Greenplum 列存表(AO表)的膨胀、垃圾检查与空间收缩

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝美工一般要做什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 00:59




《如何检测、清理Greenplum膨胀、垃圾 - 阿里云HybridDB for PG最佳实践》






postgres=# select distinct relstorage from pg_class ;   relstorage   ------------   a  -- 行存储AO表   h  -- heap堆表、索引   x  -- 外部表(external table)   v  -- 视图   c  -- 列存储AO表  (5 rows)  


postgres=# select t2.nspname, t1.relname from pg_class t1, pg_namespace t2 where t1.relnamespace=t2.oid and relstorage in ('c', 'a');   nspname  |      relname        ----------+-------------------   postgres | tbl_tag   postgres | tbl_pos_1_prt_p1   postgres | tbl_pos_1_prt_p2   postgres | tbl_pos_1_prt_p3   postgres | tbl_pos_1_prt_p4   postgres | tbl_pos_1_prt_p5   postgres | tbl_pos_1_prt_p6   postgres | tbl_pos_1_prt_p7   postgres | tbl_pos_1_prt_p8   postgres | tbl_pos_1_prt_p9   postgres | tbl_pos_1_prt_p10   postgres | tbl_pos   postgres | xx_czrk_qm_col   postgres | ao1  (14 rows)  


select t2.nspname, t1.relname from pg_class t1, pg_namespace t2 where t1.relnamespace=t2.oid and relstorage in ('h') and relkind='r';  



postgres=# \df+ gp_toolkit.__gp_aovisimap_compaction_info  List of functions  -[ RECORD 1 ]-------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Schema              | gp_toolkit  Name                | __gp_aovisimap_compaction_info  Result data type    | SETOF record  Argument data types | ao_oid oid, OUT content integer, OUT datafile integer, OUT compaction_possible boolean, OUT hidden_tupcount bigint, OUT total_tupcount bigint, OUT percent_hidden numeric  Type                | normal  Data access         | no sql  Volatility          | volatile  Owner               | dege.zzz  Language            | plpgsql  Source code         |                       | DECLARE                      |     hinfo_row RECORD;                      |     threshold float;                      | BEGIN                      |     EXECUTE 'show gp_appendonly_compaction_threshold' INTO threshold;                      |     FOR hinfo_row IN SELECT gp_segment_id,                      |     gp_toolkit.__gp_aovisimap_hidden_typed(ao_oid)::gp_toolkit.__gp_aovisimap_hidden_t                      |     FROM gp_dist_random('gp_id') LOOP                      |         content := hinfo_row.gp_segment_id;                      |         datafile := (hinfo_row.__gp_aovisimap_hidden_typed).seg;                      |         hidden_tupcount := (hinfo_row.__gp_aovisimap_hidden_typed).hidden;                      |         total_tupcount := (hinfo_row.__gp_aovisimap_hidden_typed).total;                      |         compaction_possible := false;                      |         IF total_tupcount > 0 THEN                      |             percent_hidden := (100 * hidden_tupcount / total_tupcount::numeric)::numeric(5,2);                      |         ELSE                      |             percent_hidden := 0::numeric(5,2);                      |         END IF;                      |         IF percent_hidden > threshold THEN                      |             compaction_possible := true;                      |         END IF;                      |         RETURN NEXT;                      |     END LOOP;                      |     RAISE NOTICE 'gp_appendonly_compaction_threshold = %', threshold;                      |     RETURN;                      | END;                      |   Description         |   


postgres=# select * from gp_toolkit.__gp_aovisimap_compaction_info('postgres.ao1'::regclass);  NOTICE:  gp_appendonly_compaction_threshold = 10       content | datafile | compaction_possible | hidden_tupcount | total_tupcount | percent_hidden   ---------+----------+---------------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------         2 |        1 | f                   |              21 |         208283 |           0.01         9 |        1 | f                   |              25 |         208303 |           0.01        16 |        1 | f                   |              16 |         208352 |           0.01         4 |        1 | f                   |              23 |         208356 |           0.01         6 |        1 | f                   |              23 |         208386 |           0.01         3 |        1 | f                   |              14 |         208333 |           0.01         1 |        1 | f                   |              14 |         208329 |           0.01        14 |        1 | f                   |              12 |         208350 |           0.01        15 |        1 | f                   |              24 |         208346 |           0.01         7 |        1 | f                   |              22 |         208329 |           0.01         8 |        1 | f                   |              18 |         208334 |           0.01         0 |        1 | f                   |              21 |         208314 |           0.01        18 |        1 | f                   |              16 |         208417 |           0.01        11 |        1 | f                   |              24 |         208337 |           0.01        17 |        1 | f                   |              31 |         208380 |           0.01        12 |        1 | f                   |              12 |         208367 |           0.01        13 |        1 | f                   |              22 |         208365 |           0.01         5 |        1 | f                   |              22 |         208367 |           0.01        10 |        1 | f                   |              18 |         208347 |           0.01        20 |        1 | f                   |              17 |         208384 |           0.01        27 |        1 | f                   |              22 |         208348 |           0.01        19 |        1 | f                   |              31 |         208425 |           0.01        23 |        1 | f                   |              28 |         208344 |           0.01        26 |        1 | f                   |              14 |         208339 |           0.01        25 |        1 | f                   |              21 |         208386 |           0.01        24 |        1 | f                   |              14 |         208332 |           0.01        21 |        1 | f                   |              28 |         208360 |           0.01        33 |        1 | f                   |              18 |         208354 |           0.01        31 |        1 | f                   |              23 |         208335 |           0.01        22 |        1 | f                   |              17 |         208309 |           0.01        28 |        1 | f                   |              21 |         208314 |           0.01        29 |        1 | f                   |              23 |         208329 |           0.01        30 |        1 | f                   |              22 |         208342 |           0.01        35 |        1 | f                   |              18 |         208305 |           0.01        34 |        1 | f                   |              26 |         208363 |           0.01        32 |        1 | f                   |              25 |         208396 |           0.01        36 |        1 | f                   |              23 |         208323 |           0.01        38 |        1 | f                   |              22 |         208367 |           0.01        37 |        1 | f                   |              12 |         208334 |           0.01        39 |        1 | f                   |              12 |         208389 |           0.01        41 |        1 | f                   |              16 |         208373 |           0.01        42 |        1 | f                   |              30 |         208376 |           0.01        40 |        1 | f                   |              31 |         208397 |           0.01        43 |        1 | f                   |              16 |         208378 |           0.01        46 |        1 | f                   |              29 |         208371 |           0.01        47 |        1 | f                   |              16 |         208382 |           0.01        45 |        1 | f                   |              17 |         208368 |           0.01        44 |        1 | f                   |              29 |         208381 |           0.01  (48 rows)  










select * from (    select t2.nspname, t1.relname, (gp_toolkit.__gp_aovisimap_compaction_info(t1.oid)).*     from pg_class t1, pg_namespace t2 where t1.relnamespace=t2.oid and relstorage in ('c', 'a')   ) t   where t.percent_hidden > 0.2;  


 nspname  |      relname      | content | datafile | compaction_possible | hidden_tupcount | total_tupcount | percent_hidden   ----------+-------------------+---------+----------+---------------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------   postgres | tbl_pos_1_prt_p1  |       1 |        1 | t                   |        20833382 |       20833382 |         100.00   postgres | tbl_pos_1_prt_p1  |       7 |        1 | t                   |        20833495 |       20833628 |         100.00   postgres | tbl_pos_1_prt_p1  |       5 |        1 | t                   |        20833628 |       20833495 |         100.00   postgres | tbl_pos_1_prt_p1  |       3 |        1 | t                   |        20833469 |       20833469 |         100.00  ....  


postgres=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('tbl_pos_1_prt_p1'));   pg_size_pretty   ----------------   15 GB  (1 row)    postgres=# select count(*) from tbl_pos_1_prt_p1;   count   -------       1  (1 row)  


postgres=# vacuum tbl_pos_1_prt_p1;  VACUUM  postgres=# select count(*) from tbl_pos_1_prt_p1;   count   -------       1  (1 row)    postgres=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('tbl_pos_1_prt_p1'));   pg_size_pretty   ----------------   40 bytes  (1 row)  





2、执行VACUUM FULL。(不管gp_appendonly_compaction_threshold参数的设置,都会回收垃圾空间。),为DDL锁。


alter table <table_name> set with (reorganize=true) distributed randomly;        或        alter table <table_name> set with (reorganize=true) distributed by (<column_names1>,<column_names2>....)    

set distribute可以回收索引的膨胀空间。set distribute 加载的锁与DDL锁类似,是排它锁。建议在没有业务的时候执行,不要堵塞业务。

同时set distribute只要分布条件不变,就是在节点内完成的,不会涉及数据的重分布。


1 记录下表的分布列        2 执行set distribute (REORGANIZE=true)        如果是随机分布,则设置为随机分布    