Json.NET使用入门(六)【LINQ to JSON】

来源:互联网 发布:计算机绘图软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/18 17:23



            JArray array = new JArray();            array.Add("Manual text");            array.Add(new DateTime(2000, 5, 23));            JObject o = new JObject();            o["MyArray"] = array;            string json = o.ToString();            // {            //   "MyArray": [            //     "Manual text",            //     "2000-05-23T00:00:00"            //   ]            // }


          JObject o = new JObject            {                 { "Cpu", "Intel" },                 { "Memory", 32 },                 {                   "Drives", new JArray                   {                            "DVD",                            "SSD"                    }                 }            };            Console.WriteLine(o.ToString());            // {            //   "Cpu": "Intel",            //   "Memory": 32,            //   "Drives": [            //     "DVD",            //     "SSD"            //   ]            // }


public class Post{    public string Title { get; set; }    public string Description { get; set; }    public string Link { get; set; }    public IList<string> Categories { get; set; }}
List<Post> posts = GetPosts();JObject rss =    new JObject(        new JProperty("channel",            new JObject(                new JProperty("title", "James Newton-King"),                new JProperty("link", "http://james.newtonking.com"),                new JProperty("description", "James Newton-King's blog."),                new JProperty("item",                    new JArray(                        from p in posts                        orderby p.Title                        select new JObject(                            new JProperty("title", p.Title),                            new JProperty("description", p.Description),                            new JProperty("link", p.Link),                            new JProperty("category",                                new JArray(                                    from c in p.Categories                                    select new JValue(c)))))))));Console.WriteLine(rss.ToString());// {//   "channel": {//     "title": "James Newton-King",//     "link": "http://james.newtonking.com",//     "description": "James Newton-King's blog.",//     "item": [//       {//         "title": "Json.NET 1.3 + New license + Now on CodePlex",//         "description": "Annoucing the release of Json.NET 1.3, the MIT license and being available on CodePlex",//         "link": "http://james.newtonking.com/projects/json-net.aspx",//         "category": [//           "Json.NET",//           "CodePlex"//         ]//       },//       {//         "title": "LINQ to JSON beta",//         "description": "Annoucing LINQ to JSON",//         "link": "http://james.newtonking.com/projects/json-net.aspx",//         "category": [//           "Json.NET",//           "LINQ"//         ]//       }//     ]//   }// }



dynamic product = new JObject();product.ProductName = "Elbow Grease";product.Enabled = true;product.Price = 4.90m;product.StockCount = 9000;product.StockValue = 44100;product.Tags = new JArray("Real", "OnSale");Console.WriteLine(product.ToString());// {//   "ProductName": "Elbow Grease",//   "Enabled": true,//   "Price": 4.90,//   "StockCount": 9000,//   "StockValue": 44100,//   "Tags": [//     "Real",//     "OnSale"//   ]// }


JTokenWriter writer = new JTokenWriter();writer.WriteStartObject();writer.WritePropertyName("name1");writer.WriteValue("value1");writer.WritePropertyName("name2");writer.WriteStartArray();writer.WriteValue(1);writer.WriteValue(2);writer.WriteEndArray();writer.WriteEndObject();JObject o = (JObject)writer.Token;Console.WriteLine(o.ToString());// {//   "name1": "value1",//   "name2": [//     1,//     2//   ]// }


这个示例使用JToken.FromObject(Object)将.NET值转换为LINQ to JSON

public class Computer{    public string Cpu { get; set; }    public int Memory { get; set; }    public IList<string> Drives { get; set; }}
JValue i = (JValue)JToken.FromObject(12345);Console.WriteLine(i.Type);// IntegerConsole.WriteLine(i.ToString());// 12345JValue s = (JValue)JToken.FromObject("A string");Console.WriteLine(s.Type);// StringConsole.WriteLine(s.ToString());// A stringComputer computer = new Computer{    Cpu = "Intel",    Memory = 32,    Drives = new List<string>    {        "DVD",        "SSD"    }};JObject o = (JObject)JToken.FromObject(computer);Console.WriteLine(o.ToString());// {//   "Cpu": "Intel",//   "Memory": 32,//   "Drives": [//     "DVD",//     "SSD"//   ]// }JArray a = (JArray)JToken.FromObject(computer.Drives);Console.WriteLine(a.ToString());// [//   "DVD",//   "SSD"// ]


public class Post{    public string Title { get; set; }    public string Description { get; set; }    public string Link { get; set; }    public IList<string> Categories { get; set; }}
List<Post> posts = new List<Post>{    new Post    {        Title = "Episode VII",        Description = "Episode VII production",        Categories = new List<string>        {            "episode-vii",            "movie"        },        Link = "episode-vii-production.aspx"    }};JObject o = JObject.FromObject(new{    channel = new    {        title = "Star Wars",        link = "http://www.starwars.com",        description = "Star Wars blog.",        item =            from p in posts            orderby p.Title            select new            {                title = p.Title,                description = p.Description,                link = p.Link,                category = p.Categories            }    }});Console.WriteLine(o.ToString());// {//   "channel": {//     "title": "Star Wars",//     "link": "http://www.starwars.com",//     "description": "Star Wars blog.",//     "item": [//       {//         "title": "Episode VII",//         "description": "Episode VII production",//         "link": "episode-vii-production.aspx",//         "category": [//           "episode-vii",//           "movie"//         ]//       }//     ]//   }// }


string json = @"[  'Small',  'Medium',  'Large']";JArray a = JArray.Parse(json);Console.WriteLine(a.ToString());// [//   "Small",//   "Medium",//   "Large"// ]


string json = @"{  CPU: 'Intel',  Drives: [    'DVD read/writer',    '500 gigabyte hard drive'  ]}";JObject o = JObject.Parse(json);Console.WriteLine(o.ToString());// {//   "CPU": "Intel",//   "Drives": [//     "DVD read/writer",//     "500 gigabyte hard drive"//   ]// }


JToken t1 = JToken.Parse("{}");Console.WriteLine(t1.Type);// ObjectJToken t2 = JToken.Parse("[]");Console.WriteLine(t2.Type);// ArrayJToken t3 = JToken.Parse("null");Console.WriteLine(t3.Type);// NullJToken t4 = JToken.Parse(@"'A string!'");Console.WriteLine(t4.Type);// String


public class BlogPost{    public string Title { get; set; }    public string AuthorName { get; set; }    public string AuthorTwitter { get; set; }    public string Body { get; set; }    public DateTime PostedDate { get; set; }}
string json = @"[  {    'Title': 'Json.NET is awesome!',    'Author': {      'Name': 'James Newton-King',      'Twitter': '@JamesNK',      'Picture': '/jamesnk.png'    },    'Date': '2013-01-23T19:30:00',    'BodyHtml': '&lt;h3&gt;Title!&lt;/h3&gt;\r\n&lt;p&gt;Content!&lt;/p&gt;'  }]";JArray blogPostArray = JArray.Parse(json);IList<BlogPost> blogPosts = blogPostArray.Select(p => new BlogPost{    Title = (string)p["Title"],    AuthorName = (string)p["Author"]["Name"],    AuthorTwitter = (string)p["Author"]["Twitter"],    PostedDate = (DateTime)p["Date"],    Body = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode((string)p["BodyHtml"])}).ToList();Console.WriteLine(blogPosts[0].Body);// <h3>Title!</h3>// <p>Content!</p>


本示例使用LINQ to JSON手动将.NET类型转换为JSON

public class BlogPost{    public string Title { get; set; }    public string AuthorName { get; set; }    public string AuthorTwitter { get; set; }    public string Body { get; set; }    public DateTime PostedDate { get; set; }}
IList<BlogPost> blogPosts = new List<BlogPost>{    new BlogPost    {        Title = "Json.NET is awesome!",        AuthorName = "James Newton-King",        AuthorTwitter = "JamesNK",        PostedDate = new DateTime(2013, 1, 23, 19, 30, 0),        Body = @"<h3>Title!</h3>                 <p>Content!</p>"    }};JArray blogPostsArray = new JArray(    blogPosts.Select(p => new JObject    {        { "Title", p.Title },        {            "Author", new JObject            {                { "Name", p.AuthorName },                { "Twitter", p.AuthorTwitter }            }        },        { "Date", p.PostedDate },        { "BodyHtml", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(p.Body) },    })    );Console.WriteLine(blogPostsArray.ToString());// [//   {//     "Title": "Json.NET is awesome!",//     "Author": {//       "Name": "James Newton-King",//       "Twitter": "JamesNK"//     },//     "Date": "2013-01-23T19:30:00",//     "BodyHtml": "&lt;h3&gt;Title!&lt;/h3&gt;\r\n&lt;p&gt;Content!&lt;/p&gt;"//   }// ]



string json = @"{  'channel': {    'title': 'Star Wars',    'link': 'http://www.starwars.com',    'description': 'Star Wars blog.',    'obsolete': 'Obsolete value',    'item': []  }}";JObject rss = JObject.Parse(json);JObject channel = (JObject)rss["channel"];channel["title"] = ((string)channel["title"]).ToUpper();channel["description"] = ((string)channel["description"]).ToUpper();channel.Property("obsolete").Remove();channel.Property("description").AddAfterSelf(new JProperty("new", "New value"));JArray item = (JArray)channel["item"];item.Add("Item 1");item.Add("Item 2");Console.WriteLine(rss.ToString());// {//   "channel": {//     "title": "STAR WARS",//     "link": "http://www.starwars.com",//     "description": "STAR WARS BLOG.",//     "new": "New value",//     "item": [//       "Item 1",//       "Item 2"//     ]//   }// }


此示例将LINQ to JSON对象合并

JObject o1 = JObject.Parse(@"{  'FirstName': 'John',  'LastName': 'Smith',  'Enabled': false,  'Roles': [ 'User' ]}");JObject o2 = JObject.Parse(@"{  'Enabled': true,  'Roles': [ 'User', 'Admin' ]}");o1.Merge(o2, new JsonMergeSettings{    // union array values together to avoid duplicates    MergeArrayHandling = MergeArrayHandling.Union});string json = o1.ToString();// {//   "FirstName": "John",//   "LastName": "Smith",//   "Enabled": true,//   "Roles": [//     "User",//     "Admin"//   ]// }


此示例加载JSON,然后使用Item[Object] 索引器从其中查询值,然后将返回的标记转换为.NET值

string json = @"{  'channel': {    'title': 'James Newton-King',    'link': 'http://james.newtonking.com',    'description': 'James Newton-King\'s blog.',    'item': [      {        'title': 'Json.NET 1.3 + New license + Now on CodePlex',        'description': 'Annoucing the release of Json.NET 1.3, the MIT license and the source on CodePlex',        'link': 'http://james.newtonking.com/projects/json-net.aspx',        'category': [          'Json.NET',          'CodePlex'        ]      },      {        'title': 'LINQ to JSON beta',        'description': 'Annoucing LINQ to JSON',        'link': 'http://james.newtonking.com/projects/json-net.aspx',        'category': [          'Json.NET',          'LINQ'        ]      }    ]  }}";JObject rss = JObject.Parse(json);string rssTitle = (string)rss["channel"]["title"];Console.WriteLine(rssTitle);// James Newton-Kingstring itemTitle = (string)rss["channel"]["item"][0]["title"];Console.WriteLine(itemTitle);// Json.NET 1.3 + New license + Now on CodePlexJArray categories = (JArray)rss["channel"]["item"][0]["category"];Console.WriteLine(categories);// [//   "Json.NET",//   "CodePlex"// ]string[] categoriesText = categories.Select(c => (string)c).ToArray();Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", categoriesText));// Json.NET, CodePlex



string json = @"[  {    'Title': 'Json.NET is awesome!',    'Author': {      'Name': 'James Newton-King',      'Twitter': '@JamesNK',      'Picture': '/jamesnk.png'    },    'Date': '2013-01-23T19:30:00',    'BodyHtml': '&lt;h3&gt;Title!&lt;/h3&gt;\r\n&lt;p&gt;Content!&lt;/p&gt;'  }]";dynamic blogPosts = JArray.Parse(json);dynamic blogPost = blogPosts[0];string title = blogPost.Title;Console.WriteLine(title);// Json.NET is awesome!string author = blogPost.Author.Name;Console.WriteLine(author);// James Newton-KingDateTime postDate = blogPost.Date;Console.WriteLine(postDate);// 23/01/2013 7:30:00 p.m.


string json = @"{  'channel': {    'title': 'James Newton-King',    'link': 'http://james.newtonking.com',    'description': 'James Newton-King\'s blog.',    'item': [      {        'title': 'Json.NET 1.3 + New license + Now on CodePlex',        'description': 'Annoucing the release of Json.NET 1.3, the MIT license and the source on CodePlex',        'link': 'http://james.newtonking.com/projects/json-net.aspx',        'category': [          'Json.NET',          'CodePlex'        ]      },      {        'title': 'LINQ to JSON beta',        'description': 'Annoucing LINQ to JSON',        'link': 'http://james.newtonking.com/projects/json-net.aspx',        'category': [          'Json.NET',          'LINQ'        ]      }    ]  }}";JObject rss = JObject.Parse(json);var postTitles =    from p in rss["channel"]["item"]    select (string)p["title"];foreach (var item in postTitles){    Console.WriteLine(item);}//LINQ to JSON beta//Json.NET 1.3 + New license + Now on CodePlexvar categories =    from c in rss["channel"]["item"].Children()["category"].Values<string>()    group c by c    into g    orderby g.Count() descending    select new { Category = g.Key, Count = g.Count() };foreach (var c in categories){    Console.WriteLine(c.Category + " - Count: " + c.Count);}//Json.NET - Count: 2//LINQ - Count: 1//CodePlex - Count: 1


此示例加载JSON,然后使用 SelectToken(String)从它查询值。

JObject o = JObject.Parse(@"{  'Stores': [    'Lambton Quay',    'Willis Street'  ],  'Manufacturers': [    {      'Name': 'Acme Co',      'Products': [        {          'Name': 'Anvil',          'Price': 50        }      ]    },    {      'Name': 'Contoso',      'Products': [        {          'Name': 'Elbow Grease',          'Price': 99.95        },        {          'Name': 'Headlight Fluid',          'Price': 4        }      ]    }  ]}");string name = (string)o.SelectToken("Manufacturers[0].Name");Console.WriteLine(name);// Acme Codecimal productPrice = (decimal)o.SelectToken("Manufacturers[0].Products[0].Price");Console.WriteLine(productPrice);// 50string productName = (string)o.SelectToken("Manufacturers[1].Products[0].Name");Console.WriteLine(productName);// Elbow Grease


此示例加载JSON时需要使用 SelectToken(String)查询时需要转义的属性

JObject o = JObject.Parse(@"{  'Space Invaders': 'Taito',  'Doom ]|[': 'id',  ""Yar's Revenge"": 'Atari',  'Government ""Intelligence""': 'Make-Believe'}");string spaceInvaders = (string)o.SelectToken("['Space Invaders']");// Taitostring doom3 = (string)o.SelectToken("['Doom ]|[']");// idstring yarsRevenge = (string)o.SelectToken("['Yar\\'s Revenge']");// Ataristring governmentIntelligence = (string)o.SelectToken("['Government \"Intelligence\"']");// Make-Believe



JObject o = JObject.Parse(@"{  'Stores': [    'Lambton Quay',    'Willis Street'  ],  'Manufacturers': [    {      'Name': 'Acme Co',      'Products': [        {          'Name': 'Anvil',          'Price': 50        }      ]    },    {      'Name': 'Contoso',      'Products': [        {          'Name': 'Elbow Grease',          'Price': 99.95        },        {          'Name': 'Headlight Fluid',          'Price': 4        }      ]    }  ]}");string[] storeNames = o.SelectToken("Stores").Select(s => (string)s).ToArray();Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", storeNames));// Lambton Quay, Willis Streetstring[] firstProductNames = o["Manufacturers"].Select(m => (string)m.SelectToken("Products[1].Name"))    .Where(n => n != null).ToArray();Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", firstProductNames));// Headlight Fluiddecimal totalPrice = o["Manufacturers"].Sum(m => (decimal)m.SelectToken("Products[0].Price"));Console.WriteLine(totalPrice);// 149.95



JObject o = JObject.Parse(@"{  'Stores': [    'Lambton Quay',    'Willis Street'  ],  'Manufacturers': [    {      'Name': 'Acme Co',      'Products': [        {          'Name': 'Anvil',          'Price': 50        }      ]    },    {      'Name': 'Contoso',      'Products': [        {          'Name': 'Elbow Grease',          'Price': 99.95        },        {          'Name': 'Headlight Fluid',          'Price': 4        }      ]    }  ]}");// manufacturer with the name 'Acme Co'JToken acme = o.SelectToken("$.Manufacturers[?(@.Name == 'Acme Co')]");Console.WriteLine(acme);// { "Name": "Acme Co", Products: [{ "Name": "Anvil", "Price": 50 }] }// name of all products priced 50 and aboveIEnumerable<JToken> pricyProducts = o.SelectTokens("$..Products[?(@.Price >= 50)].Name");foreach (JToken item in pricyProducts){    Console.WriteLine(item);}// Anvil// Elbow Grease


JObject o1 = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(@"c:\videogames.json"));// read JSON directly from a fileusing (StreamReader file = File.OpenText(@"c:\videogames.json"))using (JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(file)){    JObject o2 = (JObject)JToken.ReadFrom(reader);}


JObject videogameRatings = new JObject(    new JProperty("Halo", 9),    new JProperty("Starcraft", 9),    new JProperty("Call of Duty", 7.5));File.WriteAllText(@"c:\videogames.json", videogameRatings.ToString());// write JSON directly to a fileusing (StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(@"c:\videogames.json"))using (JsonTextWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(file)){    videogameRatings.WriteTo(writer);}


此示例使用ToObject<T>()将LINQ to JSON对象转换为.NET类型

string json = @"{  'd': [    {      'Name': 'John Smith'    },    {      'Name': 'Mike Smith'    }  ]}";JObject o = JObject.Parse(json);JArray a = (JArray)o["d"];IList<Person> person = a.ToObject<IList<Person>>();Console.WriteLine(person[0].Name);// John SmithConsole.WriteLine(person[1].Name);// Mike Smith


此示例使用ToObject<T>()将LINQ to JSON对象转换为.NET类型

JValue v1 = new JValue(true);bool b = v1.ToObject<bool>();Console.WriteLine(b);// trueint i = v1.ToObject<int>();Console.WriteLine(i);// 1string s = v1.ToObject<string>();Console.WriteLine(s);// "True"


此示例使用 ToObject(Type)将LINQ to JSON对象转换为.NET类型

JValue v1 = new JValue(true);bool b = (bool)v1.ToObject(typeof(bool));Console.WriteLine(b);// trueint i = (int)v1.ToObject(typeof(int));Console.WriteLine(i);// 1string s = (string)v1.ToObject(typeof(string));Console.WriteLine(s);// "True"



JValue v1 = new JValue("1");int i = (int)v1;Console.WriteLine(i);// 1JValue v2 = new JValue(true);bool b = (bool)v2;Console.WriteLine(b);// trueJValue v3 = new JValue("19.95");decimal d = (decimal)v3;Console.WriteLine(d);// 19.95JValue v4 = new JValue(new DateTime(2013, 1, 21));string s = (string)v4;Console.WriteLine(s);// 01/21/2013 00:00:00JValue v5 = new JValue("http://www.bing.com");Uri u = (Uri)v5;Console.WriteLine(u);// http://www.bing.com/JValue v6 = JValue.CreateNull();u = (Uri)v6;Console.WriteLine((u != null) ? u.ToString() : "{null}");// {null}DateTime? dt = (DateTime?)v6;Console.WriteLine((dt != null) ? dt.ToString() : "{null}");// {null}


JValue s = new JValue("A string value");Console.WriteLine(s.Value.GetType().Name);// StringConsole.WriteLine(s.Value);// A string valueJValue u = new JValue(new Uri("http://www.google.com/"));Console.WriteLine(u.Value.GetType().Name);// UriConsole.WriteLine(u.Value);// http://www.google.com/



JObject o = new JObject{    { "name1", "value1" },    { "name2", "value2" }};foreach (JProperty property in o.Properties()){    Console.WriteLine(property.Name + " - " + property.Value);}// name1 - value1// name2 - value2foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JToken> property in o){    Console.WriteLine(property.Key + " - " + property.Value);}// name1 - value1// name2 - value2

使用LINQ to JSON注解

本示例使用LINQ to JSON对象的注释

JObject o = JObject.Parse(@"{  'name': 'Bill G',  'age': 58,  'country': 'United States',  'employer': 'Microsoft'}");o.AddAnnotation(new HashSet<string>());o.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) => o.Annotation<HashSet<string>>().Add(args.PropertyName);o["age"] = 59;o["employer"] = "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation";HashSet<string> changedProperties = o.Annotation<HashSet<string>>();// age// employer


此示例使用DeepEquals(JToken, JToken)比较JToken实例,比较令牌和所有子令牌

JValue s1 = new JValue("A string");JValue s2 = new JValue("A string");JValue s3 = new JValue("A STRING");Console.WriteLine(JToken.DeepEquals(s1, s2));// trueConsole.WriteLine(JToken.DeepEquals(s2, s3));// falseJObject o1 = new JObject{    { "Integer", 12345 },    { "String", "A string" },    { "Items", new JArray(1, 2) }};JObject o2 = new JObject{    { "Integer", 12345 },    { "String", "A string" },    { "Items", new JArray(1, 2) }};Console.WriteLine(JToken.DeepEquals(o1, o2));// trueConsole.WriteLine(JToken.DeepEquals(s1, o1["String"]));// true


此示例使用 DeepClone()递归地克隆一个JToken及其所有子项

JObject o1 = new JObject{    { "String", "A string!" },    { "Items", new JArray(1, 2) }};Console.WriteLine(o1.ToString());// {//   "String": "A string!",//   "Items": [//     1,//     2//   ]// }JObject o2 = (JObject)o1.DeepClone();Console.WriteLine(o2.ToString());// {//   "String": "A string!",//   "Items": [//     1,//     2//   ]// }Console.WriteLine(JToken.DeepEquals(o1, o2));// trueConsole.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(o1, o2));// false


本示例将LINQ to JSON对象转换为JSON

JObject o = JObject.Parse(@"{'string1':'value','integer2':99,'datetime3':'2000-05-23T00:00:00'}");Console.WriteLine(o.ToString());// {//   "string1": "value",//   "integer2": 99,//   "datetime3": "2000-05-23T00:00:00"// }Console.WriteLine(o.ToString(Formatting.None));// {"string1":"value","integer2":99,"datetime3":"2000-05-23T00:00:00"}Console.WriteLine(o.ToString(Formatting.None, new JavaScriptDateTimeConverter()));// {"string1":"value","integer2":99,"datetime3":new Date(959032800000)}


本示例使用JsonConverter来自定义将LINQ to JSON对象转换为JSON

JObject o = JObject.Parse(@"{'string1':'value','integer2':99,'datetime3':'2000-05-23T00:00:00'}");Console.WriteLine(o.ToString(Formatting.None, new JavaScriptDateTimeConverter()));// {"string1":"value","integer2":99,"datetime3":new Date(959032800000)}



JObject o = new JObject{    { "Cpu", "Intel" },    { "Memory", 32 },    {        "Drives", new JArray        {            "DVD",            "SSD"        }    }};JsonReader reader = o.CreateReader();while (reader.Read()){    Console.Write(reader.TokenType);    if (reader.Value != null)    {        Console.Write(" - " + reader.Value);    }    Console.WriteLine();}// StartObject// PropertyName - Cpu// String - Intel// PropertyName - Memory// Integer - 32// PropertyName - Drives// StartArray// String - DVD// String - SSD// EndArray// EndObject



JObject o = new JObject{    { "name1", "value1" },    { "name2", "value2" }};JsonWriter writer = o.CreateWriter();writer.WritePropertyName("name3");writer.WriteStartArray();writer.WriteValue(1);writer.WriteValue(2);writer.WriteEndArray();Console.WriteLine(o.ToString());// {//   "name1": "value1",//   "name2": "value2",//   "name3": [//     1,//     2//   ]// }



byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String("KQAAAAJuYW1lMQAHAAAAdmFsdWUxAAJuYW1lMgAHAAAAdmFsdWUyAAA=");MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data);JObject o;using (BsonReader reader = new BsonReader(ms)){    o = (JObject)JToken.ReadFrom(reader);}string value = (string)o["name1"];Console.WriteLine(value);// value1



JObject o = new JObject{    { "name1", "value1" },    { "name2", "value2" }};MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();using (BsonWriter writer = new BsonWriter(ms)){    o.WriteTo(writer);}string data = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());Console.WriteLine(data);// KQAAAAJuYW1lMQAHAAAAdmFsdWUxAAJuYW1lMgAHAAAAdmFsdWUyAAA=