5. Go 语言的类型系统(Go Tutorial)

来源:互联网 发布:同步带传动计算软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 16:42

Go 语言的类型系统

  • 1 用户定义的类型
    • 11 使用 struct 关键字声明结构类型
    • 12 基于一个已有类型将其作为新类型的说明
  • 2 方法
  • 3 类型的本质
    • 31 内置类型
    • 32 引用类型
    • 33 结构类型
  • 4 接口
    • 41 标准库
    • 42 实现
    • 43 方法集
    • 44 多态
  • 5 嵌入类型
  • 6 公开或未公开的标识符
  • 7 小结

Go 语言是一种静态类型的编程语言,这意味着编译器在编译时需要事先知道变量的类型,这样有助于编译器对代码的一些优化,提高执行效率。

5.1 用户定义的类型

Go 语言里声明用户自定义类型有两种方式:

  • 使用关键字 struct 创建结构类型
  • 基于一个已有类型,将其作为新类型的类型说明

5.1.1 使用 struct 关键字声明结构类型


type user struct {  name string  email string  age int  isMale bool}


var bill user

任何时候,创建一个变量并初始化为零值,习惯上是使用关键字 var。如果变量被初始化为非零值,就配合结构字面量和短变量声明操作符来创建变量(即 := )


lisa := user{  name: "lisa",  email: "lisa@email.com"  age: 22,  isMale: false,}


// 这种形式下,值的顺序很重要,必须要和结构声明中的顺序一致,另外最后也不需要使用 ',' 结尾// 可以部分初始化,未初始化的部分为零值lisa := {"lias", "lisa@eamil.com", 22, false}


type admin struct {  person user  level string}


fred := admin {  person: user {    name: "fred",    email: "fred@email.com"    age: 22,    isMale: true,  },  level: "super",}

5.1.2 基于一个已有类型,将其作为新类型的说明


基于 int64 声明一个新类型

type Duration int64

5.2 方法


方法实际上也是函数,只是在声明时,在关键字 func 和方法名之间增加了一个参数。

// Sample program to show how to declare methods and how the Go// compiler supports them.package mainimport (    "fmt")// user defines a user in the program.type user struct {    name  string    email string}// notify implements a method with a value receiver.func (u user) notify() {    fmt.Printf("Sending User Email To %s<%s>\n",        u.name,        u.email)}// changeEmail implements a method with a pointer receiver.func (u *user) changeEmail(email string) {    u.email = email}// main is the entry point for the application.func main() {    // Values of type user can be used to call methods    // declared with a value receiver.    bill := user{"Bill", "bill@email.com"}    bill.notify()    // Pointers of type user can also be used to call methods    // declared with a value receiver.    lisa := &user{"Lisa", "lisa@email.com"}    lisa.notify()    // Values of type user can be used to call methods    // declared with a pointer receiver.    bill.changeEmail("bill@newdomain.com")    bill.notify()    // Pointers of type user can be used to call methods    // declared with a pointer receiver.    lisa.changeEmail("lisa@newdomain.com")    lisa.notify()}

5.3 类型的本质


5.3.1 内置类型



5.3.2 引用类型

Go 语言里的引用类型有如下几个:切片、映射、通道、接口和函数类型。


5.3.3 结构类型


5.4 接口



5.4.1 标准库

// Sample program to show how to write a simple version of curl using// the io.Reader and io.Writer interface support.package mainimport (    "fmt"    "io"    "net/http"    "os")// init is called before main.func init() {    if len(os.Args) != 2 {        fmt.Println("Usage: ./example2 <url>")        os.Exit(-1)    }}// main is the entry point for the application.func main() {    // Get a response from the web server.    r, err := http.Get(os.Args[1])    if err != nil {        fmt.Println(err)        return    }    // Copies from the Body to Stdout.    io.Copy(os.Stdout, r.Body)    if err := r.Body.Close(); err != nil {        fmt.Println(err)    }}

5.4.2 实现



5.4.3 方法集


// Sample program to show how to use an interface in Go.package mainimport (    "fmt")// notifier is an interface that defined notification// type behavior.type notifier interface {    notify()}// user defines a user in the program.type user struct {    name  string    email string}// notify implements a method with a pointer receiver.func (u *user) notify() {    fmt.Printf("Sending user email to %s<%s>\n",        u.name,        u.email)}// main is the entry point for the application.func main() {    // Create a value of type User and send a notification.    u := user{"Bill", "bill@email.com"}    sendNotification(u)    // ./listing36.go:32: cannot use u (type user) as type    //                     notifier in argument to sendNotification:    //   user does not implement notifier    //                          (notify method has pointer receiver)}// sendNotification accepts values that implement the notifier// interface and sends notifications.func sendNotification(n notifier) {    n.notify()}


  • 如果使用指针接收者来实现了一个接口,那么只有指向那个类型的指针才能够实现对应的接口
  • 如果使用值接收者来实现一个接口,那么那个类型的值和指针都能够实现对应的接口


methods receivers values (t T) T and *T (t *T) *T

5.4.4 多态

// Sample program to show how polymorphic behavior with interfaces.package mainimport (    "fmt")// notifier is an interface that defines notification// type behavior.type notifier interface {    notify()}// user defines a user in the program.type user struct {    name  string    email string}// notify implements the notifier interface with a pointer receiver.func (u *user) notify() {    fmt.Printf("Sending user email to %s<%s>\n",        u.name,        u.email)}// admin defines a admin in the program.type admin struct {    name  string    email string}// notify implements the notifier interface with a pointer receiver.func (a *admin) notify() {    fmt.Printf("Sending admin email to %s<%s>\n",        a.name,        a.email)}// main is the entry point for the application.func main() {    // Create a user value and pass it to sendNotification.    bill := user{"Bill", "bill@email.com"}    sendNotification(&bill)    // Create an admin value and pass it to sendNotification.    lisa := admin{"Lisa", "lisa@email.com"}    sendNotification(&lisa)}// sendNotification accepts values that implement the notifier// interface and sends notifications.func sendNotification(n notifier) {    n.notify()}

5.5 嵌入类型




// Sample program to show what happens when the outer and inner// type implement the same interface.package mainimport (    "fmt")// notifier is an interface that defined notification// type behavior.type notifier interface {    notify()}type person struct {    age int    gender string}// user defines a user in the program.type user struct {    person    name  string    email string}// notify implements a method that can be called via// a value of type user.func (u *user) notify() {    fmt.Printf("Sending user email to %s<%s>\n",        u.name,        u.email)}// admin represents an admin user with privileges.type admin struct {    user    level string    age int}// notify implements a method that can be called via// a value of type Admin.func (a *admin) notify() {    fmt.Printf("Sending admin email to %s<%s>\n",        a.name,        a.email)}// main is the entry point for the application.func main() {    // Create an admin user.    ad := admin{        user: user{            name:  "john smith",            email: "john@yahoo.com",            person: person{                age: 24,                gender: "male",            },        },        level: "super",        age: 26,    }    // Send the admin user a notification.    // The embedded inner type's implementation of the    // interface is NOT "promoted" to the outer type.    sendNotification(&ad)    // We can access the inner type's method directly.    ad.user.notify()    // The inner type's method is NOT promoted.    ad.notify()    fmt.Println(ad.user.person.gender)    fmt.Println(ad.person.gender)    fmt.Println(ad.gender)    fmt.Println(ad.user.person.age)    fmt.Println(ad.person.age)    fmt.Println(ad.age)}// sendNotification accepts values that implement the notifier// interface and sends notifications.func sendNotification(n notifier) {    n.notify()}// Sending admin email to john smith<john@yahoo.com>// Sending user email to john smith<john@yahoo.com>// Sending admin email to john smith<john@yahoo.com>// male// male// male// 24// 24// 26

5.6 公开或未公开的标识符

Go 语言支持公开或隐藏标识符。



5.7 小结

  • 使用关键字 struct 或通过指定已存在的类型,可以声明用户定义的类型
  • 方法提供了一种给用户定义的类型增加行为的方式
  • 设计类型时需要确认类型的本质是原始的还是非原始的
  • 接口是声明一组行为并支持多态的类型
  • 嵌入类型提供了扩展类型的功能,而无需使用继承
  • 标识符要么是从包里公开的,要么是在包里未公开的