来源:互联网 发布:波利亚计数定理 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 20:32

The number 666 is considered to be the occult “number of the beast” and is a well used number in all major apocalypse themed blockbuster movies. However the number 666 can’t always be used in the script so numbers such as 1666 are used instead. Let us call the numbers containing at least three contiguous sixes beastly numbers. The first few beastly numbers are 666, 1666, 2666, 3666, 4666, 5666…

Given a 1-based index n, your program should return the nth beastly number.


The first line contains the number of test cases T (T ≤ 1,000).

Each of the following T lines contains an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 50,000,000) as a test case.


For each test case, your program should output the nth beastly number.

Sample Input
Sample Output



#include<iostream>#include<cstring>using namespace std;typedef long long LL;int bit[30];LL dp[30][4];LL dfs(int pos, int sta, bool pre, bool limit){if (pos == -1){if (sta == 3)return 1;return 0;}if (!limit && dp[pos][sta] != -1){return dp[pos][sta];}int up = limit ? bit[pos] : 9;LL temp = 0;for (int i = 0; i <= up; i++){int sta2 = 0;bool pre2 = 0;if (i != 6){pre2 = 0;sta2 = sta >= 3 ? 3 : 0;}else if (i == 6){pre2 = 1;if (sta == 0)sta2 = 1;if (sta == 1 || sta == 2){if (pre)sta2 = sta+1;elsesta2 = sta;}if (sta >= 3){sta2 = sta;}}temp += dfs(pos - 1, sta2, pre2, limit && i == bit[pos]);}if (!limit)dp[pos][sta] = temp;return temp;}LL solve(LL x){memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp));int pos = 0;while (x){bit[pos++] = x % 10;x /= 10;}return dfs(pos - 1, 0, 0, 1);}void getAnswer(LL n){LL left = 0, right = 3000000000;//这个到底多大不确定,后来随便加0,好几遍才对LL mid;while (left < right){mid = (left + right) / 2;//cout << left << "\t" << right << "\t" << mid << endl;if (solve(mid) >= n)right = mid;elseleft = mid + 1;}if (solve(left) == n)cout << left << endl;else if (solve(mid) == n)cout << mid << endl;else if (solve(right) == n)cout << right << endl;}int main(){int t;LL n;cin >> t;while (t--){cin >> n;//cout << solve(n) << endl;getAnswer(n);}return 0;}
