QT控件大全 四十二 QTickerGraph

来源:互联网 发布:股票比价关系软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 11:39



#ifndef Q_SIMPLE_TICKET_GRAPH_H#define Q_SIMPLE_TICKET_GRAPH_H#include <QtCore/QPair>#include <QtCore/QQueue>#include <QBrush>#include <QFont>#include <QPen>#include <QWidget>class QSimpleTickerGraph : public QWidget{    Q_OBJECTpublic:    explicit QSimpleTickerGraph(QWidget *parent = 0);    void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* pEvent);    // Data-related parameters    QString units() const;    void setUnits(const QString& unit);    QPair<double, double> range() const;    void setRange(const QPair<double, double>& p);    void setRange(double min, double max);    int pointWidth() const;    void setPointWidth(int w);    QList<double> referencePoints() const;    void setReferencePoints(const QList<double>& points);    // Style-related parameters    QBrush backgroundBrush() const;    void setBackgroundBrush(const QBrush& brush);    QPen gridPen() const;    void setGridPen(const QPen& pen);    double gridPitch() const;    void setGridPitch(double pitch);    QPen dataLinePen() const;    void setDataLinePen(const QPen& pen);    QColor axisColor() const;    void setAxisColor(const QColor& color);    QFont axisFont() const;    void setAxisFont(const QFont& font);    QColor labelColor() const;    void setLabelColor(const QColor& color);    QFont labelFont() const;    void setLabelFont(const QFont& font);    // Adding/clearing data points    void appendPoint(double point);    void clear();private:    // Data points    QQueue<double> mData;    int mPointWidth;    int mDataCount;    QString mUnits;    // Reference points    QList<double> mReferencePoints;    // Data range visible in graph    double mMin;    double mMax;    // Style    QBrush mBackgroundBrush;    QPen mGridPen;    double mGridPitch;    QPen mDataLinePen;    QColor mAxisColor;    QFont mAxisFont;    QColor mLabelColor;    QFont mLabelFont;};#endif // Q_SIMPLE_TICKET_GRAPH_H

#include <QtGui/QPainter>#include "qsimpletickergraph.h"namespace{    const double DEFAULT_MIN = 0.0;    const double DEFAULT_MAX = 100.0;    const double DEFAULT_GRID_PITCH = 10.0;    const char DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT_FAMILY[] = "Arial";    const int DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT_SIZE = 12;    const char DEFAULT_AXIS_FONT_FAMILY[] = "Arial";    const int DEFAULT_AXIS_FONT_SIZE = 8;    const Qt::GlobalColor DEFAULT_LABEL_COLOR = Qt::white;    const int LABEL_MARGIN = 2;}/*** The QSimpleTickerGraph class implements a basic ticker graph, which may be* useful for visualizing data such as price or temperature as it changes over time.*/QSimpleTickerGraph::QSimpleTickerGraph(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent),    mPointWidth(1),    mDataCount(0),    mMin(DEFAULT_MIN),    mMax(DEFAULT_MAX),    mBackgroundBrush(QBrush(Qt::black)),    mGridPen(QColor(0, 128, 64)),    mGridPitch(DEFAULT_GRID_PITCH),    mDataLinePen(QColor(0, 255, 0)),    mAxisColor(DEFAULT_LABEL_COLOR),    mAxisFont(DEFAULT_AXIS_FONT_FAMILY, DEFAULT_AXIS_FONT_SIZE),    mLabelColor(DEFAULT_LABEL_COLOR),    mLabelFont(DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT_FAMILY, DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT_SIZE){}/*** Paint event handler*/void QSimpleTickerGraph::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*){    const double scale = (mMax > mMin) ? (height() / (mMax - mMin)) : 1.0;    QPainter painter(this);    // Draw the background    painter.fillRect(rect(), mBackgroundBrush);    // If there are any reference points defined, make sure a grid line goes through the first one    int gridOffset = 0;    if (!mReferencePoints.isEmpty())    {        gridOffset = height() - scale * (mReferencePoints.first() - mMin);    }    // Draw the grid lines    const int pitchInPixels = scale * mGridPitch;    if (pitchInPixels > 0)    {painter.setPen(mGridPen);for (int x = -(mDataCount * mPointWidth) % pitchInPixels; x < width(); x += pitchInPixels)painter.drawLine(QPointF(x, 0), QPoint(x, height()));for (int y = -pitchInPixels + gridOffset % pitchInPixels; y < height(); y += pitchInPixels)painter.drawLine(QPointF(0, y), QPoint(width(), y));}    // Draw the data lines    painter.setPen(mDataLinePen);    const int dataWidth = mPointWidth * (mData.size() - 1);    for (int i = 1; i < mData.size(); ++ i)    {        qreal prev = height() - scale * (mData.at(i - 1) - mMin);        qreal val = height() - scale * (mData.at(i) - mMin);        qreal x = width() - dataWidth + mPointWidth * i;        painter.drawLine(QPointF(x - mPointWidth, prev), QPointF(x, val));    }    // Draw the min and max values in the left margin    painter.setPen(mAxisColor);    painter.setFont(mAxisFont);    QString minLabel = QString("%1 %2").arg(mMin).arg(mUnits);    QString maxLabel = QString("%1 %2").arg(mMax).arg(mUnits);    painter.drawText(rect().adjusted(LABEL_MARGIN, LABEL_MARGIN, -LABEL_MARGIN, -LABEL_MARGIN), Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft, maxLabel);    painter.drawText(rect().adjusted(LABEL_MARGIN, LABEL_MARGIN, -LABEL_MARGIN, -LABEL_MARGIN), Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignLeft, minLabel);    // Draw the reference labels, if any    const int axisLabelHeight = QFontMetrics(mAxisFont).height();    foreach(double point, mReferencePoints)    {        double y = height() - scale * (point - mMin);        QString label = QString("%1 %2").arg(point).arg(mUnits);        painter.drawText(QRect(LABEL_MARGIN, y - axisLabelHeight/2, width() - LABEL_MARGIN, axisLabelHeight), Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft, label);    }    // Draw the current value as text    if (!mData.isEmpty())    {        QString current = QString("%1 %2")                          .arg(mData.last(), 3, 'f', 3)                          .arg(mUnits);        painter.setPen(mLabelColor);        painter.setFont(mLabelFont);        painter.drawText(rect().adjusted(LABEL_MARGIN, LABEL_MARGIN, -LABEL_MARGIN, -LABEL_MARGIN), Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight, current);    }}/*** The units to be displayed along with the current value*/QString QSimpleTickerGraph::units() const{    return mUnits;}/*** Specifies the units to be displayed along with the current value.* For example, if the graph is to display voltage:*     graph->setUnits("V")*/void QSimpleTickerGraph::setUnits(const QString& units){    if (units != mUnits)    {        mUnits = units;        if (!mData.isEmpty())            update();    }}/*** The range of the data that the graph is meant to display.* The default range is [0, 100]*/QPair<double, double> QSimpleTickerGraph::range() const{    return QPair<double, double>(mMin, mMax);}/*** Sets the range of data that this graph is meant to display.* This is used to scale the graph appropriately. For instance,* if one executes*    graph->setRange(0, 100)* and then executes*    graph->addPoint(100)* then the added point will appear at top of the visibile graph.* The default range is [0, 100] if no other range is specified.*/void QSimpleTickerGraph::setRange(double min, double max){    if ((min != mMin || max != mMax) && (mMax > mMin))    {        mMin = min;        mMax = max;        if (!mData.isEmpty())            update();    }}/*** Sets the range of data that this graph is meant to display.*/void QSimpleTickerGraph::setRange(const QPair<double, double>& range){    setRange(range.first, range.second);}/*** The horizontal distance in pixels between consecutive data points.*/int QSimpleTickerGraph::pointWidth() const{    return mPointWidth;}/*** Sets the horizontal distance in pixels between consecutive data points.*/void QSimpleTickerGraph::setPointWidth(int w){    if (w != mPointWidth)    {        mPointWidth = w;        if (!mData.isEmpty())            update();    }}/*** A list of levels, aside from the min and max, that should be labelled on the graph.*/QList<double> QSimpleTickerGraph::referencePoints() const{    return mReferencePoints;}/*** Sets the list of levels, aside from the min and max, that should be labelled on the graph.*/void QSimpleTickerGraph::setReferencePoints(const QList<double>& points){    if (points != mReferencePoints)    {        mReferencePoints = points;        update();    }}/*** The brush used to fill the background of the graph.*/QBrush QSimpleTickerGraph::backgroundBrush() const{    return mBackgroundBrush;}/*** Sets the brush used to fill the background of the graph.* The default brush is a solid fill black brush.*/void QSimpleTickerGraph::setBackgroundBrush(const QBrush& brush){    if (brush != mBackgroundBrush)    {        mBackgroundBrush = brush;        update();    }}/*** The pen used to draw the grid lines.*/QPen QSimpleTickerGraph::gridPen() const{    return mGridPen;}/*** Sets the pen used to draw the grid lines.* The default pen is a single pixel wide and green.*/void QSimpleTickerGraph::setGridPen(const QPen& pen){    if (pen != mGridPen)    {        mGridPen = pen;        update();    }}/*** The spacing between adjacent horizontal or vertical grid lines,* in the same units as the data values. The default is 10.*/double QSimpleTickerGraph::gridPitch() const{    return mGridPitch;}/*** Sets the spacing between adjacent horizontal or vertical grid lines,* in the same units as the data values. The default is 10.*/void QSimpleTickerGraph::setGridPitch(double pitch){    if (pitch != mGridPitch)    {        mGridPitch = pitch;        update();    }}/*** The pen used for drawing grid lines on the graph.*/QPen QSimpleTickerGraph::dataLinePen() const{    return mDataLinePen;}/*** Sets the pen used for drawing the data lines on the graph.* The default pen is a single pixel wide and green.*/void QSimpleTickerGraph::setDataLinePen(const QPen& pen){    if (pen != mDataLinePen)    {        mDataLinePen = pen;        if (!mData.isEmpty())            update();    }}/*** The color for the value label.*/QColor QSimpleTickerGraph::labelColor() const{    return mLabelColor;}/*** Sets the color for the value label. The default color is white.*/void QSimpleTickerGraph::setLabelColor(const QColor& color){    if (color != mLabelColor)    {        mLabelColor = color;        update();    }}/*** The font used for drawing the current value label.*/QFont QSimpleTickerGraph::labelFont() const{    return mLabelFont;}/*** Sets the font used for drawing the current value label at* the top left corner of the graph.* The default font is 12pt Arial.*/void QSimpleTickerGraph::setLabelFont(const QFont& font){    if (font != mLabelFont)    {        mLabelFont = font;        if (!mData.isEmpty())            update();    }}/*** The color used to draw the min and max value labels on the vertical axis.*/QColor QSimpleTickerGraph::axisColor() const{    return mAxisColor;}/*** Sets the color used for the min and max value labels on the vertical* axis. The default color used is white.*/void QSimpleTickerGraph::setAxisColor(const QColor& color){    if (color != mAxisColor)    {        mAxisColor = color;        update();    }}/*** The font used for the min and max value labels on the vertical axis.*/QFont QSimpleTickerGraph::axisFont() const{    return mAxisFont;}/*** Sets the font used for the min and max value labels on the vertical axis.* The default font is 8pt Arial.*/void QSimpleTickerGraph::setAxisFont(const QFont& font){    if (font != mAxisFont)    {        mAxisFont = font;        update();    }}/*** Appends a new data point to the graph, and redraws the graph with* the new point added to the right edge.*/void QSimpleTickerGraph::appendPoint(double point){    mData.enqueue(point);    const int dataWidth = mPointWidth * (mData.size() - 1);    if (dataWidth >= (width() + mPointWidth))        mData.dequeue();    ++ mDataCount;    update();}/*** Clears all of the data from the graph and redraws the graph with no data*/void QSimpleTickerGraph::clear(){    mData.clear();    mDataCount = 0;    update();}


