【ES6】 — ECMAScript6快速入门02

来源:互联网 发布:sql2005数据库软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 06:46


  • 1、删除数组中一个元素
var arr = [1,2,3];var arr2 = arr;arr2.pop();console.info(arr,arr2);


  • 2、复制数组,然后再删除里面的一个元素
var arr = [1,2,3]var arr2 = [];for(var i=0;i<arr.length;i++) {    arr2[i] = arr[i];}arr2.pop();console.info(arr, arr2);


  • 3、实现上面第2种的操作我们可以这样做:
var arr = [1,2,3]var arr2 = Array.from(arr);arr2.pop();console.info(arr, arr2);


var arr = [1,2,3]var arr2 = [...arr];arr2.pop();console.info(arr, arr2);


  • 之前在ES5中遍历循环有一下两种:
    • 1、普通for循环
    • 2、for in循环
  • 现在使用ES6,可以用for…of循环
var arr = ['红楼梦','三国演义','水浒传','西游记','金瓶梅'];for(var name of arr) {    console.info(name);}console.info("---------------------------------------");for(var name of arr.entries()) {    console.info(name);}console.info("---------------------------------------");for(var name of arr.keys()) {    console.info(name);}


var json = {'a': 'apple','b': 'banana', 'c': 'pear','d': 'orange'};for(var name in json) {    console.info(name,json[name]);}


  • Map对象创建以及简单操作
var map = new Map();        //创建Map对象map.set('a','apple');       //设置值操作map.set('b','banana');map.set('c','orange');map.delete('c');            //删除操作console.info(map);


  • 遍历Map对象:
var map = new Map();map.set('a','apple');map.set('b','banana');map.set('c','orange');map.set('d','pear');for(var name in map) {    //不能使用for...in来进行遍历Map对象    console.info(map);}console.info("1----------------------------");for(var name of map) {    //获取map键值对    console.info(name);}console.info("2----------------------------");for(var [key,value] of map) {    //分开获取key和value    console.info(key,value);}console.info("3----------------------------");for(var name of map.entries()) {    //获取map键值对    console.info(name);}console.info("4----------------------------");for(var key of map.keys()) {    //获取map中的所有key    console.info(key);}console.info("5----------------------------");for(var [key,value] of map.entries()) {    //对map键值对进行遍历且解构赋值    console.info(key,value);}console.info("6----------------------------");for(var val of map.values()) {    //获取map中的所有value值    console.info(val);}



  • 用箭头函数替换普通函数
var fn = function(){    //普通函数    return 'string';}var fn0 = () => {    //箭头函数:样式一    return 'string0';}var fn1 = () => 'string1';      //箭头函数:样式二
  • 利用箭头函数可以实现什么?
var square = (x) => x*x;            //封装求平方函数var add = (x,y) => x+y;             //封装求和函数var isEven = (x) => x%2 == 0;       //判断是否是偶数var not = (fn) => (...args) => {    //对函数执行结果进行否定    console.info(args);    return !fn.apply(null,args);}//普通函数遍历map并且打印出各个元素的平方[5,6,7].map(function(item){    console.info(item*item);});console.info([5,6,7].map(square));  //使用ES6箭头函数


  • 1、箭头函数中没有this
var json = {    a: 1,    b: 2,    show: () => {        console.info(this);         //指向了window        console.info(this.a);       //undifined    }};json.show();
  • 2、箭头函数不能作为构造函数,因为箭头函数没有this
var Fn = function() {    this.name = "xx";}console.info(new Fn());var Fn0 = () => {    this.name = "xxxx";}console.info(new Fn0());
  • 3、arguments:形参,箭头函数中没有arguments
var fn = function() {    console.info("fn参数为",arguments);}fn(4,5,6,7);var fn1 = () => {    console.info("fn1参数为");    console.info(arguments,typeof arguments);}fn1(4,5,6,7);       //会报错

- 4、箭头函数不能作为生成器


  • 对象语法简洁化:
  • 单例模式(就是json)
var name = 'abc';var age = 101;var person = {    name,    age,    showName() {        return this.name;    },    showAge() {        return this.age;    }};console.info(person.showName());            //输出 -> abc


  • 创建类与对象
//ES5使用构造函数创建类与对象function Person(name,age) {    this.name = name;    this.age = age;}Person.prototype.showName = function(){    return this.name;};Person.prototype.showAge = function(){    return this.age;}var p1 = new Person('abc',10);console.info(p1.showName());//使用ES6创建类与对象class Person {  //类    constructor(name,age) {        this.name = name;        this.age = age;    }    showName(){        return this.name;    }    showAge(){        return this.age;    }}var p1 = new Person('aaa',10);var p2 = new Person('bbb',20);//console.info(p1.name,p1.showName());console.info(p1.constructor == Person);         //对象的constructor指向构造函数或者类


  • 原型继承:子类.prototype=new 父类();
class Person {//类    constructor(name='default',age=0) {        this.name = name;        this.age = age;    }    showName() {        return this.name;    }    showAge() {        return this.age;    }}class Worker extends Person {           //继承    constructor(name,age,job="扫地的") {        super();            //调用父类的方法        this.job = job;    }    showJob() {        return this.job;    }}var v1 = new Worker('aaa',12,'学生');console.info(v1.showJob());


  • 第一个:封装队列,即类似于数组的函数
class Queue {    constructor(content = []) {        this._queue = [...content];         //拷贝数组    }    shift() {        const value = this._queue[0];        this._queue.shift();        return value;    }    push(n) {        this._queue.push(n);        return this._queue.length;    }}var q = new Queue([1,2,3,4]);console.info(q.shift(),q.shift(),q._queue);
  • 第二个:Tab选项卡
<!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <meta charset="UTF-8">        <title></title>        <style>            .on {                background: #F60;                color: #FFF;            }            .box div {                width: 200px;                height: 200px;                border: 1px solid #000;                display: none;            }        </style>        <script>            class Tab {                constructor(id) {                    this.oBox = document.getElementById(id);                    this.aBtn = this.oBox.getElementsByTagName('input');                    this.aDiv = this.oBox.getElementsByTagName('div');                    this.init();                }                init() {                    for (let i=0;i<this.aBtn.length;i++) {                        this.aBtn[i].onclick = function(){                            this.hide();                            this.show(i);                        }.bind(this);                    }                }                hide() {                    for(let i=0;i<this.aBtn.length;i++) {                        this.aBtn[i].className = "";                        this.aDiv[i].style.display = "none";                    }                }                show(index) {                    this.aBtn[index].className = "on";                    this.aDiv[index].style.display = "block";                }            }            window.onload = function(){                new Tab('box');            }        </script>    </head>    <body>        <div id="box" class="box">            <input class="on" type="button" value="aaa" />            <input type="button" value="bbb" />            <input type="button" value="ccc" />            <div style="display: block;">111</div>            <div>222</div>            <div>333</div>        </div>    </body></html>
  • 第三个:利用继承制作自动播放Tab选项卡
<!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <meta charset="UTF-8">        <title></title>        <style>            .on {                background: #F60;                color: #FFF;            }            .box div {                width: 200px;                height: 200px;                border: 1px solid #000;                display: none;            }        </style>        <script>            class Tab {                constructor(id) {                    this.oBox = document.getElementById(id);                    this.aBtn = this.oBox.getElementsByTagName('input');                    this.aDiv = this.oBox.getElementsByTagName('div');                    this.iNow = 0;                    this.init();                }                init() {                    for (let i=0;i<this.aBtn.length;i++) {                        this.aBtn[i].onclick = function(){                            this.iNow = i;                            this.hide();                            this.show(i);                        }.bind(this);                    }                }                hide() {                    for(let i=0;i<this.aBtn.length;i++) {                        this.aBtn[i].className = "";                        this.aDiv[i].style.display = "none";                    }                }                show(index) {                    this.aBtn[index].className = "on";                    this.aDiv[index].style.display = "block";                }            }            class AutoTab extends Tab {                constructor(id) {                    super(id);                    this.next();                    setInterval(this.next.bind(this),1000);                }                next() {                    console.info(111);                    this.iNow++;                    if(this.iNow == this.aBtn.length) this.iNow = 0;                    this.hide();                    this.show(this.iNow);                }            }            window.onload = function(){                new AutoTab('box');            }        </script>    </head>    <body>        <div id="box" class="box">            <input class="on" type="button" value="aaa" />            <input type="button" value="bbb" />            <input type="button" value="ccc" />            <div style="display: block;">111</div>            <div>222</div>            <div>333</div>        </div>    </body></html>


  • 主页html如下:
<!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <meta charset="UTF-8">        <title></title>        <script type="text/javascript" src="js/traceur.js" ></script>        <script type="module">            import modA from './js/a.js';            import modB from './js/b.js';            console.info(modA, modB, modA + modB);      //12 5 17        </script>    </head>    <body>    </body></html>
  • a.js文件内容如下:
const a = 12;export default a;
  • b.js文件内容如下:
const a = 5;export default a;