
来源:互联网 发布:扭力弩炮 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 07:03


GMM(Gaussian Mixture Model)是一种经典的背景提取算法,opencv中也把它引入并封装为算法类。使用opencv2413版本时,通过BackgroundSubtractorMOG类即可调用。这里先给出一个调用例子和算法效果,代码如下所示。

#include <iostream>#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>#include <opencv2/video/background_segm.hpp>int main(){// Open the video file    cv::VideoCapture capture("768X576.avi");// check if video successfully openedif (!capture.isOpened())return 0;// current video framecv::Mat frame, frameGray; // foreground binary imagecv::Mat foreground;cv::namedWindow("Extracted Foreground");// The Mixture of Gaussian object// used with all default parameterscv::BackgroundSubtractorMOG mog;bool stop(false);// for all frames in videowhile (!stop) {// read next frame if anyif (!;// update the background// and return the foregroundcvtColor(frame, frameGray, CV_BGR2GRAY);mog(frameGray,foreground,0.01);// show foregroundcv::imshow("Extracted Foreground",foreground);cv::imshow("image",frame);// introduce a delay// or press key to stopif (cv::waitKey(10)>=0)stop= true;}return 0;}


BackgroundSubtractorMOG的实现在2413版本的opencv_2.4.13\opencv\sources\modules\video\src\bgfg_gaussmix.cpp中,cpp中讲到算法原理参考《An Improved Adaptive Background Mixture Model for Real-time Tracking with Shadow Detection》文章,但是同时说明了算法只实现了检测部分,并没有实现文章中的阴影检测部分。后来查阅一些其他资料之后,个人认为该算法的基本原理应该来自于,或者说更加符合文章《Adaptive-background-mixture-models-for-real-time-tracking》(这篇文章的下载和 翻译参考点击打开链接)。其原理这里简单描述如下。










#include "core/core.hpp"    #include "highgui/highgui.hpp"    #include "imgproc/imgproc.hpp"#include "video/tracking.hpp"#include <opencv2/video/background_segm.hpp>#include <iostream>    #include <numeric>#include <vector>using namespace cv;    using namespace std; struct GaussianDistribution{float w;// 权重float u;// 期望float sigma;// 标准差};struct PixelGMM{int num;// 高斯模型最大数量int index;// 当前使用的高斯模型数量GaussianDistribution* gd;// 高斯模型数组指针};bool modelInit = false;const int GAUSSIAN_MODULE_NUMS = 5;// 模型数量const float ALPHA = 0.005;// 学习速率const float SIGMA = 30;// 标准差初始值const float WEIGHT = 0.05;// 高斯模型权重初始值const float T = 0.7;// 有效高斯分布阈值int rows, cols;PixelGMM* ppgmm;int main(){Mat image;Mat imageGray, imageFG, imageMog;cv::BackgroundSubtractorMOG mog;// 打开视频文件VideoCapture cap("768x576.avi");if(!cap.isOpened()){cout<<"cannot open avi file"<<endl;return -1;}double fps = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS);// 获取图像帧率int pauseTime = (int)(1000.f/fps);namedWindow("video");while(1){if(!;cvtColor(image, imageGray, CV_BGR2GRAY);// 转化为灰度图处理mog(imageGray,imageMog,0.005);// 初始化各个像素的高斯分布if(!modelInit){/* 高斯分布参数分配空间*/rows = image.rows;cols = image.cols;ppgmm = (PixelGMM*)malloc(rows*cols*sizeof(PixelGMM));for(int i = 0; i < rows*cols; i++){ppgmm[i].num = GAUSSIAN_MODULE_NUMS;ppgmm[i].index = 0;ppgmm[i].gd = (GaussianDistribution*)malloc(GAUSSIAN_MODULE_NUMS*sizeof(GaussianDistribution));}/* 初始化高斯分布参数 */for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++){for(int n = 0; n < GAUSSIAN_MODULE_NUMS; n++){ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n].w = 0;ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n].u = 0;ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n].sigma = SIGMA;}}}imageFG.create(rows, cols, CV_8UC1);modelInit = true;}{// 结果图像初始化为全黑imageFG.setTo(Scalar(0));for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++){int kHit = -1;// 匹配高斯模型索引int gray =<unsigned char>(i,j);//判断是否属于当前高斯模型for(int m = 0; m < ppgmm[i*cols + j].index; m++){if(fabs(gray - ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[m].u) < 2.5*ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[m].sigma)// 满足分布{// 更新该高斯分布的标准差、期望、权值,标准差变小,权值增加if(ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[m].w > 1)ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[m].w = 1;elseppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[m].w = (1-ALPHA)*ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[m].w + ALPHA*1;ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[m].u = (1-ALPHA)*ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[m].u + ALPHA*gray;if(ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[m].sigma < SIGMA/2)ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[m].sigma = SIGMA;elseppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[m].sigma = sqrt((1-ALPHA)*ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[m].sigma*ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[m].sigma + ALPHA*(gray - ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[m].u)*(gray - ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[m].u));// 若同一高斯分布被重复匹配多次,其标准差会一直下降,这里需要设置最低阈值// 根据w/sigma降序排序int n;for(n = m-1; n >= 0; n--){if(ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n].w/ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n].sigma <= ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n+1].w/ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n+1].sigma){float temp;temp = ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n].sigma;ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n].sigma = ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n+1].sigma;ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n+1].sigma = temp;temp = ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n].u;ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n].u = ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n+1].u;ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n+1].u = temp;temp = ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n].w;ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n].w = ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n+1].w;ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n+1].w = temp;}else{break;}}kHit = n + 1;// 匹配高斯分布的最终索引break;}else{// 没有被匹配到的高斯分布权重降低ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[m].w *= (1-ALPHA);}}// 增加新的高斯分布,属于前景if(kHit == -1){// 需要去除影响最小的高斯分布if(ppgmm[i*cols + j].index == GAUSSIAN_MODULE_NUMS){ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[ppgmm[i*cols + j].index - 1].sigma = SIGMA;ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[ppgmm[i*cols + j].index - 1].u = gray;ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[ppgmm[i*cols + j].index - 1].w = WEIGHT;}else{// 增加新的高斯分布ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[ppgmm[i*cols + j].index].sigma = SIGMA;ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[ppgmm[i*cols + j].index].u = gray;ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[ppgmm[i*cols + j].index].w = WEIGHT;ppgmm[i*cols + j].index++;}}// 高斯分布权值归一化float weightSum = 0;for(int n = 0; n < ppgmm[i*cols + j].index; n++){weightSum += ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n].w;}float weightScale = 1.f/weightSum;// 根据T得到有效高斯分布的截止索引weightSum = 0;int kForeground = -1;for(int n = 0; n < ppgmm[i*cols + j].index; n++){ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n].w *= weightScale;weightSum += ppgmm[i*cols + j].gd[n].w;if(weightSum > T && kForeground < 0){kForeground = n + 1;}}// 属于前景点的判断条件if((kHit > 0&&kHit >= kForeground) || kHit == -1){<unsigned char>(i,j) = 255;}}}}imshow("imageMog", imageMog);imshow("video", imageGray);imshow("imageFG", imageFG);waitKey(10);}return 0;}



