Cacti 二次开发————Cacti页面内容添加

来源:互联网 发布:Javascript string 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 06:24


/* --------------------------    User Administration   -------------------------- */function user_edit() {    global $colors, $fields_user_user_edit_host;    /* ================= input validation ================= */    input_validate_input_number(get_request_var("id"));    /* ==================================================== */    if (!empty($_GET["id"])) {        $user = db_fetch_row("SELECT * FROM user_auth WHERE id = " . get_request_var("id"));        $header_label = "[edit: " . $user["username"] . "]";    }else{        $header_label = "[new]";    }    api_plugin_hook_function('user_admin_edit', (isset($user) ? get_request_var("id") : 0));    html_start_box("<strong>用户管理</strong> $header_label", "100%", $colors["header"], "3", "center", "");    draw_edit_form(array(        "config" => array("form_name" => "chk"),        "fields" => inject_form_variables($fields_user_user_edit_host, (isset($user) ? $user : array()))        ));    html_end_box();    if (!empty($_GET["id"])) {        /* draw user admin nav tabs */        ?>        <table class='tabs' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' align='center'>            <tr>                <td width='1'></td>                <td <?php print ((get_request_var_request("tab") == "user_realms_edit") ? "bgcolor='silver'" : "bgcolor='#DFDFDF'");?> nowrap='nowrap' width='150' align='center' class='tab'>                    <span class='textHeader'><a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("user_admin.php?action=user_edit&tab=user_realms_edit&id=" . $_GET["id"]);?>'>Realm Permissions</a></span>                </td>                <td width='1'></td>                <td <?php print ((get_request_var_request("tab") == "graph_perms_edit") ? "bgcolor='silver'" : "bgcolor='#DFDFDF'");?> nowrap='nowrap' width='150' align='center' class='tab'>                    <span class='textHeader'><a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("user_admin.php?action=user_edit&tab=graph_perms_edit&id=" . $_GET["id"]);?>'>Graph Permissions</a></span>                </td>                <td width='1'></td>                <td <?php print ((get_request_var_request("tab") == "graph_settings_edit") ? "bgcolor='silver'" : "bgcolor='#DFDFDF'");?> nowrap='nowrap' width='130' align='center' class='tab'>                    <span class='textHeader'><a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("user_admin.php?action=user_edit&tab=graph_settings_edit&id=" . $_GET["id"]);?>'>Graph Settings</a></span>                </td>                <?php api_plugin_hook('user_admin_tab');?>                              <td></td>            </tr>        </table>        <?php    }    if (get_request_var_request("tab") == "graph_settings_edit") {        graph_settings_edit();    }elseif (get_request_var_request("tab") == "user_realms_edit") {        user_realms_edit();    }elseif (get_request_var_request("tab") == "graph_perms_edit") {        graph_perms_edit();    }else{        if (api_plugin_hook_function('user_admin_run_action', get_request_var_request("tab"))) {            user_realms_edit();        }    }    form_save_button("user_admin.php", "return");}


function draw_edit_form($array) {    global $colors;    if (sizeof($array) > 0) {        while (list($top_branch, $top_children) = each($array)) {            if ($top_branch == "config") {                $config_array = $top_children;            }elseif ($top_branch == "fields") {                $fields_array = $top_children;            }        }    }    $i = 0;    if (sizeof($fields_array) > 0) {        while (list($field_name, $field_array) = each($fields_array)) {            if ($i == 0) {                if (!isset($config_array["no_form_tag"])) {                    print "<tr style='display:none;'><td><form method='post' autocomplete='off' action='" . ((isset($config_array["post_to"])) ? $config_array["post_to"] : basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) . "'" . ((isset($config_array["form_name"])) ? " name='" . $config_array["form_name"] . "'" : "") . ((isset($config_array["enctype"])) ? " enctype='" . $config_array["enctype"] . "'" : "") . "></td></tr>\n";                }            }            if ($field_array["method"] == "hidden") {                form_hidden_box($field_name, $field_array["value"], ((isset($field_array["default"])) ? $field_array["default"] : ""));            }elseif ($field_array["method"] == "hidden_zero") {                form_hidden_box($field_name, $field_array["value"], "0");            }elseif ($field_array["method"] == "spacer") {                print "<tr id='row_$field_name' bgcolor='#" . $colors["header_panel"] . "'><td colspan='2' class='tableSubHeaderColumn'>" . $field_array["friendly_name"] . "</td></tr>\n";            }else{                if (isset($config_array["force_row_color"])) {                    print "<tr id='row_$field_name' bgcolor='#" . $config_array["force_row_color"] . "'>";                }else{                    form_alternate_row_color($colors["form_alternate1"], $colors["form_alternate2"], $i, 'row_' . $field_name);                }                print "<td width='" . ((isset($config_array["left_column_width"])) ? $config_array["left_column_width"] : "50%") . "'>\n<font class='textEditTitle'>" . $field_array["friendly_name"] . "</font><br>\n";                if (isset($field_array["sub_checkbox"])) {                    form_checkbox($field_array["sub_checkbox"]["name"],                        $field_array["sub_checkbox"]["value"],                        $field_array["sub_checkbox"]["friendly_name"],                        ((isset($field_array["sub_checkbox"]["default"])) ? $field_array["sub_checkbox"]["default"] : ""),                        ((isset($field_array["sub_checkbox"]["form_id"])) ? $field_array["sub_checkbox"]["form_id"] : ""),                        ((isset($field_array["sub_checkbox"]["class"])) ? $field_array["sub_checkbox"]["class"] : ""),                        ((isset($field_array["sub_checkbox"]["on_change"])) ? $field_array["sub_checkbox"]["on_change"] : ""));                }                print ((isset($field_array["description"])) ? $field_array["description"] : "") . "</td>\n";                print "<td>";                draw_edit_control($field_name, $field_array);                print "</td>\n</tr>\n";            }            $i++;        }    }}


/* file: user_admin.php, action: user_edit (host) */$fields_user_user_edit_host = array(    "username" => array(        "method" => "textbox",        "friendly_name" => "User Name",        "description" => "The login name for this user.",        "value" => "|arg1:username|",        "max_length" => "255"        ),    "full_name" => array(        "method" => "textbox",        "friendly_name" => "Full Name",        "description" => "A more descriptive name for this user, that can include spaces or special characters.",        "value" => "|arg1:full_name|",        "max_length" => "255"        ),    "password" => array(        "method" => "textbox_password",        "friendly_name" => "Password",        "description" => "Enter the password for this user twice. Remember that passwords are case sensitive!",        "value" => "",        "max_length" => "255"        ),    "enabled" => array(        "method" => "checkbox",        "friendly_name" => "Enabled",        "description" => "Determines if user is able to login.",        "value" => "|arg1:enabled|",        "default" => ""        ),    "grp1" => array(        "friendly_name" => "Account Options",        "method" => "checkbox_group",        "description" => "Set any user account-specific options here.",        "items" => array(            "must_change_password" => array(                "value" => "|arg1:must_change_password|",                "friendly_name" => "User Must Change Password at Next Login",                "form_id" => "|arg1:id|",                "default" => ""                ),            "graph_settings" => array(                "value" => "|arg1:graph_settings|",                "friendly_name" => "Allow this User to Keep Custom Graph Settings",                "form_id" => "|arg1:id|",                "default" => "on"                )            )        ),    "grp2" => array(        "friendly_name" => "Graph Options",        "method" => "checkbox_group",        "description" => "Set any graph-specific options here.",        "items" => array(            "show_tree" => array(                "value" => "|arg1:show_tree|",                "friendly_name" => "User Has Rights to Tree View",                "form_id" => "|arg1:id|",                "default" => "on"                ),            "show_list" => array(                "value" => "|arg1:show_list|",                "friendly_name" => "User Has Rights to List View",                "form_id" => "|arg1:id|",                "default" => "on"                ),            "show_preview" => array(                "value" => "|arg1:show_preview|",                "friendly_name" => "User Has Rights to Preview View",                "form_id" => "|arg1:id|",                "default" => "on"                )            )        ),    "login_opts" => array(        "friendly_name" => "Login Options",        "method" => "radio",        "default" => "1",        "description" => "What to do when this user logs in.",        "value" => "|arg1:login_opts|",        "items" => array(            0 => array(                "radio_value" => "1",                "radio_caption" => "Show the page that user pointed their browser to."                ),            1 => array(                "radio_value" => "2",                "radio_caption" => "Show the default console screen."                ),            2 => array(                "radio_value" => "3",                "radio_caption" => "Show the default graph screen."                )            )        ),    "realm" => array(        "method" => "drop_array",        "friendly_name" => "Authentication Realm",        "description" => "Only used if you have LDAP or Web Basic Authentication enabled.  Changing this to an non-enabled realm will effectively disable the user.",        "value" => "|arg1:realm|",        "default" => 0,        "array" => $auth_realms,        ),    "id" => array(        "method" => "hidden_zero",        "value" => "|arg1:id|"        ),    "_policy_graphs" => array(        "method" => "hidden",        "default" => "2",        "value" => "|arg1:policy_graphs|"        ),    "_policy_trees" => array(        "method" => "hidden",        "default" => "2",        "value" => "|arg1:policy_trees|"        ),    "_policy_hosts" => array(        "method" => "hidden",        "default" => "2",        "value" => "|arg1:policy_hosts|"        ),    "_policy_graph_templates" => array(        "method" => "hidden",        "default" => "2",        "value" => "|arg1:policy_graph_templates|"        ),    "save_component_user" => array(        "method" => "hidden",        "value" => "1"        )    );

