Unit 3: Browsing the Filesystem

来源:互联网 发布:java web项目开发步骤 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/04 00:01


01. Linux File Hierarchy Concepts
* Files and directories are organized into a single-rooted inverted tree structure
* Names are case-sensitive

02. Some Important Directories
* /root,/home/<username>
* media and mnt (Foreign filesystem mountpoints)
* /etc   (system config files)
* /boot (kernel and bootloader)
* /dev (device)
* /usr (programs)

03. Current Working Directory
* # pwd

04. File and Directory Names
* do not include "/"
* 直接访问home下的jpg目录
# cd ~/jpg

05. Copy
* copy a,b to tmp
# cp a b tmp

* save source timestamp
# cp -p a tmp

* copy a directory
# cp -r dd tmp

06. Moving and rename
# mv src dest (src can include two files)
# mv 2006 /root/2007

07. Removing and Creating
# rm -i [-r(recursive)] [-f(force)]
#touch (create a empty file or update timestamp)

08. Determining file content type
# file a.txt
# cat a.txt
# cat -A a.txt (显示空行为$)
# cat -b a.txt(显示行号)

09. less command
* enter page view
# less a.txt
