
来源:互联网 发布:js监听扫描枪 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 05:02

问题1:使用python通过selenium模拟打开chrome窗口报错 出现 “您使用的是不受支持的命令行标记:–ignore-certificate-errors

  • 解决办法:
 #在程序前加上这段代码from selenium import webdriveroptions = webdriver.ChromeOptions()options.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches",["ignore-certificate-errors"])driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options)

问题2:”请停用以开发者模式运行的扩展程序” 的解决办法

-解决办法,复制这段到 DevWarningPatch.bat 到任意位置,退出chrome,右键管理员运行即可。:

<# :  @echo off  copy/b "%~f0" "%temp%\%~n0.ps1" >nul  powershell -Version 2 -ExecutionPolicy bypass -noprofile "%temp%\%~n0.ps1" "%cd% " "%~1"  del "%temp%\%~n0.ps1"  pause  exit /b  #>  param([string]$cwd='.', [string]$dll)  function main {      "Chrome 'developer mode extensions' warning disabler v1.0.10.20170114`n"      $pathsDone = @{}      if ($dll -and (gi -literal $dll)) {          doPatch "DRAG'n'DROPPED" ((gi -literal $dll).directoryName + '\')          exit      }      doPatch CURRENT ((gi -literal $cwd).fullName + '\')      ('HKLM', 'HKCU') | %{ $hive = $_          ('', '\Wow6432Node') | %{              $key = "${hive}:\SOFTWARE$_\Google\Update\Clients"              gci -ea silentlycontinue $key -r | gp | ?{ $_.CommandLine } | %{                  $path = $_.CommandLine -replace '"(.+?\\\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\\).+', '$1'                  doPatch REGISTRY $path              }          }      }  }  function doPatch([string]$pathLabel, [string]$path) {      if ($pathsDone[$path.toLower()]) { return }      $dll = $path + "chrome.dll"      if (!(test-path -literal $dll)) {          return      }      "======================="      "$pathLabel PATH $((gi -literal $dll).DirectoryName)"      "`tREADING Chrome.dll..."      $bytes = [IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($dll)      # process PE headers      $BC = [BitConverter]      $coff = $BC::ToUInt32($bytes,0x3C) + 4      $is64 = $BC::ToUInt16($bytes,$coff) -eq 0x8664      $opthdr = $coff+20      $codesize = $BC::ToUInt32($bytes,$opthdr+4)      $imagebase32 = $BC::ToUInt32($bytes,$opthdr+28)      # patch the flag in data section      $data = $BC::ToString($bytes,$codesize)      $flag = "ExtensionDeveloperModeWarning"      $stroffs = $data.IndexOf($BC::ToString($flag[1..99]))/3 - 1      if ($stroffs -lt 0) {          write-host -f red "`t$flag not found"          return      }      $stroffs += $codesize      if ($bytes[$stroffs] -eq 0) {          write-host -f darkgreen "`tALREADY PATCHED"          return      }      $exe = join-path (split-path $path) chrome.exe      $EA = $ErrorActionPreference      $ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlyContinue'      while ((get-process chrome -module | ?{ $_.FileName -eq $exe })) {          forEach ($timeout in 15..0) {              write-host -n -b yellow -f black `                  "`rChrome is running and will be terminated in $timeout sec. "              write-host -n -b yellow -f darkyellow "Press ENTER to do it now. "              if ([console]::KeyAvailable) {                  $key = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("AllowCtrlC,IncludeKeyDown,NoEcho")                  if ($key.virtualKeyCode -eq 13) { break }                  if ($key.virtualKeyCode -eq 27) { write-host; exit }              }              sleep 1          }          write-host          get-process chrome | ?{              $_.MainWindowHandle.toInt64() -and ($_ | gps -file).FileName -eq $exe          } | %{              "`tTrying to exit gracefully..."              if ($_.CloseMainWindow()) {                  sleep 1              }          }          $killLabelShown = 0          get-process chrome | ?{              ($_ | gps -file | select -expand FileName) -eq $exe          } | %{              if (!$killLabelShown++) {                  "`tTerminating background chrome processes..."              }              stop-process $_ -force          }          sleep -milliseconds 200      }      $ErrorActionPreference = $EA      $bytes[$stroffs] = 0      "`tPATCHED $flag flag"      # patch the channel restriction code for stable/beta      $code = $BC::ToString($bytes,0,$codesize)      $rxChannel = '83-F8-(?:03-7D|02-7F)'      # old code: cmp eax,3; jge ...      # new code: cmp eax,2; jg ...      $chanpos = 0      try {          if ($is64) {              $pos = 0              $rx = [regex]"$rxChannel-.{1,100}-48-8D"              do {                  $m = $rx.match($code,$pos)                  if (!$m.success) { break }                  $chanpos = $m.index/3 + 2                  $pos = $m.index + $m.length + 1                  $offs = $BC::ToUInt32($bytes,$pos/3+1)                  $diff = $pos/3+5+$offs - $stroffs              } until ($diff -ge 0 -and $diff -le 4096 -and $diff % 256 -eq 0)              if (!$m.success) {                  $rx = [regex]"84-C0.{18,48}($rxChannel)-.{30,60}84-C0"                  $m = $rx.matches($code)                  if ($m.count -ne 1) { throw }                  $chanpos = $m[0].groups[1].index/3 + 2              }          } else {              $flagOffs = [uint32]$stroffs + [uint32]$imagebase32              $flagOffsStr = $BC::ToString($BC::GetBytes($flagOffs))              $variants = "(?<channel>$rxChannel-.{1,100})-68-(?<flag>`$1-.{6}`$2)",                      "68-(?<flag>`$1-.{6}`$2).{300,500}E8.{12,32}(?<channel>$rxChannel)",                      "E8.{12,32}(?<channel>$rxChannel).{300,500}68-(?<flag>`$1-.{6}`$2)"              forEach ($variant in $variants) {                  $pattern = $flagOffsStr -replace '^(..)-.{6}(..)', $variant                  "`tLooking for $($pattern -replace '\?<.+?>', '')..."                  $minDiff = 65536                  foreach ($m in [regex]::matches($code, $pattern)) {                      $maybeFlagOffs = $BC::toUInt32($bytes, $m.groups['flag'].index/3)                      $diff = [Math]::abs($maybeFlagOffs - $flagOffs)                      if ($diff % 256 -eq 0 -and $diff -lt $minDiff) {                          $minDiff = $diff                          $chanpos = $m.groups['channel'].index/3 + 2                      }                  }              }              if (!$chanpos) { throw }          }      } catch {          write-host -f red "`tUnable to find the channel code, try updating me"          write-host -f red "`t"          return      }      $bytes[$chanpos] = 9      "`tPATCHED Chrome release channel restriction"      "`tWriting to a temporary dll..."      [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("$",$bytes)      "`tBacking up the original dll..."      move -literal $dll "$dll.bak" -force      "`tRenaming the temporary dll as the original dll..."      move -literal "$" $dll -force      $pathsDone[$path.toLower()] = $true      write-host -f green "`tDONE.`n"      [GC]::Collect()  }  main  

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:/Python27/workspace/MyPython/zhoupu/Selenium/”, line 7, in
File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\remote\”, line 213, in get
self.execute(Command.GET, {‘url’: url})
File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\remote\”, line 199, in execute
response = self.command_executor.execute(driver_command, params)
File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\remote\”, line 395, in execute
return self._request(command_info[0], url, body=data)
File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\remote\”, line 426, in _request
resp = self._conn.getresponse()
File “C:\Python27\lib\”, line 1121, in getresponse
File “C:\Python27\lib\”, line 438, in begin
version, status, reason = self._read_status()
File “C:\Python27\lib\”, line 394, in _read_status
line = self.fp.readline(_MAXLINE + 1)
File “C:\Python27\lib\”, line 480, in readline
data = self._sock.recv(self._rbufsize)
socket.error: [Errno 10054]

  • 解决办法: