kubernetes1.8 源码分析之资源调度

来源:互联网 发布:磁金融 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 04:23


func defaultPredicates() sets.String {    return sets.NewString(        // Fit is determined by volume zone requirements.        factory.RegisterFitPredicateFactory(            "NoVolumeZoneConflict",            func(args factory.PluginFactoryArgs) algorithm.FitPredicate {                return predicates.NewVolumeZonePredicate(args.PVInfo, args.PVCInfo)            },        ),        // Fit is determined by whether or not there would be too many AWS EBS volumes attached to the node        factory.RegisterFitPredicateFactory(            "MaxEBSVolumeCount",            func(args factory.PluginFactoryArgs) algorithm.FitPredicate {                // TODO: allow for generically parameterized scheduler predicates, because this is a bit ugly                maxVols := getMaxVols(aws.DefaultMaxEBSVolumes)                return predicates.NewMaxPDVolumeCountPredicate(predicates.EBSVolumeFilter, maxVols, args.PVInfo, args.PVCInfo)            },        ),        // Fit is determined by whether or not there would be too many GCE PD volumes attached to the node        factory.RegisterFitPredicateFactory(            "MaxGCEPDVolumeCount",            func(args factory.PluginFactoryArgs) algorithm.FitPredicate {                // TODO: allow for generically parameterized scheduler predicates, because this is a bit ugly                maxVols := getMaxVols(DefaultMaxGCEPDVolumes)                return predicates.NewMaxPDVolumeCountPredicate(predicates.GCEPDVolumeFilter, maxVols, args.PVInfo, args.PVCInfo)            },        ),        // Fit is determined by whether or not there would be too many Azure Disk volumes attached to the node        factory.RegisterFitPredicateFactory(            "MaxAzureDiskVolumeCount",            func(args factory.PluginFactoryArgs) algorithm.FitPredicate {                // TODO: allow for generically parameterized scheduler predicates, because this is a bit ugly                maxVols := getMaxVols(DefaultMaxAzureDiskVolumes)                return predicates.NewMaxPDVolumeCountPredicate(predicates.AzureDiskVolumeFilter, maxVols, args.PVInfo, args.PVCInfo)            },        ),        // Fit is determined by inter-pod affinity.        factory.RegisterFitPredicateFactory(            "MatchInterPodAffinity",            func(args factory.PluginFactoryArgs) algorithm.FitPredicate {                return predicates.NewPodAffinityPredicate(args.NodeInfo, args.PodLister)            },        ),        // Fit is determined by non-conflicting disk volumes.        factory.RegisterFitPredicate("NoDiskConflict", predicates.NoDiskConflict),        // GeneralPredicates are the predicates that are enforced by all Kubernetes components        // (e.g. kubelet and all schedulers)        factory.RegisterFitPredicate("GeneralPredicates", predicates.GeneralPredicates),        // Fit is determined based on whether a pod can tolerate all of the node's taints        factory.RegisterFitPredicate("PodToleratesNodeTaints", predicates.PodToleratesNodeTaints),        // Fit is determined by node memory pressure condition.        factory.RegisterFitPredicate("CheckNodeMemoryPressure", predicates.CheckNodeMemoryPressurePredicate),        // Fit is determined by node disk pressure condition.        factory.RegisterFitPredicate("CheckNodeDiskPressure", predicates.CheckNodeDiskPressurePredicate),        // Fit is determined by node disk mount condition.        factory.RegisterFitPredicate("CheckNodeDiskMountPressure", predicates.CheckNodeDiskMountPressurePredicate),        // Fit is determined by volume zone requirements.        factory.RegisterFitPredicateFactory(            "NoVolumeNodeConflict",            func(args factory.PluginFactoryArgs) algorithm.FitPredicate {                return predicates.NewVolumeNodePredicate(args.PVInfo, args.PVCInfo, nil)            },        ),    )}


func defaultPriorities() sets.String {    return sets.NewString(        // spreads pods by minimizing the number of pods (belonging to the same service or replication controller) on the same node.        factory.RegisterPriorityConfigFactory(            "SelectorSpreadPriority",            factory.PriorityConfigFactory{                Function: func(args factory.PluginFactoryArgs) algorithm.PriorityFunction {                    return priorities.NewSelectorSpreadPriority(args.ServiceLister, args.ControllerLister, args.ReplicaSetLister, args.StatefulSetLister)                },                Weight: 1,            },        ),        // pods should be placed in the same topological domain (e.g. same node, same rack, same zone, same power domain, etc.)        // as some other pods, or, conversely, should not be placed in the same topological domain as some other pods.        factory.RegisterPriorityConfigFactory(            "InterPodAffinityPriority",            factory.PriorityConfigFactory{                Function: func(args factory.PluginFactoryArgs) algorithm.PriorityFunction {                    return priorities.NewInterPodAffinityPriority(args.NodeInfo, args.NodeLister, args.PodLister, args.HardPodAffinitySymmetricWeight)                },                Weight: 1,            },        ),        // Prioritize nodes by least requested utilization.        factory.RegisterPriorityFunction2("LeastRequestedPriority", priorities.LeastRequestedPriorityMap, nil, 1),        // Prioritizes nodes to help achieve balanced resource usage        factory.RegisterPriorityFunction2("BalancedResourceAllocation", priorities.BalancedResourceAllocationMap, nil, 1),        // Set this weight large enough to override all other priority functions.        // TODO: Figure out a better way to do this, maybe at same time as fixing #24720.        factory.RegisterPriorityFunction2("NodePreferAvoidPodsPriority", priorities.CalculateNodePreferAvoidPodsPriorityMap, nil, 10000),        // Prioritizes nodes that have labels matching NodeAffinity        factory.RegisterPriorityFunction2("NodeAffinityPriority", priorities.CalculateNodeAffinityPriorityMap, priorities.CalculateNodeAffinityPriorityReduce, 1),        // TODO: explain what it does.        factory.RegisterPriorityFunction2("TaintTolerationPriority", priorities.ComputeTaintTolerationPriorityMap, priorities.ComputeTaintTolerationPriorityReduce, 1),    )}

这个里面主要是一些资源优化调度保证资源平均使用以及标签和pod的亲和性关联等。当系统以及加载好这些过滤和打分的算法以后,那么当来了一个pod需要调度的时候,改怎么去调度呢?在说具体调度时候,先看看cache机制,这个和k8s其它组件里面的cache是一样的,避免频繁调用k8s 的apiserver。先看cache接口

type Cache interface {    // AssumePod assumes a pod scheduled and aggregates the pod's information into its node.    // The implementation also decides the policy to expire pod before being confirmed (receiving Add event).    // After expiration, its information would be subtracted.    AssumePod(pod *v1.Pod) error    // FinishBinding signals that cache for assumed pod can be expired    FinishBinding(pod *v1.Pod) error    // ForgetPod removes an assumed pod from cache.    ForgetPod(pod *v1.Pod) error    // AddPod either confirms a pod if it's assumed, or adds it back if it's expired.    // If added back, the pod's information would be added again.    AddPod(pod *v1.Pod) error    // UpdatePod removes oldPod's information and adds newPod's information.    UpdatePod(oldPod, newPod *v1.Pod) error    // RemovePod removes a pod. The pod's information would be subtracted from assigned node.    RemovePod(pod *v1.Pod) error    // AddNode adds overall information about node.    AddNode(node *v1.Node) error    // UpdateNode updates overall information about node.    UpdateNode(oldNode, newNode *v1.Node) error    // RemoveNode removes overall information about node.    RemoveNode(node *v1.Node) error    // UpdateNodeNameToInfoMap updates the passed infoMap to the current contents of Cache.    // The node info contains aggregated information of pods scheduled (including assumed to be)    // on this node.    UpdateNodeNameToInfoMap(infoMap map[string]*NodeInfo) error    // List lists all cached pods (including assumed ones).    List(labels.Selector) ([]*v1.Pod, error)}


    nodeInformer.Informer().AddEventHandlerWithResyncPeriod(        cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{            AddFunc:    c.addNodeToCache,            UpdateFunc: c.updateNodeInCache,            DeleteFunc: c.deleteNodeFromCache,        },        0,    )

上面的node add的事件将会出发cache的AddNode方法。

func (cache *schedulerCache) AddNode(node *v1.Node) error {    cache.mu.Lock()    defer cache.mu.Unlock()    n, ok := cache.nodes[node.Name]    if !ok {        n = NewNodeInfo()        cache.nodes[node.Name] = n    }    return n.SetNode(node)}


func (n *NodeInfo) SetNode(node *v1.Node) error {    n.node = node    for rName, rQuant := range node.Status.Allocatable {        switch rName {        case v1.ResourceCPU:            n.allocatableResource.MilliCPU = rQuant.MilliValue()        case v1.ResourceMemory:            n.allocatableResource.Memory = rQuant.Value()        case v1.ResourceNvidiaGPU:            n.allocatableResource.NvidiaGPU = rQuant.Value()        case v1.ResourcePods:            n.allowedPodNumber = int(rQuant.Value())        case v1.ResourceStorageScratch:            n.allocatableResource.StorageScratch = rQuant.Value()        case v1.ResourceStorageOverlay:            n.allocatableResource.StorageOverlay = rQuant.Value()        default:            if v1helper.IsOpaqueIntResourceName(rName) {                n.allocatableResource.SetOpaque(rName, rQuant.Value())            }        }    }    n.taints = node.Spec.Taints    for i := range node.Status.Conditions {        cond := &node.Status.Conditions[i]        switch cond.Type {        case v1.NodeMemoryPressure:            n.memoryPressureCondition = cond.Status        case v1.NodeDiskPressure:            n.diskPressureCondition = cond.Status        case v1.NodeDiskMountPressure:            n.diskMountPressureCondition = cond.Status        default:            // We ignore other conditions.        }    }    n.generation++    return nil}


    podStates map[string]*podState    nodes     map[string]*NodeInfo


    err = g.cache.UpdateNodeNameToInfoMap(g.cachedNodeInfoMap)    if err != nil {        return "", err    }    trace.Step("Computing predicates")    filteredNodes, failedPredicateMap, err := findNodesThatFit(pod, g.cachedNodeInfoMap, nodes, g.predicates, g.extenders, g.predicateMetaProducer, g.equivalenceCache)


func (cache *schedulerCache) UpdateNodeNameToInfoMap(nodeNameToInfo map[string]*NodeInfo) error {    cache.mu.Lock()    defer cache.mu.Unlock()    for name, info := range cache.nodes {        if current, ok := nodeNameToInfo[name]; !ok || current.generation != info.generation {            nodeNameToInfo[name] = info.Clone()        }    }    for name := range nodeNameToInfo {        if _, ok := cache.nodes[name]; !ok {            delete(nodeNameToInfo, name)        }    }    return nil}


fits, failedPredicates, err := podFitsOnNode(pod, meta, nodeNameToInfo[nodeName], predicateFuncs, ecache)


    for predicateKey, predicate := range predicateFuncs {        // If equivalenceCache is available        if eCacheAvailable {            // PredicateWithECache will returns it's cached predicate results            fit, reasons, invalid = ecache.PredicateWithECache(pod, info.Node().GetName(), predicateKey, equivalenceHash)        }        if !eCacheAvailable || invalid {            // we need to execute predicate functions since equivalence cache does not work            fit, reasons, err = predicate(pod, meta, info)            if err != nil {                return false, []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason{}, err            }            if eCacheAvailable {                // update equivalence cache with newly computed fit & reasons                // TODO(resouer) should we do this in another thread? any race?                ecache.UpdateCachedPredicateItem(pod, info.Node().GetName(), predicateKey, fit, reasons, equivalenceHash)            }        }        if !fit {            // eCache is available and valid, and predicates result is unfit, record the fail reasons            failedPredicates = append(failedPredicates, reasons...)        }    }


func CheckNodeDiskPressurePredicate(pod *v1.Pod, meta interface{}, nodeInfo *schedulercache.NodeInfo) (bool, []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason, error) {    // is node under presure?    if nodeInfo.DiskPressureCondition() == v1.ConditionTrue {        return false, []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason{ErrNodeUnderDiskPressure}, nil    }    return true, nil, nil}


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