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题目:压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)

        本篇来介绍IHT重构算法。一般在压缩感知参考文献中,提到IHT时一般引用的都是文献【1】,但IHT实际上是在文献【2】中提出的。IHT并不是一种凸优化算法,它类似于OMP,是一种迭代算法,但它是由一个优化问题推导得到的。文献【1】和文献【2】的作者相同,署名单位为英国爱丁堡大学(University ofEdinburgh),第一作者的个人主页见参考文献【3】,从个人主页来看,作者现在已到英国南安普敦大学(University of Southampton),作者发表的论文均可以从其个人主页中下载。



        值得一提的是,IHT在文献【2】中提出时并不叫Iterative Hard Thresholding,而是M-Sparse Algorithm,如下图所示:

        该算法是为了求解M-稀疏问题(M-sparse problem)式(3.1)而提出的,经过一番推导得到了迭代公式式(3.2),其中HM(·)的含义参见式(3.3)。


        以下Step1~Step4推导过程可以参见本文的补充说明:迭代硬阈值(IHT)的补充说明,若要透彻地理解IHT,需要知道Majorization-Minimization优化框架和硬阈值(Hard Thresholding)函数。


        首先,将式(3.1)的目标函数用替代目标函数(surrogate objective fucntion)式(3.5)替换:


        为什么式目标函数式(3.1)可以用式(3.5) 替代呢?这得往回看一下了……




        这里注意波浪下划线中提到的“[29]”(参见文献【4】),surrogate objective function的思想来自这篇文件。然后注意对Φ的约束(第一个红框),之后以会有这个约束,个人认为是为了使式(2.5)后半部分大于等于零,即为了使



















那么怎么使这个最小值在向量y的稀疏度不大于M的约束下最小呢,显然是保留最大的M项(因为是平方,所以要取绝对值absolute value),剩余的置零(注意这里有个负号,所以要保留最大的M项)。






[plain] view plain copy
  1. function [ y ] = IHT_Basic( x,Phi,M,mu,epsilon,loopmax )    
  2. %IHT_Basic Summary of this function goes here    
  3. %Version: 1.0 written by jbb0523 @2016-07-30    
  4. %Reference:Blumensath T, Davies M E. Iterative Thresholding for Sparse Approximations[J].   
  5. %Journal of Fourier Analysis & Applications, 2008, 14(5):629-654.   
  6. %(Available at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00041-008-9035-z)  
  7. %   Detailed explanation goes here    
  8.     if nargin < 6    
  9.         loopmax = 3000;    
  10.     end    
  11.     if nargin < 5      
  12.         epsilon = 1e-3;      
  13.     end     
  14.     if nargin < 4      
  15.         mu = 1;      
  16.     end     
  17.     [x_rows,x_columns] = size(x);      
  18.     if x_rows<x_columns      
  19.         x = x’;%x should be a column vector      
  20.     end    
  21.     n = size(Phi,2);    
  22.     y = zeros(n,1);%Initialize y=0    
  23.     loop = 0;    
  24.     while(norm(x-Phi*y)>epsilon && loop < loopmax)    
  25.         y = y + Phi’*(x-Phi*y)*mu;%update y    
  26.         %the following two lines of code realize functionality of H_M(.)    
  27.         %1st: permute absolute value of y in descending order    
  28.         [ysorted inds] = sort(abs(y), ‘descend’);    
  29.         %2nd: set all but M largest coordinates to zeros    
  30.         y(inds(M+1:n)) = 0;    
  31.         loop = loop + 1;    
  32.     end    
  33. end   
function [ y ] = IHT_Basic( x,Phi,M,mu,epsilon,loopmax )  %IHT_Basic Summary of this function goes here  %Version: 1.0 written by jbb0523 @2016-07-30  %Reference:Blumensath T, Davies M E. Iterative Thresholding for Sparse Approximations[J]. %Journal of Fourier Analysis & Applications, 2008, 14(5):629-654. %(Available at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00041-008-9035-z)%   Detailed explanation goes here      if nargin < 6          loopmax = 3000;      end      if nargin < 5            epsilon = 1e-3;        end       if nargin < 4            mu = 1;        end       [x_rows,x_columns] = size(x);        if x_rows<x_columns            x = x';%x should be a column vector        end      n = size(Phi,2);      y = zeros(n,1);%Initialize y=0      loop = 0;      while(norm(x-Phi*y)>epsilon && loop < loopmax)          y = y + Phi'*(x-Phi*y)*mu;%update y          %the following two lines of code realize functionality of H_M(.)          %1st: permute absolute value of y in descending order          [ysorted inds] = sort(abs(y), 'descend');          %2nd: set all but M largest coordinates to zeros          y(inds(M+1:n)) = 0;          loop = loop + 1;      end  end 




[plain] view plain copy
  1. function [s, err_mse, iter_time]=hard_l0_Mterm(x,A,m,M,varargin)  
  2. % hard_l0_Mterm: Hard thresholding algorithm that keeps exactly M elements   
  3. % in each iteration.   
  4. %  
  5. % This algorithm has certain performance guarantees as described in [1],  
  6. % [2] and [3].  
  7. %  
  8. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  9. % Usage  
  10. %  
  11. %   [s, err_mse, iter_time]=hard_l0_Mterm(x,P,m,M,’option_name’,’option_value’)  
  12. %  
  13. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  14. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  15. %  
  16. % Input  
  17. %  
  18. %   Mandatory:  
  19. %               x   Observation vector to be decomposed  
  20. %               P   Either:  
  21. %                       1) An nxm matrix (n must be dimension of x)  
  22. %                       2) A function handle (type “help function_format”   
  23. %                          for more information)  
  24. %                          Also requires specification of P_trans option.  
  25. %                       3) An object handle (type “help object_format” for   
  26. %                          more information)  
  27. %               m   length of s   
  28. %               M   non-zero elements to keep in each iteration  
  29. %  
  30. %   Possible additional options:  
  31. %   (specify as many as you want using ‘option_name’,’option_value’ pairs)  
  32. %   See below for explanation of options:  
  33. %__________________________________________________________________________  
  34. %   option_name    |     available option_values                | default  
  35. %————————————————————————–  
  36. %   stopTol        | number (see below)                         | 1e-16  
  37. %   P_trans        | function_handle (see below)                |   
  38. %   maxIter        | positive integer (see below)               | n^2  
  39. %   verbose        | true, false                                | false  
  40. %   start_val      | vector of length m                         | zeros  
  41. %   step_size      | number                                     | 0 (auto)  
  42. %  
  43. %   stopping criteria used : (OldRMS-NewRMS)/RMS(x) < stopTol  
  44. %  
  45. %   stopTol: Value for stopping criterion.  
  46. %  
  47. %   P_trans: If P is a function handle, then P_trans has to be specified and   
  48. %            must be a function handle.   
  49. %  
  50. %   maxIter: Maximum number of allowed iterations.  
  51. %  
  52. %   verbose: Logical value to allow algorithm progress to be displayed.  
  53. %  
  54. %   start_val: Allows algorithms to start from partial solution.  
  55. %  
  56. %  
  57. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  58. %  
  59. % Outputs  
  60. %  
  61. %    s              Solution vector   
  62. %    err_mse        Vector containing mse of approximation error for each   
  63. %                   iteration  
  64. %    iter_time      Vector containing computation times for each iteration  
  65. %  
  66. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  67. %  
  68. % Description  
  69. %  
  70. %   Implements the M-sparse algorithm described in [1], [2] and [3].  
  71. %   This algorithm takes a gradient step and then thresholds to only retain  
  72. %   M non-zero elements. It allows the step-size to be calculated  
  73. %   automatically as described in [3] and is therefore now independent from   
  74. %   a rescaling of P.  
  75. %     
  76. %     
  77. % References  
  78. %   [1]  T. Blumensath and M.E. Davies, “Iterative Thresholding for Sparse   
  79. %        Approximations”, submitted, 2007  
  80. %   [2]  T. Blumensath and M. Davies; “Iterative Hard Thresholding for   
  81. %        Compressed Sensing” to appear Applied and Computational Harmonic   
  82. %        Analysis   
  83. %   [3] T. Blumensath and M. Davies; “A modified Iterative Hard   
  84. %        Thresholding algorithm with guaranteed performance and stability”   
  85. %        in preparation (title may change)   
  86. % See Also  
  87. %   hard_l0_reg  
  88. %  
  89. % Copyright (c) 2007 Thomas Blumensath  
  90. %  
  91. % The University of Edinburgh  
  92. % Email: thomas.blumensath@ed.ac.uk  
  93. % Comments and bug reports welcome  
  94. %  
  95. % This file is part of sparsity Version 0.4  
  96. % Created: April 2007  
  97. % Modified January 2009  
  98. %  
  99. % Part of this toolbox was developed with the support of EPSRC Grant  
  100. % D000246/1  
  101. %  
  102. % Please read COPYRIGHT.m for terms and conditions.  
  105. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  106. %                    Default values and initialisation  
  107. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  111. [n1 n2]=size(x);  
  112. if n2 == 1  
  113.     n=n1;  
  114. elseif n1 == 1  
  115.     x=x’;  
  116.     n=n2;  
  117. else  
  118.    error(‘x must be a vector.’);  
  119. end  
  121. sigsize     = x’*x/n;  
  122. oldERR      = sigsize;  
  123. err_mse     = [];  
  124. iter_time   = [];  
  125. STOPTOL     = 1e-16;  
  126. MAXITER     = n^2;  
  127. verbose     = false;  
  128. initial_given=0;  
  129. s_initial   = zeros(m,1);  
  130. MU          = 0;  
  132. if verbose  
  133.    display(‘Initialising…’)   
  134. end  
  136. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  137. %                           Output variables  
  138. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  140. switch nargout   
  141.     case 3  
  142.         comp_err=true;  
  143.         comp_time=true;  
  144.     case 2   
  145.         comp_err=true;  
  146.         comp_time=false;  
  147.     case 1  
  148.         comp_err=false;  
  149.         comp_time=false;  
  150.     case 0  
  151.         error(‘Please assign output variable.’)          
  152.     otherwise  
  153.         error(‘Too many output arguments specified’)  
  154. end  
  156. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  157. %                       Look through options  
  158. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  160. % Put option into nice format  
  161. Options={};  
  162. OS=nargin-4;  
  163. c=1;  
  164. for i=1:OS  
  165.     if isa(varargin{i},’cell’)  
  166.         CellSize=length(varargin{i});  
  167.         ThisCell=varargin{i};  
  168.         for j=1:CellSize  
  169.             Options{c}=ThisCell{j};  
  170.             c=c+1;  
  171.         end  
  172.     else  
  173.         Options{c}=varargin{i};  
  174.         c=c+1;  
  175.     end  
  176. end  
  177. OS=length(Options);  
  178. if rem(OS,2)  
  179.    error(‘Something is wrong with argument name and argument value pairs.’)   
  180. end  
  181. for i=1:2:OS  
  182.    switch Options{i}  
  183.         case {‘stopTol’}  
  184.             if isa(Options{i+1},’numeric’) ; STOPTOL     = Options{i+1};     
  185.             else error(‘stopTol must be number. Exiting.’); end  
  186.         case {‘P_trans’}   
  187.             if isa(Options{i+1},’function_handle’); Pt = Options{i+1};     
  188.             else error(‘P_trans must be function _handle. Exiting.’); end  
  189.         case {‘maxIter’}  
  190.             if isa(Options{i+1},’numeric’); MAXITER     = Options{i+1};               
  191.             else error(‘maxIter must be a number. Exiting.’); end  
  192.         case {‘verbose’}  
  193.             if isa(Options{i+1},’logical’); verbose     = Options{i+1};     
  194.             else error(‘verbose must be a logical. Exiting.’); end   
  195.         case {‘start_val’}  
  196.             if isa(Options{i+1},’numeric’) && length(Options{i+1}) == m ;  
  197.                 s_initial     = Options{i+1};    
  198.                 initial_given=1;  
  199.             else error(‘start_val must be a vector of length m. Exiting.’); end  
  200.         case {‘step_size’}  
  201.             if isa(Options{i+1},’numeric’) && (Options{i+1}) > 0 ;  
  202.                 MU     = Options{i+1};     
  203.             else error(‘Stepsize must be between a positive number. Exiting.’); end  
  204.         otherwise  
  205.             error(‘Unrecognised option. Exiting.’)   
  206.    end  
  207. end  
  209. if nargout >=2  
  210.     err_mse = zeros(MAXITER,1);  
  211. end  
  212. if nargout ==3  
  213.     iter_time = zeros(MAXITER,1);  
  214. end  
  217. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  218. %                        Make P and Pt functions  
  219. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  221. if          isa(A,’float’)      P =@(z) A*z;  Pt =@(z) A’*z;  
  222. elseif      isobject(A)         P =@(z) A*z;  Pt =@(z) A’*z;  
  223. elseif      isa(A,’function_handle’)   
  224.     try  
  225.         if          isa(Pt,’function_handle’); P=A;  
  226.         else        error(‘If P is a function handle, Pt also needs to be a function handle. Exiting.’); end  
  227.     catch error(‘If P is a function handle, Pt needs to be specified. Exiting.’); end  
  228. else        error(‘P is of unsupported type. Use matrix, function_handle or object. Exiting.’); end  
  230. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  231. %                        Do we start from zero or not?  
  232. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  236. if initial_given ==1;  
  238.     if length(find(s_initial)) > M  
  239.         display(‘Initial vector has more than M non-zero elements. Keeping only M largest.’)  
  241.     end  
  242.     s                   =   s_initial;  
  243.     [ssort sortind]     =   sort(abs(s),’descend’);  
  244.     s(sortind(M+1:end)) =   0;  
  245.     Ps                  =   P(s);  
  246.     Residual            =   x-Ps;  
  247.     oldERR      = Residual’*Residual/n;  
  248. else  
  249.     s_initial   = zeros(m,1);  
  250.     Residual    = x;  
  251.     s           = s_initial;  
  252.     Ps          = zeros(n,1);  
  253.     oldERR      = sigsize;  
  254. end  
  257. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  258. %                 Random Check to see if dictionary norm is below 1   
  259. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  262.         x_test=randn(m,1);  
  263.         x_test=x_test/norm(x_test);  
  264.         nP=norm(P(x_test));  
  265.         if abs(MU*nP)>1;  
  266.             display(‘WARNING! Algorithm likely to become unstable.’)  
  267.             display(‘Use smaller step-size or || P ||_2 < 1.’)  
  268.         end  
  271. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  272. %                        Main algorithm  
  273. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  274. if verbose  
  275.    display(‘Main iterations…’)   
  276. end  
  277. tic  
  278. t=0;  
  279. done = 0;  
  280. iter=1;  
  282. while ~done  
  284.     if MU == 0  
  286.         %Calculate optimal step size and do line search  
  287.         olds                =   s;  
  288.         oldPs               =   Ps;  
  289.         IND                 =   s~=0;  
  290.         d                   =   Pt(Residual);  
  291.         % If the current vector is zero, we take the largest elements in d  
  292.         if sum(IND)==0  
  293.             [dsort sortdind]    =   sort(abs(d),’descend’);  
  294.             IND(sortdind(1:M))  =   1;      
  295.          end    
  297.         id                  =   (IND.*d);  
  298.         Pd                  =   P(id);  
  299.         mu                  =   id’*id/(Pd’*Pd);  
  300.         s                   =   olds + mu * d;  
  301.         [ssort sortind]     =   sort(abs(s),’descend’);  
  302.         s(sortind(M+1:end)) =   0;  
  303.         Ps                  =   P(s);  
  305.         % Calculate step-size requirement   
  306.         omega               =   (norm(s-olds)/norm(Ps-oldPs))^2;  
  308.         % As long as the support changes and mu > omega, we decrease mu  
  309.         while mu > (0.99)*omega && sum(xor(IND,s~=0))~=0 && sum(IND)~=0  
  310. %             display([‘decreasing mu’])  
  312.                     % We use a simple line search, halving mu in each step  
  313.                     mu                  =   mu/2;  
  314.                     s                   =   olds + mu * d;  
  315.                     [ssort sortind]     =   sort(abs(s),’descend’);  
  316.                     s(sortind(M+1:end)) =   0;  
  317.                     Ps                  =   P(s);  
  318.                     % Calculate step-size requirement   
  319.                     omega               =   (norm(s-olds)/norm(Ps-oldPs))^2;  
  320.         end  
  322.     else  
  323.         % Use fixed step size  
  324.         s                   =   s + MU * Pt(Residual);  
  325.         [ssort sortind]     =   sort(abs(s),’descend’);  
  326.         s(sortind(M+1:end)) =   0;  
  327.         Ps                  =   P(s);  
  329.     end  
  330.         Residual            =   x-Ps;  
  333.      ERR=Residual’*Residual/n;  
  334.      if comp_err  
  335.          err_mse(iter)=ERR;  
  336.      end  
  338.      if comp_time  
  339.          iter_time(iter)=toc;  
  340.      end  
  342. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  343. %                        Are we done yet?  
  344. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  346.          if comp_err && iter >=2  
  347.              if ((err_mse(iter-1)-err_mse(iter))/sigsize<STOPTOL);  
  348.                  if verbose  
  349.                     display([‘Stopping. Approximation error changed less than ’ num2str(STOPTOL)])  
  350.                  end  
  351.                 done = 1;   
  352.              elseif verbose && toc-t>10  
  353.                 display(sprintf(‘Iteration %i. — %i mse change’,iter ,(err_mse(iter-1)-err_mse(iter))/sigsize))   
  354.                 t=toc;  
  355.              end  
  356.          else  
  357.              if ((oldERR - ERR)/sigsize < STOPTOL) && iter >=2;  
  358.                  if verbose  
  359.                     display([‘Stopping. Approximation error changed less than ’ num2str(STOPTOL)])  
  360.                  end  
  361.                 done = 1;   
  362.              elseif verbose && toc-t>10  
  363.                 display(sprintf(‘Iteration %i. — %i mse change’,iter ,(oldERR - ERR)/sigsize))   
  364.                 t=toc;  
  365.              end  
  366.          end  
  368.     % Also stop if residual gets too small or maxIter reached  
  369.      if comp_err  
  370.          if err_mse(iter)<1e-16  
  371.              display(‘Stopping. Exact signal representation found!’)  
  372.              done=1;  
  373.          end  
  374.      elseif iter>1   
  375.          if ERR<1e-16  
  376.              display(‘Stopping. Exact signal representation found!’)  
  377.              done=1;  
  378.          end  
  379.      end  
  381.      if iter >= MAXITER  
  382.          display(‘Stopping. Maximum number of iterations reached!’)  
  383.          done = 1;   
  384.      end  
  386. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  387. %                    If not done, take another round  
  388. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  390.      if ~done  
  391.         iter=iter+1;   
  392.         oldERR=ERR;          
  393.      end  
  394. end  
  397. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  398. %                  Only return as many elements as iterations  
  399. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  
  401. if nargout >=2  
  402.     err_mse = err_mse(1:iter);  
  403. end  
  404. if nargout ==3  
  405.     iter_time = iter_time(1:iter);  
  406. end  
  407. if verbose  
  408.    display(‘Done’)   
  409. end  
function [s, err_mse, iter_time]=hard_l0_Mterm(x,A,m,M,varargin)% hard_l0_Mterm: Hard thresholding algorithm that keeps exactly M elements % in each iteration. %% This algorithm has certain performance guarantees as described in [1],% [2] and [3].%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Usage%%   [s, err_mse, iter_time]=hard_l0_Mterm(x,P,m,M,'option_name','option_value')%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Input%%   Mandatory:%               x   Observation vector to be decomposed%               P   Either:%                       1) An nxm matrix (n must be dimension of x)%                       2) A function handle (type "help function_format" %                          for more information)%                          Also requires specification of P_trans option.%                       3) An object handle (type "help object_format" for %                          more information)%               m   length of s %               M   non-zero elements to keep in each iteration%%   Possible additional options:%   (specify as many as you want using 'option_name','option_value' pairs)%   See below for explanation of options:%__________________________________________________________________________%   option_name    |     available option_values                | default%--------------------------------------------------------------------------%   stopTol        | number (see below)                         | 1e-16%   P_trans        | function_handle (see below)                | %   maxIter        | positive integer (see below)               | n^2%   verbose        | true, false                                | false%   start_val      | vector of length m                         | zeros%   step_size      | number                                     | 0 (auto)%%   stopping criteria used : (OldRMS-NewRMS)/RMS(x) < stopTol%%   stopTol: Value for stopping criterion.%%   P_trans: If P is a function handle, then P_trans has to be specified and %            must be a function handle. %%   maxIter: Maximum number of allowed iterations.%%   verbose: Logical value to allow algorithm progress to be displayed.%%   start_val: Allows algorithms to start from partial solution.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Outputs%%    s              Solution vector %    err_mse        Vector containing mse of approximation error for each %                   iteration%    iter_time      Vector containing computation times for each iteration%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Description%%   Implements the M-sparse algorithm described in [1], [2] and [3].%   This algorithm takes a gradient step and then thresholds to only retain%   M non-zero elements. It allows the step-size to be calculated%   automatically as described in [3] and is therefore now independent from %   a rescaling of P.%   %   % References%   [1]  T. Blumensath and M.E. Davies, "Iterative Thresholding for Sparse %        Approximations", submitted, 2007%   [2]  T. Blumensath and M. Davies; "Iterative Hard Thresholding for %        Compressed Sensing" to appear Applied and Computational Harmonic %        Analysis %   [3] T. Blumensath and M. Davies; "A modified Iterative Hard %        Thresholding algorithm with guaranteed performance and stability" %        in preparation (title may change) % See Also%   hard_l0_reg%% Copyright (c) 2007 Thomas Blumensath%% The University of Edinburgh% Email: thomas.blumensath@ed.ac.uk% Comments and bug reports welcome%% This file is part of sparsity Version 0.4% Created: April 2007% Modified January 2009%% Part of this toolbox was developed with the support of EPSRC Grant% D000246/1%% Please read COPYRIGHT.m for terms and conditions.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                    Default values and initialisation%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[n1 n2]=size(x);if n2 == 1    n=n1;elseif n1 == 1    x=x';    n=n2;else   error('x must be a vector.');endsigsize     = x'*x/n;oldERR      = sigsize;err_mse     = [];iter_time   = [];STOPTOL     = 1e-16;MAXITER     = n^2;verbose     = false;initial_given=0;s_initial   = zeros(m,1);MU          = 0;if verbose   display('Initialising...') end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                           Output variables%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%switch nargout     case 3        comp_err=true;        comp_time=true;    case 2         comp_err=true;        comp_time=false;    case 1        comp_err=false;        comp_time=false;    case 0        error('Please assign output variable.')            otherwise        error('Too many output arguments specified')end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                       Look through options%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Put option into nice formatOptions={};OS=nargin-4;c=1;for i=1:OS    if isa(varargin{i},'cell')        CellSize=length(varargin{i});        ThisCell=varargin{i};        for j=1:CellSize            Options{c}=ThisCell{j};            c=c+1;        end    else        Options{c}=varargin{i};        c=c+1;    endendOS=length(Options);if rem(OS,2)   error('Something is wrong with argument name and argument value pairs.') endfor i=1:2:OS   switch Options{i}        case {'stopTol'}            if isa(Options{i+1},'numeric') ; STOPTOL     = Options{i+1};               else error('stopTol must be number. Exiting.'); end        case {'P_trans'}             if isa(Options{i+1},'function_handle'); Pt = Options{i+1};               else error('P_trans must be function _handle. Exiting.'); end        case {'maxIter'}            if isa(Options{i+1},'numeric'); MAXITER     = Options{i+1};                         else error('maxIter must be a number. Exiting.'); end        case {'verbose'}            if isa(Options{i+1},'logical'); verbose     = Options{i+1};               else error('verbose must be a logical. Exiting.'); end         case {'start_val'}            if isa(Options{i+1},'numeric') && length(Options{i+1}) == m ;                s_initial     = Options{i+1};                  initial_given=1;            else error('start_val must be a vector of length m. Exiting.'); end        case {'step_size'}            if isa(Options{i+1},'numeric') && (Options{i+1}) > 0 ;                MU     = Options{i+1};               else error('Stepsize must be between a positive number. Exiting.'); end        otherwise            error('Unrecognised option. Exiting.')    endendif nargout >=2    err_mse = zeros(MAXITER,1);endif nargout ==3    iter_time = zeros(MAXITER,1);end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                        Make P and Pt functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%if          isa(A,'float')      P =@(z) A*z;  Pt =@(z) A'*z;elseif      isobject(A)         P =@(z) A*z;  Pt =@(z) A'*z;elseif      isa(A,'function_handle')     try        if          isa(Pt,'function_handle'); P=A;        else        error('If P is a function handle, Pt also needs to be a function handle. Exiting.'); end    catch error('If P is a function handle, Pt needs to be specified. Exiting.'); endelse        error('P is of unsupported type. Use matrix, function_handle or object. Exiting.'); end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                        Do we start from zero or not?%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%if initial_given ==1;    if length(find(s_initial)) > M        display('Initial vector has more than M non-zero elements. Keeping only M largest.')    end    s                   =   s_initial;    [ssort sortind]     =   sort(abs(s),'descend');    s(sortind(M+1:end)) =   0;    Ps                  =   P(s);    Residual            =   x-Ps;    oldERR      = Residual'*Residual/n;else    s_initial   = zeros(m,1);    Residual    = x;    s           = s_initial;    Ps          = zeros(n,1);    oldERR      = sigsize;end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                 Random Check to see if dictionary norm is below 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%        x_test=randn(m,1);        x_test=x_test/norm(x_test);        nP=norm(P(x_test));        if abs(MU*nP)>1;            display('WARNING! Algorithm likely to become unstable.')            display('Use smaller step-size or || P ||_2 < 1.')        end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                        Main algorithm%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%if verbose   display('Main iterations...') endtict=0;done = 0;iter=1;while ~done    if MU == 0        %Calculate optimal step size and do line search        olds                =   s;        oldPs               =   Ps;        IND                 =   s~=0;        d                   =   Pt(Residual);        % If the current vector is zero, we take the largest elements in d        if sum(IND)==0            [dsort sortdind]    =   sort(abs(d),'descend');            IND(sortdind(1:M))  =   1;             end          id                  =   (IND.*d);        Pd                  =   P(id);        mu                  =   id'*id/(Pd'*Pd);        s                   =   olds + mu * d;        [ssort sortind]     =   sort(abs(s),'descend');        s(sortind(M+1:end)) =   0;        Ps                  =   P(s);        % Calculate step-size requirement         omega               =   (norm(s-olds)/norm(Ps-oldPs))^2;        % As long as the support changes and mu > omega, we decrease mu        while mu > (0.99)*omega && sum(xor(IND,s~=0))~=0 && sum(IND)~=0%             display(['decreasing mu'])                    % We use a simple line search, halving mu in each step                    mu                  =   mu/2;                    s                   =   olds + mu * d;                    [ssort sortind]     =   sort(abs(s),'descend');                    s(sortind(M+1:end)) =   0;                    Ps                  =   P(s);                    % Calculate step-size requirement                     omega               =   (norm(s-olds)/norm(Ps-oldPs))^2;        end    else        % Use fixed step size        s                   =   s + MU * Pt(Residual);        [ssort sortind]     =   sort(abs(s),'descend');        s(sortind(M+1:end)) =   0;        Ps                  =   P(s);    end        Residual            =   x-Ps;     ERR=Residual'*Residual/n;     if comp_err         err_mse(iter)=ERR;     end     if comp_time         iter_time(iter)=toc;     end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                        Are we done yet?%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%         if comp_err && iter >=2             if ((err_mse(iter-1)-err_mse(iter))/sigsize<STOPTOL);                 if verbose                    display(['Stopping. Approximation error changed less than ' num2str(STOPTOL)])                 end                done = 1;              elseif verbose && toc-t>10                display(sprintf('Iteration %i. --- %i mse change',iter ,(err_mse(iter-1)-err_mse(iter))/sigsize))                 t=toc;             end         else             if ((oldERR - ERR)/sigsize < STOPTOL) && iter >=2;                 if verbose                    display(['Stopping. Approximation error changed less than ' num2str(STOPTOL)])                 end                done = 1;              elseif verbose && toc-t>10                display(sprintf('Iteration %i. --- %i mse change',iter ,(oldERR - ERR)/sigsize))                 t=toc;             end         end    % Also stop if residual gets too small or maxIter reached     if comp_err         if err_mse(iter)<1e-16             display('Stopping. Exact signal representation found!')             done=1;         end     elseif iter>1          if ERR<1e-16             display('Stopping. Exact signal representation found!')             done=1;         end     end     if iter >= MAXITER         display('Stopping. Maximum number of iterations reached!')         done = 1;      end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                    If not done, take another round%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%     if ~done        iter=iter+1;         oldERR=ERR;             endend%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                  Only return as many elements as iterations%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%if nargout >=2    err_mse = err_mse(1:iter);endif nargout ==3    iter_time = iter_time(1:iter);endif verbose   display('Done') end




[plain] view plain copy
  1. function hat_x=cs_iht(y,T_Mat,m)  
  2. % y=T_Mat*x, T_Mat is n-by-m  
  3. % y - measurements  
  4. % T_Mat - combination of random matrix and sparse representation basis  
  5. % m - size of the original signal  
  6. % the sparsity is length(y)/4  
  8. hat_x_tp=zeros(m,1);         % initialization with the size of original   
  9. s=floor(length(y)/4);        % sparsity  
  10. u=0.5;                       % impact factor  
  12. % T_Mat=T_Mat/sqrt(sum(sum(T_Mat.^2))); % normalizae the whole matrix  
  14. for times=1:s  
  16.     x_increase=T_Mat’*(y-T_Mat*hat_x_tp);  
  18.     hat_x=hat_x_tp+u*x_increase;  
  20.     [val,pos]=sort((hat_x),’descend’);  % why? worse performance with abs()  
  22.     hat_x(pos(s+1:end))=0;   % thresholding, keeping the larges s elements  
  24.     hat_x_tp=hat_x;          % update  
  26. end  
function hat_x=cs_iht(y,T_Mat,m)% y=T_Mat*x, T_Mat is n-by-m% y - measurements% T_Mat - combination of random matrix and sparse representation basis% m - size of the original signal% the sparsity is length(y)/4hat_x_tp=zeros(m,1);         % initialization with the size of original s=floor(length(y)/4);        % sparsityu=0.5;                       % impact factor% T_Mat=T_Mat/sqrt(sum(sum(T_Mat.^2))); % normalizae the whole matrixfor times=1:s    x_increase=T_Mat'*(y-T_Mat*hat_x_tp);    hat_x=hat_x_tp+u*x_increase;    [val,pos]=sort((hat_x),'descend');  % why? worse performance with abs()    hat_x(pos(s+1:end))=0;   % thresholding, keeping the larges s elements    hat_x_tp=hat_x;          % updateend



[plain] view plain copy
  1. clear all;close all;clc;        
  2. M = 64;%观测值个数        
  3. N = 256;%信号x的长度        
  4. K = 10;%信号x的稀疏度        
  5. Index_K = randperm(N);        
  6. x = zeros(N,1);        
  7. x(Index_K(1:K)) = 5*randn(K,1);%x为K稀疏的,且位置是随机的        
  8. Psi = eye(N);%x本身是稀疏的,定义稀疏矩阵为单位阵x=Psi*theta        
  9. Phi = randn(M,N);%测量矩阵为高斯矩阵    
  10. Phi = orth(Phi’)’;      
  11. A = Phi * Psi;%传感矩阵      
  12. % sigma = 0.005;      
  13. % e = sigma*randn(M,1);    
  14. % y = Phi * x + e;%得到观测向量y        
  15. y = Phi * x;%得到观测向量y      
  16. %% 恢复重构信号x        
  17. tic        
  18. theta = IHT_Basic(y,A,K);   
  19. % theta = cs_iht(y,A,size(A,2));  
  20. % theta = hard_l0_Mterm(y,A,size(A,2),round(1.5*K),’verbose’,true);  
  21. x_r = Psi * theta;% x=Psi * theta        
  22. toc        
  23. %% 绘图        
  24. figure;        
  25. plot(x_r,’k.-‘);%绘出x的恢复信号        
  26. hold on;        
  27. plot(x,’r’);%绘出原信号x        
  28. hold off;        
  29. legend(‘Recovery’,’Original’)        
  30. fprintf(‘\n恢复残差:’);        
  31. norm(x_r-x)%恢复残差       
clear all;close all;clc;      M = 64;%观测值个数      N = 256;%信号x的长度      K = 10;%信号x的稀疏度      Index_K = randperm(N);      x = zeros(N,1);      x(Index_K(1:K)) = 5*randn(K,1);%x为K稀疏的,且位置是随机的      Psi = eye(N);%x本身是稀疏的,定义稀疏矩阵为单位阵x=Psi*theta      Phi = randn(M,N);%测量矩阵为高斯矩阵  Phi = orth(Phi')';    A = Phi * Psi;%传感矩阵    % sigma = 0.005;    % e = sigma*randn(M,1);  % y = Phi * x + e;%得到观测向量y      y = Phi * x;%得到观测向量y    %% 恢复重构信号x      tic      theta = IHT_Basic(y,A,K); % theta = cs_iht(y,A,size(A,2));% theta = hard_l0_Mterm(y,A,size(A,2),round(1.5*K),'verbose',true);x_r = Psi * theta;% x=Psi * theta      toc      %% 绘图      figure;      plot(x_r,'k.-');%绘出x的恢复信号      hold on;      plot(x,'r');%绘出原信号x      hold off;      legend('Recovery','Original')      fprintf('\n恢复残差:');      norm(x_r-x)%恢复残差     

        这里就不给出重构结果了,给出仿真结论:本人编的IHT基本版能够正常工作,但偶尔会重构失败;第二个版本hard_l0_Mterm.m重构效果很好;第三个版本Demo_CS_IHT.m重构效果很差,估计是作者疑问(why? worse performance with abs()),没有加abs取绝对值的原因吧……



        值得注意的是,在文献【2】中将式(2.2)称为iterative hard-thresholding algorithm,而将式(3.2)称为M-sparse algorithm,在文献【1】中又将式(3.2)称为Iterative Hard Thresholding algorithm (IHTs),一般简称IHT的较多,多余的s指的是s稀疏。可见算法的名称是也是一不断完善的过程啊……







        也就是说,IHT作者也意识到了该种算法的问题,并提出了两种应用策略(two strategies for asuccessful application of the methods)。



[plain] view plain copy
  1. function [x,k]=Landweber(A,b,x0)  
  2. alfa=1/sum(diag(A*A’));  
  3. k=1;  
  4. L=200;  
  5. x=x0;  
  6. while k<L  
  7.     x1=x;  
  8.     x=x+alfa*A’*(b-A*x);  
  9.     if norm(b-A*x)/norm(b)<0.005  
  10.         break;  
  11.     elseif norm(x1-x)/norm(x)<0.001  
  12.         break;  
  13.     end  
  14.     k=k+1;  
  15. end  
function [x,k]=Landweber(A,b,x0)alfa=1/sum(diag(A*A'));k=1;L=200;x=x0;while k<L    x1=x;    x=x+alfa*A'*(b-A*x);    if norm(b-A*x)/norm(b)<0.005        break;    elseif norm(x1-x)/norm(x)<0.001        break;    end    k=k+1;end


        有关LandWeber迭代可参见文献:“Landweber L. An iteration formula for Fredholm integral equations of the first kind[J]. American journal of mathematics, 1951, 73(3): 615-624.”,此处不再多述。


        作者后来又提出了两个关于IHT的改进算法,分别是RIHT(Normalized IHT)[7]和AIHT(Accelerated IHT)[8]



        之所以作者提供的软件包(第二个版本IHT)重构效果更好是由于最新版的hard_l0_Mterm.m (\sparsify_0_5\HardLab)程序中已经更新成了RIHT。








        细心的人会发现,文献【8】的暑名单位为剑桥大学(University of Oxford),并不是作者主页所在的南安普敦大学(University of Southampton),在文献【8】的最后南提到:

Previous position?难道作者跳到Oxford了?


【1】Blumensath T, Davies M E.Iterative hard thresholding for compressed sensing[J]. Applied & Computational HarmonicAnalysis, 2008, 27(3):265-274. (Available at:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1063520309000384)

【2】Blumensath T, Davies M E.Iterative Thresholding for Sparse Approximations[J]. Journal of Fourier Analysis & Applications,2008, 14(5):629-654. (Available at:http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00041-008-9035-z)

【3】Homepageof Blumensath T :http://www.personal.soton.ac.uk/tb1m08/index.html

【4】Lange, K., Hunter, D.R., Yang, I.. OptimizationTransfer Using Surrogate Objective Functions[J]. Journal of Computational &Graphical Statistics, 2000, 9(1):1-20. (Available at: http://sites.stat.psu.edu/~dhunter/papers/ot.pdf)

【5】GargR, Khandekar R. Gradient descent with sparsification: an iterative algorithmfor sparse recovery with restricted isometry property[C]//Proceedings of the26th Annual InternationalConference on Machine Learning. ACM, 2009: 337-344

【6】shasying2. landweber迭代方法.http://download.csdn.net/detail/shasying2/5092828

【7】Blumensath T, Davies M E.Normalized Iterative Hard Thresholding: Guaranteed Stability and Performance[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2010,4(2):298-309.

【8】Blumensath T. Accelerated iterative hard thresholding[J]. Signal Processing, 2012, 92(3):752-756.
