
来源:互联网 发布:java句柄是什么意思 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 23:43

12.1 修改Log4J属性

Hive使用$HIVE_HOME/conf目录下的2个Log4j配置文件来配置日志。hive-log4j.properties文件控制CLI和其他本地执行组件的日子。hive-exec-log4j.properties控制MapReduce tasks内的日志。


$ bin/hive -hiveconf hive.root.logger=DEBUG,console 
12/03/27 08:46:01 WARN conf.HiveConf: hive-site.xml not found on CLASSPATH
12/03/27 08:46:01 DEBUG conf.Configuration: config()

12.2 连接Java调试器到Hive

$ bin/hive --help --debug 
Allows to debug Hive by connecting to it via JDI API
Usage: hive --debug[:comma-separated parameters list]
recursive=<y|n> Should child JVMs also be started in debug mode. Default: y
port=<port_number> Port on which main JVM listens for debug connection. Defaul...
mainSuspend=<y|n> Should main JVM wait with execution for the debugger to con...
childSuspend=<y|n> Should child JVMs wait with execution for the debugger to c...
swapSuspend Swaps suspend options between main and child JVMs

12.3 从源码编译Hive

12.3.1 执行Hive测试用例

12.3.2 执行hook

12.4 配置Hive和Eclipse

12.5 Maven工程中使用Hive


12.6 Hive中使用hive_test进行单元测试

12.7 新增的插件开发工具箱(PDK)