
来源:互联网 发布:京东数据罗盘供应商 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 04:48


/* * SoA 结构体数组定义 */struct InnerArray{    float x[LEN];    float y[LEN];};/* * CPU -> SoA 结构体数组的CPU计算形式 */void testInnerArrayHost(InnerArray *A, InnerArray *C, const int n){    for (int idx = 0; idx < n; idx++)    {        C->x[idx] = A->x[idx] + 10.f;        C->y[idx] = A->y[idx] + 20.f;    }    return;}/* * GPU -> SoA 结构体数组的CUDA计算模式 */__global__ void testInnerArrayDevice(InnerArray *data, InnerArray * result,                               const int n){    unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;    if (i < n)    {        float tmpx = data->x[i];        float tmpy = data->y[i];        tmpx += 10.f;        tmpy += 20.f;        result->x[i] = tmpx;        result->y[i] = tmpy;    }}


/* * AoS */struct innerStruct{    float x;    float y;};/* * CPU -> AoS */void testInnerStructHost(innerStruct *A, innerStruct *C, const int n){    for (int idx = 0; idx < n; idx++)    {        C[idx].x = A[idx].x + 10.f;        C[idx].y = A[idx].y + 20.f;    }    return;}/* * GPU -> AoS */__global__ void testInnerStructDevice(innerStruct *data, innerStruct * result,                                const int n){    unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;    if (i < n)    {        innerStruct tmp = data[i];        tmp.x += 10.f;        tmp.y += 20.f;        result[i] = tmp;    }}


许多并行编程范式,尤其是SIMD(单指令多数据)型范式,更倾向于使用SoA。在CUDA C编程中也普遍倾向于SoA,一维数据元素是为全局内存的有效合并访问而预先准备好的,而相同内存操作引用的同字段元素在存储时时彼此相邻的。

4.给出源代码示例,(《CUDA C编程中文翻译版本》,如有侵权,联系删除)源码网址:点击打开链接


#include "../common/common.h"#include <cuda_runtime.h>#include <stdio.h>/* * A simple example of using a structore of arrays to store data on the device. * This example is used to study the impact on performance of data layout on the * GPU. * * SoA: contiguous reads for x and y */#define LEN 1<<22struct InnerArray{    float x[LEN];    float y[LEN];};// functions for inner array outer structvoid initialInnerArray(InnerArray *ip,  int size){    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)    {        ip->x[i] = (float)( rand() & 0xFF ) / 100.0f;        ip->y[i] = (float)( rand() & 0xFF ) / 100.0f;    }    return;}void testInnerArrayHost(InnerArray *A, InnerArray *C, const int n){    for (int idx = 0; idx < n; idx++)    {        C->x[idx] = A->x[idx] + 10.f;        C->y[idx] = A->y[idx] + 20.f;    }    return;}void printfHostResult(InnerArray *C, const int n){    for (int idx = 0; idx < n; idx++)    {        printf("printout idx %d:  x %f y %f\n", idx, C->x[idx], C->y[idx]);    }    return;}void checkInnerArray(InnerArray *hostRef, InnerArray *gpuRef, const int N){    double epsilon = 1.0E-8;    bool match = 1;    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)    {        if (abs(hostRef->x[i] - gpuRef->x[i]) > epsilon)        {            match = 0;            printf("different on x %dth element: host %f gpu %f\n", i,                   hostRef->x[i], gpuRef->x[i]);            break;        }        if (abs(hostRef->y[i] - gpuRef->y[i]) > epsilon)        {            match = 0;            printf("different on y %dth element: host %f gpu %f\n", i,                   hostRef->y[i], gpuRef->y[i]);            break;        }    }    if (!match)  printf("Arrays do not match.\n\n");}__global__ void testInnerArray(InnerArray *data, InnerArray * result,                               const int n){    unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;    if (i < n)    {        float tmpx = data->x[i];        float tmpy = data->y[i];        tmpx += 10.f;        tmpy += 20.f;        result->x[i] = tmpx;        result->y[i] = tmpy;    }}__global__ void warmup2(InnerArray *data, InnerArray * result, const int n){    unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;    if (i < n)    {        float tmpx = data->x[i];        float tmpy = data->y[i];        tmpx += 10.f;        tmpy += 20.f;        result->x[i] = tmpx;        result->y[i] = tmpy;    }}// test for array of structint main(int argc, char **argv){    // set up device    int dev = 0;    cudaDeviceProp deviceProp;    CHECK(cudaGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, dev));    printf("%s test struct of array at ", argv[0]);    printf("device %d: %s \n", dev, deviceProp.name);    CHECK(cudaSetDevice(dev));    // allocate host memory    int nElem = LEN;    size_t nBytes = sizeof(InnerArray);    InnerArray     *h_A = (InnerArray *)malloc(nBytes);    InnerArray *hostRef = (InnerArray *)malloc(nBytes);    InnerArray *gpuRef  = (InnerArray *)malloc(nBytes);    // initialize host array    initialInnerArray(h_A, nElem);    testInnerArrayHost(h_A, hostRef, nElem);    // allocate device memory    InnerArray *d_A, *d_C;    CHECK(cudaMalloc((InnerArray**)&d_A, nBytes));    CHECK(cudaMalloc((InnerArray**)&d_C, nBytes));    // copy data from host to device    CHECK(cudaMemcpy(d_A, h_A, nBytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));    // set up offset for summary    int blocksize = 128;    if (argc > 1) blocksize = atoi(argv[1]);    // execution configuration    dim3 block (blocksize, 1);    dim3 grid  ((nElem + block.x - 1) / block.x, 1);    // kernel 1:    double iStart = seconds();    warmup2<<<grid, block>>>(d_A, d_C, nElem);    CHECK(cudaDeviceSynchronize());    double iElaps = seconds() - iStart;    printf("warmup2      <<< %3d, %3d >>> elapsed %f sec\n", grid.x, block.x,           iElaps);    CHECK(cudaMemcpy(gpuRef, d_C, nBytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));    checkInnerArray(hostRef, gpuRef, nElem);    CHECK(cudaGetLastError());    iStart = seconds();    testInnerArray<<<grid, block>>>(d_A, d_C, nElem);    CHECK(cudaDeviceSynchronize());    iElaps = seconds() - iStart;    printf("innerarray   <<< %3d, %3d >>> elapsed %f sec\n", grid.x, block.x,           iElaps);    CHECK(cudaMemcpy(gpuRef, d_C, nBytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));    checkInnerArray(hostRef, gpuRef, nElem);    CHECK(cudaGetLastError());    CHECK(cudaFree(d_A));    CHECK(cudaFree(d_C));    free(h_A);    free(hostRef);    free(gpuRef);    // reset device    CHECK(cudaDeviceReset());    return EXIT_SUCCESS;}


#include "../common/common.h"#include <cuda_runtime.h>#include <stdio.h>/* * A simple example of using an array of structures to store data on the device. * This example is used to study the impact on performance of data layout on the * GPU. * * AoS: one contiguous 64-bit read to get x and y (up to 300 cycles) */#define LEN 1<<22struct innerStruct{    float x;    float y;};struct innerArray{    float x[LEN];    float y[LEN];};void initialInnerStruct(innerStruct *ip,  int size){    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)    {        ip[i].x = (float)(rand() & 0xFF) / 100.0f;        ip[i].y = (float)(rand() & 0xFF) / 100.0f;    }    return;}void testInnerStructHost(innerStruct *A, innerStruct *C, const int n){    for (int idx = 0; idx < n; idx++)    {        C[idx].x = A[idx].x + 10.f;        C[idx].y = A[idx].y + 20.f;    }    return;}void checkInnerStruct(innerStruct *hostRef, innerStruct *gpuRef, const int N){    double epsilon = 1.0E-8;    bool match = 1;    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)    {        if (abs(hostRef[i].x - gpuRef[i].x) > epsilon)        {            match = 0;            printf("different on %dth element: host %f gpu %f\n", i,                    hostRef[i].x, gpuRef[i].x);            break;        }        if (abs(hostRef[i].y - gpuRef[i].y) > epsilon)        {            match = 0;            printf("different on %dth element: host %f gpu %f\n", i,                    hostRef[i].y, gpuRef[i].y);            break;        }    }    if (!match)  printf("Arrays do not match.\n\n");}__global__ void testInnerStruct(innerStruct *data, innerStruct * result,                                const int n){    unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;    if (i < n)    {        innerStruct tmp = data[i];        tmp.x += 10.f;        tmp.y += 20.f;        result[i] = tmp;    }}__global__ void warmup(innerStruct *data, innerStruct * result, const int n){    unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;    if (i < n)    {        innerStruct tmp = data[i];        tmp.x += 10.f;        tmp.y += 20.f;        result[i] = tmp;    }}int main(int argc, char **argv){    // set up device    int dev = 0;    cudaDeviceProp deviceProp;    CHECK(cudaGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, dev));    printf("%s test struct of array at ", argv[0]);    printf("device %d: %s \n", dev, deviceProp.name);    CHECK(cudaSetDevice(dev));    // allocate host memory    int nElem = LEN;    size_t nBytes = nElem * sizeof(innerStruct);    innerStruct     *h_A = (innerStruct *)malloc(nBytes);    innerStruct *hostRef = (innerStruct *)malloc(nBytes);    innerStruct *gpuRef  = (innerStruct *)malloc(nBytes);    // initialize host array    initialInnerStruct(h_A, nElem);    testInnerStructHost(h_A, hostRef, nElem);    // allocate device memory    innerStruct *d_A, *d_C;    CHECK(cudaMalloc((innerStruct**)&d_A, nBytes));    CHECK(cudaMalloc((innerStruct**)&d_C, nBytes));    // copy data from host to device    CHECK(cudaMemcpy(d_A, h_A, nBytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));    // set up offset for summaryAU: It is blocksize not offset. Thanks.CZ    int blocksize = 128;    if (argc > 1) blocksize = atoi(argv[1]);    // execution configuration    dim3 block (blocksize, 1);    dim3 grid  ((nElem + block.x - 1) / block.x, 1);    // kernel 1: warmup    double iStart = seconds();    warmup<<<grid, block>>>(d_A, d_C, nElem);    CHECK(cudaDeviceSynchronize());    double iElaps = seconds() - iStart;    printf("warmup      <<< %3d, %3d >>> elapsed %f sec\n", grid.x, block.x,           iElaps);    CHECK(cudaMemcpy(gpuRef, d_C, nBytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));    checkInnerStruct(hostRef, gpuRef, nElem);    CHECK(cudaGetLastError());    // kernel 2: testInnerStruct    iStart = seconds();    testInnerStruct<<<grid, block>>>(d_A, d_C, nElem);    CHECK(cudaDeviceSynchronize());    iElaps = seconds() - iStart;    printf("innerstruct <<< %3d, %3d >>> elapsed %f sec\n", grid.x, block.x,           iElaps);    CHECK(cudaMemcpy(gpuRef, d_C, nBytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));    checkInnerStruct(hostRef, gpuRef, nElem);    CHECK(cudaGetLastError());    // free memories both host and device    CHECK(cudaFree(d_A));    CHECK(cudaFree(d_C));    free(h_A);    free(hostRef);    free(gpuRef);    // reset device    CHECK(cudaDeviceReset());    return EXIT_SUCCESS;}
