
来源:互联网 发布:sony软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 15:55
public interface DistributedLock {    boolean getLock(String var1, String var2, int var3);//加锁    void unLock(String var1, String var2);//释放}
//// Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA// (powered by Fernflower decompiler)//package;import;import;import;import org.slf4j.Logger;import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;import redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedis;import redis.clients.util.SafeEncoder;public class RedisLock implements DistributedLock {    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisLock.class);    private static final int DEFAULT_EXPIRE_TIME = 60;    private static final String LOCK_KEY_PREFIX = "REDIS_LOCK";    private JedisSentinelPool pool;    public RedisLock() {    }    public JedisSentinelPool getPool() {        return this.pool;    }    public void setPool(JedisSentinelPool pool) {        this.pool = pool;    }    public boolean getLock(String module, String bizKey, int expireTime) {        if(module != null && !"".equals(module) && bizKey != null && !"".equals(bizKey)) {            if(this.getPool() != null) {                ShardedJedis jedis = null;                String lockKey = this.getLockKey(module, bizKey);                boolean var10;                try {                    jedis = (ShardedJedis)this.getPool().getResource();//获取到数据源                    long e = System.currentTimeMillis();                    long result = jedis.setnx(SafeEncoder.encode(lockKey), SafeEncoder.encode(e + "")).longValue();                    if(result == 1L) {                        if(expireTime > 0) {                            jedis.expire(SafeEncoder.encode(lockKey), expireTime);                            if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {                                logger.debug("key:" + lockKey + " locked and expire time:" + expireTime + "s");                            }                        } else {                            jedis.expire(SafeEncoder.encode(lockKey), 60);                            if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {                                logger.debug("key:" + lockKey + " locked and expire time:" + 60 + "s");                            }                        }                        var10 = true;                        return var10;                    }                    if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {                        logger.debug("key:" + lockKey + " has already bean locked");                    }                    var10 = false;                } catch (Exception var14) {                    logger.error("lock error", var14);                    boolean var7 = false;                    return var7;                } finally {                    this.getPool().returnResource(jedis);                }                return var10;            } else {                logger.error("jedisSentinelPool is null");                return true;            }        } else {            logger.error("parameters is null");            return false;        }    }
public void unLock(String module, String bizKey) { if(module == null || "".equals(module) || bizKey == null || "".equals(bizKey)) { logger.error("parameters is null"); } if(this.getPool() != null) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; String lockKey = this.getLockKey(module, bizKey); try { jedis = (ShardedJedis)this.getPool().getResource(); jedis.del(SafeEncoder.encode(lockKey)); } catch (Exception var9) { logger.error("unlock error", var9); } finally { this.getPool().returnResource(jedis); } } else { logger.error("jedisSentinelPool is null"); } }
private String getLockKey(String module, String bizKey) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("REDIS_LOCK").append(":").append(ObtainPropertiesInfo.getValByKey("app.code")).append(":").append(module).append(":").append(bizKey); return sb.toString(); }}
  private Map<String ,String> getResult(LaTFundRegDTO dto,UserInfo userInfo){        Map<String,String> map=null;        //加锁        if(redisLock.getLock(FundConstant.REDIS_LOCK_MODEL_FUND, dto.getCreditorRightsNo(), 120)) {            try{                if (FundConstant.FUND_STATUS_3.equals(dto.getFundStatus())) {                    service.updateReFund(dto, userInfo);                } else if (FundConstant.FUND_STATUS_1.equals(dto.getFundStatus())) {                    service.updatedoFundData(dto, userInfo);                }            }catch(Exception e){                e.printStackTrace();                map=new HashMap<String,String>();                map.put("id",dto.getCreditorRightsNo());                map.put("msg",e.getMessage());                logger.error("",e);            }finally{                redisLock.unLock(FundConstant.REDIS_LOCK_MODEL_FUND,dto.getCreditorRightsNo());            }        }else{            map=new HashMap<String,String>();            map.put("id",dto.getId()+"");            map.put("msg","不允许重复发起放款操作");            logger.error("不允许重复发起放款操作");        }        return map;    }