
来源:互联网 发布:rs232数据帧格式 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/24 06:05


#ifndef __THREAD_H     #define __THREAD_H     #include <vector>     #include <string>     #include <pthread.h>     using namespace std;    /**   * 执行任务的类,设置任务数据并执行   */    class CTask    {    protected:        string m_strTaskName;  /** 任务的名称 */        void* m_ptrData;       /** 要执行的任务的具体数据 */    public:        CTask(){}      CTask(const string& taskName)        {            m_strTaskName = taskName;            m_ptrData = NULL;        }        virtual ~CTask(){}        virtual int Run() = 0;        void SetData(void* data);    /** 设置任务数据 */    };    /**   * 线程池管理类的实现   */    class CThreadPool    {    private:        static  vector<CTask*> m_vecTaskList;     /** 任务列表 */        static  bool shutdown;                    /** 线程退出标志 */                 int     m_iThreadNum;                     /** 线程池中启动的线程数 */        pthread_t   *pthread_id;        static pthread_mutex_t m_pthreadMutex;    /** 线程同步锁 */        static pthread_cond_t m_pthreadCond;      /** 线程同步的条件变量 */    protected:        static void* ThreadFunc(void * threadData); /** 新线程的线程回调函数 */        static int MoveToIdle(pthread_t tid);       /** 线程执行结束后,把自己放入到空闲线程中 */        static int MoveToBusy(pthread_t tid);       /** 移入到忙碌线程中去 */        int Create();          /** 创建线程池中的线程 */    public:        CThreadPool(int threadNum = 10);        int AddTask(CTask *task);      /** 把任务添加到任务队列中 */        int StopAll();                 /** 使线程池中的线程退出 */        int getTaskSize();             /** 获取当前任务队列中的任务数 */    };    #endif  


#include "Thread.h"     #include <iostream>     #include "stdlib.h"     void CTask::SetData(void * data)    {        m_ptrData = data;    }    vector<CTask*> CThreadPool::m_vecTaskList;         //任务列表     bool CThreadPool::shutdown = false;    pthread_mutex_t CThreadPool::m_pthreadMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;     pthread_cond_t CThreadPool::m_pthreadCond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;    /**   * 线程池管理类构造函数   */    CThreadPool::CThreadPool(int threadNum)    {        this->m_iThreadNum = threadNum;        cout << "I will create " << threadNum << " threads" << endl;        Create();    }    /**   * 线程回调函数   */    void* CThreadPool::ThreadFunc(void* threadData)    {        pthread_t tid = pthread_self();        while (1)        {            pthread_mutex_lock(&m_pthreadMutex);            while (m_vecTaskList.size() == 0 && !shutdown)            {                pthread_cond_wait(&m_pthreadCond, &m_pthreadMutex); //在锁上等待         }            if (shutdown)            {                pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_pthreadMutex);                printf("thread %lu will exit\n", pthread_self());                pthread_exit(NULL);             }            printf("tid %lu run\n", tid);            vector<CTask*>::iterator iter = m_vecTaskList.begin();            /**          * 取出一个任务并处理之          */            CTask* task = *iter;            if (iter != m_vecTaskList.end())            {                task = *iter;                m_vecTaskList.erase(iter);            }            pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_pthreadMutex);            task->Run(); /** 执行任务 */            printf("tid:%lu idle\n", tid);        }        return (void*)0;    }    /**   * 往任务队列里边添加任务并发出线程同步信号   */    int CThreadPool::AddTask(CTask *task)    {        pthread_mutex_lock(&m_pthreadMutex);        this->m_vecTaskList.push_back(task);        pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_pthreadMutex);        pthread_cond_signal(&m_pthreadCond);        return 0;    }    /**   * 创建线程   */    int CThreadPool::Create()    {        pthread_id = (pthread_t*)malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * m_iThreadNum);        for(int i = 0; i < m_iThreadNum; i++)        {            pthread_create(&pthread_id[i], NULL, ThreadFunc, NULL);        }        return 0;    }    /**   * 停止所有线程   */    int CThreadPool::StopAll()    {        /** 避免重复调用 */        if (shutdown)        {            return -1;          }        printf("Now I will end all threads!!\n");        /** 唤醒所有等待线程,线程池要销毁了 */        shutdown = true;        pthread_cond_broadcast(&m_pthreadCond);        /** 阻塞等待线程退出,否则就成僵尸了 */        for (int i = 0; i < m_iThreadNum; i++)        {            pthread_join(pthread_id[i], NULL);          }        free(pthread_id);        pthread_id = NULL;        /** 销毁条件变量和互斥体 */        pthread_mutex_destroy(&m_pthreadMutex);        pthread_cond_destroy(&m_pthreadCond);        return 0;    }    /**   * 获取当前队列中任务数   */    int CThreadPool::getTaskSize()    {        return m_vecTaskList.size();        }    


#include "Thread.h"     #include <iostream>     #include <unistd.h>     #include <stdlib.h>     class CMyTask: public CTask    {    public:        CMyTask(){}        inline int Run()        {            printf("%s\n", (char*)this->m_ptrData);            sleep(10);            return 0;        }    };    int main()    {        CMyTask taskObj;        char szTmp[] = "this is the new thread running";        taskObj.SetData((void*)szTmp);        CThreadPool threadPool(10);        for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)        {            threadPool.AddTask(&taskObj);        }        while(1)        {            printf("there are still %d tasks need to handle\n", threadPool.getTaskSize());            if (threadPool.getTaskSize() == 0)            {                if (threadPool.StopAll() == -1)                {                       printf("Now I will exit from main\n");                    exit(0);                }            }            sleep(2);        }        return 0;    }    