Gym 101612LLittle Difference

来源:互联网 发布:安森垚 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 23:06

Problem L. Little Difference

Input file:
Time limit: 3 seconds
Output file: little.out
Memory limit: 512 megabytes

Little Lidia likes playing with numbers. Today she has a positive integer n, and she wants to decompose
it to the product of positive integers.

Because Lidia is little, she likes to play with numbers with little difference. So, all numbers in
decomposition should differ by at most one. And of course, the product of all numbers in the
decomposition must be equal to n. She considers two decompositions the same if and only if they
have the same number of integers and there is a permutation that transforms the first one to the second

Write a program that finds all decompositions, which little Lidia can play with today.

The only line of the input contains a single integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 1018).

In first line output the number of decompositions of n, or −1 if this number is infinite. If number
of decompositions is finite, print all of them one per line. In each line first print number ki of
elements in decomposition. Then print ki integers in this decomposition in any order. Don’t forget that decompositions which are different only in order of elements are considered the same.

1 12
3 2 3
2 2 4 3


In the second example 1 can be represented as product of any number of ones.


题意大概是这个意思:将一个数分解,分解出的每个因子之间差值都不超过1,如果因子有无限个(比如带1),打印-1,否则打印出所有可能,每种可能 打印出的各个数大小任意排列。

#include <iostream>#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;typedef long long ll;const int maxn = 1e5+7;vector<ll>vec[maxn];//特判2的倍数一定是-1int  check(ll n){    while(n>1)    {        if(n&1)return 1;        n>>=1;    }    return 0;}int top ;void solve(ll nn){     vec[++top].push_back(nn);     for(ll i=2;i*i*i<=nn;i++)     {         ll n =nn;         vector<ll>o;         if(n%i==0)//判重,例如27判定时会用到         {             while(n%i==0)             {                 n/=i;                 o.push_back(i);             }             while(n%(i+1)==0)             {                  n/=(i+1);                   o.push_back(i+1);             }             if(n==1)//否则不满足任意两个因子差值为1                vec[++top] =o;         }     }     //特判两个数的情况     ll u = sqrt(nn);     if(u*u==nn)     {         vec[++top].push_back(u);         vec[top].push_back(u);     }     else if(u*(u+1)==nn)     {          vec[++top].push_back(u+1);         vec[top].push_back(u);     }     else if((u+1)*(u+1)==nn)     {             vec[++top].push_back(u+1);         vec[top].push_back(u+1);     }}int main(){//    freopen("","r",stdin);//    freopen("little.out","w",stdout);    long long n,m;    long long i;   scanf("%lld",&n);   if(n==1||!check(n))   {       printf("-1\n");   }   else   {       top = 0;        solve(n);       printf("%d\n",top);       for(int i=1;i<=top;i++)       {           printf("%d",(int)vec[i].size());           for(int j=0;j<vec[i].size();j++)           {               printf(" %lld",vec[i][j]);           }           printf("\n");       }   }    return 0;}