
来源:互联网 发布:欧文17总决赛数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/09 14:10

 今天看《Applying UML and Pattens》的时候看到metaclass这个词,是在描述调用静态函数的时候,记得以前就看到过这个关键字,但是并没有深入研究,今天google了一个多小时,小有心得,总结如下:







    1. def Person.getTotal  
    2.   puts "How many people on earth?"  
    3. end 




在《Applying UML and Pattens》有这样一段话:

in Java and Smalltalk, all classes are conceptually or literally instances of class Class; in .NET classes are instances of class Type. The classes Class and Type are metaclasses, which means their instances are themselves classes. A specific class, such as class Calendar, is itself an instance of class Class. Thus, class Calendar is an instance of a metaclass!




在Java中声明一个Person类,运行期间会发生什么?JVM会根据这个Person类生成一个Class类的对象,这个对象在运行期间用来描述Person类(这类似与我们上面Ruby那个例子中说的Person类实际上是个对象),执行Person p = new Person();后,p并不是直接指向实例数据,而是指向一个handle,这个handle中有两个指针,一个指向实例数据,另一个就是指向类数据,也就是JVM生成的那个描述Person类的那个对象。


那么我们如何获得这个生成的对象呢?p.getClass(); 和Person.class就是干这事的,他可以获得描述Person类的对象的句柄,由于他是Class类的对象,所以我们可以调用他的成员函数,如newIntance,getConstructor等等,等一下,这几个方法名怎么这么熟悉呢?没错,相信一应该想到了吧,反射!是的,我的理解java中的反射应该就是这样实现的。




所以,画Sequence Diagram是,如果是静态方法调用的话,要化成Metaclass的成员调用形式。于是又有一个问题不是很清楚了,C++的静态函数调用并不是Metaclass形式实现的,那么C++的静态成员函数的调用应该怎么画呢?





Some environments - such as Smalltalk - automatically define another class for each class you define. This is called a metaclass. Your class definition describes the data structure and methods of your class. The metaclass describes the data structure and methods of the class description - yes, the description of your class is also an object: an instance of the corresponding metaclass.
Exactly one such instance of each metaclass exists at runtime. If you add "class instance variables" and "class methods" to your class, what really happens is that fields and instance methods are added to the metaclass instead. I.e. you can change the structure and behavior of your class description.
In Java, all class descriptions look and work the same: They are instances of java.lang.Class. You cannot add any methods or fields there for some class descriptions where you think you need this; you can use the existing ones, though. E.g. getName() or newInstance() or getMethod()...
This is how the literature defines metaclasses in object orientation. Java obviously does not support metaclasses. However, even in Java you have exactly one class description for each loaded class at runtime. And you can do a lot using their methods (getMethod(), getConstructor(), isArray(), getInterfaces() etc... i.e. using Reflection)
You get the class description for an Object's class by calling getClass() on the object. If you know the classname, you can append .class to it to accomplish the same, e.g. String.class, which uses the class loader of the code that contains this expression for locating the class. Static method forName() in java.lang.Class has an overloaded variant where you can pass in the classname (fully qualified!) and the class loader to be used.
By the way: As we mentioned, in Systems having metaclasses, a "class method" is just a normal instance method of a metaclass, can be called on the instance of a metaclass and is dynamically bound and thus supports polymorphism. Java's static methods have often been compared to such class methods but in fact are - as the name reveals - just static methods, i.e. statically bound, non-polymorphic methods; consequently the syntax for calling them requires no receiver object. The only instance methods acting on class descriptions are those of java.lang.Class.
(sidenote: "class instance variables" in Smalltalk are instance variables of metaclasses; you might have guessed that they should be called "class variables" but these are yet another thing and those two should not be confused when working with Smalltalk. But for Java programmers this does, of course, not matter ;-)