
来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu配置内网ip 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 11:04



贝塞尔曲线(Bézier curve),又称贝兹曲线或贝济埃曲线,是应用于二维图形应用程序的数学曲线。一般的矢量图形软件通过它来精确画出曲线,贝兹曲线由线段节点组成,节点是可拖动的支点,线段像可伸缩的皮筋,我们在绘图工具上看到的钢笔工具就是来做这种矢量曲线的。主要结构:起始点、终止点(也称锚点)、控制点。通过调整控制点,贝塞尔曲线的形状会发生变化。





意义:由 P0 至 P1 的连续点, 描述的一条线段



原理: 由 P0 至 P1 的连续点 Q0,描述一条线段。 
           由 P1 至 P2 的连续点 Q1,描述一条线段。 
           由 Q0 至 Q1 的连续点 B(t),描述一条二次贝塞尔曲线。



虽然从公式上理解是非常难得,我们在开发中,也不是必须要完全理解这些公式,大概知道原理即可,通过这篇文章,我们可以大概理解它的图形上面的变化实现 http://www.html-js.com/article/1628

这个工具网站,可以帮助我们去绘制贝塞尔曲线 http://bezier.method.ac/#



[java] view plain copy
  1. /** 
  2.  * Add a quadratic bezier from the last point, approaching control point 
  3.  * (x1,y1), and ending at (x2,y2). If no moveTo() call has been made for 
  4.  * this contour, the first point is automatically set to (0,0). 
  5.  * 
  6.  * @param x1 The x-coordinate of the control point on a quadratic curve 
  7.  * @param y1 The y-coordinate of the control point on a quadratic curve 
  8.  * @param x2 The x-coordinate of the end point on a quadratic curve 
  9.  * @param y2 The y-coordinate of the end point on a quadratic curve 
  10.  */  
  11. public void quadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {  
  12.     isSimplePath = false;  
  13.     native_quadTo(mNativePath, x1, y1, x2, y2);  
  14. }  
/** * Add a quadratic bezier from the last point, approaching control point * (x1,y1), and ending at (x2,y2). If no moveTo() call has been made for * this contour, the first point is automatically set to (0,0). * * @param x1 The x-coordinate of the control point on a quadratic curve * @param y1 The y-coordinate of the control point on a quadratic curve * @param x2 The x-coordinate of the end point on a quadratic curve * @param y2 The y-coordinate of the end point on a quadratic curve */public void quadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {    isSimplePath = false;    native_quadTo(mNativePath, x1, y1, x2, y2);}


Path mPath = new Path();


[java] view plain copy
  1. /** 
  2.  * Add a cubic bezier from the last point, approaching control points 
  3.  * (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), and ending at (x3,y3). If no moveTo() call has been 
  4.  * made for this contour, the first point is automatically set to (0,0). 
  5.  * 
  6.  * @param x1 The x-coordinate of the 1st control point on a cubic curve 
  7.  * @param y1 The y-coordinate of the 1st control point on a cubic curve 
  8.  * @param x2 The x-coordinate of the 2nd control point on a cubic curve 
  9.  * @param y2 The y-coordinate of the 2nd control point on a cubic curve 
  10.  * @param x3 The x-coordinate of the end point on a cubic curve 
  11.  * @param y3 The y-coordinate of the end point on a cubic curve 
  12.  */  
  13. public void cubicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,  
  14.                     float x3, float y3) {  
  15.     isSimplePath = false;  
  16.     native_cubicTo(mNativePath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);  
  17. }  
/** * Add a cubic bezier from the last point, approaching control points * (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), and ending at (x3,y3). If no moveTo() call has been * made for this contour, the first point is automatically set to (0,0). * * @param x1 The x-coordinate of the 1st control point on a cubic curve * @param y1 The y-coordinate of the 1st control point on a cubic curve * @param x2 The x-coordinate of the 2nd control point on a cubic curve * @param y2 The y-coordinate of the 2nd control point on a cubic curve * @param x3 The x-coordinate of the end point on a cubic curve * @param y3 The y-coordinate of the end point on a cubic curve */public void cubicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,                    float x3, float y3) {    isSimplePath = false;    native_cubicTo(mNativePath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);}

cubicTo()方法从上一个点为起点开始绘制三阶贝塞尔曲线,其中(x1,y1),( x2, y2 )为辅助控制点,(x3,y3)为终点。















#onDraw() 代码:

[java] view plain copy
  1. @Override  
  2. protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {  
  3.     super.onDraw(canvas);  
  4.     if (!mIsRunning || !mHasInit)  
  5.         return;  
  6.     mPath.reset();  
  7.     mPath.moveTo(mLeft1.x, mLeft1.y);  
  8.     mPath.quadTo(mControlLeft1.x, mControlLeft1.y, mLeft2.x, mLeft2.y);  
  9.     mPath.quadTo(mControlLeft2.x, mControlLeft2.y, mFirst.x, mFirst.y);  
  10.     mPath.quadTo(mControlFirst.x, mControlFirst.y, mSecond.x, mSecond.y);  
  11.     mPath.quadTo(mControlSecond.x, mControlSecond.y, mRight.x, mRight.y);  
  12.     mPath.lineTo(mRight.x, mHeight);  
  13.     mPath.lineTo(mLeft1.x, mHeight);  
  14.     mPath.lineTo(mLeft1.x, mLeft1.y);  
  15.     canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);  
  16. }  
@Overrideprotected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {    super.onDraw(canvas);    if (!mIsRunning || !mHasInit)        return;    mPath.reset();    mPath.moveTo(mLeft1.x, mLeft1.y);    mPath.quadTo(mControlLeft1.x, mControlLeft1.y, mLeft2.x, mLeft2.y);    mPath.quadTo(mControlLeft2.x, mControlLeft2.y, mFirst.x, mFirst.y);    mPath.quadTo(mControlFirst.x, mControlFirst.y, mSecond.x, mSecond.y);    mPath.quadTo(mControlSecond.x, mControlSecond.y, mRight.x, mRight.y);    mPath.lineTo(mRight.x, mHeight);    mPath.lineTo(mLeft1.x, mHeight);    mPath.lineTo(mLeft1.x, mLeft1.y);    canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);}









我们看到原理图,基本构造为两个圆,和两端贝塞尔曲线,绘制贝塞尔曲线,由于这是一个二阶的贝塞尔曲线,我们只需要一个控制点,在这个图里,我们的两条贝塞尔曲线的两个控制点分别为(x1,y1)(x4, y4)的中点,(x2, y2)(x3, y3)的中点。





[java] view plain copy
  1. /** 
  2.  * 画粘连体 
  3.  * @param cx1     圆心x1 
  4.  * @param cy1     圆心y1 
  5.  * @param r1      圆半径r1 
  6.  * @param offset1 贝塞尔曲线偏移角度offset1 
  7.  * @param cx2     圆心x2 
  8.  * @param cy2     圆心y2 
  9.  * @param r2      圆半径r2 
  10.  * @param offset2 贝塞尔曲线偏移角度offset2 
  11.  * @return 
  12.  */  
  13. public static Path drawAdhesionBody(float cx1, float cy1, float r1, float offset1, float   
  14.         cx2, float cy2, float r2, float offset2) {  
  16.     /* 求三角函数 */  
  17.     float degrees =(float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(Math.abs(cy2 - cy1) / Math.abs(cx2 - cx1)));  
  19.     /* 根据圆1与圆2的相对位置求四个点 */  
  20.     float differenceX = cx1 - cx2;  
  21.     float differenceY = cy1 - cy2;  
  23.     /* 两条贝塞尔曲线的四个端点 */  
  24.     float x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4;  
  26.     /* 圆1在圆2的下边 */  
  27.     if (differenceX == 0 && differenceY > 0) {  
  28.         x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));  
  29.         y2 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));  
  30.         x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));  
  31.         y4 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));  
  32.         x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));  
  33.         y1 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));  
  34.         x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));  
  35.         y3 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));  
  36.     }  
  37.     /* 圆1在圆2的上边 */  
  38.     else if (differenceX == 0 && differenceY < 0) {  
  39.         x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));  
  40.         y2 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));  
  41.         x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));  
  42.         y4 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));  
  43.         x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));  
  44.         y1 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));  
  45.         x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));  
  46.         y3 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));  
  47.     }  
  48.     /* 圆1在圆2的右边 */  
  49.     else if (differenceX > 0 && differenceY == 0) {  
  50.         x2 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));  
  51.         y2 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));  
  52.         x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));  
  53.         y4 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));  
  54.         x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));  
  55.         y1 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));  
  56.         x3 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));  
  57.         y3 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));  
  58.     }   
  59.     /* 圆1在圆2的左边 */  
  60.     else if (differenceX < 0 && differenceY == 0 ) {  
  61.         x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));  
  62.         y2 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));  
  63.         x4 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));  
  64.         y4 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));  
  65.         x1 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));  
  66.         y1 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));  
  67.         x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));  
  68.         y3 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));  
  69.     }  
  70.     /* 圆1在圆2的右下角 */  
  71.     else if (differenceX > 0 && differenceY > 0) {  
  72.         x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));  
  73.         y2 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));  
  74.         x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));  
  75.         y4 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));  
  76.         x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));  
  77.         y1 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));  
  78.         x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));  
  79.         y3 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));  
  80.     }  
  81.     /* 圆1在圆2的左上角 */  
  82.     else if (differenceX < 0 && differenceY < 0) {  
  83.         x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));  
  84.         y2 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));  
  85.         x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));  
  86.         y4 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));  
  87.         x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));  
  88.         y1 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));  
  89.         x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));  
  90.         y3 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));  
  91.     }  
  92.     /* 圆1在圆2的左下角 */  
  93.     else if (differenceX < 0 && differenceY > 0) {  
  94.         x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));  
  95.         y2 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));  
  96.         x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));  
  97.         y4 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));  
  98.         x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));  
  99.         y1 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));  
  100.         x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));  
  101.         y3 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));  
  102.     }  
  103.     /* 圆1在圆2的右上角 */  
  104.     else {  
  105.         x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));  
  106.         y2 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));  
  107.         x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));  
  108.         y4 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));  
  109.         x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));  
  110.         y1 = cy1 + r1* (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));  
  111.         x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));  
  112.         y3 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));  
  113.     }  
  115.     /* 贝塞尔曲线的控制点 */  
  116.     float anchorX1,anchorY1,anchorX2,anchorY2;  
  118.     /* 圆1大于圆2 */  
  119.     if (r1 > r2) {  
  120.         anchorX1 = (x2 + x3) / 2;  
  121.         anchorY1 = (y2 + y3) / 2;  
  122.         anchorX2 = (x1 + x4) / 2;  
  123.         anchorY2 = (y1 + y4) / 2;  
  124.     }  
  125.     /* 圆1小于或等于圆2 */  
  126.     else {  
  127.         anchorX1 = (x1 + x4) / 2;  
  128.         anchorY1 = (y1 + y4) / 2;  
  129.         anchorX2 = (x2 + x3) / 2;  
  130.         anchorY2 = (y2 + y3) / 2;  
  131.     }  
  133.     /* 画粘连体 */  
  134.     Path path = new Path();  
  135.     path.reset();  
  136.     path.moveTo(x1, y1);  
  137.     path.quadTo(anchorX1, anchorY1, x2, y2);  
  138.     path.lineTo(x4, y4);  
  139.     path.quadTo(anchorX2, anchorY2, x3, y3);  
  140.     path.lineTo(x1, y1);  
  141.     return path;  
  142. }  
/** * 画粘连体 * @param cx1     圆心x1 * @param cy1     圆心y1 * @param r1      圆半径r1 * @param offset1 贝塞尔曲线偏移角度offset1 * @param cx2     圆心x2 * @param cy2     圆心y2 * @param r2      圆半径r2 * @param offset2 贝塞尔曲线偏移角度offset2 * @return */public static Path drawAdhesionBody(float cx1, float cy1, float r1, float offset1, float         cx2, float cy2, float r2, float offset2) {    /* 求三角函数 */    float degrees =(float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(Math.abs(cy2 - cy1) / Math.abs(cx2 - cx1)));    /* 根据圆1与圆2的相对位置求四个点 */    float differenceX = cx1 - cx2;    float differenceY = cy1 - cy2;    /* 两条贝塞尔曲线的四个端点 */    float x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4;    /* 圆1在圆2的下边 */    if (differenceX == 0 && differenceY > 0) {        x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));        y2 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));        x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));        y4 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));        x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));        y1 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));        x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));        y3 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));    }    /* 圆1在圆2的上边 */    else if (differenceX == 0 && differenceY < 0) {        x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));        y2 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));        x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));        y4 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));        x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));        y1 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));        x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));        y3 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));    }    /* 圆1在圆2的右边 */    else if (differenceX > 0 && differenceY == 0) {        x2 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));        y2 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));        x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));        y4 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));        x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));        y1 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));        x3 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));        y3 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));    }     /* 圆1在圆2的左边 */    else if (differenceX < 0 && differenceY == 0 ) {        x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));        y2 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));        x4 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));        y4 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));        x1 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));        y1 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));        x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));        y3 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));    }    /* 圆1在圆2的右下角 */    else if (differenceX > 0 && differenceY > 0) {        x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));        y2 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));        x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));        y4 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));        x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));        y1 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));        x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));        y3 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));    }    /* 圆1在圆2的左上角 */    else if (differenceX < 0 && differenceY < 0) {        x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));        y2 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));        x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));        y4 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));        x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));        y1 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));        x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));        y3 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));    }    /* 圆1在圆2的左下角 */    else if (differenceX < 0 && differenceY > 0) {        x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));        y2 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));        x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));        y4 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));        x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));        y1 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));        x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));        y3 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));    }    /* 圆1在圆2的右上角 */    else {        x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));        y2 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));        x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));        y4 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));        x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));        y1 = cy1 + r1* (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));        x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));        y3 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));    }    /* 贝塞尔曲线的控制点 */    float anchorX1,anchorY1,anchorX2,anchorY2;    /* 圆1大于圆2 */    if (r1 > r2) {        anchorX1 = (x2 + x3) / 2;        anchorY1 = (y2 + y3) / 2;        anchorX2 = (x1 + x4) / 2;        anchorY2 = (y1 + y4) / 2;    }    /* 圆1小于或等于圆2 */    else {        anchorX1 = (x1 + x4) / 2;        anchorY1 = (y1 + y4) / 2;        anchorX2 = (x2 + x3) / 2;        anchorY2 = (y2 + y3) / 2;    }    /* 画粘连体 */    Path path = new Path();    path.reset();    path.moveTo(x1, y1);    path.quadTo(anchorX1, anchorY1, x2, y2);    path.lineTo(x4, y4);    path.quadTo(anchorX2, anchorY2, x3, y3);    path.lineTo(x1, y1);    return path;}













如何绘制类似这种,看起来具有弹性球的滑动球,我们需要使用三阶贝塞尔曲线,那么首先如何用三阶贝塞尔曲线绘制出一个圆,这里有一篇文章,是关于如何用贝塞尔曲线绘制圆:http://spencermortensen.com/articles/bezier-circle/ ,大概意思是讲,我们需要一个值就是c = 0.552284749,如下图,要绘制右上角的圆弧,我们需要两个控制点,其中B就是一个控制点,我们需要保证AB = c *r,即可以画出1/4的圆弧,以此类推,连续画四段这样的圆弧,就可以画出一个标准的圆。










[java] view plain copy
  1.  package com.zero.bezier.widget.elastic;  
  3. import android.animation.Animator;  
  4. import android.animation.ValueAnimator;  
  5. import android.graphics.Path;  
  6. import android.graphics.PointF;  
  7. import android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator;  
  9. /** 
  10.  * 弹性球 
  11.  * @author linzewu 
  12.  * @date 2016/6/1 
  13.  */  
  14. public class ElasticBall extends Ball {  
  15.     /** 
  16.      * 向上运动 
  17.      */  
  18.     private static final int DIRECTION_UP = 1;  
  19.     /** 
  20.      * 向下运动 
  21.      */  
  22.     private static final int DIRECTION_DOWN = 2;  
  23.     /** 
  24.      * 向左运动 
  25.      */  
  26.     private static final int DIRECTION_LEFT = 3;  
  27.     /** 
  28.      * 向右运动 
  29.      */  
  30.     private static final int DIRECTION_RIGHT = 4;  
  31.     /** 
  32.      * 运动方向 
  33.      */  
  34.     private int mDirection;  
  35.     /** 
  36.      * 动画完成百分比(0~1) 
  37.      */  
  38.     private float mAnimPercent;  
  39.     /** 
  40.      * 弹性距离 
  41.      */  
  42.     private float mElasticDistance;  
  43.     /** 
  44.      * 弹性比例 
  45.      */  
  46.     private float mElasticPercent = 0.8f;  
  47.     /** 
  48.      * 位移距离 
  49.      */  
  50.     private float mMoveDistance;  
  51.     /** 
  52.      * 动画消费时间 
  53.      */  
  54.     private long mDuration = 1500;  
  56.     /** 
  57.      * 偏移值 
  58.      */  
  59.     private float offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetLeft, offsetRight;  
  60.     /** 
  61.      * 圆形偏移比例 
  62.      */  
  63.     private float c = 0.551915024494f;  
  65.     private float c2 = 0.65f;  
  66.     /** 
  67.      * 动画开始点 
  68.      */  
  69.     private Ball mStartPoint;  
  71.     /** 
  72.      * 动画结束点 
  73.      */  
  74.     private Ball mEndPoint;  
  76.     /** 
  77.      * 构造方法 
  78.      * 
  79.      * @param x 圆心横坐标 
  80.      * @param y 圆心纵坐标 
  81.      * @param radius 圆半径 
  82.      */  
  83.     public ElasticBall(float x, float y, float radius) {  
  84.         super(x, y, radius);  
  85.         init();  
  86.     }  
  89.     private void init() {  
  90.         mElasticDistance = mElasticPercent * radius;  
  91.         offsetTop = c * radius;  
  92.         offsetBottom = c * radius;  
  93.         offsetLeft = c * radius;  
  94.         offsetRight = c * radius;  
  95.     }  
  97.     public interface ElasticBallInterface{  
  98.         void onChange(Path path);  
  99.         void onFinish();  
  100.     }  
  102.     private ElasticBallInterface mElasticBallInterface;  
  104.     /** 
  105.      * 对外公布方法,设置弹性比例 (0~1) 
  106.      * @param elasticPercent 
  107.      */  
  108.     public void setElasticPercent(float elasticPercent) {  
  110.     }  
  111.     /** 
  112.      * 对外公布方法,设置动画时间 
  113.      * @param duration 
  114.      */  
  115.     public void setDuration(long duration) {  
  116.         this.mDuration = duration;  
  117.     }  
  119.     /** 
  120.      * 对外公布方法, 开启动画 
  121.      * @param endPoint 
  122.      */  
  123.     public void startElasticAnim(PointF endPoint, ElasticBallInterface elasticBallInterface) {  
  124.         this.mEndPoint = new ElasticBall(endPoint.x, endPoint.y, radius);  
  125.         this.mStartPoint = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);  
  126.         this.mStatusPoint1 = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);  
  127.         this.mStatusPoint2 = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);  
  128.         this.mStatusPoint3 = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);  
  129.         this.mStatusPoint4 = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);  
  130.         this.mStatusPoint5 = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);  
  131.         this.mElasticBallInterface = elasticBallInterface;  
  132.         judgeDirection();  
  133.         mMoveDistance = getDistance(mStartPoint.x, mStatusPoint1.y, endPoint.x, endPoint.y);  
  134.         animStatus0();  
  135.         ValueAnimator valueAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(01);  
  136.         valueAnimator.setDuration(mDuration);  
  137.         valueAnimator.setInterpolator(new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator());  
  138.         valueAnimator.start();  
  139.         valueAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {  
  140.             @Override  
  141.             public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {  
  142.                 mAnimPercent = (float) animation.getAnimatedValue();  
  143.                 if(mAnimPercent>=0 && mAnimPercent <= 0.2){  
  144.                     animStatus1();  
  145.                 }  
  146.                 else if(mAnimPercent > 0.2 && mAnimPercent <= 0.5){  
  147.                     animStatus2();  
  148.                 }  
  149.                 else if(mAnimPercent > 0.5 && mAnimPercent <= 0.8){  
  150.                     animStatus3();  
  151.                 }  
  152.                 else if(mAnimPercent > 0.8 && mAnimPercent <= 0.9){  
  153.                     animStatus4();  
  154.                 }  
  155.                 else if(mAnimPercent > 0.9&&mAnimPercent <= 1){  
  156.                     animStatus5();  
  157.                 }  
  158.                 if (mElasticBallInterface != null) {  
  159.                     mElasticBallInterface.onChange(drawElasticCircle(topX, topY, offsetTop, offsetTop,  
  160.                             bottomX, bottomY, offsetBottom, offsetBottom,  
  161.                             leftX, leftY, offsetLeft, offsetLeft,  
  162.                             rightX, rightY, offsetRight, offsetRight));  
  163.                 }  
  164.             }  
  165.         });  
  166.         valueAnimator.addListener(new Animator.AnimatorListener() {  
  167.             @Override  
  168.             public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {  
  170.             }  
  172.             @Override  
  173.             public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {  
  174.                 if (mElasticBallInterface != null) {  
  175.                     mElasticBallInterface.onFinish();  
  176.                 }  
  177.             }  
  179.             @Override  
  180.             public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {  
  182.             }  
  184.             @Override  
  185.             public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {  
  187.             }  
  188.         });  
  189.     }  
  191.     private void judgeDirection() {  
  192.         if (mEndPoint.x - mStartPoint.x > 0) {  
  193.             mDirection = DIRECTION_RIGHT;  
  194.         }else if (mEndPoint.x - mStartPoint.x < 0) {  
  195.             mDirection = DIRECTION_LEFT;  
  196.         }else if (mEndPoint.y - mStartPoint.x > 0) {  
  197.             mDirection = DIRECTION_DOWN;  
  198.         }else if (mEndPoint.y - mStartPoint.y < 0){  
  199.             mDirection = DIRECTION_UP;  
  200.         }  
  201.     }  
  203.     /** 
  204.      * 动画状态0 (初始状态:圆形) 
  205.      */  
  206.     private void animStatus0() {  
  207.         offsetTop = c * radius;  
  208.         offsetBottom = c * radius;  
  209.         offsetLeft = c * radius;  
  210.         offsetRight = c * radius;  
  211.     }  
  213.     private Ball mStatusPoint1;  
  215.     /** 
  216.      * 动画状态1 (0~0.2) 
  217.      */  
  218.     private void animStatus1() {  
  219.         float percent = mAnimPercent * 5f;  
  220.         if (mDirection == DIRECTION_LEFT) {  
  221.             leftX = mStartPoint.leftX - percent * mElasticDistance;  
  222.         } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_RIGHT) {  
  223.             rightX = mStartPoint.rightX + percent * mElasticDistance;  
  224.         } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_UP) {  
  225.             topY = mStartPoint.topY - percent * mElasticDistance;  
  226.         } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_DOWN) {  
  227.             bottomY = mStartPoint.bottomY + percent * mElasticDistance;  
  228.         }  
  229.         mStatusPoint1.refresh(x, y, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY,  
  230.                 leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY);  
  231.     }  
  233.     private Ball mStatusPoint2;  
  235.     /** 
  236.      * 动画状态2 (0.2~0.5) 
  237.      */  
  238.     private void animStatus2() {  
  239.         float percent = (float) ((mAnimPercent - 0.2) * (10f / 3));  
  240.         if (mDirection == DIRECTION_LEFT) {  
  241.             leftX = mStatusPoint1.leftX - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );  
  242.             x = mStatusPoint1.x - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2);  
  243.             rightX = mStatusPoint1.rightX - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );  
  244.             topX = x;  
  245.             bottomX = x;  
  246.             //偏移值稍作变化  
  247.             offsetTop = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;  
  248.             offsetBottom = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;  
  249.         } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_RIGHT) {  
  250.             rightX = mStatusPoint1.rightX + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );  
  251.             x = mStatusPoint1.x + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2);  
  252.             leftX = mStatusPoint1.leftX + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );  
  253.             topX = x;  
  254.             bottomX = x;  
  255.             //偏移值稍作变化  
  256.             offsetTop = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;  
  257.             offsetBottom = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;  
  258.         } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_UP) {  
  259.             topY = mStatusPoint1.topY - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );  
  260.             y = mStatusPoint1.y - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2);  
  261.             bottomY = mStatusPoint1.bottomY - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );  
  262.             leftY = y;  
  263.             rightY = y;  
  264.             //偏移值稍作变化  
  265.             offsetLeft = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;  
  266.             offsetRight = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;  
  267.         } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_DOWN) {  
  268.             bottomY = mStatusPoint1.bottomY + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );  
  269.             y = mStatusPoint1.y + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2);  
  270.             topY = mStatusPoint1.topY + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );  
  271.             leftY = y;  
  272.             rightY = y;  
  273.             //偏移值稍作变化  
  274.             offsetLeft = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;  
  275.             offsetRight = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;  
  276.         }  
  277.         mStatusPoint2.refresh(x, y, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY,  
  278.                 leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY);  
  279.     }  
  281.     private Ball mStatusPoint3;  
  283.     /** 
  284.      * 动画状态3 (0.5~0.8) 
  285.      */  
  286.     private void animStatus3() {  
  287.         float percent = (mAnimPercent - 0.5f) * (10f / 3f);  
  288.         if (mDirection == DIRECTION_LEFT) {  
  289.             leftX = mStatusPoint2.leftX - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.rightX - mStatusPoint2  
  290.                     .rightX));  
  291.             x = mStatusPoint2.x - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.x - mStatusPoint2.x));  
  292.             rightX = mStatusPoint2.rightX - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.x - mStatusPoint2.x));  
  293.             topX = x;  
  294.             bottomX = x;  
  295.             //偏移值稍作变化  
  296.             offsetTop = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;  
  297.             offsetBottom = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;  
  298.         } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_RIGHT) {  
  299.             rightX = mStatusPoint2.rightX + percent * (mEndPoint.rightX - mStatusPoint2.rightX);  
  300.             x = mStatusPoint2.x + percent * (mEndPoint.x - mStatusPoint2.x);  
  301.             leftX = mStatusPoint2.leftX + percent * (mEndPoint.x - mStatusPoint2.x);  
  302.             topX = x;  
  303.             bottomX = x;  
  304.             //偏移值稍作变化  
  305.             offsetTop = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;  
  306.             offsetBottom = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;  
  307.         } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_UP) {  
  308.             topY = mStatusPoint2.topY - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.topY - mStatusPoint2  
  309.                     .topY));  
  310.             y = mStatusPoint2.y - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.y - mStatusPoint2.y));  
  311.             bottomY = mStatusPoint2.bottomY - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.y - mStatusPoint2.y));  
  312.             leftY = y;  
  313.             rightY = y;  
  314.             //偏移值稍作变化  
  315.             offsetLeft = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;  
  316.             offsetRight = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;  
  317.         } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_DOWN) {  
  318.             bottomY = mStatusPoint2.bottomY + percent * (mEndPoint.bottomY - mStatusPoint2  
  319.                     .bottomY);  
  320.             y = mStatusPoint2.y + percent * (mEndPoint.y - mStatusPoint2.y);  
  321.             topY = mStatusPoint2.topY + percent * (mEndPoint.y - mStatusPoint2.y);  
  322.             leftY = y;  
  323.             rightY = y;  
  324.             //偏移值稍作变化  
  325.             offsetLeft = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;  
  326.             offsetRight = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;  
  327.         }  
  328.         mStatusPoint3.refresh(x, y, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY,  
  329.                 leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY);  
  330.     }  
  332.     private Ball mStatusPoint4;  
  334.     /** 
  335.      * 动画状态4 (0.8~0.9) 
  336.      */  
  337.     private void animStatus4() {  
  338.         float percent = (float) (mAnimPercent - 0.8) * 10;  
  339.         if (mDirection == DIRECTION_LEFT) {  
  340.             rightX = mStatusPoint3.rightX - percent * (Math.abs(mEndPoint.rightX - mStatusPoint3  
  341.                     .rightX) + mElasticDistance/2);  
  342.             //再做一次赋值,防止和终点不重合  
  343.             leftX = mEndPoint.leftX;  
  344.             x = mEndPoint.x;  
  345.             bottomX = mEndPoint.bottomX;  
  346.             topX = mEndPoint.topX;  
  347.         } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_RIGHT) {  
  348.             leftX = mStatusPoint3.leftX + percent * (mEndPoint.leftX - mStatusPoint3.leftX +  
  349.                     mElasticDistance/2);  
  350.             //再做一次赋值,防止和终点不重合  
  351.             rightX = mEndPoint.rightX;  
  352.             x = mEndPoint.x;  
  353.             bottomX = mEndPoint.bottomX;  
  354.             topX = mEndPoint.topX;  
  355.         } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_UP) {  
  356.             bottomY = mStatusPoint3.bottomY - percent * (Math.abs(mEndPoint.bottomY - mStatusPoint3  
  357.                     .bottomY) + mElasticDistance/2);  
  358.             //再做一次赋值,防止和终点不重合  
  359.             topY = mEndPoint.topY;  
  360.             y = mEndPoint.y;  
  361.             leftY = mEndPoint.leftY;  
  362.             rightY = mEndPoint.rightY;  
  363.         } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_DOWN) {  
  364.             topY = mStatusPoint3.topY + percent * (mEndPoint.topY - mStatusPoint3  
  365.                     .topY + mElasticDistance/2);  
  366.             //再做一次赋值,防止和终点不重合  
  367.             bottomY = mEndPoint.bottomY;  
  368.             y = mEndPoint.y;  
  369.             leftY = mEndPoint.leftY;  
  370.             rightY = mEndPoint.rightY;  
  371.         }  
  372.         mStatusPoint4.refresh(x, y, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY,  
  373.                 leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY);  
  374.     }  
  376.     private Ball mStatusPoint5;  
  378.     /** 
  379.      * 动画状态5 (0.9~1)回弹 
  380.      */  
  381.     private void animStatus5() {  
  382.         float percent = (float) (mAnimPercent - 0.9) * 10;  
  383.         if (mDirection == DIRECTION_LEFT) {  
  384.             rightX = mStatusPoint4.rightX + percent * (mEndPoint.rightX - mStatusPoint4.rightX);  
  385.         } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_RIGHT) {  
  386.             leftX = mStatusPoint4.leftX + percent * (mEndPoint.leftX - mStatusPoint4.leftX);  
  387.         } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_UP) {  
  388.             bottomY = mStatusPoint4.bottomY + percent * (mEndPoint.bottomY - mStatusPoint4.bottomY);  
  389.         } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_DOWN) {  
  390.             topY = mStatusPoint4.topY + percent * (mEndPoint.topY - mStatusPoint4.topY);  
  391.         }  
  392.         mStatusPoint5.refresh(x, y, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY,  
  393.                 leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY);  
  394.     }  
  396.     /** 
  397.      * 绘制弹性圆 
  398.      * 通过绘制四段三阶贝塞尔曲线,来实现有弹性变化的圆 
  399.      * @param topX 
  400.      * @param topY 
  401.      * @param offsetTop1 
  402.      * @param offsetTop2 
  403.      * @param bottomX 
  404.      * @param bottomY 
  405.      * @param offsetBottom1 
  406.      * @param offsetBottom2 
  407.      * @param leftX 
  408.      * @param leftY 
  409.      * @param offsetLeft1 
  410.      * @param offsetLeft2 
  411.      * @param rightX 
  412.      * @param rightY 
  413.      * @param offsetRight1 
  414.      * @param offsetRight2 
  415.      * @return 
  416.      */  
  417.     private Path drawElasticCircle(  
  418.             float topX, float topY, float offsetTop1, float offsetTop2,  
  419.             float bottomX, float bottomY, float offsetBottom1, float offsetBottom2,  
  420.             float leftX, float leftY, float offsetLeft1, float offsetLeft2,  
  421.             float rightX, float rightY, float offsetRight1, float offsetRight2  
  422.     ) {  
  423.         /** 
  424.          * 绘制每一段三阶贝塞尔曲线需要两个控制点 
  425.          */  
  426.         PointF controlTop1, controlTop2, controlBottom1, controlBottom2,  
  427.                 controlLeft1, controlLeft2, controlRight1, controlRight2;  
  428.         controlTop1 = new PointF();  
  429.         controlTop1.x = topX - offsetTop1;  
  430.         controlTop1.y = topY;  
  431.         controlTop2 = new PointF();  
  432.         controlTop2.x = topX + offsetTop2;  
  433.         controlTop2.y = topY;  
  434.         controlBottom1 = new PointF();  
  435.         controlBottom1.x = bottomX - offsetBottom1;  
  436.         controlBottom1.y = bottomY;  
  437.         controlBottom2 = new PointF();  
  438.         controlBottom2.x = bottomX + offsetBottom2;  
  439.         controlBottom2.y = bottomY;  
  440.         controlLeft1 = new PointF();  
  441.         controlLeft1.x = leftX;  
  442.         controlLeft1.y = leftY - offsetLeft1;  
  443.         controlLeft2 = new PointF();  
  444.         controlLeft2.x = leftX;  
  445.         controlLeft2.y = leftY + offsetLeft2;  
  446.         controlRight1 = new PointF();  
  447.         controlRight1.x = rightX;  
  448.         controlRight1.y = rightY - offsetRight1;  
  449.         controlRight2 = new PointF();  
  450.         controlRight2.x = rightX;  
  451.         controlRight2.y = rightY + offsetRight2;  
  453.         Path path = new Path();  
  454.         /** 
  455.          * 绘制top到left的圆弧 
  456.          */  
  457.         path.moveTo(topX, topY);  
  458.         path.cubicTo(controlTop1.x, controlTop1.y, controlLeft1.x, controlLeft1.y, leftX, leftY);  
  459.         /** 
  460.          * 绘制left到bottom的圆弧 
  461.          */  
  462.         path.cubicTo(controlLeft2.x ,controlLeft2.y, controlBottom1.x, controlBottom1.y, bottomX,  
  463.                 bottomY);  
  464.         /** 
  465.          * 绘制bottom到right的圆弧 
  466.          */  
  467.         path.cubicTo(controlBottom2.x, controlBottom2.y, controlRight2.x, controlRight2.y,  
  468.                 rightX, rightY);  
  469.         /** 
  470.          * 绘制right到top的圆弧 
  471.          */  
  472.         path.cubicTo(controlRight1.x, controlRight1.y, controlTop2.x, controlTop2.y, topX, topY);  
  473.         return path;  
  474.     }  
  476.     /** 
  477.      * 求两点之间的距离 
  478.      * @param x1 第一个点的横坐标 
  479.      * @param y1 第一个点的纵坐标 
  480.      * @param x2 第二个点的横坐标 
  481.      * @param y2 第二个点的纵坐标 
  482.      * @return 两点距离 
  483.      */  
  484.     private float getDistance(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {  
  485.         return (float) Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2));  
  486.     }  
  488. }  
 package com.zero.bezier.widget.elastic;import android.animation.Animator;import android.animation.ValueAnimator;import android.graphics.Path;import android.graphics.PointF;import android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator;/** * 弹性球 * @author linzewu * @date 2016/6/1 */public class ElasticBall extends Ball {    /**     * 向上运动     */    private static final int DIRECTION_UP = 1;    /**     * 向下运动     */    private static final int DIRECTION_DOWN = 2;    /**     * 向左运动     */    private static final int DIRECTION_LEFT = 3;    /**     * 向右运动     */    private static final int DIRECTION_RIGHT = 4;    /**     * 运动方向     */    private int mDirection;    /**     * 动画完成百分比(0~1)     */    private float mAnimPercent;    /**     * 弹性距离     */    private float mElasticDistance;    /**     * 弹性比例     */    private float mElasticPercent = 0.8f;    /**     * 位移距离     */    private float mMoveDistance;    /**     * 动画消费时间     */    private long mDuration = 1500;    /**     * 偏移值     */    private float offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetLeft, offsetRight;    /**     * 圆形偏移比例     */    private float c = 0.551915024494f;    private float c2 = 0.65f;    /**     * 动画开始点     */    private Ball mStartPoint;    /**     * 动画结束点     */    private Ball mEndPoint;    /**     * 构造方法     *     * @param x 圆心横坐标     * @param y 圆心纵坐标     * @param radius 圆半径     */    public ElasticBall(float x, float y, float radius) {        super(x, y, radius);        init();    }    private void init() {        mElasticDistance = mElasticPercent * radius;        offsetTop = c * radius;        offsetBottom = c * radius;        offsetLeft = c * radius;        offsetRight = c * radius;    }    public interface ElasticBallInterface{        void onChange(Path path);        void onFinish();    }    private ElasticBallInterface mElasticBallInterface;    /**     * 对外公布方法,设置弹性比例 (0~1)     * @param elasticPercent     */    public void setElasticPercent(float elasticPercent) {    }    /**     * 对外公布方法,设置动画时间     * @param duration     */    public void setDuration(long duration) {        this.mDuration = duration;    }    /**     * 对外公布方法, 开启动画     * @param endPoint     */    public void startElasticAnim(PointF endPoint, ElasticBallInterface elasticBallInterface) {        this.mEndPoint = new ElasticBall(endPoint.x, endPoint.y, radius);        this.mStartPoint = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);        this.mStatusPoint1 = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);        this.mStatusPoint2 = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);        this.mStatusPoint3 = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);        this.mStatusPoint4 = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);        this.mStatusPoint5 = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);        this.mElasticBallInterface = elasticBallInterface;        judgeDirection();        mMoveDistance = getDistance(mStartPoint.x, mStatusPoint1.y, endPoint.x, endPoint.y);        animStatus0();        ValueAnimator valueAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0, 1);        valueAnimator.setDuration(mDuration);        valueAnimator.setInterpolator(new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator());        valueAnimator.start();        valueAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {            @Override            public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {                mAnimPercent = (float) animation.getAnimatedValue();                if(mAnimPercent>=0 && mAnimPercent <= 0.2){                    animStatus1();                }                else if(mAnimPercent > 0.2 && mAnimPercent <= 0.5){                    animStatus2();                }                else if(mAnimPercent > 0.5 && mAnimPercent <= 0.8){                    animStatus3();                }                else if(mAnimPercent > 0.8 && mAnimPercent <= 0.9){                    animStatus4();                }                else if(mAnimPercent > 0.9&&mAnimPercent <= 1){                    animStatus5();                }                if (mElasticBallInterface != null) {                    mElasticBallInterface.onChange(drawElasticCircle(topX, topY, offsetTop, offsetTop,                            bottomX, bottomY, offsetBottom, offsetBottom,                            leftX, leftY, offsetLeft, offsetLeft,                            rightX, rightY, offsetRight, offsetRight));                }            }        });        valueAnimator.addListener(new Animator.AnimatorListener() {            @Override            public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {            }            @Override            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {                if (mElasticBallInterface != null) {                    mElasticBallInterface.onFinish();                }            }            @Override            public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {            }            @Override            public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {            }        });    }    private void judgeDirection() {        if (mEndPoint.x - mStartPoint.x > 0) {            mDirection = DIRECTION_RIGHT;        }else if (mEndPoint.x - mStartPoint.x < 0) {            mDirection = DIRECTION_LEFT;        }else if (mEndPoint.y - mStartPoint.x > 0) {            mDirection = DIRECTION_DOWN;        }else if (mEndPoint.y - mStartPoint.y < 0){            mDirection = DIRECTION_UP;        }    }    /**     * 动画状态0 (初始状态:圆形)     */    private void animStatus0() {        offsetTop = c * radius;        offsetBottom = c * radius;        offsetLeft = c * radius;        offsetRight = c * radius;    }    private Ball mStatusPoint1;    /**     * 动画状态1 (0~0.2)     */    private void animStatus1() {        float percent = mAnimPercent * 5f;        if (mDirection == DIRECTION_LEFT) {            leftX = mStartPoint.leftX - percent * mElasticDistance;        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_RIGHT) {            rightX = mStartPoint.rightX + percent * mElasticDistance;        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_UP) {            topY = mStartPoint.topY - percent * mElasticDistance;        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_DOWN) {            bottomY = mStartPoint.bottomY + percent * mElasticDistance;        }        mStatusPoint1.refresh(x, y, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY,                leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY);    }    private Ball mStatusPoint2;    /**     * 动画状态2 (0.2~0.5)     */    private void animStatus2() {        float percent = (float) ((mAnimPercent - 0.2) * (10f / 3));        if (mDirection == DIRECTION_LEFT) {            leftX = mStatusPoint1.leftX - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );            x = mStatusPoint1.x - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2);            rightX = mStatusPoint1.rightX - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );            topX = x;            bottomX = x;            //偏移值稍作变化            offsetTop = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;            offsetBottom = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_RIGHT) {            rightX = mStatusPoint1.rightX + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );            x = mStatusPoint1.x + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2);            leftX = mStatusPoint1.leftX + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );            topX = x;            bottomX = x;            //偏移值稍作变化            offsetTop = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;            offsetBottom = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_UP) {            topY = mStatusPoint1.topY - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );            y = mStatusPoint1.y - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2);            bottomY = mStatusPoint1.bottomY - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );            leftY = y;            rightY = y;            //偏移值稍作变化            offsetLeft = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;            offsetRight = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_DOWN) {            bottomY = mStatusPoint1.bottomY + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );            y = mStatusPoint1.y + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2);            topY = mStatusPoint1.topY + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );            leftY = y;            rightY = y;            //偏移值稍作变化            offsetLeft = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;            offsetRight = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;        }        mStatusPoint2.refresh(x, y, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY,                leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY);    }    private Ball mStatusPoint3;    /**     * 动画状态3 (0.5~0.8)     */    private void animStatus3() {        float percent = (mAnimPercent - 0.5f) * (10f / 3f);        if (mDirection == DIRECTION_LEFT) {            leftX = mStatusPoint2.leftX - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.rightX - mStatusPoint2                    .rightX));            x = mStatusPoint2.x - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.x - mStatusPoint2.x));            rightX = mStatusPoint2.rightX - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.x - mStatusPoint2.x));            topX = x;            bottomX = x;            //偏移值稍作变化            offsetTop = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;            offsetBottom = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_RIGHT) {            rightX = mStatusPoint2.rightX + percent * (mEndPoint.rightX - mStatusPoint2.rightX);            x = mStatusPoint2.x + percent * (mEndPoint.x - mStatusPoint2.x);            leftX = mStatusPoint2.leftX + percent * (mEndPoint.x - mStatusPoint2.x);            topX = x;            bottomX = x;            //偏移值稍作变化            offsetTop = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;            offsetBottom = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_UP) {            topY = mStatusPoint2.topY - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.topY - mStatusPoint2                    .topY));            y = mStatusPoint2.y - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.y - mStatusPoint2.y));            bottomY = mStatusPoint2.bottomY - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.y - mStatusPoint2.y));            leftY = y;            rightY = y;            //偏移值稍作变化            offsetLeft = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;            offsetRight = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_DOWN) {            bottomY = mStatusPoint2.bottomY + percent * (mEndPoint.bottomY - mStatusPoint2                    .bottomY);            y = mStatusPoint2.y + percent * (mEndPoint.y - mStatusPoint2.y);            topY = mStatusPoint2.topY + percent * (mEndPoint.y - mStatusPoint2.y);            leftY = y;            rightY = y;            //偏移值稍作变化            offsetLeft = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;            offsetRight = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;        }        mStatusPoint3.refresh(x, y, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY,                leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY);    }    private Ball mStatusPoint4;    /**     * 动画状态4 (0.8~0.9)     */    private void animStatus4() {        float percent = (float) (mAnimPercent - 0.8) * 10;        if (mDirection == DIRECTION_LEFT) {            rightX = mStatusPoint3.rightX - percent * (Math.abs(mEndPoint.rightX - mStatusPoint3                    .rightX) + mElasticDistance/2);            //再做一次赋值,防止和终点不重合            leftX = mEndPoint.leftX;            x = mEndPoint.x;            bottomX = mEndPoint.bottomX;            topX = mEndPoint.topX;        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_RIGHT) {            leftX = mStatusPoint3.leftX + percent * (mEndPoint.leftX - mStatusPoint3.leftX +                    mElasticDistance/2);            //再做一次赋值,防止和终点不重合            rightX = mEndPoint.rightX;            x = mEndPoint.x;            bottomX = mEndPoint.bottomX;            topX = mEndPoint.topX;        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_UP) {            bottomY = mStatusPoint3.bottomY - percent * (Math.abs(mEndPoint.bottomY - mStatusPoint3                    .bottomY) + mElasticDistance/2);            //再做一次赋值,防止和终点不重合            topY = mEndPoint.topY;            y = mEndPoint.y;            leftY = mEndPoint.leftY;            rightY = mEndPoint.rightY;        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_DOWN) {            topY = mStatusPoint3.topY + percent * (mEndPoint.topY - mStatusPoint3                    .topY + mElasticDistance/2);            //再做一次赋值,防止和终点不重合            bottomY = mEndPoint.bottomY;            y = mEndPoint.y;            leftY = mEndPoint.leftY;            rightY = mEndPoint.rightY;        }        mStatusPoint4.refresh(x, y, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY,                leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY);    }    private Ball mStatusPoint5;    /**     * 动画状态5 (0.9~1)回弹     */    private void animStatus5() {        float percent = (float) (mAnimPercent - 0.9) * 10;        if (mDirection == DIRECTION_LEFT) {            rightX = mStatusPoint4.rightX + percent * (mEndPoint.rightX - mStatusPoint4.rightX);        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_RIGHT) {            leftX = mStatusPoint4.leftX + percent * (mEndPoint.leftX - mStatusPoint4.leftX);        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_UP) {            bottomY = mStatusPoint4.bottomY + percent * (mEndPoint.bottomY - mStatusPoint4.bottomY);        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_DOWN) {            topY = mStatusPoint4.topY + percent * (mEndPoint.topY - mStatusPoint4.topY);        }        mStatusPoint5.refresh(x, y, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY,                leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY);    }    /**     * 绘制弹性圆     * 通过绘制四段三阶贝塞尔曲线,来实现有弹性变化的圆     * @param topX     * @param topY     * @param offsetTop1     * @param offsetTop2     * @param bottomX     * @param bottomY     * @param offsetBottom1     * @param offsetBottom2     * @param leftX     * @param leftY     * @param offsetLeft1     * @param offsetLeft2     * @param rightX     * @param rightY     * @param offsetRight1     * @param offsetRight2     * @return     */    private Path drawElasticCircle(            float topX, float topY, float offsetTop1, float offsetTop2,            float bottomX, float bottomY, float offsetBottom1, float offsetBottom2,            float leftX, float leftY, float offsetLeft1, float offsetLeft2,            float rightX, float rightY, float offsetRight1, float offsetRight2    ) {        /**         * 绘制每一段三阶贝塞尔曲线需要两个控制点         */        PointF controlTop1, controlTop2, controlBottom1, controlBottom2,                controlLeft1, controlLeft2, controlRight1, controlRight2;        controlTop1 = new PointF();        controlTop1.x = topX - offsetTop1;        controlTop1.y = topY;        controlTop2 = new PointF();        controlTop2.x = topX + offsetTop2;        controlTop2.y = topY;        controlBottom1 = new PointF();        controlBottom1.x = bottomX - offsetBottom1;        controlBottom1.y = bottomY;        controlBottom2 = new PointF();        controlBottom2.x = bottomX + offsetBottom2;        controlBottom2.y = bottomY;        controlLeft1 = new PointF();        controlLeft1.x = leftX;        controlLeft1.y = leftY - offsetLeft1;        controlLeft2 = new PointF();        controlLeft2.x = leftX;        controlLeft2.y = leftY + offsetLeft2;        controlRight1 = new PointF();        controlRight1.x = rightX;        controlRight1.y = rightY - offsetRight1;        controlRight2 = new PointF();        controlRight2.x = rightX;        controlRight2.y = rightY + offsetRight2;        Path path = new Path();        /**         * 绘制top到left的圆弧         */        path.moveTo(topX, topY);        path.cubicTo(controlTop1.x, controlTop1.y, controlLeft1.x, controlLeft1.y, leftX, leftY);        /**         * 绘制left到bottom的圆弧         */        path.cubicTo(controlLeft2.x ,controlLeft2.y, controlBottom1.x, controlBottom1.y, bottomX,                bottomY);        /**         * 绘制bottom到right的圆弧         */        path.cubicTo(controlBottom2.x, controlBottom2.y, controlRight2.x, controlRight2.y,                rightX, rightY);        /**         * 绘制right到top的圆弧         */        path.cubicTo(controlRight1.x, controlRight1.y, controlTop2.x, controlTop2.y, topX, topY);        return path;    }    /**     * 求两点之间的距离     * @param x1 第一个点的横坐标     * @param y1 第一个点的纵坐标     * @param x2 第二个点的横坐标     * @param y2 第二个点的纵坐标     * @return 两点距离     */    private float getDistance(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {        return (float) Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2));    }}









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