89. Gray Code

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝旺旺号名字大全 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 13:47

The gray code is a binary numeral system where two successive values differ in only one bit.

Given a non-negative integer n representing the total number of bits in the code, print the sequence of gray code. A gray code sequence must begin with 0.

For example, given n = 2, return [0,1,3,2]. Its gray code sequence is:

00 - 001 - 111 - 310 - 2

For a given n, a gray code sequence is not uniquely defined.

For example, [0,2,3,1] is also a valid gray code sequence according to the above definition.

For now, the judge is able to judge based on one instance of gray code sequence. Sorry about that.


n+1位格雷码集合 = n格雷码集合 + (2^n + n位格雷码逆序)集合。如:

n = 2,{00, 01, 11, 10}, n = 3时,格雷码 = {000, 001, 011, 010, 110, 111, 101, 100},后个格雷码是n=2时的格雷码逆序{10, 11, 01, 00}分别在第三个比特位加上1,相当于整体加上2^n-1(当前n=3)。具体定义见百度格雷码。


class Solution {    public List<Integer> grayCode(int n) {        List<Integer> lst = new ArrayList<>();        if (n == 0){            lst.add(0);            return lst;        }        lst.add(0);        lst.add(1);        for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++ i){            int len = lst.size();            int val = (int)Math.pow(2, i - 1);            for (int j = len - 1; j >= 0; -- j){                lst.add(lst.get(j) + val);            }        }        return lst;    }}
