HOJ 3188

来源:互联网 发布:tensorflow教程 pdf 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 00:55

3188 - Duang~

Time limit : 2 s Memory limit : 400 mb
Submitted : 78 Accepted : 15

Problem Description
Bus Xiao and Smile Dog watch bilibili everyday. One day they find a video which title is Cheng Long’s shampoo.after they watch the video, Smile Dog give many text and ask Bus Xiao to change the text into the way he want by following rule:
1. If you find “chenglong” in his text ,you should change it to “wojiateji”, example : chenglong —> wojiateji
2. If you find “toufa” in his text ,you should change it to “duang”, example : toufa —> duang
3. The new word should follow original word’s case. example : the original word is “ChEnglOnG “, the new word is “WoJiatEjI”.

There are multiple test case, input will end with a single number -1.

The first line contain an integer N (1 <= N <= 10^6), representing the text’s length. following line is the text. The text will only contain letter “a-z,A-Z”.

Printf the Case and the new text transform by the rule.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Case #1 : WoJiaTejideduaNg
Case #2 : ShiduAngDetejishitejidedUanG

strcpy(*str1, *str2):是将2的内容复制到1中,都是传指针。所以可以对2定位,然后一直复制到\0。这个函数的缺点是:会越界!!当你不知道1中是否有足够大的容量就这样搞,会死的很难看。
strncpy(*str1, *str2, n):与上面那个不同的是,这个指定了在2中传递的起点和终点,比上面的安全得多。但是传好后要在1中的结尾处加\0,不然也会发生奇怪的事情。
strcmp(*str1, *str2):这个函数其实就是个for循环,它从前往后按字典序(ASCII)比较1和2中的字符。
1代表1 < 2;
1代表1 > 2;**


#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#define maxn 1000005char s[maxn];char ts[maxn];char ans[maxn];char c[10] = "chenglong";char t[6] = "toufa";char tmp1[10];char tmp2[6];int tn[maxn];int main(){    int n;    int kase = 0;    while(scanf("%d", &n) != EOF && n > 0)    {        memset(tn, 0, sizeof(tn));        memset(s, 0, sizeof(s));        memset(ts, 0, sizeof(ts));        scanf("%s", s);        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)        {            if(s[i] <= 'Z' && s[i] >= 'A')            {                tn[i] = 1;                ts[i] = s[i] + 32;            }            else            {                tn[i] = 0;                ts[i] = s[i];            }        }        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)        {            if(ts[i] == 'c')            {                strncpy(tmp1, ts+i, 9);                tmp1[9] = '\0';                if(!strcmp(tmp1, c))                {                    ans[i] = 'w';                    ans[i+1] = 'o';                    ans[i+2] = 'j';                    ans[i+3] = 'i';                    ans[i+4] = 'a';                    ans[i+5] = 't';                    ans[i+6] = 'e';                    ans[i+7] = 'j';                    ans[i+8] = 'i';                    for(int j = i; j < i+9; j++)                    {                        if(tn[j])                            ans[j] -= 32;                    }                    i += 8;                }                else                {                    if(tn[i])                        ans[i] = ts[i] - 32;                    else                        ans[i] = ts[i];                }            }            else if(ts[i] == 't')            {                strncpy(tmp2, ts+i, 6);                tmp2[5] = '\0';                if(!strcmp(tmp2, t))                {                    ans[i] = 'd';                    ans[i+1] = 'u';                    ans[i+2] = 'a';                    ans[i+3] = 'n';                    ans[i+4] = 'g';                    for(int j = i; j < i+9; j++)                    {                        if(tn[j])                            ans[j] -= 32;                    }                    i += 4;                }                else                {                    if(tn[i])                        ans[i] = ts[i] - 32;                    else                        ans[i] = ts[i];                }            }            else            {                if(tn[i])                    ans[i] = ts[i] - 32;                else                    ans[i] = ts[i];            }        }        printf("Case #%d : %s\n", ++kase, ans);    }    return 0;}