
来源:互联网 发布:网络结构七层 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 00:09






function WL = weakLearner(w, TrainData, label)% input: w - Sample Weight%        TrainData - data to be classified%        label - the class label of TrainData% output: WL - 结构体,保存弱分类器向量相关信息%               WL.[m n] = size(TrainData);% search the best discriminative feature exhaustlypInd = (label == 1); % 正例的索引nInd = (label == -1); % 反例的索引for iFeature = 1:n    % 以正例和反例在iFeature特征那一维上的均值作为分类域值    pMean = pInd' * TrainData(:, iFeature) / sum(pInd); % 正例的均值(与trainData的每一列相乘)    nMean = nInd' * TrainData(:, iFeature) / sum(nInd); % 反例的均值    thres(iFeature) = (pMean + nMean) / 2; % 在iFeature那一维特征上的分类阈值    nRes = TrainData(:, iFeature) >= thres(iFeature);    pRes = TrainData(:, iFeature) < thres(iFeature);    nRes = -1 * nRes;    res = pRes + nRes;    error(iFeature) = w * ( label ~=  res);end[val, ind] = max(abs(error-0.5))if error(ind) > 0.5    % 应当将分类器反向判别    error(ind) = 1 - error(ind);    WL.direction = -1;else    WL.direction = 1;endWL.iFeature = ind;%WL struct包含direction,IFeature,error,threshold。WL.error = error(ind);WL.thres = thres(ind);


function CABoosted = adaBoost( TrainData, label, nIter )% Training : boosting the weak classifiers% Input: %       TrainData - 训练数据%       label - 类标签%       nIter - 弱分类器个数pInd = find(label == 1);nInd = find(label == -1);nP = length(pInd);nN = length(nInd);% 初始化权重向量,让正例和反例各自计算权重可以保证每次分类时都考虑正例和反例的贡献% 否则如果正例远远大于反例,反例w比例太小,数量又少,其作用(贡献、代价)的不到体现w(pInd) = 1 / (2 * nP);w(nInd) = 1 / (2 * nN);%w = ones(1, (nP + nN));%w = w/ sum(w);eps = 0.001;%eps = 0;% 建立nIter个弱分类器分量,组成一个强分类器for iIt = 1:nIter    % 归一化 w    w = w / sum(w);%     if(mod(iIt,10)==0)%         disp([iIt,nIter]);%     end    WL = weakLearner(w,TrainData,label);    CABoosted{iIt}.classifier = WL;%     beta(iIt) = WL.error / (1 - WL.error);%     alfa(iIt) = log( 1 / (beta(iIt) + eps) );    nRes = TrainData(:, WL.iFeature) >= WL.thres;    pRes = TrainData(:, WL.iFeature) < WL.thres;    nRes = -1 * nRes;    res = pRes + nRes;    if WL.direction == -1        res = -1 * res;    end%    w = w .* exp( log(beta(iIt) + eps) * ( 1-(res~=label) ) )'; % 更新w ?????   alfa(iIt) = (1/2) * log( (1-WL.error) / (WL.error + eps) );    w = w .* exp( -alfa(iIt) * (label .* res) )';    CABoosted{iIt}.alfa = alfa(iIt);        if WL.error < eps        break;    endend


function [classLabel, sum] = adaBoostClassify( Data, CABoosted )% Input:%      Data - 待分类数据矩阵,每行一个样本%      CABoosted - CellArray 类型,记录着每个若分类器的相关信息% Output:%      classLabel - Data的类标号%      sum - 可以作为分类置信度信息[m n] = size(Data);sum = zeros(m, 1);nWL = length(CABoosted);for iWL = 1:nWL    WL = CABoosted{iWL}.classifier;    alfa = CABoosted{iWL}.alfa;    pRes = Data(:, WL.iFeature) >= WL.thres;    nRes = Data(:, WL.iFeature) < WL.thres;    nRes = -1 * nRes;    res = pRes + nRes;    if WL.direction == -1        res = -1 * res;    end    sum = sum + alfa * res;endclassLabel =  ones(m, 1);ind = find(sum >= 0);classLabel(ind) = -1;