
来源:互联网 发布:cad软件锁不起作用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/12 21:17










#include<iostream>int main(){    int sum =0, val = 1;    while( val <=  10 )        sum += val, ++val;    std::cout << "Sum of 1 to 10 inclusive is "              << sum << std::endl;    return 0;}


(a) while( string::iterator iter != s.end() ) { /* . . . */ }



string::iterator iter = s.begin();

while( iter != s.end() ) { /*. . . */ }

(b)while( bool status = find( word ) ) { /* . . . */}

    if( !status ) { /* . . . */}

非法。status定义在while循环内部,所以作用域仅限于while循环。不能在if语句中使用status 。


bool status;

while( status = find( word ) {/* . . . */}

if( !status ) { /* . . . */}

练习5.5:写一段自己的程序,使用if else语句实现把数字成绩转换成字母成绩的要求。

#include<iostream>#include<vector>using namespace std;int main(){    int grade = 0;    string letterGrade;    vector<string> alp = { "F", "D", "C", "B", "A", "A++"};    cout << "请输入一个成绩:" << endl;    while( cin >> grade && grade >=0 && grade <= 100 )    {        if( grade < 60 )            letterGrade = alp[0];        else        {            letterGrade = alp[ grade / 10 - 5 ];            if( grade != 100 )                if( grade % 10 <= 3 )                    letterGrade += '-';                else if( grade % 10 >=88 7 )                    letterGrade += '+';        }        cout << "你的成绩等级为:" << letterGrade << endl;        char reply;        cout << "你仍想继续输入吗?回答: Y or N" << endl;        if( cin >> reply && ( reply == 'y' || reply == 'Y' ) )            cout << "请再输入一个成绩:" << endl;        else        {            cout << "程序结束,拜" << endl;            break;        }        cin.sync();    }

练习5.6:改写上一题的程序,使用条件运算符代替if else语句。

#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    int grade = 0;    cout << "请输入一个成绩:" << endl;    while( cin >> grade )    {        if( grade < 0 || grade > 100 )        {            cout << "无效成绩!" << endl;            return -1;        }        string letterGrade, postfix;        int sd, td; // single digit & tens digit        sd = grade % 10;        td = grade / 10;        letterGrade = ( td == 9 ) ? "A"                                    : ( td == 8 ) ? "B"                                                    : ( td == 7 ) ? "C"                                                                    : ( td == 6 ) ? "D" : "";        postfix = ( sd <= 3 ) ? "-"                                : ( sd >= 7 ) ? "+" : "";        letterGrade += postfix;        if( grade == 100 )            letterGrade = "A++";        if( grade < 60 )            letterGrade = "F";        cout << "你的成绩等级是:" << letterGrade << endl;        char reply;        cout << "你是否想继续输入成绩?回答:Y or N 。" << endl;        if( cin >> reply  &&  reply != 'y' && reply != 'Y'  )        {            cout << "程序结束,拜!" << endl;            break;        }        cout << "请再输入一个成绩:" << endl;        cin.sync();    }    return 0;}








#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    char ch;    unsigned vowel_cnt = 0;    cout << "请输入一段文本:" << endl;    while( cin >> ch )    {        if( ch == 'a' || ch == 'A' )            ++vowel_cnt;        else if( ch == 'e' || ch == 'E' )            ++vowel_cnt;        else if( ch == 'i' || ch == 'I' )            ++vowel_cnt;        else if( ch == 'o' || ch == 'O' )            ++vowel_cnt;        else if( ch == 'u' || ch == 'U' )            ++vowel_cnt;        else            ;    }    cout << "您的输入中含有元音字母的个数为:" << vowel_cnt << endl;    return 0;}


#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    char ch;    unsigned aCnt =0, eCnt = 0, iCnt = 0, oCnt = 0, uCnt= 0;    cout << "请输入一段文本:" << endl;    while( cin >> ch )        switch( ch )        {            case 'a':            case 'A':++aCnt;                     break;            case 'e':            case 'E':++eCnt;                     break;            case 'i':            case 'I':++iCnt;                     break;            case 'o':            case 'O':++oCnt;                     break;            case 'u':            case 'U':++uCnt;            default:;        }    cout << "元音字母a/A出现了" << aCnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "元音字母e/E出现了" << eCnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "元音字母i/I出现了" << iCnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "元音字母o/O出现了" << oCnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "元音字母u/U出现了" << uCnt << "次" << endl;    return 0;}


#include<iostream>#include<string>using namespace std;int main(){    char ch;    unsigned aCnt =0, eCnt = 0, iCnt = 0, oCnt = 0, uCnt= 0;    unsigned space_Cnt = 0, t_Cnt = 0, n_Cnt = 0; //t means \t, n means \n;    cout << "请输入一段文本:" << endl;    /* cin会自动过滤掉不可见字符     * 所以采用 cin.get(ch) 而不是用cin >> ch     * 或者使用 cin >> noskipws >> ch;    */    while( cin.get( ch ) )        switch( ch )        {            case 'a':            case 'A':++aCnt;                     break;            case 'e':            case 'E':++eCnt;                     break;            case 'i':            case 'I':++iCnt;                     break;            case 'o':            case 'O':++oCnt;                     break;            case 'u':            case 'U':++uCnt;                     break;            case ' ':++space_Cnt;                     break;            case '\t':++t_Cnt;                     break;            case '\n':++n_Cnt;            default:;        }    cout << "元音字母a/A出现了" << aCnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "元音字母e/E出现了" << eCnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "元音字母i/I出现了" << iCnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "元音字母o/O出现了" << oCnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "元音字母u/U出现了" << uCnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "空格出现了" << space_Cnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "制表符出现了" << t_Cnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "换行符出现了" << n_Cnt << "次" << endl;    return 0;}

练习5.12:修改统计元音字母的程序,使其能统计以下含有两个字符的字符的字符序列的数量:ff、fl和fi 。

#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    bool first_f = 0;    char ch, last_ch;    unsigned aCnt =0, eCnt = 0, iCnt = 0, oCnt = 0, uCnt= 0;    unsigned ff_Cnt = 0, fl_Cnt = 0, fi_Cnt = 0;    unsigned space_Cnt = 0, t_Cnt = 0, n_Cnt = 0; //t means \t, n means \n;    cout << "请输入一段文本:" << endl;    /* cin会自动过滤掉不可见字符     * 所以采用 cin.get(ch) 而不是用cin >> ch     * 或者使用 cin >> noskipws >> ch;    */    while( cin.get( ch ) )    {       switch( ch )        {            case 'a':            case 'A':++aCnt;                     break;            case 'e':            case 'E':++eCnt;                     break;            case 'i':                if( last_ch == 'f' && first_f )                {                    ++fi_Cnt;                    first_f = 0;                }            case 'I':++iCnt;                     break;            case 'o':            case 'O':++oCnt;                     break;            case 'u':            case 'U':++uCnt;                     break;            case 'f':                if( first_f )                {                    if( last_ch == 'f' )                    {                        ++ff_Cnt;                        first_f = 0;                    }                }                else                    first_f = 1;                break;            case 'l':                if( last_ch == 'f' && first_f )                 {                    ++fl_Cnt;                    first_f = 0;                 }            case ' ':++space_Cnt;                     break;            case '\t':++t_Cnt;                     break;            case '\n':++n_Cnt;            default:;        }        last_ch = ch;    }    cout << "元音字母a/A出现了" << aCnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "元音字母e/E出现了" << eCnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "元音字母i/I出现了" << iCnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "元音字母o/O出现了" << oCnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "元音字母u/U出现了" << uCnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "空格出现了" << space_Cnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "制表符出现了" << t_Cnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "换行符出现了" << n_Cnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "ff出现了" << ff_Cnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "fl出现了" << fl_Cnt << "次" << endl;    cout << "fi出现了" << fi_Cnt << "次" << endl;    return 0;}




#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    string currStr, preStr = "", maxStr;    unsigned cnt = 1, maxcnt = 0;    cout << "请输入多个字符串:" << endl;    while( cin >> currStr )    {        if( currStr == preStr )        {            ++cnt;            if( cnt > maxcnt )            {                maxcnt = cnt;                maxStr = currStr;            }        }        else        {            preStr = currStr;            cnt = 1;        }    }    if( cnt != 1)        cout << "连续重复出现最大次数的单词是:" << maxStr << ",它出现了"             << maxcnt << "次" << endl;    else    {        cout << "没有任何单词重复出现过!" << endl;        return -1;    }    return 0;}



练习5.16:while循环特别适用于那种条件保持不变、反复执行操作的情况,例如,当未达到文件末尾时不断读取下一个值。for循环则更像是在按步骤迭代,它的索引值在某个范围内依次变化。根据每种循环的习惯各自编写一段程序,然后分别用另一种循环改写。如果只能使用一种循环, 你倾向于使用哪种呢?为什么?



#include<iostream>#include<vector>using namespace std;void IsPrefix( vector<int> &v1, vector<int> &v2 );int main(){    vector<int> ivec1, ivec2;    int iData = 0;    cout << "请分别为两个容器输入数据:" << endl;    cout << "容器1: " ;    while( cin >> iData )        ivec1.push_back( iData );    cout << endl;    cin.clear();    cin.sync();    cout << "容器2:" << endl;    while( cin >> iData )        ivec2.push_back( iData );    cout << endl;    IsPrefix( ivec1, ivec2 );    return 0;}void IsPrefix( vector<int> &v1, vector<int> &v2 ){    vector<int>::size_type len;    len = ( ( v1.size() < v2.size() )? v1.size() : v2.size() );    decltype( len ) i;    for( i = 0; i != len; ++i )        if( v1[i] != v2[i] )            break;    if( len == v1.size() && i == len )        cout << "容器1是容器2的前缀。" << endl;    else if( len == v2.size() && i == len )        cout << "容器2是容器1的前缀。" << endl;    else        cout << "容器1和容器2互不为对方前缀。" << endl;}




#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    string str1, str2;    do    {        cout << "请输入两个字符串:" << endl;        cin >> str1 >> str2;        if( str1.size() < str2.size() )            cout << "较短的字符串为:" << str1 <<endl;        else if( str1.size() > str2.size() )            cout << "较短的字符串为:" << str2 << endl;        else            cout << str1 << "和" << str2 << "等长" << endl;    }    while( cin );    return 0;}

#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){    string word, lastWord;    bool Exist = 0;    cout << "请输入多个单词:" << endl;    while( cin >> word )    {        if( word == lastWord )        {            Exist = true;            break;        }        lastWord = word;    }    if( !Exist )    {       cout << "不存在连续重复重现的单词。" << endl;       return -1;    }    cout << "连续重复出现的单词是:" << word << endl;    return 0;}


#include<iostream>#include<cctype>using namespace std;int main(){    string word, lastWord;    bool Exist = 0;    cout << "请输入多个单词:" << endl;    while( cin >> word )    {        if( word == lastWord && isupper( word[0] ) )        {            Exist = true;            break;        }        lastWord = word;    }    if( !Exist )    {       cout << "不存在连续重复重现的首字母大写的单词。" << endl;       return -1;    }    cout << "连续重复出现的首字母大写的单词是:" << word << endl;    return 0;}

int sz;


sz = get_size();

while( sz <= 0 );




#include<iostream>#include<stdexcept>using namespace std;int main(){    int iva1,iva2;    cout << "请依次输入一个被除数和除数:" << endl;    cin >> iva1 >> iva2;    if( iva2 == 0 )        throw runtime_error( "除数不能为0" );    cout << iva1 << "除以" << iva2 << "的结果为:"         << iva1 / iva2 << endl;    return 0;}


#include<stdexcept>using namespace std;int main(){    int iva1,iva2;    cout << "请依次输入一个被除数和除数:" << endl;    while( cin >> iva1 >> iva2 )    {        try{            if( iva2 == 0 )                throw runtime_error( "除数不能为0" );            cout << iva1 << "除以" << iva2 << "的值为:"                 << iva1 / iva2 << endl;        }catch( runtime_error err ){            cout << err.what() << endl;            cout << "Try again? Enter y or n" << endl;            char c;            cin >> c;        if( !cin || c == 'n' )            break;        }        cout << "请依次输入一个被除数和除数:" << endl;    }    return 0;}
