5. ROS编程入门--航迹推算(dead reckoning)

来源:互联网 发布:螺栓连接计算软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 09:35


这篇教程主要是测量机器人的里程计误差的,让机器人重复的走固定的路线,在这里我让机器人走正方形,比较机器人的起始位置(理想状态是重合的) 以及 局部里程计(机器人自身测算得)和全局里程计的的位置(定位系统)。



DeadReckoning(航迹推算) 算法在 NodeDeadReckoningI 类中实现,在你发送指令之前,你需要知道机器人在局部里程计和全局里程计的位置。两个位置都知道后才能运动。在 NodeDeadReckoning 类里面需要需要两个变量 (globalOdomReceived and localOdomReceived)来判断是否接收到位置信息。
通过PID控制机器人直走多少米,转弯多少度,PID控制的反馈数据来源私有程计(local odometry:机器人自带).









将系统1(local 里程计)坐标变换到系统0(global 里程计)下:
(x0 y0)=(cosθsinθsinθcosθ)(x1y1)





catkin_create_pkg dem_dead_reckoning roscpp rospy std_msgs
跳转到新产生的目录dem_dead_reckoning 下面,创建文件:

  • include/node_deadReckoningI.h
  • src/node_deadReckoningI.cpp


  • src/deadReckoningI.cpp


  • src/myPoint.cpp
  • src/node_pid.cpp
  • src/pid.cpp
  • include/myPoint.h
  • include/node_pid.h

修改CMakeLists.txt,添加下面内容 :

set (SRCS1 ${SRCS1} src/myPoint.cpp)set (SRCS1 ${SRCS1} src/node_pid.cpp)set (SRCS1 ${SRCS1} src/pid.cpp)set (SRCS2 ${SRCS2} src/node_deadReckoningI.cpp)set (SRCS2 ${SRCS2} src/deadReckoningI.cpp)include_directories(include ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS})add_executable(cmd ${SRCS1})target_link_libraries(cmd ${catkin_LIBRARIES})add_executable(deadReckoningReg ${SRCS2})target_link_libraries(deadReckoningReg ${catkin_LIBRARIES})

Code: node_deadReckoningI.h

#include "ros/ros.h"#include "nav_msgs/Odometry.h"#include <string>using namespace std;class NodeDeadReckoningI{public:  /* Constructor   * pub Publisher, which can send commands to robot.   * fw  Variable, which will be stored in forward.   * an  Variable, which will be stored in angle.   * num Variable, which will be stored in numberOfTrips.   */  NodeDeadReckoningI(int num, double fw, double an);  ~NodeDeadReckoningI();  /* This method receives global odometry data.   * If #evaluate = false, than this method processes   * start position.   * If #evaluate = true, than this method processes   * end position and start method evaluateResults()   *    * msg   Message with global odometry data   */  void messageCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& msg);  /* This method is similar to messageCallback,   * but receives local odometry data.   *   * msg   Message with local odometry data.   */  void messageCallback2(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& msg);  /* This method controls movement of robot (Trips forward   * and turn around by using PID controller).   */  void commander();  /* Evaluate difference between start and end   * position in global odometry and compare   * global with local odometry.   */  void evaluateResults();  //variables  double forward;     // Distance to go forward  double angle;       // Angle to turn around  int numberOfTrips;  // How many times will robot go forward and turn.  //Initial position (Loc - local odometry)  geometry_msgs::Point start;  double startAngle;  geometry_msgs::Point startLoc;  double startLocAngle;  //Final position (Loc - local odometry)  geometry_msgs::Point end;  double endAngle;  geometry_msgs::Point endLoc;   double endLocAngle;  bool evaluate; // True if robot finished its trajectory  bool localOdomReceived;  // True, if local odometry is received  bool globalOdomReceived; // True, if global odometry is received};

Code: node_deadReckoningI.cpp

#include "node_deadReckoningI.h"#include <cstdlib>#define PI 3.141592654//Constructor and destructorNodeDeadReckoningI::NodeDeadReckoningI(int num, double fw, double an){  numberOfTrips = num;  forward = fw;  angle = an;}NodeDeadReckoningI::~NodeDeadReckoningI(){}//Subscribervoid NodeDeadReckoningI::messageCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& msg){  if (globalOdomReceived == false && evaluate == false)  {    globalOdomReceived = true;    start = msg->pose.pose.position;    startAngle = 2.0*asin(msg->pose.pose.orientation.z);    if (localOdomReceived == true)    {      commander();    }  }  else if (evaluate)  {    globalOdomReceived = true;    end = msg->pose.pose.position;    endAngle = 2.0*asin(msg->pose.pose.orientation.z);    if (localOdomReceived == true)    {      evaluateResults();    }  }}//Subscribervoid NodeDeadReckoningI::messageCallback2(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& msg){  if (localOdomReceived == false && evaluate == false)  {    localOdomReceived = true;    startLoc = msg->pose.pose.position;    startLocAngle = 2.0*asin(msg->pose.pose.orientation.z);    if (globalOdomReceived == true)    {      commander();    }  }  else if (evaluate)  {    localOdomReceived = true;    endLoc = msg->pose.pose.position;    endLocAngle = 2.0*asin(msg->pose.pose.orientation.z);    if (globalOdomReceived == true)    {      evaluateResults();    }  }}void NodeDeadReckoningI::commander(){    stringstream sf;    sf << "./cmd -f " << forward;    stringstream sr;    sr << "./cmd -r " << angle;    for (int tripsDone = 0; tripsDone < numberOfTrips ; tripsDone++)    {      std::system(sf.str().c_str());      std::system(sr.str().c_str());    }    evaluate = true;    localOdomReceived = false;    globalOdomReceived = false;}void NodeDeadReckoningI::evaluateResults(){  //evaluating results    double diffx = end.x - start.x;    double diffy = end.y - start.y;    double diffAngle = endAngle - startAngle;    //TRANSFORMATION    double angleTransStart = startAngle - startLocAngle;    //How much is local angle different from global    double xStartLocNew = startLoc.x*cos(angleTransStart)-startLoc.y*sin(angleTransStart);    double yStartLocNew = startLoc.x*sin(angleTransStart)+startLoc.y*cos(angleTransStart);    double xEndLocNew = endLoc.x*cos(angleTransStart)-endLoc.y*sin(angleTransStart);    double yEndLocNew = endLoc.x*sin(angleTransStart)+endLoc.y*cos(angleTransStart);    double diffxLoc = xEndLocNew  - xStartLocNew ;    double diffyLoc = yEndLocNew - yStartLocNew ;    double diffAngleLoc = endLocAngle - startLocAngle;    while (fabs(diffAngle) > PI)    {      diffAngle -= copysign(2*PI,diffAngle);    }    //sending message    ROS_INFO("DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LOCAL AND GLOBAL ODOMETRY:\nDIFFERENCES IN AXIS:\nDIFF_X = %f\nDIFF_Y = %f\nDIFF_ANGLE = %f",diffxLoc-diffx,diffyLoc-diffy,diffAngleLoc-diffAngle);    ROS_INFO("DIFFERENCE FROM START POSITION:\nDIFERENCES IN AXIS:\nDIFF_X = %f\nDIFF_Y = %f\nDIFF_ANGLE = %f",diffx, diffy, diffAngle);    exit(0);}

Code: deadReckoningI.cpp

#include "node_deadReckoningI.h"#define SUBSCRIBER_BUFFER_SIZE 1  // Size of buffer for subscriber.#define NUMBER_OF_TRIPS 8 // How many times will robot go forward and turn#define FORWARD 0.6  // Distance to go forward.#define ANGLE 1.570796 // Robot will turn around by this angle#define SUBSCRIBER_TOPIC "/syros/global_odom"#define SUBSCRIBER2_TOPIC "/syros/base_odom"int main(int argc, char **argv){  //Initialization of node  ros::init(argc, argv, "deadReckoningI");  ros::NodeHandle n;  //Creating object, which stores data from sensors and has methods for subscribing  NodeDeadReckoningI *nodeDeadReckoningI = new NodeDeadReckoningI(NUMBER_OF_TRIPS, FORWARD, ANGLE);  //Creating subscribers  ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe(SUBSCRIBER_TOPIC, SUBSCRIBER_BUFFER_SIZE, &NodeDeadReckoningI::messageCallback, nodeDeadReckoningI);  ros::Subscriber sub2 = n.subscribe(SUBSCRIBER2_TOPIC, SUBSCRIBER_BUFFER_SIZE, &NodeDeadReckoningI::messageCallback2, nodeDeadReckoningI);  ros::spin();  return 0;}




rosrun dem_dead_reckoning deadReckoningReg

译者注:粘贴代码时候一定注意在 .h文件里面添加防止重编译的宏定义
代码github地址: https://github.com/will1991/rosintrodution
