关于在写linux driver时的ERESTARTSYS的作用

来源:互联网 发布:李炎恢javascript下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 18:31
使用sigaction 系统API,进程能够安排与信号相关的重新执行行为。这些都是POSIX所规定的。可以看看APUE中的sigaction函数说明。
在linux kernel中,当一个驱动或其它模块阻塞在一个系统调用的上下文中,探测到一个task己经被一个信号唤醒,它会返回-EINTR。但-EINTR将向上冒泡般传递到用户空间,并导致这个系统调用返回-1,errno被设置为EINTR。

这里大家也许己经有疑问了,相同的参数,这不会出问题吗?的确,在某些系统调用中,这的确是会出问题的,比如:你执行系统调用nanosleep, 睡眠5.3秒,结果睡了5秒后,被 一个信号中断了,当信号处理结束返回时,就不能简单的继续执行nanosleep睡5.3秒,这时应该睡0.3秒,也就是说,这个参数需要改变。有一个方法做这个:你修改一个不同的参数在task的restart block上,然后用ERESTART_RESTARTBLOCK做返回值。

Consider the following:

Global variable :

wait_queue_head_t my_wait_q_head;
int read_avail = 0;

device_init() :



printk("I'm inside driver read!\n");
wait_event_interruptible(&my_wait_q_head, read_avail != 0);
printk("I'm awaken!\n");


read_avail = 1;

When I call the read() from user space, the command prompt hang until I call the write() as expected. The printk messages appear accordingly as well in dmesg. However, I'm seeing some of the drivers written like this :

Another version of device_read():

printk("I'm inside driver read!\n");
if(wait_event_interruptible(&my_wait_q_head, read_avail != 0))    
{return -ERESTARTSYS;}
printk("I'm awaken!\n");
I tested the second version of device_read() using the same method in user space, and the result is exactly the same, so, what's the use of ERESTARTSYS?

what's the difference? Why not just write the read routine without checking the return value and returning -ERESTARTSYS? Well, because that is incorrect in the case that the wakeup is due to a signal! Do you want a read to return 0 bytes read whenever a signal arrives? That could be misinterpreted by user space as end of data. This kind of problem won't show up in test cases that don't use signals.