实验二 预测分析算法的设计与实现

来源:互联网 发布:mac壁纸2560x1600 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 16:53

实验二 预测分析算法的设计与实现
1. 参考数据结构
typedef struct{
char formula[200];//产生式
grammarElement gramOldSet[200];//原始文法的产生式集
char terSymbol[200];//终结符号
char non_ter[200];//非终结符号
char allSymbol[400];//所有符号
char firstSET[100][100];//各产生式右部的FIRST集
char followSET[100][100];//各产生式左部的FOLLOW集
int M[200][200];//分析表
2. 判断文法的左递归性,将左递归文法转换成非左递归文法。(该步骤可以省略,直接输入非左递归文法)。
(1)/求 First 集的算法/
if X为终结符(XÎ )
if 产生式右部第一个字符为终结符或空(即X®a(aÎ )或X®e)
then 把a或e加进FIRST(X)
if 产生式右部第一个字符为非终结符 then
if产生式右部的第一个符号等于当前字符 then
if 当前非终结符还没有求其FIRST集 then
if 当前产生式右部符号可推出空字且当前字符不是右部的最后一个字符
then 获取右部符号下一个字符在所有字符集中的位置
if 此字符的FIRST集还未查找 then
if 当前右部符号串可推出空且是右部符号串的最后一个字符(即产生式为X® ,若对一切1£ i£ k,均有e ÎFIRST( ),则将eÎ符号加进FIRST(X)) then 把空字加入到当前字符X的FIRST集
(2)/求 FOLLOW 集的算法/
if X为开始符号 then # ÞFOLLOW(X)
if X在产生式右部的最后(形如产生式A®aX) then
if 非终结符A已经求过其FOLLOW集 then
else if X不在产生式右部的最后(A®aBb) then
if 右部X后面的符号串b能推出空字e then
if 已求过b的FOLLOW集 then
else if b不能推出空字 then
求 FIRST(b)
//在AÎ 所在行,aÎ 所在列, M[A,a]的填写方法如下:
if (A®dÎP and aÎFIRST(d) ) do
if (dÞ*e(eÎFIRST(d)) and aÎFOLLOW(A)) do
else do M[A,a]=‘ERR’.



程序代码 :

#include "stdio.h"#include "stdlib.h"#define MaxRuleNum 8#define MaxVnNum 5#define MaxVtNum 5#define MaxStackDepth 20#define MaxPLength 20#define MaxStLength 50struct pRNode /* 产生式右部结构 */{ int rCursor; struct pRNode *next;};struct pNode{ int lCursor; int rLength; /* 右部长度 */ struct pRNode *rHead; /* 右部结点头指针 */};char Vn[MaxVnNum + 1]; /* 非终结符集 */int vnNum;char Vt[MaxVtNum + 1]; /* 终结符集 */int vtNum;struct pNode P[MaxRuleNum];int PNum;char buffer[MaxPLength + 1];char ch;char st[MaxStLength]; /* 要分析的符号串 */struct collectNode{ int nVt;  struct collectNode *next;};struct collectNode* first[MaxVnNum + 1]; /*first 集*/struct collectNode* follow[MaxVnNum + 1]; /*follow 集*/int analyseTable[MaxVnNum + 1][MaxVtNum + 1 + 1];int analyseStack[MaxStackDepth + 1]; /* 分析栈 */int topAnalyse; /* 分析栈顶 */void Init();/* 初始化 */int IndexCh(char ch);void InputVt(); /* 输入终结符 */void InputVn();/* 输入非终结符 */void ShowChArray(char* collect, int num);/* 输出 Vn 或 Vt 的内容 */void InputP();/* 产生式输入 */bool CheckP(char * st);/* 判断产生式正确性 */void First(int U);void AddFirst(int U, int nCh); /* 加入 first 集*/bool HaveEmpty(int nVn);void Follow(int V);/* 计算 follow 集*/void AddFollow(int V, int nCh, int kind);void ShowCollect(struct collectNode **collect);/* 输出 first 或 follow集*/void FirstFollow();/* 计算 first 和 follow*/void CreateAT();/* 构造预测分析表 */void ShowAT();/* 输出分析表 */void Identify(char *st);void InitStack();void ShowStack();void Pop();void Push(int r);int main(){ char todo,ch; Init(); InputVn();  InputVt(); InputP(); getchar(); FirstFollow(); printf(" 所得 first 集为: "); ShowCollect(first); printf(" 所得 follow 集为: "); ShowCollect(follow); CreateAT(); ShowAT(); todo = 'y'; while('y' == todo) { printf("\n 是否继续进行句型分析? (y / n):"); todo = getchar(); while('y' != todo && 'n' != todo) { printf("\n(y / n)? "); todo = getchar(); } if('y' == todo) { int i; InitStack(); printf(" 请输入符号串 ( 以#结束 ) : "); ch = getchar(); i = 0; while('#' != ch && i < MaxStLength) { if(' ' != ch && '\n' != ch) { st[i++] = ch; } ch = getchar(); } if('#' == ch && i < MaxStLength) { st[i] = ch;  Identify(st); } else printf(" 输入出错! \n"); } } getchar();}void Init(){ int i,j; vnNum = 0; vtNum = 0; PNum = 0; for(i = 0; i <= MaxVnNum; i++) Vn[i] = '\0'; for(i = 0; i <= MaxVtNum; i++) Vt[i] = '\0'; for(i = 0; i < MaxRuleNum; i++) { P[i].lCursor = NULL; P[i].rHead = NULL; P[i].rLength = 0; } PNum = 0; for(i = 0; i <= MaxPLength; i++) buffer[i] = '\0'; for(i = 0; i < MaxVnNum; i++) { first[i] = NULL; follow[i] = NULL; } for(i = 0; i <= MaxVnNum; i++) { for(j = 0; j <= MaxVnNum + 1; j++) analyseTable[i][j] = -1; } }int IndexCh(char ch){ int n; n = 0; /*is Vn?*/ while(ch != Vn[n] && '\0' != Vn[n]) n++; if('\0' != Vn[n]) return 100 + n; n = 0; /*is Vt?*/ while(ch != Vt[n] && '\0' != Vt[n]) n++; if('\0' != Vt[n]) return n; return -1;}/* 输出 Vn 或 Vt 的内容 */void ShowChArray(char* collect){ int k = 0; while('\0' != collect[k]) { printf(" %c ", collect[k++]); } printf("\n");}/* 输入非终结符 */void InputVn(){ int inErr = 1; int n,k; char ch; while(inErr) { printf("\n 请输入所有的非终结符,注意: "); printf(" 请将开始符放在第一位,并以 #号结束 :\n"); ch = ' ';  n = 0; /* 初始化数组 */ while(n < MaxVnNum) { Vn[n++] = '\0'; } n = 0; while(('#' != ch) && (n < MaxVnNum)) { if(' ' != ch && '\n' != ch && -1 == IndexCh(ch)) { Vn[n++] = ch; vnNum++; } ch = getchar(); } Vn[n] = '#'; /* 以"#" 标志结束用于判断长度是否合法 */ k = n; if('#' != ch) { if( '#' != (ch = getchar())) { while('#' != (ch = getchar())) ; printf("\n 符号数目超过限制! \n"); inErr = 1; continue; } } /* 正确性确认,正确则,执行下下面,否则重新输入 */ Vn[k] = '\0'; ShowChArray(Vn); ch = ' '; while('y' != ch && 'n' != ch) { if('\n' != ch) { printf(" 输入正确确认 ?(y/n):");  } scanf("%c", &ch); } if('n' == ch) { printf(" 录入错误重新输入! \n"); inErr = 1; } else { inErr = 0; } }}/* 输入终结符 */void InputVt(){ int inErr = 1; int n,k; char ch; while(inErr) { printf("\n 请输入所有的终结符,注意: "); printf(" 以#号结束 :\n"); ch = ' '; n = 0; /* 初始化数组 */ while(n < MaxVtNum) { Vt[n++] = '\0'; } n = 0; while(('#' != ch) && (n < MaxVtNum)) { if(' ' != ch && '\n' != ch && -1 == IndexCh(ch)) { Vt[n++] = ch; vtNum++;  } ch = getchar(); } Vt[n] = '#'; k = n; if('#' != ch) { if( '#' != (ch = getchar())) { while('#' != (ch = getchar())) ; printf("\n 符号数目超过限制! \n"); inErr = 1; continue; } } Vt[k] = '\0'; ShowChArray(Vt); ch = ' '; while('y' != ch && 'n' != ch) { if('\n' != ch) { printf(" 输入正确确认 ?(y/n):"); } scanf("%c", &ch); } if('n' == ch) { printf(" 录入错误重新输入! \n"); inErr = 1; } else { inErr = 0; } }} /* 产生式输入 */void InputP(){ char ch; int i = 0, n,num; printf(" 请输入文法产生式的个数: "); scanf("%d", &num); PNum = num; getchar(); /* 消除回车符 */ printf("\n 请输入文法的 %d个产生式 , 并以回车分隔每个产生式: ", num); printf("\n"); while(i < num) { printf(" 第%d 个: ", i); /* 初始化 */ for(n =0; n < MaxPLength; n++) buffer[n] = '\0'; /* 输入产生式串 */ ch = ' '; n = 0; while('\n' != (ch = getchar()) && n < MaxPLength) { if(' ' != ch) buffer[n++] = ch; } buffer[n] = '\0'; if(CheckP(buffer)) { pRNode *pt, *qt; P[i].lCursor = IndexCh(buffer[0]); pt = (pRNode*)malloc(sizeof(pRNode)); pt->rCursor = IndexCh(buffer[3]); pt->next = NULL; P[i].rHead = pt; n = 4; while('\0' != buffer[n]) {  qt = (pRNode*)malloc(sizeof(pRNode)); qt->rCursor = IndexCh(buffer[n]); qt->next = NULL; pt->next = qt; pt = qt; n++; } P[i].rLength = n - 3; i++; } else printf(" 输入符号含非法在成分,请重新输入! \n"); }}/* 判断产生式正确性 */bool CheckP(char * st){ int n; if(100 > IndexCh(st[0])) return false; if('-' != st[1]) return false; if('>' != st[2]) return false; for(n = 3; '\0' != st[n]; n ++) { if(-1 == IndexCh(st[n])) return false; } return true;}void First(int U){ int i,j; for(i = 0; i < PNum; i++) { if(P[i].lCursor == U)  { struct pRNode* pt; pt = P[i].rHead; j = 0; while(j < P[i].rLength) { if(100 > pt->rCursor) { AddFirst(U, pt->rCursor); break; } else { if(NULL == first[pt->rCursor - 100]) { First(pt->rCursor); } AddFirst(U, pt->rCursor); if(!HaveEmpty(pt->rCursor)) { break; } else { pt = pt->next; } } j++; } if(j >= P[i].rLength) /* 当产生式右部都能推出空时 */ AddFirst(U, -1); } }}/* 加入 first 集*/void AddFirst(int U, int nCh){ struct collectNode *pt, *qt;  int ch; /* 用于处理 Vn*/ pt = NULL; qt = NULL; if(nCh < 100) { pt = first[U - 100]; while(NULL != pt) { if(pt->nVt == nCh) break; else { qt = pt; pt = pt->next; } } if(NULL == pt) { pt = (struct collectNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct collectNode)); pt->nVt = nCh; pt->next = NULL; if(NULL == first[U - 100]) { first[U - 100] = pt; } else { qt->next = pt; /*qt 指向 first 集的最后一个元素 */ } pt = pt->next; } } else { pt = first[nCh - 100]; while(NULL != pt) { ch = pt->nVt;  if(-1 != ch) { AddFirst(U, ch); } pt = pt->next; } }}bool HaveEmpty(int nVn){ if(nVn < 100) return false; struct collectNode *pt; pt = first[nVn - 100]; while(NULL != pt) { if(-1 == pt->nVt) return true; pt = pt->next; } return false;}void Follow(int V){ int i; struct pRNode *pt ; if(100 == V) /* 当为初始符时 */ AddFollow(V, -1, 0 ); for(i = 0; i < PNum; i++) { pt = P[i].rHead; while(NULL != pt && pt->rCursor != V) pt = pt->next; if(NULL != pt) { pt = pt->next;  if(NULL == pt) { if(NULL == follow[P[i].lCursor - 100] && P[i].lCursor != V) { Follow(P[i].lCursor); } AddFollow(V, P[i].lCursor, 0); } else { while(NULL != pt && HaveEmpty(pt->rCursor)) { AddFollow(V, pt->rCursor, 1); pt = pt->next; } if(NULL == pt) { if(NULL == follow[P[i].lCursor - 100] && P[i].lCursor != V) { Follow(P[i].lCursor); } AddFollow(V, P[i].lCursor, 0); } else { AddFollow(V, pt->rCursor, 1); } } } }}void AddFollow(int V, int nCh, int kind){ struct collectNode *pt, *qt; int ch; pt = NULL; qt = NULL;  if(nCh < 100) /* 为终结符时 */ { pt = follow[V - 100]; while(NULL != pt) { if(pt->nVt == nCh) break; else { qt = pt; pt = pt->next; } } if(NULL == pt) { pt = (struct collectNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct collectNode)); pt->nVt = nCh; pt->next = NULL; if(NULL == follow[V - 100]) { follow[V - 100] = pt; } else { qt->next = pt; /*qt 指向 follow 集的最后一个元素 */ } pt = pt->next; } } else { if(0 == kind) { pt = follow[nCh - 100]; while(NULL != pt) { ch = pt->nVt; AddFollow(V, ch, 0);  pt = pt->next; } } else { pt = first[nCh - 100]; while(NULL != pt) { ch = pt->nVt; if(-1 != ch) { AddFollow(V, ch, 1); } pt = pt->next; } } }}/* 输出 first 或 follow 集*/void ShowCollect(struct collectNode **collect){ int i; struct collectNode *pt; i = 0; while(NULL != collect[i]) { pt = collect[i]; printf("\n%c:\t", Vn[i]); while(NULL != pt) { if(-1 != pt->nVt) { printf(" %c", Vt[pt->nVt]); } else printf(" #"); pt = pt->next; }  i++; } printf("\n");}/* 计算 first 和 follow*/void FirstFollow(){ int i; i = 0; while('\0' != Vn[i]) { if(NULL == first[i]) First(100 + i); i++; } i = 0; while('\0' != Vn[i]) { if(NULL == follow[i]) Follow(100 + i); i++; }}/* 构造预测分析表 */void CreateAT(){ int i; struct pRNode *pt; struct collectNode *ct; for(i = 0; i < PNum; i++) { pt = P[i].rHead; while(NULL != pt && HaveEmpty(pt->rCursor)) { ct = first[pt->rCursor - 100]; while(NULL != ct) { if(-1 != ct->nVt)  analyseTable[P[i].lCursor - 100][ct->nVt] = i; ct = ct->next; } pt = pt->next; } if(NULL == pt) { ct = follow[P[i].lCursor - 100]; while(NULL != ct) { if(-1 != ct->nVt) analyseTable[P[i].lCursor - 100][ct->nVt] = i; else analyseTable[P[i].lCursor - 100][vtNum] = i; ct = ct->next; } } else { if(100 <= pt->rCursor) /* 不含空的非终结符 */ { ct = first[pt->rCursor - 100]; while(NULL != ct) { analyseTable[P[i].lCursor - 100][ct->nVt] = i; ct = ct->next; } } else /* 终结符或者空 */ { if(-1 == pt->rCursor) { ct = follow[P[i].lCursor - 100]; while(NULL != ct) { if(-1 != ct->nVt) analyseTable[P[i].lCursor - 100][ct->nVt] = i; else /* 当含有 # 号时 */  analyseTable[P[i].lCursor - 100][vtNum] = i; ct = ct->next; } } else /* 为终结符 */ { analyseTable[P[i].lCursor - 100][pt->rCursor] = i; } } } }}/* 输出分析表 */void ShowAT(){ int i,j; printf(" 构造预测分析表如下: \n"); printf("\t|\t"); for(i = 0; i < vtNum; i++) { printf("%c\t", Vt[i]); } printf("#\t\n"); printf("- - -\t|- - -\t"); for(i = 0; i <= vtNum; i++) printf("- - -\t"); printf("\n"); for(i = 0; i < vnNum; i++) { printf("%c\t|\t", Vn[i]); for(j = 0; j <= vtNum; j++) { if(-1 != analyseTable[i][j]) printf("R(%d)\t", analyseTable[i][j]); else printf("error\t"); }  printf("\n"); }}void Identify(char *st){ int current,step,r; /*r 表使用的产生式的序号 */ printf("\n%s 的分析过程: \n", st); printf(" 步骤 \t 分析符号栈 \t 当前指示字符 \t 使用产生式序号 \n"); step = 0; current = 0; printf("%d\t",step); ShowStack(); printf("\t\t%c\t\t- -\n", st[current]); while('#' != st[current]) { if(100 > analyseStack[topAnalyse]) { if(analyseStack[topAnalyse] == IndexCh(st[current])) { Pop(); current++; step++; printf("%d\t", step); ShowStack(); printf("\t\t%c\t\t 出栈、后移 \n", st[current]); } else { printf("%c-%c 不匹配! ", analyseStack[topAnalyse], st[current]); printf(" 此串不是此文法的句子! \n"); return; } } else /* 当为非终结符时 */ { r = analyseTable[analyseStack[topAnalyse] -100][IndexCh(st[current])];  if(-1 != r) { Push(r); step++; printf("%d\t", step); ShowStack(); printf("\t\t%c\t\t%d\n", st[current], r); } else { printf(" 此串不是此文法的句子! \n"); return; } } } if('#' == st[current]) { if(0 == topAnalyse && '#' == st[current]) { step++; printf("%d\t", step); ShowStack(); printf("\t\t%c\t\t 分析成功! \n", st[current]); printf("%s 是给定文法的句子! \n", st); } else { while(topAnalyse > 0) { if(100 > analyseStack[topAnalyse]) { printf(" 此串不是此文法的句子! \n"); return; } else { r = analyseTable[analyseStack[topAnalyse] - 100][vtNum]; if(-1 != r)  { Push(r); /* 产生式右部代替左部,指示器不移动 */ step++; printf("%d\t", step); ShowStack(); if(0 == topAnalyse && '#' == st[current]) { printf("\t\t%c\t\t 分析成功! \n", st[current]); printf("%s 是给定文法的句子! \n", st); } else printf("\t\t%c\t\t%d\n", st[current], r); } else { printf(" 此串不是此文法的句子! \n"); return; } } } } }}/* 初始化栈及符号串 */void InitStack(){ int i; /* 分析栈的初始化 */ for(i = 0; i < MaxStLength; i++) st[i] = '\0'; analyseStack[0] = -1; /*#(-1) 入栈 */ analyseStack[1] = 100; /* 初始符入栈 */ topAnalyse = 1;}/* 显示符号栈中内容 */void ShowStack(){ int i;  for(i = 0; i <= topAnalyse; i++) { if(100 <= analyseStack[i]) printf("%c", Vn[analyseStack[i] - 100]); else { if(-1 != analyseStack[i]) printf("%c", Vt[analyseStack[i]]); else printf("#"); } }}/* 栈顶出栈 */void Pop(){ topAnalyse--;}void Push(int r){ int i; struct pRNode *pt; Pop(); pt = P[r].rHead; if(-1 == pt->rCursor) return; topAnalyse += P[r].rLength; for(i = 0; i < P[r].rLength; i++) { analyseStack[topAnalyse - i] = pt->rCursor;/* 逆序入栈 */ pt = pt->next; }} 
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