
来源:互联网 发布:罗马人的故事版本知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 03:37

5-1 条件测试 :编写一系列条件测试;将每个测试以及你对其结果的预测和实际结果都打印出来。你编写的代码应类似于下面这样:

car = 'subaru'

 print("Is car == 'subaru'? I predict True.")

 print(car == 'subaru')    

print("\nIs car == 'audi'? I predict False.")

 print(car == 'audi')

详细研究实际结果,直到你明白了它为何为True 或False 。 

创建至少10个测试,且其中结果分别为True 和False 的测试都至少有5个。 

car ='subaru'print("Is car == 'subarur'? I predict True.")print(car == 'subaru')print("\nIs car == 'audi'? I predict False")print(car =='audi')

Is car == 'subarur'? I predict True.TrueIs car == 'audi'? I predict FalseFalse
5-3 外星人颜色 外星人颜色#1 :假设在游戏中刚射杀了一个外星人,请创建一个名为alien_color 的变量,并将其设置为'green' 、'yellow' 或'red' 。

 编写一条if 语句,检查外星人是否是绿色的;如果是,就打印一条消息,指出玩家获得了5个点。


#Q1print('Question one')alien_color ='green'if alien_color =='green':print('you have won five point')#Q2print("\nQuestion two")alien_color = 'red'if alien_color == 'green':print('you have won five point')

Question oneyou have won five pointQuestion two

5-4 外星人颜色 外星人颜色#2 :像练习5-3那样设置外星人的颜色,并编写一个if-else 结构。



 编写这个程序的两个版本,在一个版本中执行if 代码块,而在另一个版本中执行else 代码块。


print("Question one")alien_color = 'green'if alien_color == 'green':print('you have won five point')else:print('you ha wo ten point')print("\nQuestion two")alien_color = 'red'if alien_color == 'green':print('you have won five point')else:print('you have wo ten point')

Question oneyou have won five pointQuestion twoyou have wo ten point

5-5 外星人颜色 外星人颜色#3 :将练习5-4中的if-else 结构改为if-elif-else 结构。





print("Question one")alien_color = 'green'if alien_color == 'green':print('you have won five point')elif alien_color == 'yellow':print('you have wo ten point')elif alien_color=='red':print('you have won fifteen point')print("\nQuestion two")alien_color = 'red'if alien_color == 'green':print('you have won five point')elif alien_color == 'yellow':print('you have wo ten point')elif alien_color=='red':print('you have won fifteen point')print('\nQuestion three')alien_color = 'red'if alien_color == 'green':print('you have won five point')elif alien_color == 'yellow':print('you have wo ten point')elif alien_color=='red':print('you have won fifteen point')

Question oneyou have won five pointQuestion twoyou have won fifteen pointQuestion threeyou have won fifteen point

5-6 人生的不同阶段 :设置变量age 的值,再编写一个if-elif-else 结构,根据age 的值判断处于人生的哪个阶段。







age = 30if age < 2:print('It is a baby')elif age >= 2 and age < 4:print('It learns walking')elif age >= 4 and age < 13:print('he is a child')elif age >= 13 and age < 20:print('he is a teenager')elif age >= 20 and age < 65:print('he is an adult')else:print('he is a the old')

he is an adult

5-7 喜欢的水果 :创建一个列表,其中包含你喜欢的水果,再编写一系列独立的if 语句,检查列表中是否包含特定的水果。

 将该列表命名为favorite_fruits ,并在其中包含三种水果。

 编写5条if 语句,每条都检查某种水果是否包含在列表中,如果包含在列表中,就打印一条消息,如“You really like bananas!”。 

favorite_fruits = ['apple','banana','orange']if 'orange' in favorite_fruits:print('you really like orange')if 'apple' in favorite_fruits:print('you really like apple')if 'banana' in favorite_fruits:print('you really like banana')if 'mango' in favorite_fruits:print('you really like mango')if 'pipeapple' in favorite_fruits:print('you really like pipeapple')

you really like orangeyou really like appleyou really like banana

5-8 以特殊方式跟管理员打招呼 :创建一个至少包含5个用户名的列表,且其中一个用户名为'admin' 。想象你要编写代码,在每位用户登录网站后都打印一条问 候消息。遍历用户名列表,并向每位用户打印一条问候消息。

 如果用户名为'admin' ,就打印一条特殊的问候消息,如“Hello admin, would you like to see a status report?”。

 否则,打印一条普通的问候消息,如“Hello Eric, thank you for logging in again”。

users =['Nancy','Lucky','Tony','admin','Mary']for user  in users:if user =='admin':print("Hello admin,would you like to see a status report")else:print("Hello %s ,thank you for logging in again"%user)

Hello Nancy ,thank you for logging in againHello Lucky ,thank you for logging in againHello Tony ,thank you for logging in againHello admin,would you like to see a status reportHello Mary ,thank you for logging in again

5-9 处理没有用户的情形 :在为完成练习5-8编写的程序中,添加一条if 语句,检查用户名列表是否为空。

 如果为空,就打印消息“We need to find some users!”。


users =['Nancy','Lucky','Tony','admin','Mary']if users:for user  in users:if user == 'admin':print("Hello admin,would you like to see a status report")else:print("Hello %s ,thank you for logging in again"%user)# users.remove(user)else:print('We need to find some users!')users=[]print("\n")if users:for user  in users:if user == 'admin':print("Hello admin,would you like to see a status report")else:print("Hello %s ,thank you for logging in again"%user)users.remove(user)else:print('We need to find some users!')
Hello Nancy ,thank you for logging in againHello Lucky ,thank you for logging in againHello Tony ,thank you for logging in againHello admin,would you like to see a status reportHello Mary ,thank you for logging in againWe need to find some users!

5-10 检查用户名 :按下面的说明编写一个程序,模拟网站确保每位用户的用户名都独一无二的方式。

 创建一个至少包含5个用户名的列表,并将其命名为current_users 。

 再创建一个包含5个用户名的列表,将其命名为new_users ,并确保其中有一两个用户名也包含在列表current_users 中。

 遍历列表new_users ,对于其中的每个用户名,都检查它是否已被使用。如果是这样,就打印一条消息,指出需要输入别的用户名;否则,打印一条消息,指 出这个用户名未被使用。 确保比较时不区分大消息;换句话说,如果用户名'John' 已被使用,应拒绝用户名'JOHN' 。

current_users =['Nancy','Lucky','Tony','admin','Mary']new_user = ['Alice','Nancy']for user in new_user:if user in current_users or user.upper() in current_users or user.lower() in current_users or user.title() in current_users:print('had been used,please enter another user name')else:print('not been used')

not been usedhad been used,please enter another user name

5-11 序数 序数 :序数表示位置,如1st和2nd。大多数序数都以th结尾,只有1、2和3例外。



 在循环中使用一个if-elif-else 结构,以打印每个数字对应的序数。输出内容应为1st 、2nd 、3rd 、4th 、5th 、6th 、7th 、8th 和9th ,但每个序 数都独占一行。

numbers = list(range(1,10))for num in numbers :if num == 1:print('%dst'%num)elif num == 2:print('%dnd'%num)elif num == 3:print('%drd'%num)else:print('%dth'%num)
