
来源:互联网 发布:虚拟按键软件代码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 06:56

从handle(peer)倒推,寻找被调用关系函数,无限for循环中,执行selectcase c := <-srv.addpeer:分支的操作,进行handshake,并且goroutine启动Server.runPeer(),并进一步调用,最终在startProtocols()中调用proto.Run(p,rw),该Run()函数为handler.goNewProtocolManager()中的函数类型变量Run,该变量最终调用handle(peer),最终进行peer的其他操作。

node.Start() >> server.Start() >> >> go, Server.runPeer() >> >> startProtocols() >> proto.Run(p,rw)

p2p中的Server的成员变量addpeerconn类型的channel,在Server.checkpoint(c,srv.addpeer)中的select选择执行srv.addpeer <- c,而checkpoint()函数仅在Server.SetupConn()中被调用,而SetupConn()Server.listenLoop()中被调用,listenLoop()函数中包含我们之前进行admin.addPeer()所用到的enode信息,由server.makeSelf()函数生成

server.Start() >> startListening() >> go,listenLoop() >> SetupConn() >> checkpoint(),`srv.addpeer <- c`






// Node represents a host on the network. The fields of Node may not be modified.type Node struct {    IP       net.IP // len 4 for IPv4 or 16 for IPv6    UDP, TCP uint16 // port numbers    ID       NodeID // the node's public key    // This is a cached copy of sha3(ID) which is used for node distance calculations.        // This is part of Node in order to make it possible to write tests that need a node at a certain distance.    // In those tests, the content of sha will not actually correspond with ID.    sha common.Hash    // whether this node is currently being pinged in order to replace it in a bucket    contested bool}

p2p.Server.Run()函数,无限for循环中,执行selectcase n := <-srv.addstatic:分支的操作,调用dialstate.addStatic(n),该方法是dialer接口的一个方法,由p2p/dial.go中的dialstate实现,该函数仅执行s.static[n.ID] = &dialTask{flags: staticDialedConn, dest: n}dialTask的结构体如下:

// A dialTask is generated for each node that is dialed. Its fields cannot be accessed while the task is running.type dialTask struct {    flags        connFlag    dest         *discover.Node    lastResolved time.Time    resolveDelay time.Duration}

s.static在同一文件中的newTasks()中被使用,该函数中通过for循环遍历s.static,然后针对每一个static,调用s.checkDial(t.dest, peers)进行连接检查,若没有错误产生,则会将static添加到newtasks中,另外,newTasks()函数的返回值为newtasks.

newTasks()函数在中在函数类型变量scheduleTasks中被调用,newTasks()的返回值newtasks随后作为startTasks()的参数,startTasks()会根据每个task的类型,goroutine启动Do(server)函数;而scheduleTasks()在随后的无限for循环中被调用。 >> for, scheduleTasks() >> newTasks() ==> startTasks() >> task.Do()


func (t *dialTask) Do(srv *Server) {    if t.dest.Incomplete() { //=>IP为nil        if !t.resolve(srv) {            return        }    }    success := t.dial(srv, t.dest) //=>尝试实际连接    // Try resolving the ID of static nodes if dialing failed.    if !success && t.flags&staticDialedConn != 0 {        if t.resolve(srv) {            t.dial(srv, t.dest)        }    }}


func (t *dialTask) dial(srv *Server, dest *discover.Node) bool {    fd, err := srv.Dialer.Dial(dest) //=>fd为net.Conn类型    if err != nil {        log.Trace("Dial error", "task", t, "err", err)        return false    }    mfd := newMeteredConn(fd, false)    srv.SetupConn(mfd, t.flags, dest)    return true}

dial()函数调用srv.Dialer.Dial(dest),该方法由func (t TCPDialer) Dial(dest *discover.Node) (net.Conn, error){}实现,建立一个TCP连接,其后会调用go语言库函数,不再深究,如下:

// Dial creates a TCP connection to the nodefunc (t TCPDialer) Dial(dest *discover.Node) (net.Conn, error) {    addr := &net.TCPAddr{IP: dest.IP, Port: int(dest.TCP)}    return t.Dialer.Dial("tcp", addr.String()) //=> 该函数位于/usr/lib/go/src/net/dial.go,为go语言库函数}

随后,dial()函数调用srv.SetupConn(mfd, t.flags, dest),如下:

SetupConn runs the handshakes and attempts to add the connection as a peer. It returns when the connection has been added as a peer or the handshakes have failed.

func (srv *Server) SetupConn(fd net.Conn, flags connFlag, dialDest *discover.Node) {    // Prevent leftover pending conns from entering the handshake.    ...        初始化handshake连接c,类型为conn    // Run the encryption handshake.        ...        调用rlpx.go中的doEncHandshake(srv.PrivateKey, dialDest)    // For dialed connections, check that the remote public key matches.    ...        判断是否匹配        ...        调用srv.checkpoint(c, srv.posthandshake),与“从handle(peer)倒推,寻找被调用关系”中的checkpoint()为同一个函数,        但是参数不同,srv.posthandshake为channel,表示conn已通过encHandShake(身份已知,但是尚未验证)    // Run the protocol handshake    ...        调用c.doProtoHandshake(srv.ourHandshake),该函数会通过p2p.Send(),发送handshakeMsg标识的消息;        然后,调用readProtocolHandshake()读取接收到的handshakeMsg标识消息。(该标识和pbftMessage标识类似)    c.caps, = phs.Caps, phs.Name    ...        调用srv.checkpoint(c, srv.addpeer),与“从handle(peer)倒推,寻找被调用关系”中的checkpoint()为同一个函数,        参数也完全相同,其后操作见上文。    // If the checks completed successfully, runPeer has now been launched by run.}