
来源:互联网 发布:知秋新书王剑仁 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 11:47



The Offline Image Viewer is a tool to dump the contents of hdfs fsimage files to a human-readable format and provide read-only WebHDFS API in order to allow offline analysis and examination of an Hadoop cluster’s namespace. The tool is able to process very large image files relatively quickly. The tool handles the layout formats that were included with Hadoop versions 2.4 and up. If you want to handle older layout formats, you can use the Offline Image Viewer of Hadoop 2.3 or oiv_legacy Command. If the tool is not able to process an image file, it will exit cleanly. The Offline Image Viewer does not require a Hadoop cluster to be running; it is entirely offline in its operation.


elif [ "$COMMAND" = "oiv" ] ; then CLASS=org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.tools.offlineImageViewer.OfflineImageViewerPBelif [ "$COMMAND" = "oiv_legacy" ] ; then CLASS=org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.tools.offlineImageViewer.OfflineImageViewer





public static int run(String[] args) throws Exception {    ...    String inputFile = cmd.getOptionValue("i");    String processor = cmd.getOptionValue("p", "Web");    String outputFile = cmd.getOptionValue("o", "-");    ...    Configuration conf = new Configuration();    try {      if (processor.equals("FileDistribution")) {        long maxSize = Long.parseLong(cmd.getOptionValue("maxSize", "0"));        int step = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("step", "0"));        new FileDistributionCalculator(conf, maxSize, step, out)            .visit(new RandomAccessFile(inputFile, "r"));      } else if (processor.equals("XML")) {        new PBImageXmlWriter(conf, out).visit(new RandomAccessFile(inputFile,            "r"));      } else if (processor.equals("ReverseXML")) {        try {          OfflineImageReconstructor.run(inputFile, outputFile);        } catch (Exception e) {          System.err.println("OfflineImageReconstructor failed: " +              e.getMessage());          e.printStackTrace(System.err);          System.exit(1);        }      } else if (processor.equals("Web")) {        String addr = cmd.getOptionValue("addr", "localhost:5978");        WebImageViewer viewer = new WebImageViewer(NetUtils.createSocketAddr                (addr));        try {          viewer.start(inputFile);        } finally {          viewer.close();        }      } else if (processor.equals("Delimited")) {        try (PBImageDelimitedTextWriter writer =            new PBImageDelimitedTextWriter(                new PrintStream(new WriterOutputStream(out)), delimiter, tempPath)) {          writer.visit(new RandomAccessFile(inputFile, "r"));        }      }else {        System.err.println("Invalid processor specified : " + processor);        printUsage();        return -1;      }      return 0;    } catch (EOFException e) {      System.err.println("Input file ended unexpectedly. Exiting");    } catch (IOException e) {      System.err.println("Encountered exception.  Exiting: " + e.getMessage());    } finally {      IOUtils.cleanup(null, out);    }    return -1;  }  




public void visit(RandomAccessFile file) throws IOException {    if (!FSImageUtil.checkFileFormat(file)) {      throw new IOException("Unrecognized FSImage");    }    FileSummary summary = FSImageUtil.loadSummary(file);    FileInputStream fin = null;    try {      fin = new FileInputStream(file.getFD());      out.print("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<fsimage>");      out.print("<version>");      o("layoutVersion", summary.getLayoutVersion());      o("onDiskVersion", summary.getOndiskVersion());      // Output the version of OIV (which is not necessarily the version of      // the fsimage file).  This could be helpful in the case where a bug      // in OIV leads to information loss in the XML-- we can quickly tell      // if a specific fsimage XML file is affected by this bug.      o("oivRevision", VersionInfo.getRevision());      out.print("</version>\n");      ArrayList<FileSummary.Section> sections = Lists.newArrayList(summary          .getSectionsList());      Collections.sort(sections, new Comparator<FileSummary.Section>() {        @Override        public int compare(FileSummary.Section s1, FileSummary.Section s2) {          SectionName n1 = SectionName.fromString(s1.getName());          SectionName n2 = SectionName.fromString(s2.getName());          if (n1 == null) {            return n2 == null ? 0 : -1;          } else if (n2 == null) {            return -1;          } else {            return n1.ordinal() - n2.ordinal();          }        }      });      for (FileSummary.Section s : sections) {        fin.getChannel().position(s.getOffset());        InputStream is = FSImageUtil.wrapInputStreamForCompression(conf,            summary.getCodec(), new BufferedInputStream(new LimitInputStream(                fin, s.getLength())));        switch (SectionName.fromString(s.getName())) {        case NS_INFO:          dumpNameSection(is);          break;        case STRING_TABLE:          loadStringTable(is);          break;        case INODE:          dumpINodeSection(is);          break;        case INODE_REFERENCE:          dumpINodeReferenceSection(is);          break;        case INODE_DIR:          dumpINodeDirectorySection(is);          break;        case FILES_UNDERCONSTRUCTION:          dumpFileUnderConstructionSection(is);          break;        case SNAPSHOT:          dumpSnapshotSection(is);          break;        case SNAPSHOT_DIFF:          dumpSnapshotDiffSection(is);          break;        case SECRET_MANAGER:          dumpSecretManagerSection(is);          break;        case CACHE_MANAGER:          dumpCacheManagerSection(is);          break;        default:          break;        }      }      out.print("</fsimage>\n");    } finally {      IOUtils.cleanup(null, fin);    }  }


public final class FSImageUtil {  public static final byte[] MAGIC_HEADER = "HDFSIMG1".getBytes();  public static final int FILE_VERSION = 1;  public static boolean checkFileFormat(RandomAccessFile file)      throws IOException {    if (file.length() < Loader.MINIMUM_FILE_LENGTH)      return false;    byte[] magic = new byte[MAGIC_HEADER.length];    file.readFully(magic);    if (!Arrays.equals(MAGIC_HEADER, magic))      return false;    return true;  }  public static FileSummary loadSummary(RandomAccessFile file)      throws IOException {    final int FILE_LENGTH_FIELD_SIZE = 4;    long fileLength = file.length();    file.seek(fileLength - FILE_LENGTH_FIELD_SIZE);    int summaryLength = file.readInt();    if (summaryLength <= 0) {      throw new IOException("Negative length of the file");    }    file.seek(fileLength - FILE_LENGTH_FIELD_SIZE - summaryLength);    byte[] summaryBytes = new byte[summaryLength];    file.readFully(summaryBytes);    FileSummary summary = FileSummary        .parseDelimitedFrom(new ByteArrayInputStream(summaryBytes));    if (summary.getOndiskVersion() != FILE_VERSION) {      throw new IOException("Unsupported file version "          + summary.getOndiskVersion());    }    if (!NameNodeLayoutVersion.supports(Feature.PROTOBUF_FORMAT,        summary.getLayoutVersion())) {      throw new IOException("Unsupported layout version "          + summary.getLayoutVersion());    }    return summary;  }  public static InputStream wrapInputStreamForCompression(      Configuration conf, String codec, InputStream in) throws IOException {    if (codec.isEmpty())      return in;    FSImageCompression compression = FSImageCompression.createCompression(        conf, codec);    CompressionCodec imageCodec = compression.getImageCodec();    return imageCodec.createInputStream(in);  }}




public class WebImageViewer implements Closeable {...   public void start(String fsimage) throws IOException {    try {      initServer(fsimage);      channel.closeFuture().await();    } catch (InterruptedException e) {      close();    }  }  @VisibleForTesting  public void initServer(String fsimage)          throws IOException, InterruptedException {    final FSImageLoader loader = FSImageLoader.load(fsimage);    bootstrap.childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {      @Override      protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {        ChannelPipeline p = ch.pipeline();        p.addLast(new HttpRequestDecoder(),          new StringEncoder(),          new HttpResponseEncoder(),          new FSImageHandler(loader, allChannels));      }    });    channel = bootstrap.bind(address).sync().channel();    allChannels.add(channel);    address = (InetSocketAddress) channel.localAddress();  } }


class FSImageLoader {       ...  private FSImageLoader(String[] stringTable, byte[][] inodes,                        Map<Long, long[]> dirmap) {    this.stringTable = stringTable;    this.inodes = inodes;    this.dirmap = dirmap;  }  static FSImageLoader load(String inputFile) throws IOException {    Configuration conf = new Configuration();    RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(inputFile, "r");    FsImageProto.FileSummary summary = FSImageUtil.loadSummary(file);    FileInputStream fin = null;    try {      // Map to record INodeReference to the referred id      ImmutableList<Long> refIdList = null;      String[] stringTable = null;      byte[][] inodes = null;      Map<Long, long[]> dirmap = null;      fin = new FileInputStream(file.getFD());      ArrayList<FsImageProto.FileSummary.Section> sections =          Lists.newArrayList(summary.getSectionsList());      Collections.sort(sections,          new Comparator<FsImageProto.FileSummary.Section>() {            @Override            public int compare(FsImageProto.FileSummary.Section s1,                               FsImageProto.FileSummary.Section s2) {              FSImageFormatProtobuf.SectionName n1 =                  FSImageFormatProtobuf.SectionName.fromString(s1.getName());              FSImageFormatProtobuf.SectionName n2 =                  FSImageFormatProtobuf.SectionName.fromString(s2.getName());              if (n1 == null) {                return n2 == null ? 0 : -1;              } else if (n2 == null) {                return -1;              } else {                return n1.ordinal() - n2.ordinal();              }            }          });      for (FsImageProto.FileSummary.Section s : sections) {        fin.getChannel().position(s.getOffset());        InputStream is = FSImageUtil.wrapInputStreamForCompression(conf,            summary.getCodec(), new BufferedInputStream(new LimitInputStream(            fin, s.getLength())));        switch (FSImageFormatProtobuf.SectionName.fromString(s.getName())) {          case STRING_TABLE:            stringTable = loadStringTable(is);            break;          case INODE:            inodes = loadINodeSection(is);            break;          case INODE_REFERENCE:            refIdList = loadINodeReferenceSection(is);            break;          case INODE_DIR:            dirmap = loadINodeDirectorySection(is, refIdList);            break;          default:            break;        }      }      return new FSImageLoader(stringTable, inodes, dirmap);    } finally {      IOUtils.cleanup(null, fin);    }  }


private static byte[][] loadINodeSection(InputStream in)          throws IOException {    FsImageProto.INodeSection s = FsImageProto.INodeSection        .parseDelimitedFrom(in);    final byte[][] inodes = new byte[(int) s.getNumInodes()][];    for (int i = 0; i < s.getNumInodes(); ++i) {      int size = CodedInputStream.readRawVarint32(in.read(), in);      byte[] bytes = new byte[size];      IOUtils.readFully(in, bytes, 0, size);      inodes[i] = bytes;    }    Arrays.sort(inodes, INODE_BYTES_COMPARATOR);    return inodes;  }

通过调用FsImageProto.INodeSection解析INodeSection段拿到总的Inode数量后,CodedInputStream.readRawVarint32(in.read(), in);得到一个INode占用的字节数,直接读取到一个字节数组上。



public class OfflineImageViewer {  private final boolean skipBlocks;//标记是否跳过数据块的处理  private final String inputFile;  private final ImageVisitor processor;  public OfflineImageViewer(String inputFile, ImageVisitor processor,              boolean skipBlocks) {    this.inputFile = inputFile;    this.processor = processor;    this.skipBlocks = skipBlocks;  }  /**   * Process image file.   */  public void go() throws IOException  {    DataInputStream in = null;    PositionTrackingInputStream tracker = null;    ImageLoader fsip = null;    boolean done = false;    try {      tracker = new PositionTrackingInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(               new FileInputStream(new File(inputFile))));      in = new DataInputStream(tracker);      int imageVersionFile = findImageVersion(in);      fsip = ImageLoader.LoaderFactory.getLoader(imageVersionFile);      if(fsip == null)         throw new IOException("No image processor to read version " +            imageVersionFile + " is available.");      fsip.loadImage(in, processor, skipBlocks);      done = true;    } finally {      if (!done) {        LOG.error("image loading failed at offset " + tracker.getPos());      }      IOUtils.cleanup(LOG, in, tracker);    }  }   private int findImageVersion(DataInputStream in) throws IOException {    in.mark(42); // arbitrary amount, resetting immediately    int version = in.readInt();    in.reset();    return version;  }  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {    ...    boolean skipBlocks = cmd.hasOption("skipBlocks");    String inputFile = cmd.getOptionValue("i");    ...    ImageVisitor v;    if(processor.equals("Indented")) {      v = new IndentedImageVisitor(outputFile, printToScreen);    } else if (processor.equals("XML")) {      v = new XmlImageVisitor(outputFile, printToScreen);    }else {      v = new LsImageVisitor(outputFile, printToScreen);      skipBlocks = false;    }      OfflineImageViewer d = new OfflineImageViewer(inputFile, v, skipBlocks);      d.go();  }}

和OfflineImageViewerPB不同的地方是这里经过抽象类ImageVisitor,利用多态将处理流程统一了,都靠go方法去实现,它是实现思想很简单首先取到FSImage的版本信息这里通过findImageVersion来获取,通过版本信息拿到合适的文件解析器,这里同过ImageLoader接口多态实现,拿到了处理类,拿到对应版本的ImageLoader实现,通过fsip.loadImage(in, processor, skipBlocks);一切就水到渠成了。

abstract class ImageVisitor {  /**   * Structural elements of an FSImage that may be encountered within the   * file. ImageVisitors are able to handle processing any of these elements.   */  public enum ImageElement {    FS_IMAGE,    IMAGE_VERSION,    NAMESPACE_ID,    IS_COMPRESSED,    COMPRESS_CODEC,    LAYOUT_VERSION,    NUM_INODES,    GENERATION_STAMP,    GENERATION_STAMP_V2,    GENERATION_STAMP_V1_LIMIT,    LAST_ALLOCATED_BLOCK_ID,    INODES,    INODE,    INODE_PATH,    REPLICATION,    MODIFICATION_TIME,    ACCESS_TIME,    BLOCK_SIZE,    NUM_BLOCKS,    BLOCKS,    BLOCK,    BLOCK_ID,    NUM_BYTES,    NS_QUOTA,    DS_QUOTA,    PERMISSIONS,    SYMLINK,    NUM_INODES_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION,    INODES_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION,    INODE_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION,    PREFERRED_BLOCK_SIZE,    CLIENT_NAME,    CLIENT_MACHINE,    USER_NAME,    GROUP_NAME,    PERMISSION_STRING,    CURRENT_DELEGATION_KEY_ID,    NUM_DELEGATION_KEYS,    DELEGATION_KEYS,    DELEGATION_KEY,    DELEGATION_TOKEN_SEQUENCE_NUMBER,    NUM_DELEGATION_TOKENS,    DELEGATION_TOKENS,    DELEGATION_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER,    DELEGATION_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER_KIND,    DELEGATION_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER_SEQNO,    DELEGATION_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER_OWNER,    DELEGATION_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER_RENEWER,    DELEGATION_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER_REALUSER,    DELEGATION_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER_ISSUE_DATE,    DELEGATION_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER_MAX_DATE,    DELEGATION_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER_EXPIRY_TIME,    DELEGATION_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER_MASTER_KEY_ID,    TRANSACTION_ID,    LAST_INODE_ID,    INODE_ID,    SNAPSHOT_COUNTER,    NUM_SNAPSHOTS_TOTAL,    NUM_SNAPSHOTS,    SNAPSHOTS,    SNAPSHOT,    SNAPSHOT_ID,    SNAPSHOT_ROOT,    SNAPSHOT_QUOTA,    NUM_SNAPSHOT_DIR_DIFF,    SNAPSHOT_DIR_DIFFS,    SNAPSHOT_DIR_DIFF,    SNAPSHOT_DIFF_SNAPSHOTID,    SNAPSHOT_DIR_DIFF_CHILDREN_SIZE,    SNAPSHOT_INODE_FILE_ATTRIBUTES,    SNAPSHOT_INODE_DIRECTORY_ATTRIBUTES,    SNAPSHOT_DIR_DIFF_CREATEDLIST,    SNAPSHOT_DIR_DIFF_CREATEDLIST_SIZE,    SNAPSHOT_DIR_DIFF_CREATED_INODE,    SNAPSHOT_DIR_DIFF_DELETEDLIST,    SNAPSHOT_DIR_DIFF_DELETEDLIST_SIZE,    SNAPSHOT_DIR_DIFF_DELETED_INODE,    IS_SNAPSHOTTABLE_DIR,    IS_WITHSNAPSHOT_DIR,    SNAPSHOT_FILE_DIFFS,    SNAPSHOT_FILE_DIFF,    NUM_SNAPSHOT_FILE_DIFF,    SNAPSHOT_FILE_SIZE,    SNAPSHOT_DST_SNAPSHOT_ID,    SNAPSHOT_LAST_SNAPSHOT_ID,    SNAPSHOT_REF_INODE_ID,    SNAPSHOT_REF_INODE,    CACHE_NEXT_ENTRY_ID,    CACHE_NUM_POOLS,    CACHE_POOL_NAME,    CACHE_POOL_OWNER_NAME,    CACHE_POOL_GROUP_NAME,    CACHE_POOL_PERMISSION_STRING,    CACHE_POOL_WEIGHT,    CACHE_NUM_ENTRIES,    CACHE_ENTRY_PATH,    CACHE_ENTRY_REPLICATION,    CACHE_ENTRY_POOL_NAME  }  /**   * Begin visiting the fsimage structure.  Opportunity to perform   * any initialization necessary for the implementing visitor.   */  abstract void start() throws IOException;  /**   * Finish visiting the fsimage structure.  Opportunity to perform any   * clean up necessary for the implementing visitor.   */  abstract void finish() throws IOException;  /**   * Finish visiting the fsimage structure after an error has occurred   * during the processing.  Opportunity to perform any clean up necessary   * for the implementing visitor.   */  abstract void finishAbnormally() throws IOException;  /**   * Visit non enclosing element of fsimage with specified value.   *   * @param element FSImage element   * @param value Element's value   */  abstract void visit(ImageElement element, String value) throws IOException;  // Convenience methods to automatically convert numeric value types to strings  void visit(ImageElement element, int value) throws IOException {    visit(element, Integer.toString(value));  }  void visit(ImageElement element, long value) throws IOException {    visit(element, Long.toString(value));  }  /**   * Begin visiting an element that encloses another element, such as   * the beginning of the list of blocks that comprise a file.   *   * @param element Element being visited   */  abstract void visitEnclosingElement(ImageElement element)     throws IOException;  /**   * Begin visiting an element that encloses another element, such as   * the beginning of the list of blocks that comprise a file.   *   * Also provide an additional key and value for the element, such as the   * number items within the element.   *   * @param element Element being visited   * @param key Key describing the element being visited   * @param value Value associated with element being visited   */  abstract void visitEnclosingElement(ImageElement element,      ImageElement key, String value) throws IOException;  // Convenience methods to automatically convert value types to strings  void visitEnclosingElement(ImageElement element,      ImageElement key, int value)     throws IOException {    visitEnclosingElement(element, key, Integer.toString(value));  }  void visitEnclosingElement(ImageElement element,      ImageElement key, long value)     throws IOException {    visitEnclosingElement(element, key, Long.toString(value));  }  /**   * Leave current enclosing element.  Called, for instance, at the end of   * processing the blocks that compromise a file.   */  abstract void leaveEnclosingElement() throws IOException;}

abstract void start() throws IOException;开始解析FSImage
abstract void finish() throws IOException;解析完成
abstract void visit(ImageElement element, String value) throws IOException;用来解析没有子元素的element的方法
abstract void visitEnclosingElement(ImageElement element)
throws IOException;用来解析包含子元素的element,如BLOCKS子元素就是BLOCK
abstract void leaveEnclosingElement() throws IOException;离开包含子元素的element

@Override  void start() throws IOException {    write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n");  }  @Override  void finish() throws IOException {    close();  }   @Override  void visit(ImageElement element, String value) throws IOException {    writeTag(element.toString(), value);  }  @Override  void visitEnclosingElement(ImageElement element) throws IOException {    write("<" + element.toString() + ">\n");    tagQ.push(element);  }  @Override  void visitEnclosingElement(ImageElement element,      ImageElement key, String value)       throws IOException {    write("<" + element.toString() + " " + key + "=\"" + value +"\">\n");    tagQ.push(element);  }  @Override  void leaveEnclosingElement() throws IOException {    if(tagQ.size() == 0)      throw new IOException("Tried to exit non-existent enclosing element " +                "in FSImage file");    ImageElement element = tagQ.pop();    write("</" + element.toString() + ">\n");  }



interface ImageLoader {  public void loadImage(DataInputStream in, ImageVisitor v,      boolean enumerateBlocks) throws IOException;  public boolean canLoadVersion(int version);  @InterfaceAudience.Private  public class LoaderFactory {       static public ImageLoader getLoader(int version) {      ImageLoader[] loaders = { new ImageLoaderCurrent() };      for (ImageLoader l : loaders) {        if (l.canLoadVersion(version))          return l;      }      return null;    }  }}


/** * ImageLoaderCurrent processes Hadoop FSImage files and walks over * them using a provided ImageVisitor, calling the visitor at each element * enumerated below. * * The only difference between v18 and v19 was the utilization of the * stickybit.  Therefore, the same viewer can reader either format. * * Versions -19 fsimage layout (with changes from -16 up): * Image version (int) * Namepsace ID (int) * NumFiles (long) * Generation stamp (long) * INodes (count = NumFiles) *  INode *    Path (String) *    Replication (short) *    Modification Time (long as date) *    Access Time (long) // added in -16 *    Block size (long) *    Num blocks (int) *    Blocks (count = Num blocks) *      Block *        Block ID (long) *        Num bytes (long) *        Generation stamp (long) *    Namespace Quota (long) *    Diskspace Quota (long) // added in -18 *    Permissions *      Username (String) *      Groupname (String) *      OctalPerms (short -> String)  // Modified in -19 *    Symlink (String) // added in -23 * NumINodesUnderConstruction (int) * INodesUnderConstruction (count = NumINodesUnderConstruction) *  INodeUnderConstruction *    Path (bytes as string) *    Replication (short) *    Modification time (long as date) *    Preferred block size (long) *    Num blocks (int) *    Blocks *      Block *        Block ID (long) *        Num bytes (long) *        Generation stamp (long) *    Permissions *      Username (String) *      Groupname (String) *      OctalPerms (short -> String) *    Client Name (String) *    Client Machine (String) *    NumLocations (int) *    DatanodeDescriptors (count = numLocations) // not loaded into memory *      short                                    // but still in file *      long *      string *      long *      int *      string *      string *      enum *    CurrentDelegationKeyId (int) *    NumDelegationKeys (int) *      DelegationKeys (count = NumDelegationKeys) *        DelegationKeyLength (vint) *        DelegationKey (bytes) *    DelegationTokenSequenceNumber (int) *    NumDelegationTokens (int) *    DelegationTokens (count = NumDelegationTokens) *      DelegationTokenIdentifier *        owner (String) *        renewer (String) *        realUser (String) *        issueDate (vlong) *        maxDate (vlong) *        sequenceNumber (vint) *        masterKeyId (vint) *      expiryTime (long)      * */class ImageLoaderCurrent implements ImageLoader {  protected final DateFormat dateFormat =                                       new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");  private static int[] versions = { -16, -17, -18, -19, -20, -21, -22, -23,      -24, -25, -26, -27, -28, -30, -31, -32, -33, -34, -35, -36, -37, -38, -39,      -40, -41, -42, -43, -44, -45, -46, -47, -48, -49, -50, -51 };  private int imageVersion = 0;  private final Map<Long, Boolean> subtreeMap = new HashMap<Long, Boolean>();  private final Map<Long, String> dirNodeMap = new HashMap<Long, String>();  /* (non-Javadoc)   * @see ImageLoader#canProcessVersion(int)   */  @Override  public boolean canLoadVersion(int version) {    for(int v : versions)      if(v == version) return true;    return false;  }  /* (non-Javadoc)   * @see ImageLoader#processImage(java.io.DataInputStream, ImageVisitor, boolean)   */  @Override  public void loadImage(DataInputStream in, ImageVisitor v,      boolean skipBlocks) throws IOException {    boolean done = false;    try {      v.start();      v.visitEnclosingElement(ImageElement.FS_IMAGE);      imageVersion = in.readInt();      if( !canLoadVersion(imageVersion))        throw new IOException("Cannot process fslayout version " + imageVersion);      if (NameNodeLayoutVersion.supports(Feature.ADD_LAYOUT_FLAGS, imageVersion)) {        LayoutFlags.read(in);      }      v.visit(ImageElement.IMAGE_VERSION, imageVersion);      v.visit(ImageElement.NAMESPACE_ID, in.readInt());      long numInodes = in.readLong();      v.visit(ImageElement.GENERATION_STAMP, in.readLong());      if (NameNodeLayoutVersion.supports(Feature.SEQUENTIAL_BLOCK_ID, imageVersion)) {        v.visit(ImageElement.GENERATION_STAMP_V2, in.readLong());        v.visit(ImageElement.GENERATION_STAMP_V1_LIMIT, in.readLong());        v.visit(ImageElement.LAST_ALLOCATED_BLOCK_ID, in.readLong());      }      if (NameNodeLayoutVersion.supports(Feature.STORED_TXIDS, imageVersion)) {        v.visit(ImageElement.TRANSACTION_ID, in.readLong());      }      if (NameNodeLayoutVersion.supports(Feature.ADD_INODE_ID, imageVersion)) {        v.visit(ImageElement.LAST_INODE_ID, in.readLong());      }      boolean supportSnapshot = NameNodeLayoutVersion.supports(Feature.SNAPSHOT,          imageVersion);      if (supportSnapshot) {        v.visit(ImageElement.SNAPSHOT_COUNTER, in.readInt());        int numSnapshots = in.readInt();        v.visit(ImageElement.NUM_SNAPSHOTS_TOTAL, numSnapshots);        for (int i = 0; i < numSnapshots; i++) {          processSnapshot(in, v);        }      }      if (NameNodeLayoutVersion.supports(Feature.FSIMAGE_COMPRESSION, imageVersion)) {        boolean isCompressed = in.readBoolean();        v.visit(ImageElement.IS_COMPRESSED, String.valueOf(isCompressed));        if (isCompressed) {          String codecClassName = Text.readString(in);          v.visit(ImageElement.COMPRESS_CODEC, codecClassName);          CompressionCodecFactory codecFac = new CompressionCodecFactory(              new Configuration());          CompressionCodec codec = codecFac.getCodecByClassName(codecClassName);          if (codec == null) {            throw new IOException("Image compression codec not supported: "                + codecClassName);          }          in = new DataInputStream(codec.createInputStream(in));        }      }      processINodes(in, v, numInodes, skipBlocks, supportSnapshot);      subtreeMap.clear();      dirNodeMap.clear();      processINodesUC(in, v, skipBlocks);      if (NameNodeLayoutVersion.supports(Feature.DELEGATION_TOKEN, imageVersion)) {        processDelegationTokens(in, v);      }      if (NameNodeLayoutVersion.supports(Feature.CACHING, imageVersion)) {        processCacheManagerState(in, v);      }      v.leaveEnclosingElement(); // FSImage      done = true;    } finally {      if (done) {        v.finish();      } else {        v.finishAbnormally();      }    }  }  }