Multithreading in Python

来源:互联网 发布:苹果6网络通信出现问题 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 07:59

The package for multithreading

The package threading is for multithreaded programming in python. To get it ready to use, one should import it. As:

import threading

Get your hand dirty

import threadingdef add(n):    print('I am working.')    result = n + 1000    return resultthread0 = threading.Thread(target=add, args=(1,))thread0.start()

This code could be able to run. There is a function add(n) defined. Then, a thread was created to run the function. The argument, target, tells the thread which function is going to be run. The argument, args, tells the thread what is the arguments fed the target function.
NOTE: The fed value for args of the thread must be a tuple. So, if you’re going to feed the function just one value, the comma is also needed.

How to get the value returned

import threadingclass MyThread(threading.Thread):    def __init__(self,func,args=()):        super(MyThread,self).__init__()        self.func = func        self.args = args    def run(self):        self.result = self.func(*self.args)    def get_result(self):        try:            return self.result  # 如果子线程不使用join方法,此处可能会报没有self.result的错误        except Exception:            return Nonedef add(n):    print('I am working.')    result = n + 1000    return result################thrdList = []for i in range(4):    t = MyThread(add, args=(i,))    thrdList.append(t)    t.start()reslutList = []for t in thrdList:    t.join()    reslutList.append(t.get_result())print(reslutList)

t.join(): It could be interpreted as wait_until_finished(t). Whitout this sentence, the thread may just have done half of its job, the main thread read its result. In this scenario, the main thread read a wrong result.

multithreading - what is the use of join() in python threading - Stack Overflow
python multithreading wait till all threads finished - Stack Overflow
python - Use of threading.Thread.join() - Stack Overflow


python获取多线程的返回值 - Hu知非 - 博客园
multithreading - what is the use of join() in python threading - Stack Overflow
python multithreading wait till all threads finished - Stack Overflow
python - Use of threading.Thread.join() - Stack Overflow
