Linux 多线程/进程同步

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Linux 多线程/进程同步







  1. 产品缓冲区,为了比较好的模拟实际情况,我使用了产品结构体指针循环队列,生产者使用calloc生产一个商品,使用push将其放入队列尾部,消费者使用pop从队列首部获得产品结构体指针,显示其gid,并使用free将其消耗(同时防止内存泄漏)。
  2. 控制生产阻塞和消费阻塞,使用两个sem_t信号量实现,其中g_sem_full控制生产阻塞,初始值为缓冲区容量,生产者生产之前对其sem_wait,消费者消费之后对其sem_post,g_sem_empty控制消费阻塞,初始值为0,消费者消费之前对其sem_wait,生产者生产之后对其sem_post。
  3. 三是实现对队列操作的互斥,使用pthread互斥锁pthread_mutex_t实现,在队列操作之前请求上锁,在完成操作之后解锁。
#include <pthread.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdbool.h>#include <semaphore.h>#include <sys/syscall.h>#include <sys/types.h>#define QUEUE_SIZE 4#define COUNT 20struct goods {    int gid;};struct goods *queue[QUEUE_SIZE];int head = 0;int rear = 0;int count = 0; // for using the full-size queueint g_pcount = 0;int g_ccount = 0;pthread_mutex_t g_mutex;sem_t g_sem_full;sem_t g_sem_empty;bool empty();bool full();int push(struct goods *);struct goods *pop();void *provider(void *);void *consumer(void *);int main(){    srand(getpid());    sem_init(&g_sem_full, 0, QUEUE_SIZE);    sem_init(&g_sem_empty, 0, 0);    pthread_mutex_init(&g_mutex, NULL);    pthread_t p1;    pthread_t c1;    pthread_create(&p1, NULL, provider, NULL);    pthread_create(&c1, NULL, consumer, NULL);    pthread_join(p1, NULL);    pthread_join(c1, NULL);    pthread_mutex_destroy(&g_mutex);    sem_destroy(&g_sem_full);    sem_destroy(&g_sem_empty);}bool empty(){    if (count == 0)        return true;    return false;}bool full(){    if (count == QUEUE_SIZE)        return true;    return false;}int push(struct goods *item){    if (full())        return -1;    queue[rear] = item;    rear = (rear+1) % QUEUE_SIZE;    count++;    return rear;}struct goods *pop(){    if (empty())        return NULL;    int temp = head;    head = (head+1) % QUEUE_SIZE;    count--;    return queue[temp];}void *provider(void *args){    struct goods *g;    printf("I'm provider %u\n", (unsigned int)syscall(224)); // print kernel thread id    sleep(1);    while (g_pcount < COUNT) {        sem_wait(&g_sem_full);        pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex);        g = (struct goods *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct goods));        g->gid = rand();        printf("produce %d", g->gid);        push(g);        if (full())            printf(" now full\n");        else            printf("\n");        sem_post(&g_sem_empty);        pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex);        sleep(rand() % 4); // production is faster        g_pcount++;    }}void *consumer(void *args){    printf("I'm consumer %u\n", (unsigned int)syscall(224));    sleep(1);    while (g_ccount < COUNT) {        sem_wait(&g_sem_empty);        pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex);        struct goods *g = pop();        printf("consume %d", g->gid);        free(g);        if (empty())            printf(" now empty\n");        else            printf("\n");        sem_post(&g_sem_full);        pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex);        sleep(rand() % 6);        g_ccount++;    }}


I'm consumer 6891I'm provider 6890produce 780258551consume 780258551 now emptyproduce 1519689668consume 1519689668 now emptyproduce 112245485produce 85184545produce 1522912016consume 112245485consume 85184545produce 552356389produce 1496202163produce 1047747442 now fullconsume 1522912016produce 122094059 now fullconsume 552356389produce 405903396 now fullconsume 1496202163consume 1047747442consume 122094059consume 405903396 now empty

可以看到出现now empty之后必须先出现produce才能继续出现consume,反之now full亦然。






  1. 缓冲区不再保存产品结构体的指针,而是直接保存完整结构体,并将队列的一些相关变量比如head, rear封装,本来应该也将队列操作的函数一起封装,可是不像C++,C语言中结构体中只能加入函数指针,于是放弃。push函数使用memcpy拷贝完整对象,所以在生产者中,push之后要将产品指针进行free,因为我们只需要在缓冲区中的那一份,并且防止内存泄漏。
  2. 使用mmap将信号量g_sem_full, g_sem_empty, g_sem_lock以共享内存的方式在进程间起作用。
#include <stdio.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdbool.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <memory.h>#include <semaphore.h>#include <sys/syscall.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/mman.h>#include <sys/wait.h>#define QUEUE_SIZE 4#define COUNT 10struct goods {    int gid;};struct que {    int head;    int rear;    int count;    struct goods data[QUEUE_SIZE];} *queue;int g_pcount = 0;int g_ccount = 0;sem_t *g_sem_full;sem_t *g_sem_empty;sem_t *g_sem_lock;void init();bool empty();bool full();int push(struct goods *);struct goods *pop();void *provider();void *consumer();int main(){    pid_t pid;    srand(getpid());    init();    sem_init(g_sem_full, 1, QUEUE_SIZE); // set the second param to 1 to share among processes    sem_init(g_sem_empty, 1, 0);    sem_init(g_sem_lock, 1, 1);    pid = fork();    if (pid > 0) {        (*provider)();        wait(NULL); // wait for child process    }    else if (pid == 0) {        (*consumer)();    }    else        perror("fork");    sem_destroy(g_sem_full);    sem_destroy(g_sem_empty);    sem_destroy(g_sem_lock);    munmap(g_sem_full, sizeof(sem_t));    munmap(g_sem_empty, sizeof(sem_t));    munmap(g_sem_lock, sizeof(sem_t));    munmap(queue, sizeof(struct que));}void init(){    int fd_full, fd_empty, fd_data, fd_lock;    if ((fd_full = open("sem_full", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666)) == -1) {        perror("open fd_full");        exit(-1);    }    if ((fd_empty = open("sem_empty", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666)) == -1) {        perror("open fd_empty");        exit(-1);    }    if ((fd_data = open("data", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666)) == -1) {        perror("open data");        exit(-1);    }    if ((fd_lock = open("sem_lock", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666)) == -1) {        perror("open fd_lock");        exit(-1);    }    ftruncate(fd_full, sizeof(sem_t));    ftruncate(fd_empty, sizeof(sem_t));    ftruncate(fd_lock, sizeof(sem_t));    ftruncate(fd_data, sizeof(struct que));    if ((g_sem_full = (sem_t *)mmap(0, sizeof(sem_t), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd_full, 0)) == MAP_FAILED) {        perror("mmap sem_full");        exit(-1);    }    if ((g_sem_empty = (sem_t *)mmap(0, sizeof(sem_t), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd_empty, 0)) == MAP_FAILED) {        perror("mmap sem_empty");        exit(-1);    }    if ((g_sem_lock = (sem_t *)mmap(0, sizeof(sem_t), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd_lock, 0)) == MAP_FAILED) {        perror("mmap sem_lock");        exit(-1);    }    if ((queue = (struct que *)mmap(0, sizeof(struct que), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd_data, 0)) == MAP_FAILED) {        perror("mmap queue");        exit(-1);    }    queue->head = queue->rear = queue->count = 0;    close(fd_full);    close(fd_empty);    close(fd_lock);    close(fd_data);}bool empty(){    if (queue->count == 0)        return true;    return false;}bool full(){    if (queue->count == QUEUE_SIZE)        return true;    return false;}int push(struct goods *item){    if (full())        return -1;    memcpy(&queue->data[queue->rear], item, sizeof(struct goods)); // copy the full struct    queue->rear = (queue->rear+1) % QUEUE_SIZE;    queue->count++;    return queue->rear;}struct goods *pop(){    if (empty())        return NULL;    int temp = queue->head;    queue->head = (queue->head+1) % QUEUE_SIZE;    queue->count--;    return queue->data+temp;}void *provider(){    struct goods *g;    printf("I'm provider %d\n", getpid());    sleep(1);    while (g_pcount < COUNT) {        sem_wait(g_sem_full);        sem_wait(g_sem_lock);        g = (struct goods *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct goods));        g->gid = rand();        printf("produce %d", g->gid);        push(g);        free(g); // prevent memory leak        if (full())            printf(" now full\n");        else            printf("\n");        sem_post(g_sem_lock);        sem_post(g_sem_empty);        sleep(rand() % 4);        g_pcount++;    }}void *consumer(){    printf("I'm consumer %d\n", getpid());    sleep(1);    while (g_ccount < COUNT) {        sem_wait(g_sem_empty);        sem_wait(g_sem_lock);        struct goods *g = pop();        printf("consume %d", g->gid);        if (empty())            printf(" now empty\n");        else            printf("\n");        sem_post(g_sem_lock);        sem_post(g_sem_full);        sleep(rand() % 6);        g_ccount++;    }}


I'm provider 17556I'm consumer 17557produce 422607159produce 1647533622consume 422607159produce 1691926058consume 1647533622consume 1691926058 now emptyproduce 1198674947consume 1198674947 now emptyproduce 1643959313consume 1643959313 now emptyproduce 463976074produce 2118660340consume 463976074produce 1925818684produce 1318558585produce 1580507178 now fullconsume 2118660340consume 1925818684consume 1318558585consume 1580507178 now empty



在这些程序中都是使用sem_t这种POSIX信号量,另外还有一种System V的信号量。

Linux进程同步之System V 信号量

System V POSIX semctl() sem_getvalue() semget() sem_post() semop() sem_timedwait() sem_trywait() sem_wait() sem_destroy() sem_init() sem_close() sem_open() sem_unlink()