRANGE="${1#*=}"                IPRANGE_SPECIFIED=1                ;;            --no-restart)                RESTART_POLICY=                ;;            *)                ARGS="$ARGS '$(echo "$1" | sed "s|'|'\"'\"'|g")'"                ;;        esac        shift    done    eval "set -- $ARGS"    setup_cni    validate_bridge_type    if [ -z "$IPRANGE_SPECIFIED" ] ; then        IPRANGE=""        if ! check_overlap $IPRANGE ; then            echo "ERROR: Default --ipalloc-range $IPRANGE overlaps with existing route on host." >&2            echo "You must pick another range and set it on all hosts." >&2            exit 1        fi    else        if [ -n "$IPRANGE" ] && ! check_overlap $IPRANGE ; then            echo "WARNING: Specified --ipalloc-range $IPRANGE overlaps with existing route on host." >&2            echo "Unless this is deliberate, you must pick another range and set it on all hosts." >&2        fi    fi    # Create a data-only container for persistence data    if ! docker inspect -f ' ' $DB_CONTAINER_NAME > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then       protect_against_docker_hang       docker create -v /weavedb --name=$DB_CONTAINER_NAME \           --label=weavevolumes $WEAVEDB_IMAGE >/dev/null    fi    # Figure out the location of the actual resolv.conf file because    # we want to bind mount its directory into the container.    if [ -L ${HOST_ROOT:-/}/etc/resolv.conf ]; then # symlink        # This assumes a host with readlink in FHS directories...        # Ideally, this would resolve the symlink manually, without        # using host commands.        RESOLV_CONF=$(chroot ${HOST_ROOT:-/} readlink -f /etc/resolv.conf)    else        RESOLV_CONF=/etc/resolv.conf    fi    RESOLV_CONF_DIR=$(dirname "$RESOLV_CONF")    RESOLV_CONF_BASE=$(basename "$RESOLV_CONF")    docker_client_args $DOCKER_CLIENT_ARGS    proxy_args "$@"    mkdir -p /var/run/weave    # Create a data-only container to mount the weavewait files from    if ! docker inspect -f ' ' $VOLUMES_CONTAINER_NAME > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then       protect_against_docker_hang       docker create -v /w -v /w-noop -v /w-nomcast --name=$VOLUMES_CONTAINER_NAME \           --label=weavevolumes --entrypoint=/bin/false $EXEC_IMAGE >/dev/null    fi    # Set WEAVE_DOCKER_ARGS in the environment in order to supply    # additional parameters, such as resource limits, to docker    # when launching the weave container.    WEAVE_CONTAINER=$(docker run -d --name=$CONTAINER_NAME \        $(docker_run_options) \        $RESTART_POLICY \        --pid=host \        --volumes-from $DB_CONTAINER_NAME \        --volumes-from $VOLUMES_CONTAINER_NAME \        $PROXY_VOLUMES \        -v /var/run/weave:/var/run/weave \        -v $RESOLV_CONF_DIR:/var/run/weave/etc \        -v /run/docker/plugins:/run/docker/plugins \        -v /etc:/host/etc -v /var/lib/dbus:/host/var/lib/dbus \        -e DOCKER_BRIDGE \        -e WEAVE_DEBUG \        -e WEAVE_HTTP_ADDR \        -e WEAVE_PASSWORD \        -e EXEC_IMAGE=$EXEC_IMAGE \        -e CHECKPOINT_DISABLE \        $WEAVE_DOCKER_ARGS \        $IMAGE \        $COVERAGE_ARGS \        --port $CONTAINER_PORT --nickname "$(hostname)" \        --host-root=/host \        $(router_bridge_opts) \        --ipalloc-range "$IPRANGE" \        --dns-effective-listen-address $DOCKER_BRIDGE_IP \        --dns-listen-address $DOCKER_BRIDGE_IP:53 \        --http-addr $HTTP_ADDR \        --status-addr $STATUS_ADDR \        --resolv-conf "/var/run/weave/etc/$RESOLV_CONF_BASE" \        $PROXY_ARGS \        $REMAINING_ARGS)    wait_for_status $CONTAINER_NAME http_call $HTTP_ADDR}stop() {    util_op remove-plugin-network weave || true    warn_if_stopping_proxy_in_env    docker stop $CONTAINER_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo "Weave is not running." >&2    # In case user has upgraded from <v2.0 and left old containers running    docker stop $OLD_PLUGIN_CONTAINER_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1 || true    docker stop $OLD_PROXY_CONTAINER_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1 || true    conntrack -D -p udp --dport $PORT >/dev/null 2>&1 || true}protect_against_docker_hang() {    # Since the plugin is not running, remove its socket so Docker doesn't try to talk to it    rm -f $HOST_ROOT/run/docker/plugins/weave.sock $HOST_ROOT/run/docker/plugins/weavemesh.sock}####################################################################### main (remote and --local)######################################################################[ $(id -u) = 0 ] || {    echo "weave must be run as 'root' when run locally" >&2    exit 1}uname -s -r | sed -n -e 's|^\([^ ]*\) \([0-9][0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\).*|\1 \2 \3|p' | {    if ! read sys maj min ; then        echo "ERROR: Unable to parse operating system version $(uname -s -r)" >&2        exit 1    fi    if [ "$sys" != 'Linux' ] ; then        echo "ERROR: Operating systems other than Linux are not supported (you have $(uname -s -r))" >&2        exit 1    fi    if ! [ \( "$maj" -eq 3 -a "$min" -ge 8 \) -o "$maj" -gt 3 ] ; then        echo "WARNING: Linux kernel version 3.8 or newer is required (you have ${maj}.${min})" >&2    fi}if ! command_exists ip ; then    echo "ERROR: ip utility is missing. Please install it." >&2    exit 1fi[ $# -gt 0 ] || usageCOMMAND=$1shift 1case "$COMMAND" in    setup)        for img in $IMAGE $EXEC_IMAGE $WEAVEDB_IMAGE ; do            docker pull $img        done        setup_cni        ;;    setup-cni)        setup_cni        ;;    version)        [ $# -eq 0 ] || usage        ask_version $CONTAINER_NAME $IMAGE || true        ;;    attach-bridge)        if detect_bridge_type ; then            attach_bridge ${1:-$DOCKER_BRIDGE}            insert_iptables_rule nat POSTROUTING -o $BRIDGE -j ACCEPT        else            echo "Weave bridge not found. Please run 'weave launch' and try again" >&2            exit 1        fi        ;;    bridge-type)        detect_bridge_type && echo $BRIDGE_TYPE        ;;    launch)        check_not_running router $CONTAINER_NAME        $BASE_IMAGE        if http_call $HTTP_ADDR GET /status >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then            echo "Weave Net is already running" >&2            exit 1        fi        # Plugin and proxy are started by default. Should users additionally pass --plugin=false or --proxy=false, their overrides will take precedence when parsed by Go.        launch --plugin --proxy "$@"        echo "$WEAVE_CONTAINER"        ;;    env)        if PROXY_ADDR=$(proxy_addr) ; then            [ "$PROXY_ADDR" = "$DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST" ] || RESTORE="ORIG_DOCKER_HOST=$DOCKER_CLIENT_HOST"            echo "export DOCKER_HOST=$PROXY_ADDR $RESTORE"        fi        ;;    config)        PROXY_ADDR=$(proxy_addr) && echo "-H=$PROXY_ADDR"        ;;    connect)        [ $# -gt 0 ] || usage        [ "$1" = "--replace" ] && replace="-d replace=true" && shift        call_weave POST /connect $replace -d $(peer_args "$@")        ;;    forget)        [ $# -gt 0 ] || usage        call_weave POST /forget -d $(peer_args "$@")        ;;    status)        res=0        SUB_STATUS=        STATUS_URL="/status"        SUB_COMMAND="$@"        while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do            SUB_STATUS=1            STATUS_URL="$STATUS_URL/$1"            shift        done        [ -n "$SUB_STATUS" ] || echo        call_weave GET $STATUS_URL || res=$?        if [ $res -eq 4 ] ; then            echo "Invalid 'weave status' sub-command: $SUB_COMMAND" >&2            usage        fi        [ -n "$SUB_STATUS" ] || echo        [ $res -eq 0 ]        ;;    report)        if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then            [ $# -eq 2 -a "$1" = "-f" ] || usage            call_weave GET /report --get --data-urlencode "format=$2"        else            call_weave GET /report -H 'Accept: application/json'        fi        ;;    run|start|restart|launch-plugin|stop-plugin|launch-proxy|stop-proxy|launch-router|stop-router)        echo "The 'weave $COMMAND' command has been removed as of Weave Net version 2.0" >&2        echo "Please see release notes for further information" >&2        exit 1        ;;    dns-args)        dns_args "$@"        echo -n $DNS_ARGS        ;;    docker-bridge-ip)        util_op bridge-ip $DOCKER_BRIDGE        ;;    attach)        DNS_EXTRA_HOSTS=        REWRITE_HOSTS=        NO_MULTICAST_ROUTE=        collect_cidr_args "$@"        shift $CIDR_ARG_COUNT        WITHOUT_DNS=        while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do            case "$1" in                --without-dns)                    WITHOUT_DNS=1                    ;;                --rewrite-hosts)                    REWRITE_HOSTS=1                    ;;                --add-host)                    DNS_EXTRA_HOSTS="$2 $DNS_EXTRA_HOSTS"                    shift                    ;;                --add-host=*)                    DNS_EXTRA_HOSTS="${1#*=} $DNS_EXTRA_HOSTS"                    ;;                --no-multicast-route)                    NO_MULTICAST_ROUTE=1                    ;;                *)                    break                    ;;            esac            shift        done        [ $# -eq 1 ] || usage        CONTAINER=$(container_id $1)        create_bridge        ipam_cidrs allocate $CONTAINER $CIDR_ARGS        [ -n "$REWRITE_HOSTS" ] && rewrite_etc_hosts $DNS_EXTRA_HOSTS        attach $ALL_CIDRS >/dev/null        [ -n "$WITHOUT_DNS" ] || when_weave_running with_container_fqdn $CONTAINER put_dns_fqdn $ALL_CIDRS        show_addrs $ALL_CIDRS        ;;    detach)        collect_cidr_args "$@"        shift $CIDR_ARG_COUNT        [ $# -eq 1 ] || usage        CONTAINER=$(container_id $1)        ipam_cidrs lookup $CONTAINER $CIDR_ARGS        util_op detach-container $CONTAINER $ALL_CIDRS >/dev/null        when_weave_running with_container_fqdn $CONTAINER delete_dns_fqdn $ALL_CIDRS        for CIDR in $IPAM_CIDRS ; do            call_weave DELETE /ip/$CONTAINER/${CIDR%/*}        done        show_addrs $ALL_CIDRS        ;;    dns-add)        collect_dns_add_remove_args "$@"        FN=put_dns_fqdn        [ -z "$CONTAINER" ] && CONTAINER=weave:extern && FN=put_dns_fqdn_no_check_alive        if [ -n "$FQDN" ] ; then            $FN $CONTAINER $FQDN $IP_ARGS        else            with_container_fqdn $CONTAINER $FN $IP_ARGS        fi        ;;    dns-remove)        collect_dns_add_remove_args "$@"        [ -z "$CONTAINER" ] && CONTAINER=weave:extern        if [ -n "$FQDN" ] ; then            delete_dns_fqdn $CONTAINER $FQDN $IP_ARGS        else            delete_dns $CONTAINER $IP_ARGS        fi        ;;    dns-lookup)        [ $# -eq 1 ] || usage        DOCKER_BRIDGE_IP=$(util_op bridge-ip $DOCKER_BRIDGE)        dig @$DOCKER_BRIDGE_IP +short $1        ;;    expose)        collect_cidr_args "$@"        shift $CIDR_ARG_COUNT        if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then            FQDN=""        else            [ $# -eq 2 -a "$1" = "-h" ] || usage            FQDN="$2"        fi        create_bridge        expose_ip        util_op expose-nat $ALL_CIDRS        show_addrs $ALL_CIDRS        ;;    hide)        collect_cidr_args "$@"        shift $CIDR_ARG_COUNT        ipam_cidrs lookup weave:expose $CIDR_ARGS        create_bridge        for CIDR in $ALL_CIDRS ; do            if ip addr show dev $BRIDGE | grep -qF $CIDR ; then                ip addr del dev $BRIDGE $CIDR                delete_iptables_rule nat WEAVE -d $CIDR ! -s $CIDR -j MASQUERADE                delete_iptables_rule nat WEAVE -s $CIDR ! -d $CIDR -j MASQUERADE                when_weave_running delete_dns weave:expose $CIDR            fi        done        for CIDR in $IPAM_CIDRS ; do            call_weave DELETE /ip/weave:expose/${CIDR%/*}        done        show_addrs $ALL_CIDRS        ;;    ps)        [ $# -eq 0 ] && CONTAINERS="weave:expose weave:allids" || CONTAINERS="$@"        with_container_addresses echo_addresses $CONTAINERS        ;;    stop)        [ $# -eq 0 ] || usage        stop        ;;    reset)        [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ $# -eq 1 -a "$1" = "--force" ] || usage        res=0        [ "$1" = "--force" ] || check_running $CONTAINER_NAME 2>/dev/null || res=$?        case $res in            0)                call_weave DELETE /peer >/dev/null 2>&1 || true                fractional_sleep 0.5 # Allow some time for broadcast updates to go out                ;;            1)                # No such container; assume user already did reset                ;;            2)                echo "ERROR: weave is not running; unable to remove from cluster." >&2                echo "Re-launch weave before reset or use --force to override." >&2                exit 1                ;;        esac        stop        for NAME in $CONTAINER_NAME $OLD_PROXY_CONTAINER_NAME $OLD_PLUGIN_CONTAINER_NAME ; do            docker rm -f $NAME >/dev/null 2>&1 || true        done        protect_against_docker_hang        VOLUME_CONTAINERS=$(docker ps -qa --filter label=weavevolumes)        [ -n "$VOLUME_CONTAINERS" ] && docker rm -v $VOLUME_CONTAINERS  >/dev/null 2>&1 || true        # weave-kube and v2-plugin put this file in different places; remove either        rm -f $HOST_ROOT/var/lib/weave/weave-netdata.db >/dev/null 2>&1 || true        rm -f $HOST_ROOT/var/lib/weave/weavedata.db     >/dev/null 2>&1 || true        destroy_bridge        for LOCAL_IFNAME in $(ip link show | grep v${CONTAINER_IFNAME}pl | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | tr -d ':') ; do            ip link del ${LOCAL_IFNAME%@*} >/dev/null 2>&1 || true        done        ;;    rmpeer)        [ $# -gt 0 ] || usage        res=0        for PEER in "$@" ; do            call_weave DELETE /peer/$PEER || res=1        done        [ $res -eq 0 ]        ;;    prime)        call_weave GET /ring        ;;    *)        echo "Unknown weave command '$COMMAND'" >&2        usage        ;;esac

  2.2  安装 Kube 基础软件(所有机器)

         上传 RPM 包到服务器 ( RPM 编译打包教程在这里)

              kubeadm-1.7.6-0.x86_64.rpm  kubectl-1.7.6-0.x86_64.rpm  

              kubelet-1.7.6-0.x86_64.rpm  kubernetes-cni-0.5.1-0.x86_64.rpm  


# cd <你上传的RPM路径># yum localinstall * -y

# systemctl enable kubelet.service
  2.3  导入 kube 基础镜像 (gcr.io 镜像国内下载方法在这里)(所有机器)


         [ dashboard v1.6.3  http ]

         [ dashboard v1.7.1 https ]

         [ flannel network ]

         [ weave network ]

  2.4  修正配置(所有机器)

# vim /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf
         修正 cgroup-driver 为 cgroupfs

[Service]Environment="KUBELET_KUBECONFIG_ARGS=--kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf --require-kubeconfig=true"Environment="KUBELET_SYSTEM_PODS_ARGS=--pod-manifest-path=/etc/kubernetes/manifests --allow-privileged=true"Environment="KUBELET_NETWORK_ARGS=--network-plugin=cni --cni-conf-dir=/etc/cni/net.d --cni-bin-dir=/opt/cni/bin"Environment="KUBELET_DNS_ARGS=--cluster-dns= --cluster-domain=cluster.local"Environment="KUBELET_AUTHZ_ARGS=--authorization-mode=Webhook --client-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt"Environment="KUBELET_CADVISOR_ARGS=--cadvisor-port=0"Environment="KUBELET_CGROUP_ARGS=--cgroup-driver=cgroupfs"ExecStart=ExecStart=/usr/bin/kubelet $KUBELET_KUBECONFIG_ARGS $KUBELET_SYSTEM_PODS_ARGS $KUBELET_NETWORK_ARGS $KUBELET_DNS_ARGS $KUBELET_AUTHZ_ARGS $KUBELET_CADVISOR_ARGS $KUBELET_CGROUP_ARGS $KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS
# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables
# systemctl daemon-reload

  2.5  编写 kubeadm 初始化配置(Master 节点)

         [ 如果不想使用自建的 etcd 集群,去掉 etcd 部分的配置,kubernetes 会自动运行一个 etcd 容器作为后端存储 ]

         [ 如果使用 weave 网络,把 networking 部分配置去掉 ]

# vim kubeadm-config.yml
apiVersion: kubeadm.k8s.io/v1alpha1kind: MasterConfigurationapi:  advertiseAddress:  bindPort: 443etcd:  endpoints:  -  -  -  podSubnet: v1.7.6

  2.6  执行 kubernetes 初始化(Master 节点)

# kubeadm init --config ./kubeadm-config.yml
  2.7  设置 Master 集群配置文件(Master 节点)

# rm -rf $HOME/.kube# mkdir -p $HOME/.kube# sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config# sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
  2.8  安装网络插件(Master 节点)[ 强烈建议使用 weave 网络!!!]

          [ flannel ]

# vim kube-flannel.yaml
kind: ClusterRoleapiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1metadata:  name: flannelrules:  - apiGroups:      - ""    resources:      - pods    verbs:      - get  - apiGroups:      - ""    resources:      - nodes    verbs:      - list      - watch  - apiGroups:      - ""    resources:      - nodes/status    verbs:      - patch---kind: ClusterRoleBindingapiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1metadata:  name: flannelroleRef:  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io  kind: ClusterRole  name: flannelsubjects:- kind: ServiceAccount  name: flannel  namespace: kube-system---apiVersion: v1kind: ServiceAccountmetadata:  name: flannel  namespace: kube-system---kind: ConfigMapapiVersion: v1metadata:  name: kube-flannel-cfg  namespace: kube-system  labels:    tier: node    app: flanneldata:  cni-conf.json: |    {      "name": "cbr0",      "type": "flannel",      "delegate": {        "isDefaultGateway": true      }    }  net-conf.json: |    {      "Network": "",      "Backend": {        "Type": "vxlan"      }    }---apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1kind: DaemonSetmetadata:  name: kube-flannel-ds  namespace: kube-system  labels:    tier: node    app: flannelspec:  template:    metadata:      labels:        tier: node        app: flannel    spec:      hostNetwork: true      nodeSelector:        beta.kubernetes.io/arch: amd64      tolerations:      - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master        operator: Exists        effect: NoSchedule      serviceAccountName: flannel      containers:      - name: kube-flannel        image: quay.io/coreos/flannel:v0.8.0-amd64        command: [ "/opt/bin/flanneld", "--ip-masq", "--kube-subnet-mgr" ]        securityContext:          privileged: true        env:        - name: POD_NAME          valueFrom:            fieldRef:              fieldPath: metadata.name        - name: POD_NAMESPACE          valueFrom:            fieldRef:              fieldPath: metadata.namespace        volumeMounts:        - name: run          mountPath: /run        - name: flannel-cfg          mountPath: /etc/kube-flannel/      - name: install-cni        image: quay.io/coreos/flannel:v0.8.0-amd64        command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "set -e -x; cp -f /etc/kube-flannel/cni-conf.json /etc/cni/net.d/10-flannel.conf; while true; do sleep 3600; done" ]        volumeMounts:        - name: cni          mountPath: /etc/cni/net.d        - name: flannel-cfg          mountPath: /etc/kube-flannel/      volumes:        - name: run          hostPath:            path: /run        - name: cni          hostPath:            path: /etc/cni/net.d        - name: flannel-cfg          configMap:            name: kube-flannel-cfg
# kubectl create -f kube-flannel.yaml

          [ weave]

# vim kube-weave.yaml
apiVersion: v1kind: Listitems:  - apiVersion: v1    kind: ServiceAccount    metadata:      name: weave-net      labels:        name: weave-net      namespace: kube-system  - apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1    kind: ClusterRole    metadata:      name: weave-net      labels:        name: weave-net    rules:      - apiGroups:          - ''        resources:          - pods          - namespaces          - nodes        verbs:          - get          - list          - watch      - apiGroups:          - extensions        resources:          - networkpolicies        verbs:          - get          - list          - watch  - apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1    kind: ClusterRoleBinding    metadata:      name: weave-net      labels:        name: weave-net    roleRef:      kind: ClusterRole      name: weave-net      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io    subjects:      - kind: ServiceAccount        name: weave-net        namespace: kube-system  - apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1    kind: DaemonSet    metadata:      name: weave-net      labels:        name: weave-net      namespace: kube-system    spec:      template:        metadata:          labels:            name: weave-net        spec:          containers:            - name: weave              command:                - /home/weave/launch.sh              env:                - name: HOSTNAME                  valueFrom:                    fieldRef:                      apiVersion: v1                      fieldPath: spec.nodeName              image: 'weaveworks/weave-kube:2.0.5'              resources:                requests:                  cpu: 10m              securityContext:                privileged: true              volumeMounts:                - name: weavedb                  mountPath: /weavedb                - name: cni-bin                  mountPath: /host/opt                - name: cni-bin2                  mountPath: /host/home                - name: cni-conf                  mountPath: /host/etc                - name: dbus                  mountPath: /host/var/lib/dbus                - name: lib-modules                  mountPath: /lib/modules                - name: xtables-lock                  mountPath: /run/xtables.lock                  readOnly: false            - name: weave-npc              env:                - name: HOSTNAME                  valueFrom:                    fieldRef:                      apiVersion: v1                      fieldPath: spec.nodeName              image: 'weaveworks/weave-npc:2.0.5'              resources:                requests:                  cpu: 10m              securityContext:                privileged: true              volumeMounts:                - name: xtables-lock                  mountPath: /run/xtables.lock                  readOnly: false          hostNetwork: true          hostPID: true          restartPolicy: Always          securityContext:            seLinuxOptions: {}          serviceAccountName: weave-net          tolerations:            - effect: NoSchedule              operator: Exists          volumes:            - name: weavedb              hostPath:                path: /var/lib/weave            - name: cni-bin              hostPath:                path: /opt            - name: cni-bin2              hostPath:                path: /home            - name: cni-conf              hostPath:                path: /etc            - name: dbus              hostPath:                path: /var/lib/dbus            - name: lib-modules              hostPath:                path: /lib/modules            - name: xtables-lock              hostPath:                path: /run/xtables.lock      updateStrategy:        type: RollingUpdate
# kubectl create -f kube-weave.yaml

  2.9  检查服务是否正常(Master 节点)

# kubectl --namespace=kube-system get pod

            [ flannel 样例 ]


  2.10  安装 Dashboard 控制面板(Master 节点)

            [ dashboard v1.6.3 http ]
# vim kube-dashboard.yaml
kind: ClusterRoleBindingapiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1metadata:  name: dashboard-adminroleRef:  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io  kind: ClusterRole  name: cluster-admin subjects:- kind: ServiceAccount  name: default  namespace: kube-system---apiVersion: v1kind: ServiceAccountmetadata:  labels:    k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard  name: kubernetes-dashboard  namespace: kube-system---apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1kind: ClusterRoleBindingmetadata:  name: kubernetes-dashboard  labels:    k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboardroleRef:  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io  kind: ClusterRole  name: cluster-adminsubjects:- kind: ServiceAccount  name: kubernetes-dashboard  namespace: kube-system---kind: DeploymentapiVersion: extensions/v1beta1metadata:  labels:    k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard  name: kubernetes-dashboard  namespace: kube-systemspec:  replicas: 1  revisionHistoryLimit: 10  selector:    matchLabels:      k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard  template:    metadata:      labels:        k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard    spec:      containers:      - name: kubernetes-dashboard        image: gcr.io/google_containers/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64:v1.6.3        ports:        - containerPort: 9090          protocol: TCP        args:          # Uncomment the following line to manually specify Kubernetes API server Host          # If not specified, Dashboard will attempt to auto discover the API server and connect          # to it. Uncomment only if the default does not work.          # - --apiserver-host=http://my-address:port        livenessProbe:          httpGet:            path: /            port: 9090          initialDelaySeconds: 30          timeoutSeconds: 30      serviceAccountName: kubernetes-dashboard      # Comment the following tolerations if Dashboard must not be deployed on master      tolerations:      - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master        effect: NoSchedule---kind: ServiceapiVersion: v1metadata:  labels:    k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard  name: kubernetes-dashboard  namespace: kube-systemspec:  type: NodePort  ports:  - port: 80    targetPort: 9090    nodePort: 30000   selector:    k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
# kubectl create -f kube-dashboard.yaml

             [ dashboard  v1.7.1 https ] [ 强烈建议使用 dashboard v1.7.1 !!! ]

# vim kube-dashboard.yaml
# Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at##     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License.# Configuration to deploy release version of the Dashboard UI compatible with# Kubernetes 1.7.## Example usage: kubectl create -f <this_file># ------------------- Dashboard Secret ------------------- #apiVersion: v1kind: Secretmetadata:  labels:    k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard  name: kubernetes-dashboard-certs  namespace: kube-systemtype: Opaque---# ------------------- Dashboard Service Account ------------------- #apiVersion: v1kind: ServiceAccountmetadata:  labels:    k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard  name: kubernetes-dashboard  namespace: kube-system---# ------------------- Dashboard Role & Role Binding ------------------- #kind: RoleapiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1metadata:  name: kubernetes-dashboard-minimal  namespace: kube-systemrules:  # Allow Dashboard to create and watch for changes of 'kubernetes-dashboard-key-holder' secret.- apiGroups: [""]  resources: ["secrets"]  verbs: ["create", "watch"]- apiGroups: [""]  resources: ["secrets"]  # Allow Dashboard to get, update and delete 'kubernetes-dashboard-key-holder' secret.  resourceNames: ["kubernetes-dashboard-key-holder", "kubernetes-dashboard-certs"]  verbs: ["get", "update", "delete"]  # Allow Dashboard to get metrics from heapster.- apiGroups: [""]  resources: ["services"]  resourceNames: ["heapster"]  verbs: ["proxy"]---apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1kind: RoleBindingmetadata:  name: kubernetes-dashboard-minimal  namespace: kube-systemroleRef:  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io  kind: Role  name: kubernetes-dashboard-minimalsubjects:- kind: ServiceAccount  name: kubernetes-dashboard  namespace: kube-system---# ------------------- Dashboard Deployment ------------------- #kind: DeploymentapiVersion: extensions/v1beta1metadata:  labels:    k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard  name: kubernetes-dashboard  namespace: kube-systemspec:  replicas: 1  revisionHistoryLimit: 10  selector:    matchLabels:      k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard  template:    metadata:      labels:        k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard    spec:      initContainers:      - name: kubernetes-dashboard-init        image: gcr.io/google_containers/kubernetes-dashboard-init-amd64:v1.0.1        volumeMounts:        - name: kubernetes-dashboard-certs          mountPath: /certs      containers:      - name: kubernetes-dashboard        image: gcr.io/google_containers/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64:v1.7.1        ports:        - containerPort: 8443          protocol: TCP        args:          - --tls-key-file=/certs/dashboard.key          - --tls-cert-file=/certs/dashboard.crt          # Uncomment the following line to manually specify Kubernetes API server Host          # If not specified, Dashboard will attempt to auto discover the API server and connect          # to it. Uncomment only if the default does not work.          # - --apiserver-host=http://my-address:port        volumeMounts:        - name: kubernetes-dashboard-certs          mountPath: /certs          readOnly: true          # Create on-disk volume to store exec logs        - mountPath: /tmp          name: tmp-volume        livenessProbe:          httpGet:            scheme: HTTPS            path: /            port: 8443          initialDelaySeconds: 30          timeoutSeconds: 30      volumes:      - name: kubernetes-dashboard-certs        secret:          secretName: kubernetes-dashboard-certs      - name: tmp-volume        emptyDir: {}      serviceAccountName: kubernetes-dashboard      # Comment the following tolerations if Dashboard must not be deployed on master      tolerations:      - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master        effect: NoSchedule---# ------------------- Dashboard Service ------------------- #kind: ServiceapiVersion: v1metadata:  labels:    k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard  name: kubernetes-dashboard  namespace: kube-systemspec:  type: NodePort  ports:    - port: 443      targetPort: 8443      nodePort: 30000   selector:    k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
# kubectl create -f kube-dashboard.yaml
             [  如需设置免密码登陆 ]
# vim kube-dashboard-admin.yaml
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1kind: ClusterRoleBindingmetadata:  name: kubernetes-dashboard  labels:    k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboardroleRef:  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io  kind: ClusterRole  name: cluster-adminsubjects:- kind: ServiceAccount  name: kubernetes-dashboard  namespace: kube-system
# kubectl create -f kube-dashboard-admin.yaml

   2.11  检查服务是否正常(Master 节点)

# kubectl --namespace=kube-system get pod

  2.12  安装 heapster 监控组件(Master 节点)

# vim kube-heapster.yaml
          【注意:如果使用 flannel 网络,需要打开 heapster 的 hostnetwork 配置】
apiVersion: v1kind: ServiceAccountmetadata:  name: heapster  namespace: kube-system---kind: ClusterRoleBindingapiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1metadata:  name: heapsterroleRef:  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io  kind: ClusterRole  name: system:heapstersubjects:- kind: ServiceAccount  name: heapster  namespace: kube-system---apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  labels:    task: monitoring    # For use as a Cluster add-on (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/master/cluster/addons)    # If you are NOT using this as an addon, you should comment out this line.    kubernetes.io/cluster-service: 'true'    kubernetes.io/name: monitoring-influxdb  name: monitoring-influxdb  namespace: kube-systemspec:  ports:  - port: 8086    targetPort: 8086  selector:    k8s-app: influxdb---apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1kind: Deploymentmetadata:  name: monitoring-influxdb  namespace: kube-systemspec:  replicas: 1  template:    metadata:      labels:        task: monitoring        k8s-app: influxdb    spec:      containers:      - name: influxdb        image: gcr.io/google_containers/heapster-influxdb-amd64:v1.1.1        volumeMounts:        - mountPath: /data          name: influxdb-storage      volumes:      - name: influxdb-storage        emptyDir: {}      tolerations:      - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master        effect: NoSchedule---apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  labels:    # For use as a Cluster add-on (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/master/cluster/addons)    # If you are NOT using this as an addon, you should comment out this line.    kubernetes.io/cluster-service: 'true'    kubernetes.io/name: monitoring-grafana  name: monitoring-grafana  namespace: kube-systemspec:  # In a production setup, we recommend accessing Grafana through an external Loadbalancer  # or through a public IP.  # type: LoadBalancer  # You could also use NodePort to expose the service at a randomly-generated port  type: NodePort  ports:  - port: 80    targetPort: 3000    nodePort: 30001  selector:    k8s-app: grafana---apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1kind: Deploymentmetadata:  name: monitoring-grafana  namespace: kube-systemspec:  replicas: 1  template:    metadata:      labels:        task: monitoring        k8s-app: grafana    spec:      containers:      - name: grafana        image: gcr.io/google_containers/heapster-grafana-amd64:v4.0.2        ports:          - containerPort: 3000            protocol: TCP        volumeMounts:        - mountPath: /var          name: grafana-storage        env:        - name: INFLUXDB_HOST          value: monitoring-influxdb        - name: GRAFANA_PORT          value: "3000"          # The following env variables are required to make Grafana accessible via          # the kubernetes api-server proxy. On production clusters, we recommend          # removing these env variables, setup auth for grafana, and expose the grafana          # service using a LoadBalancer or a public IP.        - name: GF_AUTH_BASIC_ENABLED          value: "false"        - name: GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ENABLED          value: "true"        - name: GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ORG_ROLE          value: Admin        - name: GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL          # If you're only using the API Server proxy, set this value instead:          # value: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/monitoring-grafana/          value: /      volumes:      - name: grafana-storage        emptyDir: {}      tolerations:      - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master        effect: NoSchedule---apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1kind: Deploymentmetadata:  name: heapster  namespace: kube-systemspec:  replicas: 1  template:    metadata:      labels:        task: monitoring        k8s-app: heapster    spec:      serviceAccountName: heapster      # If flannel network, please uncomment this line.      # hostNetwork: true      containers:      - name: heapster        image: gcr.io/google_containers/heapster-amd64:v1.3.0        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent        command:        - /heapster        - --source=kubernetes:https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local        - --sink=influxdb:http://monitoring-influxdb.kube-system.svc.cluster.local:8086      tolerations:      - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master        effect: NoSchedule---apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  labels:    task: monitoring    # For use as a Cluster add-on (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/master/cluster/addons)    # If you are NOT using this as an addon, you should comment out this line.    kubernetes.io/cluster-service: 'true'    kubernetes.io/name: Heapster  name: heapster  namespace: kube-systemspec:  ports:  - port: 80    targetPort: 8082  selector:    k8s-app: heapster
# kubectl create -f kube-heapster.yaml
  2.13  检查服务是否正常(Master 节点)

# kubectl --namespace=kube-system get pod

  2.14  重新部署 dashboard ,使其显示 heapster 监控信息(Master 节点)

# kubectl delete -f kube-dashboard.yaml# kubectl create -f kube-dashboard.yaml

            [dashboard  v1.6.3 访问地址为]

            [dashboard  v1.7.1 访问地址为]


  2.15  加入 Node 节点 (Node 节点)

# kubeadm join --token 2dfcf7.57ea06808e3ce190

            如果 token 忘记了,在 Master 节点执行以下语句查看

# kubeadm token list

  2.16  检查节点是否正常加入(Master 节点)

# kubectl get node

            至此,Kubernetes 基础环境已经部署成功,Ceph 后端存储集成见下篇博客!



