PHP 使用 ramsey-uuid 生成UUID笔记

来源:互联网 发布:五官立体知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 00:48
今天项目中,想随机一个唯一id,想到php的 uniqid(),或者是其他方式生成一个唯一id。这种场景其实是很多的,但是也想不起之前是怎么写的,哪里写的,就看看laravel有没有依赖包,上网一搜,发现了这个:ramsey/uuidgithub地址:官网地址:看来,作者应该有不少项目,没看,记录下,有时间了看!搜索一下,就大概了解了些,这里简单介绍下:ramsey/uuid,支持PHP5.4+,用于生成RFC 4122描述的 1,3,4,5 这几类的UUID(应该是这个,没看。。。)安装:composer require ramsey/uuid我这边安装完后,提示:ramsey/uuid suggests installing ircmaxell/random-lib (Provides RandomLib for use with the RandomLibAdapter)ramsey/uuid suggests installing ext-libsodium (Provides the PECL libsodium extension for use with the SodiumRandomGenerator)ramsey/uuid suggests installing ext-uuid (Provides the PECL UUID extension for use with the PeclUuidTimeGenerator and PeclUuidRandomGenerator)ramsey/uuid suggests installing moontoast/math (Provides support for converting UUID to 128-bit integer (in string form).)ramsey/uuid suggests installing ramsey/uuid-doctrine (Allows the use of Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid as Doctrine field type.)ramsey/uuid suggests installing ramsey/uuid-console (A console application for generating UUIDs with ramsey/uuid)不同的场景,可能还需安装不同的依赖包!作者在文档中提到了一个 'API文档',ramsey/uuid,使用了 'ApiGen' 来生成API文档(作者又给我们介绍了一个PHP依赖包,看我们以后会不会用上)使用方法:use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;use Ramsey\Uuid\Exception\UnsatisfiedDependencyException;try {    // Generate a version 1 (time-based) UUID object    $uuid1 = Uuid::uuid1();    echo $uuid1->toString() . "\n"; // i.e. e4eaaaf2-d142-11e1-b3e4-080027620cdd    // Generate a version 3 (name-based and hashed with MD5) UUID object    $uuid3 = Uuid::uuid3(Uuid::NAMESPACE_DNS, '');    echo $uuid3->toString() . "\n"; // i.e. 11a38b9a-b3da-360f-9353-a5a725514269    // Generate a version 4 (random) UUID object    $uuid4 = Uuid::uuid4();    echo $uuid4->toString() . "\n"; // i.e. 25769c6c-d34d-4bfe-ba98-e0ee856f3e7a    // Generate a version 5 (name-based and hashed with SHA1) UUID object    $uuid5 = Uuid::uuid5(Uuid::NAMESPACE_DNS, '');    echo $uuid5->toString() . "\n"; // i.e. c4a760a8-dbcf-5254-a0d9-6a4474bd1b62    } catch (UnsatisfiedDependencyException $e) {        // Some dependency was not met. Either the method cannot be called on a    // 32-bit system, or it can, but it relies on Moontoast\Math to be present.    echo 'Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n";}分享2篇文章:有点应付啊!有时间了再细看文档、源码,再总结!先知道有这个就行!
