
来源:互联网 发布:fm调频发射器软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 09:58
import base64import randomimport tracebackfrom io import BytesIOimport refrom PIL import Imagefrom macaca import WebDriver, WebElementimport timefrom util.log import loggerdesired_caps = {    'platformName': 'Android',  # iOS, Android.    'deviceName': '69T7N1*********',    'platformVersion': '5.1.1',    'reuse': '3',  # 0: 启动并安装 app。1 (默认): 卸载并重装 app。 2: 仅重装 app。3: 在测试结束后保持 app 状态。    'package': '',  # zhifubao    # 'activity':''}phones = ['phone1', 'phone2', 'phone3']class ZhiFuBao(object):    def __init__(self):        self.server_url = {            'hostname': '',            'port': 3456        }        #输入法相应按键对应的坐标        self.keyboard = {'1': (300, 1200), '2': (550, 1200), '3': (800, 1200), '4': (300, 1350), '5': (550, 1350),                         '6': (800, 1350), '7': (300, 1500), '8': (550, 1500), '9': (800, 1500), '0': (550, 1700),                         'enter': (1000, 1700), 'finish': (1000, 1350)}        self.time_sleep = 2        self.driver = WebDriver(desired_caps, self.server_url)        self.driver.init()    def __enter__(self):        return self    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):        if exc_type:            print(traceback.format_exc())        print('over')    #头像处理,并以base64编码保存    def handle_img(self, driver=None):        img =        img2 = img.crop((370, 275, 710, 615))'icon.png')        with open('icon.png', 'rb') as f:            content =            base64encode = base64.b64encode(content)        return base64encode    def fun(self):        time.sleep(self.time_sleep)        # 点击右上角符号'+'        self.driver.touch('tap', {'x': 1000, 'y': 150})        time.sleep(self.time_sleep)        # 点击'添加朋友'        self.driver.touch('tap', {'x': 900, 'y': 400})        time.sleep(self.time_sleep)        # 点击‘支付宝账户/手机号/淘宝会员名’        self.driver.touch('tap', {'x': 173, 'y': 280})        for phone in phones:            time.sleep(self.time_sleep)            # 输入手机号            self.driver.touch('tap', {'x': self.keyboard['enter'][0], 'y': self.keyboard['enter'][1]})                      for num in phone:                x, y = self.keyboard[num]                self.driver.touch('tap', {'x': x, 'y': y})                time.sleep(random.random() / 10)            # 输入完成,点击完成            self.driver.touch('tap', {'x': self.keyboard['finish'][0], 'y': self.keyboard['finish'][1]})            time.sleep(self.time_sleep)            # 如果账户不存在            if'(账户|账号)不存在', self.driver.source):                print(phone, '账号不存在')                # 点击确定                self.driver.touch('tap', {'x': 800, 'y': 1050})                time.sleep(self.time_sleep)                # 点击右上方符号'X',清除号码                self.driver.wait_for_element('xpath',                                             '//*[@resource-id=""]',                                             timeout=60).touch('tap')                continue            # 点击显示更多            self.driver.wait_for_element('xpath',                                         '//*[@resource-id=""]').touch(                'tap')            time.sleep(self.time_sleep)            # 头像获取            icon = self.handle_img(self.driver)            # 获取名字            name = self.driver.element('xpath',                                       '//*[@resource-id=""]').text            # 获取左侧文本            left = self.driver.elements_by_id('')            left_text = [item.text for item in left]            # 获取右侧文本            right_text = list()            for item in self.driver.elements_by_id(''):                content_desc = item.get_property('content-desc')                # 是否已实名                if 'description' in content_desc:                    right_text.append(content_desc['description'])                else:                    right_text.append(content_desc['text'])            result = dict(zip(left_text, right_text))            result['name'] = name            result['icon'] = icon            print(result)            # 回退            self.driver.wait_for_element('xpath', '//*[@resource-id=""]',                                         timeout=60).touch('tap')            time.sleep(self.time_sleep)            # 点击右上方符号'X',清除号码            self.driver.wait_for_element('xpath', '//*[@resource-id=""]',                                         timeout=60).touch('tap')def crawl():    with ZhiFuBao() as zfb: __name__ == '__main__':    crawl()