重温Protues软件 8051 LCD驱动,附安装经验分享

来源:互联网 发布:医疗器械软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 20:44

感谢百度的热心人士分享https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/6c67b1d69c79ae2787bb1ed0.html 此链接附带Protues 软件下载地址(学基础可以打上汉化补丁)


; LCD Display Driver Demo.
; Timing code assumes 1.2MHz Clock

;LCD Registers addresses
LCD_CMD_WR equ  0

;LCD Commands
LCD_CLS  equ 1
LCD_HOME equ 2
LCD_SHIFT equ 16

;Reset vector
 org 0000h
 jmp start

;Start of the program
 org 0100h

string1a:db ' !! A M A Z I N G !! '
  db 0
string1b:db '!! A M A Z I N G !! '
  db 0
string2:db ' A virtual LM032L... '
 db 0

string3:db ' driven by a virtual '
 db 0
string4:db '   8051 processor!'
 db 0

start: mov A,#038h
 call wrcmd

loop: mov A,#LCD_SETVISIBLE+6  ;Make the display & blink visible:
 call wrcmd

 mov R7,#2
 mov DPTR,#string1a
 call wrstr

  mov DPTR,#200
  call wtms

 mov A,#LCD_CLS   ;Clear screen
 call wrcmd

 mov DPTR,#string1b
 call wrstr

  mov DPTR,#200
  call wtms

 mov A,#LCD_CLS   ;Clear screen
 call wrcmd

 djnz R7,loop2

 mov DPTR,#string1a
 call wrstr

  mov DPTR,#400
  call wtms

 call wrcmd

 mov DPTR,#string2
 call wrslow

  mov DPTR,#200
  call wtms

 mov A,#LCD_CLS   ;Clear screen
 call wrcmd

 mov DPTR,#string3
 call wrslow

        mov A,#LCD_SETDDADDR+64
 call wrcmd

 mov DPTR,#string4
 call wrslow

 mov A,#LCD_SETVISIBLE+7  ;Show the blink cursor as well.
 call wrcmd

  mov DPTR,#2000
  call wtms

 mov A,#LCD_CLS   ;Clear screen
 call wrcmd

 jmp loop

;Sub routine to write null terminated string at DPTR in program ram.
wrstr: mov R0,#LCD_DATA_WR
wrstr1: clr A
 movc A,@A+DPTR
 jz wrstr2
 movx @R0,A
 call wtbusy
 inc DPTR
 push DPL
 push DPH
 pop DPH
 pop DPL 
 jmp wrstr1
wrstr2: ret

;Sub routine to write null terminated string at DPTR in program ram. Slowly
wrslow: mov R0,#LCD_DATA_WR
wrslw1: clr A
 movc A,@A+DPTR
 jz wrslw2
 movx @R0,A
 call wtbusy
 inc DPTR
 push DPL
 push DPH
        mov DPTR,#100
        call wtms
 pop DPH
 pop DPL 
 jmp wrslw1
wrslw2: ret

;Sub routine to write command:
wrcmd: mov R0,#LCD_CMD_WR
 movx @R0,A
 jmp wtbusy

;Sub routine to write character:
wrchar: mov R0,#LCD_DATA_WR
 movx @R0,A

;Subroutine to wait for busy clear
wtbusy: mov R1,#LCD_BUSY_RD
 movx A,@r1
 jb ACC.7,wtbusy

;Wait for number of seconds in A
wtsec: push ACC
 call wtms
 pop ACC
 dec A
 jnz wtsec

;Wait for number of milliseconds in DPTR
wtms:   xrl DPL,#0FFh   ;Can't do DEC DPTR, so do the loop by forming 2's complement
 xrl DPH,#0FFh   ;and incrementing instead.
 inc DPTR
wtms1: mov TL0,#09Ch   ;100 ticks before overflow = 1ms at 1.2MHz Clock
 mov TH0,#0FFh 
 mov TMOD,#1   ;Timer 0 mode 1
 setb TCON.4   ;Timer 0 runs
wtms2: jnb TCON.5,wtms2 
 clr TCON.4   ;Timer 0 stops
 clr TCON.5
 inc DPTR
 mov A,DPL
 orl A,DPH
 jnz wtms1

