
来源:互联网 发布:C语言下列叙述错误的是 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 12:06
% generate posebox from a given folder% input: image directory% input: pose estimation result% output: posebox of all the images in the directoryimg_dir = '/data/data/Market-1501-v15.09.15/bounding_box_train/';img_files = dir([img_dir '*.jpg']);[NUM,TXT,RAW]=xlsread('/home/huangyj/pre/PoseBox-Reid/DataMaker/re-id_pose.xls');img_name = TXT(2:end, 1);pose = (NUM+1);clear NUM TXT RAWwrite_dir = '/data/data/Market-1501-v15.09.15/';mkdir(write_dir);for n = 1:length(img_name)    n    img = imread([img_dir img_name{n}]);    img = imresize(img, 2.8750);    head = [pose(n, 1), pose(n, 2)];    neck = [pose(n, 4), pose(n, 5)];    d = sqrt(sum((head-neck).*(head-neck)));    pthead = calheadneck(head, neck, ceil(d/3*2));    shouder1 = [pose(n, 7), pose(n, 8)];    shouder2 = [pose(n, 16), pose(n, 17)];    [shoulderL, shoulderDrawL, shoulderR, shoulderDrawR] = calDraw(shouder1, shouder2, [-5, -5], [5, -5]);    hip1 = [pose(n, 25), pose(n, 26)];    hip2 = [pose(n, 34), pose(n, 35)];    [hipL, hipDrawL, hipR, hipDrawR] = calDraw(hip1, hip2, [-10, 10], [10, 0]);    confidence = pose(n, 9)+pose(n, 18)+pose(n, 27)+pose(n, 36)-4;    knee1 = pose(n, 28:29);    knee2 = pose(n, 37:38);    if knee1(1) < knee2(1)        kneeL = knee1;        kneeR = knee2;    else        kneeL = knee2;        kneeR = knee1;    end    if confidence < 0.8        kneeL = kneeL - ceil(rand(1, 2).*4);        kneeR = kneeR - ceil(rand(1, 2).*4);        hipL = hipL + ceil(rand(1, 2).*4);        hipR = hipR + ceil(rand(1, 2).*4);    end    ptL = calRectKnee(kneeL, hipL, 15);    ptR = calRectKnee(kneeR, hipR, 15);    feet1 = pose(n, 31:32);    feet2 = pose(n, 40:41);    if feet1(1) < feet2(1)        feetL = feet1;        feetR = feet2;    else        feetL = feet2;        feetR = feet1;    end    ptFeetL = calRectKnee(feetL, kneeL, 15);    ptFeetR = calRectKnee(feetR, kneeR, 15);    elbow1 = pose(n, 10:11);    elbow2 = pose(n, 19:20);    if elbow1(1) < elbow2(1)        elbowL = elbow1;        elbowR = elbow2;    else        elbowL = elbow2;        elbowR = elbow1;    end    if confidence < 0.8        elbowL = elbowL - ceil(rand(1, 2).*4);        elbowR = elbowR - ceil(rand(1, 2).*4);    end    ptelbowL = calRectKnee(elbowL, shoulderL, 10);    ptelbowR = calRectKnee(elbowR, shoulderR, 10);    wrist1 = pose(n, 13:14);    wrist2 = pose(n, 22:23);    if wrist1(1) < wrist2(1)        wristL = wrist1;        wristR = wrist2;    else        wristL = wrist2;        wristR = wrist1;    end    ptwristL = calRectKnee(wristL, elbowL, 10);    ptwristR = calRectKnee(wristR, elbowR, 10);    img = double(img)./255;    headH = 0;%     w = headH; h = headH;%     p1 = [pthead{1}(1), pthead{1}(2); pthead{2}(1), pthead{2}(2);...%         pthead{3}(1), pthead{3}(2); pthead{4}(1), pthead{4}(2)];%     p2 = [1, 1; w, 1; w, h; 1, h];%     subimg0 = projection(p1, p2, img, w, h);    w = 40; h = 56;    p1 = [ptelbowL{1}(1), ptelbowL{1}(2); ptelbowL{2}(1), ptelbowL{2}(2);...        ptelbowL{4}(1), ptelbowL{4}(2); ptelbowL{3}(1), ptelbowL{3}(2)];    p2 = [1, 1; w, 1; w, h; 1, h];    subimg6 = projection(p1, p2, img, w, h);    w = 40; h = 56;    p1 = [ptelbowR{1}(1), ptelbowR{1}(2); ptelbowR{2}(1), ptelbowR{2}(2);...        ptelbowR{4}(1), ptelbowR{4}(2); ptelbowR{3}(1), ptelbowR{3}(2)];    p2 = [1, 1; w, 1; w, h; 1, h];    subimg7 = projection(p1, p2, img, w, h);    w = 40; h = 56;    p1 = [ptwristL{1}(1), ptwristL{1}(2); ptwristL{2}(1), ptwristL{2}(2);...        ptwristL{4}(1), ptwristL{4}(2); ptwristL{3}(1), ptwristL{3}(2)];    p2 = [1, 1; w, 1; w, h; 1, h];    subimg8 = projection(p1, p2, img, w, h);    w = 40; h = 56;    p1 = [ptwristR{1}(1), ptwristR{1}(2); ptwristR{2}(1), ptwristR{2}(2);...        ptwristR{4}(1), ptwristR{4}(2); ptwristR{3}(1), ptwristR{3}(2)];    p2 = [1, 1; w, 1; w, h; 1, h];    subimg9 = projection(p1, p2, img, w, h);    w = 144; h = 112;    p1 = [shoulderDrawL(1), shoulderDrawL(2); shoulderDrawR(1), shoulderDrawR(2);...        hipDrawR(1), hipDrawR(2); hipDrawL(1), hipDrawL(2)];    p2 = [1, 1; w, 1; w, h; 1, h];    subimg1 = projection(p1, p2, img, w, h);    w = 112; h = 56;    p1 = [ptL{1}(1), ptL{1}(2); ptL{2}(1), ptL{2}(2);...        ptL{4}(1), ptL{4}(2); ptL{3}(1), ptL{3}(2)];    p2 = [1, 1; w, 1; w, h; 1, h];    subimg2 = projection(p1, p2, img, w, h);    w = 112; h = 56;    p1 = [ptR{1}(1), ptR{1}(2); ptR{2}(1), ptR{2}(2);...        ptR{4}(1), ptR{4}(2); ptR{3}(1), ptR{3}(2)];    p2 = [1, 1; w, 1; w, h; 1, h];    subimg3 = projection(p1, p2, img, w, h);    w = 112; h = 56;    p1 = [ptFeetL{1}(1), ptFeetL{1}(2); ptFeetL{2}(1), ptFeetL{2}(2);...        ptFeetL{4}(1), ptFeetL{4}(2); ptFeetL{3}(1), ptFeetL{3}(2)];    p2 = [1, 1; w, 1; w, h; 1, h];    subimg4 = projection(p1, p2, img, w, h);        w = 112; h = 56;    p1 = [ptFeetR{1}(1), ptFeetR{1}(2); ptFeetR{2}(1), ptFeetR{2}(2);...        ptFeetR{4}(1), ptFeetR{4}(2); ptFeetR{3}(1), ptFeetR{3}(2)];    p2 = [1, 1; w, 1; w, h; 1, h];    subimg5 = projection(p1, p2, img, w, h);        posebox = zeros(224, 224, 3);%     brick_img(1:headH, 112-headH/2:112+headH/2-1, :) = subimg0;    posebox(1:112, 41:41+143, :) = subimg1;    posebox(113:113+56-1, 1:112, :) = subimg2;    posebox(113:113+56-1, 113:224, :) = subimg3;    posebox(113+56:end, 1:112, :) = subimg4;    posebox(113+56:end, 113:224, :) = subimg5;    posebox(1:56, 1:40, :) = subimg6;    posebox(57:112, 1:40, :) = subimg8;    posebox(1:56, end-40+1:end, :) = subimg7;    posebox(57:112, end-40+1:end, :) = subimg9;    write_path = [write_dir img_name{n}];    imwrite(posebox, write_path);    %%%%%%% uncomment the following codes will visualize the posebox %%%%%%%%%%%     imshow(img);%     hold on;%     for k = 1:14%         plot(pose(n, (k-1)*3+1), pose(n, (k-1)*3+2), 'Marker', 'x', 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'g', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'g', 'MarkerSize', 8);%         hold on;%     end    % %     line([shoulderDrawL(1), shoulderDrawR(1)], [shoulderDrawL(2), shoulderDrawR(2)], 'Color', 'g');%     line([hipDrawL(1), hipDrawR(1)], [hipDrawL(2), hipDrawR(2)], 'Color', 'g');%     line([shoulderDrawL(1), hipDrawL(1)], [shoulderDrawL(2), hipDrawL(2)], 'Color', 'g');%     line([shoulderDrawR(1), hipDrawR(1)], [shoulderDrawR(2), hipDrawR(2)], 'Color', 'g');   % %     drawRect(pthead);%     drawRect(ptL);%     drawRect(ptR);% %     drawRect(ptFeetL);%     drawRect(ptFeetR);    %     % %     drawRect(ptelbowL);%     drawRect(ptelbowR);% %     drawRect(ptwristL);%     drawRect(ptwristR);%     figure;%     imshow(posebox);%     close all;end