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生命不止,继续go go go !!!


Go实战–go语言操作sqlite数据库(The way to go)


今天继续跟大家一起学习分享另一种数据库叫 RethinkDB。


RethinkDB 是一个主要用来存储 JSON 文档的数据库引擎(MongoDB 存储的是 BSON),可以轻松和多个节点连成分布式数据库,非常好用的查询语言以及支持表的 joins 和 group by 操作等,其实跟mongodb类似。

RethinkDB pushes JSON to your apps in realtime.
When your app polls for data, it becomes slow, unscalable, and cumbersome to maintain.
RethinkDB is the open-source, scalable database that makes building realtime apps dramatically easier.

What is RethinkDB?
RethinkDB is the first open-source, scalable JSON database built from the ground up for the realtime web. It inverts the traditional database architecture by exposing an exciting new access model – instead of polling for changes, the developer can tell RethinkDB to continuously push updated query results to applications in realtime. RethinkDB’s realtime push architecture dramatically reduces the time and effort necessary to build scalable realtime apps.

In addition to being designed from the ground up for realtime apps, RethinkDB offers a flexible query language, intuitive operations and monitoring APIs, and is easy to setup and learn.






rethinkdb.exe -d d:\RethinkDB\data\


In recursion: removing file 'd:\RethinkDB\data\\tmp'warn: Trying to delete non-existent file 'd:\RethinkDB\data\\tmp'Initializing directory d:\RethinkDB\data\Running rethinkdb 2.3.6-windows (MSC 190024215)...Running on 6.2.9200 (Windows 8, Server 2012)Loading data from directory d:\RethinkDB\data\Listening for intracluster connections on port 29015Listening for client driver connections on port 28015Listening for administrative HTTP connections on port 8080Listening on cluster address: on driver address: on http address: fully expose RethinkDB on the network, bind to all addresses by running rethinkdb with the `--bind all` command line option.Server ready, "LAPTOP_MNU6522J_xsq" b8612d2e-7c2b-4511-b85a-17468d91bf6d


GoRethink - RethinkDB Driver for Go




go get gopkg.in/gorethink/gorethink.v3



type ConnectOpts struct {    Address string `gorethink:"address,omitempty"`    Addresses []string `gorethink:"addresses,omitempty"`    Database string `gorethink:"database,omitempty"`    Username string `gorethink:"username,omitempty"`    Password string `gorethink:"password,omitempty"`    AuthKey string `gorethink:"authkey,omitempty"`    Timeout time.Duration `gorethink:"timeout,omitempty"`    WriteTimeout time.Duration `gorethink:"write_timeout,omitempty"`    ReadTimeout time.Duration `gorethink:"read_timeout,omitempty"`    KeepAlivePeriod time.Duration `gorethink:"keep_alive_timeout,omitempty"`    TLSConfig *tls.Config `gorethink:"tlsconfig,omitempty"`    HandshakeVersion HandshakeVersion `gorethink:"handshake_version,omitempty"`    UseJSONNumber bool    NumRetries int    InitialCap int `gorethink:"initial_cap,omitempty"`    MaxOpen int `gorethink:"max_open,omitempty"`    DiscoverHosts bool `gorethink:"discover_hosts,omitempty"`    HostDecayDuration time.Duration    NodeRefreshInterval time.Duration `gorethink:"node_refresh_interval,omitempty"`    MaxIdle int `gorethink:"max_idle,omitempty"`}

func Connect
Connect creates a new database session.

func Connect(opts ConnectOpts) (*Session, error)

func Expr
Expr converts any value to an expression and is also used by many other terms such as Insert and Update. This function can convert the following basic Go types (bool, int, uint, string, float) and even pointers, maps and structs.

func Expr(val interface{}) Term

func (Term) Run

func (t Term) Run(s QueryExecutor, optArgs ...RunOpts) (*Cursor, error)

Run runs a query using the given connection.

func (*Cursor) One

func (c *Cursor) One(result interface{}) error

One retrieves a single document from the result set into the provided slice and closes the cursor.

func DB

func DB(args ...interface{}) Term

DB references a database.

func TableDrop

func TableDrop(args ...interface{}) Term

TableDrop deletes a table. The table and all its data will be deleted.

func TableCreate

func TableCreate(name interface{}, optArgs ...TableCreateOpts) Term

TableCreate creates a table. A RethinkDB table is a collection of JSON documents.


package mainimport (    "fmt"    "log"    r "gopkg.in/gorethink/gorethink.v3")func main() {    session, err := r.Connect(r.ConnectOpts{        Address: "localhost:28015",    })    if err != nil {        log.Fatalln(err)    }    res, err := r.Expr("Hello World").Run(session)    if err != nil {        log.Fatalln(err)    }    var response string    err = res.One(&response)    if err != nil {        log.Fatalln(err)    }    fmt.Println(response)}

2017/12/12 14:37:34 gorethink: dial tcp [::1]:28015: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

Hello World




package mainimport (    "fmt"    "log"    "math/rand"    "strconv"    "time"    r "gopkg.in/gorethink/gorethink.v3")//ScoreEntry for scorestype ScoreEntry struct {    ID         string `gorethink:"id,omitempty"`    PlayerName string    Score      int}func main() {    fmt.Println("Connecting to RethinkDB: localhost:28015")    session, err := r.Connect(r.ConnectOpts{        Address:  "localhost:28015",        Database: "players",    })    if err != nil {        log.Fatal("Could not connect")    }    err = r.DB("players").TableDrop("scores").Exec(session)    err = r.DB("players").TableCreate("scores").Exec(session)    if err != nil {        log.Fatal("Could not create table")    }    err = r.DB("players").Table("scores").IndexCreate("Score").Exec(session)    if err != nil {        log.Fatal("Could not create index")    }    for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {        player := new(ScoreEntry)        player.ID = strconv.Itoa(i)        player.PlayerName = fmt.Sprintf("Player %d", i)        player.Score = rand.Intn(100)        _, err := r.Table("scores").Insert(player).RunWrite(session)        if err != nil {            log.Fatal(err)        }    }    for {        var scoreentry ScoreEntry        pl := rand.Intn(1000)        sc := rand.Intn(6) - 2        res, err := r.Table("scores").Get(strconv.Itoa(pl)).Run(session)        if err != nil {            log.Fatal(err)        }        err = res.One(&scoreentry)        scoreentry.Score = scoreentry.Score + sc        _, err = r.Table("scores").Update(scoreentry).RunWrite(session)        time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)    }}





package mainimport (    "time"    r "gopkg.in/gorethink/gorethink.v3")// Bookmark type reperesents the metadata of a bookmark.type Bookmark struct {    ID                          string `gorethink:"id,omitempty" json:"id"`    Name, Description, Location string    Priority                    int // Priority (1 -5)    CreatedOn                   time.Time    Tags                        []string}// BookmarkStore provides CRUD operations against the Table "bookmarks".type BookmarkStore struct {    Session *r.Session}// Create inserts the value of struct Bookmark into Table.func (store BookmarkStore) Create(b *Bookmark) error {    resp, err := r.Table("bookmarks").Insert(b).RunWrite(store.Session)    if err == nil {        b.ID = resp.GeneratedKeys[0]    }    return err}// Update modifies an existing value of a Table.func (store BookmarkStore) Update(b Bookmark) error {    var data = map[string]interface{}{        "description": b.Description,        "location":    b.Location,        "priority":    b.Priority,        "tags":        b.Tags,    }    // partial update on RethinkDB    _, err := r.Table("bookmarks").Get(b.ID).Update(data).RunWrite(store.Session)    return err}// Delete removes an existing value from the Table.func (store BookmarkStore) Delete(id string) error {    _, err := r.Table("bookmarks").Get(id).Delete().RunWrite(store.Session)    return err}// GetAll returns all documents from the Table.func (store BookmarkStore) GetAll() ([]Bookmark, error) {    bookmarks := []Bookmark{}    res, err := r.Table("bookmarks").OrderBy("priority", r.Desc("createdon")).Run(store.Session)    err = res.All(&bookmarks)    return bookmarks, err}// GetByID returns single document from the Table.func (store BookmarkStore) GetByID(id string) (Bookmark, error) {    var b Bookmark    res, err := r.Table("bookmarks").Get(id).Run(store.Session)    res.One(&b)    return b, err}


package mainimport (    "fmt"    "log"    "time"    r "gopkg.in/gorethink/gorethink.v3")var store BookmarkStorevar id stringfunc initDB(session *r.Session) {    var err error    // Create Database    _, err = r.DBCreate("bookmarkdb").RunWrite(session)    if err != nil {        log.Fatalf("[initDB]: %s\n", err)    }    // Create Table    _, err = r.DB("bookmarkdb").TableCreate("bookmarks").RunWrite(session)    if err != nil {        log.Fatalf("[initDB]: %s\n", err)    }}func changeFeeds(session *r.Session) {    bookmarks, err := r.Table("bookmarks").Changes().Field("new_val").Run(session)    if err != nil {        log.Fatalf("[changeFeeds]: %s\n", err)    }    // Luanch a goroutine to print real-time updates.    go func() {        var bookmark Bookmark        for bookmarks.Next(&bookmark) {            if bookmark.ID == "" { // for delete, new_val will be null.                fmt.Println("Real-time update: Document has been deleted")            } else {                fmt.Printf("Real-time update: Name:%s, Description:%s, Priority:%d\n",                    bookmark.Name, bookmark.Description, bookmark.Priority)            }        }    }()}func init() {    session, err := r.Connect(r.ConnectOpts{        Address:  "localhost:28015",        Database: "bookmarkdb",        MaxIdle:  10,        MaxOpen:  10,    })    if err != nil {        log.Fatalf("[RethinkDB Session]: %s\n", err)    }    r.Table("bookmarks").Delete().Run(session)    // Create Database and Table.    initDB(session)    store = BookmarkStore{        Session: session,    }    // Subscribe real-time changes    changeFeeds(session)}func createUpdate() {    bookmark := Bookmark{        Name:        "mgo",        Description: "Go driver for MongoDB",        Location:    "https://github.com/go-mgo/mgo",        Priority:    1,        CreatedOn:   time.Now(),        Tags:        []string{"go", "nosql", "mongodb"},    }    // Insert a new document.    if err := store.Create(&bookmark); err != nil {        log.Fatalf("[Create]: %s\n", err)    }    id = bookmark.ID    fmt.Printf("New bookmark has been inserted with ID: %s\n", id)    // Retrieve the updated document.    bookmark.Priority = 2    if err := store.Update(bookmark); err != nil {        log.Fatalf("[Update]: %s\n", err)    }    fmt.Println("The value after update:")    // Retrieve an existing document by id.    getByID(id)    bookmark = Bookmark{        Name:        "gorethink",        Description: "Go driver for RethinkDB",        Location:    "https://github.com/dancannon/gorethink",        Priority:    1,        CreatedOn:   time.Now(),        Tags:        []string{"go", "nosql", "rethinkdb"},    }    // Insert a new document.    if err := store.Create(&bookmark); err != nil {        log.Fatalf("[Create]: %s\n", err)    }    id = bookmark.ID    fmt.Printf("New bookmark has been inserted with ID: %s\n", id)}func getByID(id string) {    bookmark, err := store.GetByID(id)    if err != nil {        log.Fatalf("[GetByID]: %s\n", err)    }    fmt.Printf("Name:%s, Description:%s, Priority:%d\n", bookmark.Name, bookmark.Description, bookmark.Priority)}func getAll() {    // Layout for formatting dates.    layout := "2006-01-02 15:04:05"    // Retrieve all documents.    bookmarks, err := store.GetAll()    if err != nil {        log.Fatalf("[GetAll]: %s\n", err)    }    fmt.Println("Read all documents")    for _, v := range bookmarks {        fmt.Printf("Name:%s, Description:%s, Priority:%d, CreatedOn:%s\n", v.Name, v.Description, v.Priority, v.CreatedOn.Format(layout))    }}func delete() {    if err := store.Delete(id); err != nil {        log.Fatalf("[Delete]: %s\n", err)    }    bookmarks, err := store.GetAll()    if err != nil {        log.Fatalf("[GetAll]: %s\n", err)    }    fmt.Printf("Number of documents in the table after delete:%d\n", len(bookmarks))}func main() {    createUpdate()    getAll()    delete()}


Real-time update: Name:mgo, Description:Go driver for MongoDB, Priority:1New bookmark has been inserted with ID: 1f98916d-a5d5-400b-828e-8a53d4193521Real-time update: Name:mgo, Description:Go driver for MongoDB, Priority:2The value after update:Name:mgo, Description:Go driver for MongoDB, Priority:1Real-time update: Name:gorethink, Description:Go driver for RethinkDB, Priority:1New bookmark has been inserted with ID: 0da9d082-265c-40e8-af54-7210a78cdb19Read all documentsName:gorethink, Description:Go driver for RethinkDB, Priority:1, CreatedOn:2017-12-12 15:10:13Name:mgo, Description:Go driver for MongoDB, Priority:2, CreatedOn:2017-12-12 15:10:13Real-time update: Document has been deletedNumber of documents in the table after delete:1


Today(OCTOBER 05, 2016) I have sad news to share. After more than seven years of development, the company behind RethinkDB is shutting down. We worked very hard to make RethinkDB successful, but in spite of all our efforts we were ultimately unable to build a sustainable business. There is a lot of information to unpack – over the next few months, I’ll write about lessons learned so the startup community can benefit from our mistakes.


RethinkDB: why we failed
Pick a large market but build for specific users.
Learn to recognize the talents you’re missing, then work like hell to get them on your team.
Read The Economist religiously. It will make you better faster.

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