
来源:互联网 发布:电子教室软件免费版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 05:03

Git是一款注重速度、数据完整性、分布式支持和非线性工作流的分布式版本控制工具。Git最初由Linus Torvalds2005年为Linux内核开发而设计,如今已经成为被广泛接受的版本控制系统。


本篇教程我会演示如何安装 gitlit服务器。gitlit的最新稳定版是1.6.2Gitblit是一款开源、纯Java开发的用于管理、浏览和提供Git仓库服务的软件。它被设计成一款为希望托管中心仓库的小型工作组服务的工具。

1. mkdir -p /opt/gitblit; cd /opt/gitblit; wget http://dl.bintray.com/gitblit/releases/gitblit-1.6.2.tar.gz



1. root@vps124229 [/opt/gitblit]# ls

2. ./ docs/ gitblit-stop.sh* LICENSE service-Ubuntu.sh*

3. ../ ext/ install-service-CentOS.sh* migrate-tickets.sh*

4. add-indexed-branch.sh* gitblit-1.6.2.tar.gz install-service-Fedora.sh* NOTICE

5. authority.sh* gitblit.jar install-service-ubuntu.sh* reindex-tickets.sh*

6. data/ gitblit.sh* java-proxy-config.sh* service-centos.sh*





1. root@vps124229 [/opt/gitblit]# cp service-centos.sh /etc/init.d/gitblit

2. root@vps124229 [/opt/gitblit]# chkconfig --add gitblit

3. root@vps124229 [/opt/gitblit]# service gitblit start

4. Starting gitblit server

5. .


1. root@vps124229 [/opt/gitblit]# java -jar gitblit.jar --baseFolder data

2. 2016-05-0209:16:53[INFO ]*****************************************************************

3. 2016-05-0209:16:53[INFO ] _____ _ _ _ _ _ _

4. 2016-05-0209:16:53[INFO ]| __ \(_)||||||(_)||

5.2016-05-0209:16:53[INFO ]|| \/ _ ||_ ||__ || _ ||_

6. 2016-05-0209:16:53[INFO ]|| __ ||| __||'_ \ | || || __|

7. 2016-05-0209:16:53 [INFO ] | |_\ \| || |_ | |_) || || || |_

8. 2016-05-0209:16:53 [INFO ] \____/|_| \__||_.__/ |_||_| \__|

9. 2016-05-0209:16:53 [INFO ] Gitblit v1.6.2

10. 2016-05-0209:16:53 [INFO ]

11. 2016-05-0209:16:53 [INFO ] *****************************************************************

12. 2016-05-0209:16:53 [INFO ] Running on Linux (3.8.13-xxxx-grs-ipv6-64-vps)

13. 2016-05-0209:16:53 [INFO ] Logging initialized @842ms

14.2016-05-0209:16:54 [INFO ] Using JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy files

15. 2016-05-0209:16:54 [INFO ] Setting up HTTPS transport on port 8443

16. 2016-05-0209:16:54 [INFO ] certificate alias = localhost

17. 2016-05-0209:16:54 [INFO ] keyStorePath = /opt/gitblit/data/serverKeyStore.jks

18. 2016-05-0209:16:54 [INFO ] trustStorePath = /opt/gitblit/data/serverTrustStore.jks

19. 2016-05-0209:16:54 [INFO ] crlPath = /opt/gitblit/data/certs/caRevocationList.crl

20.2016-05-0209:16:54 [INFO ] Shutdown Monitor listening on port 8081

21. 2016-05-0209:16:54 [INFO ] jetty-9.2.3.v20140905

22. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] NO JSP Support for /, did not find org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet

23. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ]

24. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.IRuntimeManager]----

25. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] Basefolder : /opt/gitblit/data

26. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] Settings : /opt/gitblit/data/gitblit.properties

27. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] JVM timezone: America/Montreal (EST -0500)

28. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] App timezone: America/Montreal (EST -0500)

29. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] JVM locale : en_US

30. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] App locale : <client>

31. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] PF4J runtime mode is 'deployment'

32. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] Enabled plugins: []

33. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] Disabled plugins: []

34. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ]

35. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.INotificationManager]----

36. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [WARN ] Mail service disabled.

37. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ]

38. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.IUserManager]----

39. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] ConfigUserService(/opt/gitblit/data/users.conf)

40. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ]

41. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.IAuthenticationManager]----

42. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] External authentication disabled.

43. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ]

44. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] ---- [com.gitblit.transport.ssh.IPublicKeyManager]----

45. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] FileKeyManager (/opt/gitblit/data/ssh)

46. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ]

47. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.IRepositoryManager]----

48. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] Repositories folder : /opt/gitblit/data/git

49. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] Identifying repositories...

50. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] 0 repositories identified with calculated folder sizes in 11 msecs

51. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] Lucene will process indexed branches every 2 minutes.

52. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] Garbage Collector (GC) is disabled.

53. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] Mirror service is disabled.

54. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] Alias UTF-9 & UTF-18 encodings as UTF-8 in JGit

55. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] Preparing 14 day commit cache. please wait...

56. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] 0 repositories identified with calculated folder sizes in 0 msecs

57. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] built 14 day commit cache of 0 commits across 0 repositories in 2 msecs

58. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ]

59. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.IProjectManager]----

60. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ]

61. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.IFederationManager]----

62. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ]

63. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.IGitblit]----

64. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] Starting services manager...

65. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] Federation passphrase is blank! This server can not be PULLED from.

66. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] Fanout PubSub service is disabled.

67. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] Git Daemon is listening on

68. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] SSH Daemon (NIO2) is listening on

69. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [WARN ] No ticket service configured.

70. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ]

71. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] ----[com.gitblit.manager.IPluginManager]----

72. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] No plugins

73. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ]

74. 2016-05-0209:16:55 [INFO ] All managers started.

打开浏览器,依据你的配置进入http://localhost:8080 或者 https://localhost:8443输入默认的管理员授权:admin / admin 并点击Login 按钮









1. touch README.md

2. git init

3. git add README.md

4. git commit -m "first commit"

5. git remote add origin ssh://admin@

6. git push -u origin master



1. git remote add origin ssh://admin@

2. git push -u origin master


