
来源:互联网 发布:知乎手机版怎么写文章 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 05:04
package example/**  * Created by zhangyaran on 2017/10/30.  */import scala.collection.Mapimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBufferimport scala.util.Randomimport org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcastimport org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation._import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDDobject RunRecommender {  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {    // 实例化SparkContext    val sc = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().setAppName("Recommender"))    // 数据存放路径    val base = "hdfs:///user/ds/"    // 用户ID-艺术家ID-值 数据文件    val rawUserArtistData = sc.textFile(base + "user_artist_data.txt")    // 艺术家ID-姓名    val rawArtistData = sc.textFile(base + "artist_data.txt")    //  拼写错误的艺术家ID或非标准的艺术家ID-艺术家的正规ID    val rawArtistAlias = sc.textFile(base + "artist_alias.txt")    // 对三个文件的数据进行预处理    preparation(rawUserArtistData, rawArtistData, rawArtistAlias)    // 建立模型    model(sc, rawUserArtistData, rawArtistData, rawArtistAlias)    // 评价模型    evaluate(sc, rawUserArtistData, rawArtistAlias)    recommend(sc, rawUserArtistData, rawArtistData, rawArtistAlias)  }  def buildArtistByID(rawArtistData: RDD[String]) =    rawArtistData.flatMap { line =>      val (id, name) = line.span(_ != '\t')      if (name.isEmpty) {        None      } else {        try {          Some((id.toInt, name.trim))        } catch {          case e: NumberFormatException => None        }      }    }  def buildArtistAlias(rawArtistAlias: RDD[String]): scala.collection.Map[Int,Int] =    rawArtistAlias.flatMap { line =>      val tokens = line.split('\t')      if (tokens(0).isEmpty) {        None      } else {        Some((tokens(0).toInt, tokens(1).toInt))      }    }.collectAsMap()  // 准备数据  def preparation(                   rawUserArtistData: RDD[String],                   rawArtistData: RDD[String],                   rawArtistAlias: RDD[String]) = {    // 对用户ID进行统计分析    val userIDStats = rawUserArtistData.map(_.split(' ')(0).toDouble).stats()    // 对艺术家ID进行统计分析    val itemIDStats = rawUserArtistData.map(_.split(' ')(1).toDouble).stats()    // 因为Spark MLlibALS算法要求用户和产品的ID必须是数值型,并且是32位非负整数。这意味着大于Integer.MAX_VALUE(2147483647)ID都是非法的。    println(userIDStats)    println(itemIDStats)    // org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Int, String)] 艺术家ID-姓名    val artistByID = buildArtistByID(rawArtistData)    // scala.collection.Map[Int,Int] Map(6803336 -> 1000010, 6663187 -> 1992, 2124273 -> 2814,...)    val artistAlias = buildArtistAlias(rawArtistAlias)    // 列出artistAlias第一个key-value(badID: Int = 6803336 goodID: Int = 1000010)    val (badID, goodID) = artistAlias.head    // 比如WrappedArray(Aerosmith (unplugged)) -> WrappedArray(Aerosmith)    println(artistByID.lookup(badID) + " -> " + artistByID.lookup(goodID))  }  // 构建排名模型  def buildRatings(                    rawUserArtistData: RDD[String],                    bArtistAlias: Broadcast[Map[Int,Int]]) = {    rawUserArtistData.map { line =>      val Array(userID, artistID, count) = line.split(' ').map(_.toInt)      // 根据badID获取goodID,如果根据badID没有对应的goodID,就默认为badID      val finalArtistID = bArtistAlias.value.getOrElse(artistID, artistID)      // 构建Rating模型(org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation._)      Rating(userID, finalArtistID, count)    }  }  // 建立模型  def model(             sc: SparkContext,             rawUserArtistData: RDD[String],             rawArtistData: RDD[String],             rawArtistAlias: RDD[String]): Unit = {    // badID->goodID数据进行广播(org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast[scala.collection.Map[Int,Int]])    val bArtistAlias = sc.broadcast(buildArtistAlias(rawArtistAlias))    // 构建排名模型(trainData: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating])    val trainData = buildRatings(rawUserArtistData, bArtistAlias).cache()    // 开始训练模型(model: org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.MatrixFactorizationModel)    val model = ALS.trainImplicit(trainData, 10, 5, 0.01, 1.0)    // 对训练的数据强制移除缓存/持久化的RDD    trainData.unpersist()    // (90,-0.34101608395576477, 0.9143036007881165, 0.8365337252616882, 0.48369652032852173, 0.5416117906570435, -0.40115535259246826, 0.2735286056995392, 0.17051056027412415, -0.4300401508808136, -0.0985608622431755)    println(model.userFeatures.mapValues(_.mkString(", ")).first())    // 利用计算出的模型给2093760用户推荐5名艺术家    val userID = 2093760    // recommendations: Array[org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating] = Array(Rating(2093760,1300642,0.03101707128027848),..)    val recommendations = model.recommendProducts(userID, 5)    // Rating(2093760,1300642,0.03101707128027848)    // Rating(2093760,2814,0.030879657724463577)    // Rating(2093760,1001819,0.03010725268263153)    // Rating(2093760,1037970,0.02981504815221999)    // Rating(2093760,1007614,0.029730034526127574)    recommendations.foreach(println)    //  列出所有推荐的艺术家(去除重复的艺术家)    val recommendedProductIDs = recommendations.map(_.product).toSet    // 获取所有userID2093760参与的评价数据(用户ID-艺术家ID-)(rawArtistsForUser: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Array[String]])    val rawArtistsForUser = rawUserArtistData.map(_.split(' ')).filter { case Array(user,_,_) => user.toInt == userID }    // 获取用户ID对应的所有艺术家ID列表(existingProducts: scala.collection.immutable.Set[Int] = Set(1255340, 942, 1180, 813, 378))    val existingProducts = rawArtistsForUser.map { case Array(_,artist,_) => artist.toInt }.collect().toSet    // artistByID: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Int, String)]    val artistByID = buildArtistByID(rawArtistData)    // 根据艺术家ID获取艺术家姓名    // David Gray    // Blackalicious    // Jurassic 5    // The Saw Doctors    // Xzibit    artistByID.filter { case (id, name) => existingProducts.contains(id) }.values.collect().foreach(println)    // 根据艺术家ID获取推荐的艺术家姓名    // 50 Cent    // Jay-Z    // Kanye West    // 2Pac    // The Game    artistByID.filter { case (id, name) => recommendedProductIDs.contains(id) }.values.collect().foreach(println)    unpersist(model)  }  // areaUnderCurve()把一个函数作为它的第三个参数。这里传入的是 MatrixFactorizationModel  predict()  def areaUnderCurve(                      positiveData: RDD[Rating], // 校验集                      bAllItemIDs: Broadcast[Array[Int]], // 所有去重后的艺术家ID                      predictFunction: (RDD[(Int,Int)] => RDD[Rating])) = {    // What this actually computes is AUC, per user. The result is actually something    // that might be called "mean AUC".    // Take held-out data as the "positive", and map to tuples    val positiveUserProducts = positiveData.map(r => (r.user, r.product))    // Make predictions for each of them, including a numeric score, and gather by user    val positivePredictions = predictFunction(positiveUserProducts).groupBy(_.user)    // BinaryClassificationMetrics.areaUnderROC is not used here since there are really lots of    // small AUC problems, and it would be inefficient, when a direct computation is available.    // Create a set of "negative" products for each user. These are randomly chosen    // from among all of the other items, excluding those that are "positive" for the user.    val negativeUserProducts = positiveUserProducts.groupByKey().mapPartitions {      // mapPartitions operates on many (user,positive-items) pairs at once      userIDAndPosItemIDs => {        // Init an RNG and the item IDs set once for partition        val random = new Random()        val allItemIDs = bAllItemIDs.value        userIDAndPosItemIDs.map { case (userID, posItemIDs) =>          val posItemIDSet = posItemIDs.toSet          val negative = new ArrayBuffer[Int]()          var i = 0          // Keep about as many negative examples per user as positive.          // Duplicates are OK          while (i < allItemIDs.size && negative.size < posItemIDSet.size) {            val itemID = allItemIDs(random.nextInt(allItemIDs.size))            if (!posItemIDSet.contains(itemID)) {              negative += itemID            }            i += 1          }          // Result is a collection of (user,negative-item) tuples          negative.map(itemID => (userID, itemID))        }      }    }.flatMap(t => t)    // flatMap breaks the collections above down into one big set of tuples    // Make predictions on the rest:    val negativePredictions = predictFunction(negativeUserProducts).groupBy(_.user)    // Join positive and negative by user    positivePredictions.join(negativePredictions).values.map {      case (positiveRatings, negativeRatings) =>        // AUC may be viewed as the probability that a random positive item scores        // higher than a random negative one. Here the proportion of all positive-negative        // pairs that are correctly ranked is computed. The result is equal to the AUC metric.        var correct = 0L        var total = 0L        // For each pairing,        for (positive <- positiveRatings;             negative <- negativeRatings) {          // Count the correctly-ranked pairs          if (positive.rating > negative.rating) {            correct += 1          }          total += 1        }        // Return AUC: fraction of pairs ranked correctly        correct.toDouble / total    }.mean() // Return mean AUC over users  }  // (sc: org.apache.spark.SparkContext, train: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating])(allData: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Int, Int)])  // 向每个用户推荐播放最多的艺术家。这个策略一点儿都不个性化,但它很简单,也可能有效。定义这个简单模型并评估它的AUC得分。  // 这个函数看似有两个参数列表。调用函数并应用前两个参数得到了一个偏应用函数,这个函数本身又带有一个参数(allData)并返回预测结果。  // predictMostListened(sc,trainData)的返回结果是一个函数  def predictMostListened(sc: SparkContext, train: RDD[Rating])(allData: RDD[(Int,Int)]) = {    // 先对训练集中的艺术家ID的值进行汇总,并广播给所有Executor(bListenCount: org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast[scala.collection.Map[Int,Double]])    //bListenCount.value(Map(6867269 -> 4.0, 10268079 -> 9.0, 1249474 -> 38.0,...)    val bListenCount = sc.broadcast(train.map(r => (r.product, r.rating)).reduceByKey(_ + _).collectAsMap())    //    allData.map { case (user, product) => Rating(user, product, bListenCount.value.getOrElse(product, 0.0)) }  }  def evaluate(                sc: SparkContext,                rawUserArtistData: RDD[String],                rawArtistAlias: RDD[String]): Unit = {    // badID->goodID数据进行广播(org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast[scala.collection.Map[Int,Int]])    // bArtistAlias.value    val bArtistAlias = sc.broadcast(buildArtistAlias(rawArtistAlias))    // 所有数据构建排名模型(allData: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating])    val allData = buildRatings(rawUserArtistData, bArtistAlias)    // 90%用于训练模型,10%用作检验集(def randomSplit(weights: Array[Double], seed: Long): Array[org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[T]])    val Array(trainData, cvData) = allData.randomSplit(Array(0.9, 0.1))    // 将训练集和检验集都缓存在内存    trainData.cache()    cvData.cache()    // 获取所有去重后的艺术家ID,收集给驱动程序(Driver Program)    val allItemIDs = allData.map(_.product).distinct().collect()    // 将所有艺术家ID广播到所有Executor    val bAllItemIDs = sc.broadcast(allItemIDs)    // mostListenedAUC: Double = 0.9393479200578481    // 这个是非个性化推荐,得分大于0.94,意味着对AUC这个指标,表现已经不错了,明显打败了之前的简单推荐方法。    val mostListenedAUC = areaUnderCurve(cvData, bAllItemIDs, predictMostListened(sc, trainData))    println(mostListenedAUC)    // 下面选择更好的推荐方法    /*      我们可以从数据集中选择另外的90%作为训练集,这样就可以多次进行模型评估。得到的AUC值的平均可能会更好地估计算法在数据集上的表现。      实际中一个常用的做法就是把数据集分成K个大小差不多的子集,用k-1个子集做训练,在剩下的一个子集上做评估。我们把这个过程重复k次,每次      用一个不同的子集做评估。这种做法称为k折交叉验证算法。MLlib的辅助方法MLUtils.kFold()方法在一定程度上提供对这种技术的支持。      选择超参数,这些都是调用者指定的,不是算法学习得到的。      ALS.trainImplicit()的参数包括如下几个:      * rank = 10 模型的潜在因素的个数,即"用户-特征""产品-特征"矩阵的列数;一般来说,它也是矩阵的阶      * iterations = 5 矩阵分解迭代的次数;迭代的次数越多,花费的时间越长,但分解的结果可能会更好      * lambda = 0.01 标准的过拟合参数;值越大越不容易产生过拟合,但值太大会减低分解的准确度      * alpha = 1.0 控制矩阵分解时,被观察到的"用户-产品"交互相对没被观察到的交互的权重      可以把ranklambdaalpha看做是模型的超参数。(iterations更像是对分解过程使用的资源的一种约束)。这些值不会体现在 MatrixFactorizationModel 的内容矩阵中,      这些矩阵只是参数,其值由算法选定。这里的参数不一定是最优的。      我们下面尝试了8种可能的组合,rank=1050lambda=100.0001,以及alpha=1.040.0。这些值都是猜测的,但他们能够覆盖很大范围的参数值。      各种组合的的结果按照AUC得分从高到低排序。      我们算出的结果中,lambda取较大的值看起来结果要稍微好一些。这表明模型有些受到拟合的影响,因此需要一个较大的lambda值以防止过度精确拟合每个用户      的稀疏输入数据。      严格来说,理解超参数的含义其实不是必须的,但知道这些值的典型范围有助于一个合适的参数空间开始搜索,这个空间不宜太大,也不能太小。    */    val evaluations =    for (rank   <- Array(10,  50);         lambda <- Array(1.0, 0.0001);         alpha  <- Array(1.0, 40.0))      yield {        val model = ALS.trainImplicit(trainData, rank, 10, lambda, alpha)        val auc = areaUnderCurve(cvData, bAllItemIDs, model.predict)        unpersist(model)        ((rank, lambda, alpha), auc)      }    evaluations.sortBy(_._2).reverse.foreach(println)    trainData.unpersist()    cvData.unpersist()  }  def recommend(                 sc: SparkContext,                 rawUserArtistData: RDD[String],                 rawArtistData: RDD[String],                 rawArtistAlias: RDD[String]): Unit = {    val bArtistAlias = sc.broadcast(buildArtistAlias(rawArtistAlias))    val allData = buildRatings(rawUserArtistData, bArtistAlias).cache()    val model = ALS.trainImplicit(allData, 50, 10, 1.0, 40.0)    allData.unpersist()    val userID = 2093760    val recommendations = model.recommendProducts(userID, 5)    val recommendedProductIDs = recommendations.map(_.product).toSet    val artistByID = buildArtistByID(rawArtistData)    artistByID.filter { case (id, name) => recommendedProductIDs.contains(id) }.      values.collect().foreach(println)    val someUsers = allData.map(_.user).distinct().take(100)    val someRecommendations = someUsers.map(userID => model.recommendProducts(userID, 5))    someRecommendations.map(      recs => recs.head.user + " -> " + recs.map(_.product).mkString(", ")    ).foreach(println)    unpersist(model)  }  def unpersist(model: MatrixFactorizationModel): Unit = {    // At the moment, it\'s necessary to manually unpersist the RDDs inside the model    // when done with it in order to make sure they are promptly uncached    model.userFeatures.unpersist()    model.productFeatures.unpersist()  }}