python 画风矢量图

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python 画风矢量图参考

Quiver plot arrow aspect ratio

2D quiver plot - matplotlib and MATLAB output doesnt match


quiver(*args, data=None, **kw) method of matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot instance    Plot a 2-D field of arrows.    Call signatures::      quiver(U, V, **kw)      quiver(U, V, C, **kw)      quiver(X, Y, U, V, **kw)      quiver(X, Y, U, V, C, **kw)    *U* and *V* are the arrow data, *X* and *Y* set the location of the arrows, and *C* sets the color of the arrows. These arguments may be 1-D or 2-D arrays or sequences.    If *X* and *Y* are absent, they will be generated as a uniform grid.    If *U* and *V* are 2-D arrays and *X* and *Y* are 1-D, and if ``len(X)`` and ``len(Y)`` match the column and row dimensions of *U*, then *X* and *Y* will be expanded with :func:`numpy.meshgrid`.    The default settings auto-scales the length of the arrows to a reasonable size.    To change this behavior see the *scale* and *scale_units* kwargs.    The defaults give a slightly swept-back arrow; to make the head a    triangle, make *headaxislength* the same as *headlength*. To make the    arrow more pointed, reduce *headwidth* or increase *headlength* and    *headaxislength*. To make the head smaller relative to the shaft,    scale down all the head parameters. You will probably do best to leave    minshaft alone.    *linewidths* and *edgecolors* can be used to customize the arrow    outlines.    Parameters    ----------    X : 1D or 2D array, sequence, optional        The x coordinates of the arrow locations    Y : 1D or 2D array, sequence, optional        The y coordinates of the arrow locations    U : 1D or 2D array or masked array, sequence        The x components of the arrow vectors    V : 1D or 2D array or masked array, sequence        The y components of the arrow vectors    C : 1D or 2D array, sequence, optional        The arrow colors    units : [ 'width' | 'height' | 'dots' | 'inches' | 'x' | 'y' | 'xy' ]        The arrow dimensions (except for *length*) are measured in multiples of        this unit.        'width' or 'height': the width or height of the axis        'dots' or 'inches': pixels or inches, based on the figure dpi        'x', 'y', or 'xy': respectively *X*, *Y*, or :math:`\sqrt{X^2 + Y^2}`        in data units        The arrows scale differently depending on the units.  For        'x' or 'y', the arrows get larger as one zooms in; for other        units, the arrow size is independent of the zoom state.  For        'width or 'height', the arrow size increases with the width and        height of the axes, respectively, when the window is resized;        for 'dots' or 'inches', resizing does not change the arrows.    angles : [ 'uv' | 'xy' ], array, optional        Method for determining the angle of the arrows. Default is 'uv'.        'uv': the arrow axis aspect ratio is 1 so that        if *U*==*V* the orientation of the arrow on the plot is 45 degrees        counter-clockwise from the horizontal axis (positive to the right).        'xy': arrows point from (x,y) to (x+u, y+v).        Use this for plotting a gradient field, for example.        Alternatively, arbitrary angles may be specified as an array        of values in degrees, counter-clockwise from the horizontal axis.        Note: inverting a data axis will correspondingly invert the        arrows only with ``angles='xy'``.    scale : None, float, optional        Number of data units per arrow length unit, e.g., m/s per plot width; a        smaller scale parameter makes the arrow longer. Default is *None*.        If *None*, a simple autoscaling algorithm is used, based on the average        vector length and the number of vectors. The arrow length unit is given by        the *scale_units* parameter    scale_units : [ 'width' | 'height' | 'dots' | 'inches' | 'x' | 'y' | 'xy' ], None, optional        If the *scale* kwarg is *None*, the arrow length unit. Default is *None*.        e.g. *scale_units* is 'inches', *scale* is 2.0, and        ``(u,v) = (1,0)``, then the vector will be 0.5 inches long.        If *scale_units* is 'width'/'height', then the vector will be half the        width/height of the axes.        If *scale_units* is 'x' then the vector will be 0.5 x-axis        units. To plot vectors in the x-y plane, with u and v having        the same units as x and y, use        ``angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1``.    width : scalar, optional        Shaft width in arrow units; default depends on choice of units,        above, and number of vectors; a typical starting value is about        0.005 times the width of the plot.    headwidth : scalar, optional        Head width as multiple of shaft width, default is 3    headlength : scalar, optional        Head length as multiple of shaft width, default is 5    headaxislength : scalar, optional        Head length at shaft intersection, default is 4.5    minshaft : scalar, optional        Length below which arrow scales, in units of head length. Do not        set this to less than 1, or small arrows will look terrible!        Default is 1    minlength : scalar, optional        Minimum length as a multiple of shaft width; if an arrow length        is less than this, plot a dot (hexagon) of this diameter instead.        Default is 1.    pivot : [ 'tail' | 'mid' | 'middle' | 'tip' ], optional        The part of the arrow that is at the grid point; the arrow rotates        about this point, hence the name *pivot*.    color : [ color | color sequence ], optional        This is a synonym for the        :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection` facecolor kwarg.        If *C* has been set, *color* has no effect.    Notes    -----    Additional :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection`    keyword arguments:      ===========================================================================================   ===============================================================================================================================================      Property                                                                                      Description                                                                                                                                          ===========================================================================================   ===============================================================================================================================================      :meth:`agg_filter <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_agg_filter>`                                  unknown                                                                                                                                              :meth:`alpha <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_alpha>`                                   float or None                                                                                                                                        :meth:`animated <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_animated>`                                      [True | False]                                                                                                                                       :meth:`antialiased <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_antialiased>` or antialiaseds       Boolean or sequence of booleans                                                                                                                      :meth:`array <>`                                        unknown                                                                                                                                              :meth:`clim <>`                                          a length 2 sequence of floats                                                                                                                        :meth:`clip_box <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_clip_box>`                                      a :class:`matplotlib.transforms.Bbox` instance                                                                                                       :meth:`clip_on <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_clip_on>`                                        [True | False]                                                                                                                                       :meth:`clip_path <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_clip_path>`                                    [ (:class:`~matplotlib.path.Path`, :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform`) | :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Patch` | None ]                          :meth:`cmap <>`                                          a colormap or registered colormap name                                                                                                               :meth:`color <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_color>`                                   matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples                                                                                                      :meth:`contains <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_contains>`                                      a callable function                                                                                                                                  :meth:`edgecolor <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_edgecolor>` or edgecolors             matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs                                                                                                           :meth:`facecolor <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_facecolor>` or facecolors             matplotlib color spec or sequence of specs                                                                                                           :meth:`figure <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_figure>`                                          a :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance                                                                                                         :meth:`gid <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_gid>`                                                an id string                                                                                                                                         :meth:`hatch <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_hatch>`                                   [ '/' | '\\' | '|' | '-' | '+' | 'x' | 'o' | 'O' | '.' | '*' ]                                                                                       :meth:`label <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_label>`                                            string or anything printable with '%s' conversion.                                                                                                   :meth:`linestyle <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_linestyle>` or dashes or linestyles   ['solid' | 'dashed', 'dashdot', 'dotted' | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) | ``'-'`` | ``'--'`` | ``'-.'`` | ``':'`` | ``'None'`` | ``' '`` | ``''``]      :meth:`linewidth <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_linewidth>` or linewidths or lw       float or sequence of floats                                                                                                                          :meth:`norm <>`                                          unknown                                                                                                                                              :meth:`offset_position <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_offset_position>`               unknown                                                                                                                                              :meth:`offsets <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_offsets>`                               float or sequence of floats                                                                                                                          :meth:`path_effects <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_path_effects>`                              unknown                                                                                                                                              :meth:`picker <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_picker>`                                          [None|float|boolean|callable]                                                                                                                        :meth:`pickradius <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_pickradius>`                         unknown                                                                                                                                              :meth:`rasterized <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_rasterized>`                                  [True | False | None]                                                                                                                                :meth:`sketch_params <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_sketch_params>`                            unknown                                                                                                                                              :meth:`snap <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_snap>`                                              unknown                                                                                                                                              :meth:`transform <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_transform>`                                    :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` instance                                                                                                   :meth:`url <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_url>`                                                a url string                                                                                                                                         :meth:`urls <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_urls>`                                     unknown                                                                                                                                              :meth:`visible <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_visible>`                                        [True | False]                                                                                                                                       :meth:`zorder <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_zorder>`                                          any number                                                                                                                                           ===========================================================================================   ===============================================================================================================================================    See Also    --------    quiverkey : Add a key to a quiver plot