
来源:互联网 发布:网络管理规章制度 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 11:05

一、normalizr 扁平化数据

保持状态扁平化 API 经常会返回嵌套资源。这在 Flux 或基于 Redux 的架构中处理起来会非常困难。我们推荐使用 normalizr 之类的库将数据进行扁平化处理,保持状态尽可能地扁平化。



  • 文章信息
  • 文字信息中包含 作者信息、评论。 article: users and comments
{  "id": "123",  "author": {    "id": "1",    "name": "Paul"  },  "title": "My awesome blog post",  "comments": [    {      "id": "324",      "commenter": {        "id": "2",        "name": "Nicole"      }    }  ]}


import { normalize, schema } from 'normalizr'; // Define a users schemaconst user = new schema.Entity('users'); // Define your comments schemaconst comment = new schema.Entity('comments', {  commenter: user}); // Define your article const article = new schema.Entity('articles', {   author: user,  comments: [ comment ]}); const normalizedData = normalize(originalData, article);


{  result: "123",  entities: {    "articles": {       "123": {         id: "123",        author: "1",        title: "My awesome blog post",        comments: [ "324" ]      }    },    "users": {      "1": { "id": "1", "name": "Paul" },      "2": { "id": "2", "name": "Nicole" }    },    "comments": {      "324": { id: "324", "commenter": "2" }    }  }}

real-word 中的schema定义如下:

调用API 返回的数据有:用户信息,用户数组、仓库信息、仓库数组

const userSchema = new schema.Entity('users', {}, {  idAttribute: user => user.login.toLowerCase()})const repoSchema = new schema.Entity('repos', {  owner: userSchema}, {  idAttribute: repo => repo.fullName.toLowerCase()})export const Schemas = {  USER: userSchema,  USER_ARRAY: [userSchema],  REPO: repoSchema,  REPO_ARRAY: [repoSchema]}




humps.camelize('hello_world') // 'helloWorld'humps.decamelize('fooBar') // 'foo_bar'humps.decamelize('fooBarBaz', { separator: '-' }) // 'foo-bar-baz'


var object = { attr_one: 'foo', attr_two: 'bar' }humps.camelizeKeys(object); // { attrOne: 'foo', attrTwo: 'bar' }


var array = [{ attr_one: 'foo' }, { attr_one: 'bar' }]humps.camelizeKeys(array); // [{ attrOne: 'foo' }, { attrOne: 'bar' }]


humps.camelizeKeys(obj, function (key, convert) {  return /^[A-Z0-9_]+$/.test(key) ? key : convert(key);});humps.decamelizeKeys(obj, function (key, convert, options) {  return /^[A-Z0-9_]+$/.test(key) ? key : convert(key, options);});


humps.decamelizeKeys(obj, {    separator: '-',    process: function (key, convert, options) {      return /^[A-Z0-9_]+$/.test(key) ? key : convert(key, options);    }});



humps.camelize('hello_world-foo bar') // 'helloWorldFooBar'


humps.pascalize('hello_world-foo bar') // 'HelloWorldFooBar' 

humps.decamelize(string, options)

humps.decamelize('helloWorldFooBar') // 'hello_world_foo_bar' humps.decamelize('helloWorldFooBar', { separator: '-' }) // 'hello-world-foo-bar' humps.decamelize('helloWorld1', { split: /(?=[A-Z0-9])/ }) // 'hello_world_1' 

三、realword action 和 state 变化


点击查询后 action 的调用顺序

@@INIT 初始化状态

entities:users:{} 0 keysrepos:{} 0 keyspagination:{} 2 keysstarredByUser:{} 0 keysstargazersByRepo:{} 0 keyserrorMessage:null

USER_REQUEST 请求github 用户信息

▶state:{} 3 keys▶entities:{} 2 keysusers:{} 0 keysrepos:{} 0 keys▶pagination:{} 2 keysstarredByUser:{} 0 keysstargazersByRepo:{} 0 keyserrorMessage:null

STARRED_REQUEST 请求github 用户标星信息

▶action:{} 1 keylogin:"csy512889371"▶state:{} 3 keys▶entities:{} 2 keysusers:{} 0 keysrepos:{} 0 keys▶pagination:{} 2 keys▶starredByUser:{} 1 key▶csy512889371:{} 4 keysisFetching:truenextPageUrl:undefinedpageCount:0ids:[] 0 itemsstargazersByRepo:{} 0 keyserrorMessage:null


▶action:{} 2 keyslogin:"csy512889371"▶response:{} 3 keys▶entities:{} 2 keys▶users:{} 12 keys▶repos:{} 13 keys▶result:[] 13 itemsnextPageUrl:null
▶state:{} 3 keys▶entities:{} 2 keys▶users:{} 12 keys▶repos:{} 13 keys▶pagination:{} 2 keys▶starredByUser:{} 1 key▶csy512889371:{} 4 keysisFetching:falsenextPageUrl:nullpageCount:1▶ids:[] 13 itemsstargazersByRepo:{} 0 keyserrorMessage:null


USER_SUCCESS▶action:{} 1 key▶response:{} 3 keys▶entities:{} 1 key▶users:{} 1 key`▶csy512889371:{} 30 keysresult:"csy512889371"nextPageUrl:null▶state:{} 3 keys▶entities:{} 2 keys▶users:{} 13 keys▶repos:{} 13 keys▶pagination:{} 2 keys▶starredByUser:{} 1 key▶csy512889371:{} 4 keysstargazersByRepo:{} 0 keyserrorMessage:null

API 代码解读

API 作为中间键使用

const configureStore = preloadedState => createStore(  rootReducer,  preloadedState,  applyMiddleware(thunk, api))

action :

Call APIendpoint"users/csy512889371"schemaEntitySchema {_key: "users", _getId: ƒ, _idAttribute: ƒ, _mergeStrategy: ƒ, _processStrategy: ƒ, …}types["USER_REQUEST", "USER_SUCCESS", "USER_FAILURE"]
export default store => next => action => {    //判断是否是 调用API 请求  const callAPI = action[CALL_API]  if (typeof callAPI === 'undefined') {    return next(action)  }  //获取 请求参数  let { endpoint } = callAPI  //schema 对请求返回数据做扁平化  //types :对应3个action。请求前、调用api失败:调用API成功  const { schema, types } = callAPI  //下面是对 endpoint 、shema 、types 参数做校验  if (typeof endpoint === 'function') {    endpoint = endpoint(store.getState())  }  if (typeof endpoint !== 'string') {    throw new Error('Specify a string endpoint URL.')  }  if (!schema) {    throw new Error('Specify one of the exported Schemas.')  }  if (!Array.isArray(types) || types.length !== 3) {    throw new Error('Expected an array of three action types.')  }  if (!types.every(type => typeof type === 'string')) {    throw new Error('Expected action types to be strings.')  }  //提取 types 中的3个action。 不同阶段调用不同action  const actionWith = data => {    const finalAction = Object.assign({}, action, data)    delete finalAction[CALL_API]    return finalAction  }  const [ requestType, successType, failureType ] = types    //调用请求前的action  next(actionWith({ type: requestType }))  //调用 callAPI 并设置回调,成功 、 失败  return callApi(endpoint, schema).then(    response => next(actionWith({      response,      type: successType    })),    error => next(actionWith({      type: failureType,      error: error.message || 'Something bad happened'    }))  )}

callApi 方法:

const callApi = (endpoint, schema) => {//获取url    const fullUrl = (endpoint.indexOf(API_ROOT) === -1) ? API_ROOT + endpoint : endpoint//调用 post请求    return fetch(fullUrl)        .then(response =>            response.json().then(json => {//失败                if (!response.ok) {                    return Promise.reject(json)                }                const camelizedJson = camelizeKeys(json)                const nextPageUrl = getNextPageUrl(response)//成功                return Object.assign({},                    normalize(camelizedJson, schema),                    { nextPageUrl }                )            })        )}