
来源:互联网 发布:网页配色软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 20:05


import requestsfrom queue import Queueimport threadingclass proxy_ip():    # 初始化参数    def __init__(self):        self.url = 'http://www.baidu.com/'        self.ip_list_queue = Queue()  # 创建队列用于存储所有代理        self.proxy_queue = Queue()  # 创建存储有效代理    # 获取代理ip    def get_ip(self):        # 这是我之前采集到代理ip存放在txt中,格式是ip:port        with open('./ip.txt') as f:              ip_list = f.readlines()        for ip in ip_list:            ip = ip.strip()            # proxy = {"http":"http://" + ip,"https":"http://" + ip,}            self.ip_list_queue.put(ip)  # 存放到队列    # 验证代理ip    def check_ip(self):        while True:            ip = self.ip_list_queue.get()  # 在队列中取proxy            try:                proxy = {"http": "http://" + ip}                requests.get(self.url, proxies=proxy, timeout=1)                ip = ip                print(ip)            except:                ip = None            finally:                self.proxy_queue.put(ip)  # 存入队列            self.ip_list_queue.task_done()  # 队列计数减一    # 写入可用ip    def write_ip(self):        while True:            ip = self.proxy_queue.get()  # 取            if ip is not None:                with open('./proxy.txt', 'a') as f:                    f.write(ip + '\n')            self.proxy_queue.task_done()  # 减    # 运行主逻辑    def run(self):        thread_list = []        t_get_ip = threading.Thread(target=self.get_ip)        thread_list.append(t_get_ip)        for i in range(30):            t_check_ip = threading.Thread(target=self.check_ip)            thread_list.append(t_check_ip)        t_write_ip = threading.Thread(target=self.write_ip)        thread_list.append(t_write_ip)        for t in thread_list:            t.setDaemon(True)  # 守护线程            t.start()        for q in [self.ip_list_queue, self.proxy_queue]:            q.join()        print('运行结束')if __name__ == '__main__':    start = proxy_ip()    start.run()


