Tomcat NioEndpoint的Poller和PollerEvent

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝上有卖大便的妈 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 10:05


Tomcat NioEndpoint内部类Poller实现了Runnable接口,主要用来作为独立的后台线程来完成以下轮询服务 :

  1. acceptor线程接收到的连接请求注册到所包含的NIO selector;

  2. 所包含的NIO selector关注的NIO事件中,有某些事件发生时交给相应的处理器处理;


具体实现如下 :

    /**     *  该类是Tomcat NioEndpoint的内嵌类,但注意并没有声明为static。     * Poller class.     */    public class Poller implements Runnable {        // Java NIO Selector 记录变量        private Selector selector;        // PollerEvent事件队列,同步队列,因为对PollerEvent的操作牵涉到多线程,所以才用同步队列。        // 比如该队列事件的注册者和该队列事件消费者可能是不同的线程,更具体的来讲,tomcat的        // 连接请求接收线程acceptor接收到连接后就会把连接套接字注册到Poller的该事件队列,        // 而poller线程本身也在一直运行并消费该事件队列,这里提到的是两个不同的线程在操作同一个        // 队列对象,所以要用同步队列。        //         // 该事件队列中的事件会在该Poller实例所附属的线程的执行循环中被消费和处理        private final SynchronizedQueue<PollerEvent> events =                new SynchronizedQueue<>();        // 记录当前poller轮询器是否被通知要关闭轮询线程        private volatile boolean close = false;        private long nextExpiration = 0;//optimize expiration handling        private AtomicLong wakeupCounter = new AtomicLong(0);        private volatile int keyCount = 0;        public Poller() throws IOException {            // 该Poller对象维持一个自己的Java NIO Selector对象            this.selector =;        }        public int getKeyCount() { return keyCount; }        public Selector getSelector() { return selector;}        /**         * Destroy the poller.         * 设计给当前轮询器poller所属的NioEndpoint实例使用,用于关闭该轮询器         */        protected void destroy() {            // Wait for polltime before doing anything, so that the poller threads            // exit, otherwise parallel closure of sockets which are still            // in the poller can cause problems            // 用语告诉轮询线程要结束了            close = true;            selector.wakeup();        }        // 往PollerEvent事件队列中添加事件,封装给当前Poller实例自己使用的私有方法        private void addEvent(PollerEvent event) {            events.offer(event);            if ( wakeupCounter.incrementAndGet() == 0 ) selector.wakeup();        }        /**         * Add specified socket and associated pool to the poller. The socket will         * be added to a temporary array, and polled first after a maximum amount         * of time equal to pollTime (in most cases, latency will be much lower,         * however).         *         * @param socket to add to the poller         * @param interestOps Operations for which to register this socket with         *                    the Poller         */        public void add(final NioChannel socket, final int interestOps) {            // eventCache是当前Poller实例所属NioEndpoint实例的PollerEvent循环回收缓存,            // eventCache存在的目的是为了循环回收使用用过的PollerEvent对象,降低            // GC成本            PollerEvent r = eventCache.pop();            // 如果没有可循环回收使用的PollerEvent对象则新建一个,否则重用循环回收缓存中获取            // 的PollerEvent对象            if ( r==null) r = new PollerEvent(socket,null,interestOps);            else r.reset(socket,null,interestOps);            // 往队列中放入待处理事件PollerEvent            addEvent(r);            if (close) {                NioEndpoint.NioSocketWrapper ka = (NioEndpoint.NioSocketWrapper)socket.getAttachment();                processSocket(ka, SocketEvent.STOP, false);            }        }        /**         * Processes events in the event queue of the Poller.         * 处理PollerEvent事件队列中的所有事件         * @return true if some events were processed,false if queue was empty         * 队列中有需要处理的事件则返回true,否则返回false         */        public boolean events() {            // 用于标记该次方法调用是否处理过PollerEvent事件            boolean result = false;            PollerEvent pe = null;            // 从队列中循环取出PollerEvent并处理,直到队列中所有的事件都被处理完            while ( (pe = events.poll()) != null ) {                result = true;//队列中只要存在任何一个事件被处理则当前方法返回true                try {                    // 处理取出的PollerEvent事件          ;//执行                    // 处理完事件如果仍处于服务状态则重置并回收该PollerEvent对象                    pe.reset();                    if (running && !paused) {                        eventCache.push(pe);                    }                } catch ( Throwable x ) {                    log.error("",x);                }            }            return result;        }        /**         * Registers a newly created socket with the poller.         * 向Poller对象注册一个新创建的套接字socket,         * 典型应用 : tomcat acceptor线程每接收到一个连接请求,就会调用某个poller对象的该方法         *         * @param socket    The newly created socket         */        public void register(final NioChannel socket) {            socket.setPoller(this);            NioSocketWrapper ka = new NioSocketWrapper(socket, NioEndpoint.this);            socket.setSocketWrapper(ka);            ka.setPoller(this);            ka.setReadTimeout(getSocketProperties().getSoTimeout());            ka.setWriteTimeout(getSocketProperties().getSoTimeout());            ka.setKeepAliveLeft(NioEndpoint.this.getMaxKeepAliveRequests());            ka.setSecure(isSSLEnabled());            ka.setReadTimeout(getConnectionTimeout());            ka.setWriteTimeout(getConnectionTimeout());            // eventCache是当前Poller实例所属NioEndpoint实例的PollerEvent循环回收缓存,            // eventCache存在的目的是为了循环回收使用用过的PollerEvent对象,降低            // GC成本            PollerEvent r = eventCache.pop();            // 这里表明对将要注册的目标套接字socket关注的操作是OP_READ,读数据            ka.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_READ);//this is what OP_REGISTER turns into.            // 这里表明将要添加的PollerEvent事件的执行会是将目标套接字执行操作OP_REGISTER,            // 注册到相应的 Java NIO Selector实例            if ( r==null) r = new PollerEvent(socket,ka,OP_REGISTER);            else r.reset(socket,ka,OP_REGISTER);            // 添加PollerEvent事件到队列            addEvent(r);        }        // 处理取消的SelectionKey,关闭相应的套接字通道(连接),调整连接数量记录        public NioSocketWrapper cancelledKey(SelectionKey key) {            NioSocketWrapper ka = null;            try {                if ( key == null ) return null;//nothing to do                ka = (NioSocketWrapper) key.attach(null);                if (ka != null) {                    // If attachment is non-null then there may be a current                    // connection with an associated processor.                    getHandler().release(ka);                }                if (key.isValid()) key.cancel();                // If it is available, close the NioChannel first which should                // in turn close the underlying SocketChannel. The NioChannel                // needs to be closed first, if available, to ensure that TLS                // connections are shut down cleanly.                if (ka != null) {                    try {                        ka.getSocket().close(true);                    } catch (Exception e){                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                            log.debug(sm.getString(                                    "endpoint.debug.socketCloseFail"), e);                        }                    }                }                // The SocketChannel is also available via the SelectionKey. If                // it hasn't been closed in the block above, close it now.                if ( {                    try {              ;                    } catch (Exception e) {                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                            log.debug(sm.getString(                                    "endpoint.debug.channelCloseFail"), e);                        }                    }                }                try {                    if (ka != null && ka.getSendfileData() != null                            && ka.getSendfileData().fchannel != null                            && ka.getSendfileData().fchannel.isOpen()) {                        ka.getSendfileData().fchannel.close();                    }                } catch (Exception ignore) {                }                if (ka != null) {                    countDownConnection();                }            } catch (Throwable e) {                ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(e);                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.error("",e);            }            return ka;        }        /**         * The background thread that adds sockets to the Poller, checks the         * poller for triggered events and hands the associated socket off to an         * appropriate processor as events occur.         *           * tomcat的后台poller线程的主逻辑 , 循环处理以下几件事情 :         * 1. 每次循环处理PollerEvent事件队列中所有的事件         * 2. 每次循环处理NIO selector所关注的事件中发生的事件         * 3. 超时处理:每次循环中特定条件满足时执行一次超时处理         * 4. 结束检测:如果被通知结束,执行结束逻辑,也就是该run()方法内的while-loop的结束         */        @Override        public void run() {            // Loop until destroy() is called            while (true) {                boolean hasEvents = false;                try {                    if (!close) {                        // 没有收到停止消息,处理PollerEvent事件队列中所有的事件                        hasEvents = events();                        if (wakeupCounter.getAndSet(-1) > 0) {                            //if we are here, means we have other stuff to do                            //do a non blocking select                            keyCount = selector.selectNow();                        } else {                            keyCount =;                        }                        wakeupCounter.set(0);                    }                    if (close) {                        // 收到结束通知,poller线程停止前先处理掉PollerEvent队列中的事件                        events();                        // poller关闭前的超时处理                        timeout(0, false);                        // 结束Java NIO selector,也就是关闭接收和处理服务                        try {                            selector.close();                        } catch (IOException ioe) {                            log.error(sm.getString("endpoint.nio.selectorCloseFail"), ioe);                        }                        // 被通知结束并且处理完收尾工作,现在结束整个线程的while-loop                        break;                    }                } catch (Throwable x) {                    // 出现异常不退出,记日志然后 poller 线程 while-loop继续执行                                     ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(x);                    log.error("",x);                    continue;                }                //either we timed out or we woke up, process events first                if ( keyCount == 0 ) hasEvents = (hasEvents | events());                Iterator<SelectionKey> iterator =                    keyCount > 0 ? selector.selectedKeys().iterator() : null;                // Walk through the collection of ready keys and dispatch                // any active event.遍历处理所有待处理的NIO事件                while (iterator != null && iterator.hasNext()) {                    SelectionKey sk =;                    NioSocketWrapper attachment = (NioSocketWrapper)sk.attachment();                    // Attachment may be null if another thread has called                    // cancelledKey()                    if (attachment == null) {                        iterator.remove();                    } else {                        iterator.remove();                        // 处理有待处理事件的SelectionKey                        processKey(sk, attachment);                    }                }//while                //process timeouts,正常运行中处理超时                timeout(keyCount,hasEvents);            }//while            getStopLatch().countDown();        }        protected void processKey(SelectionKey sk, NioSocketWrapper attachment) {            try {                if ( close ) {                    // 被通知关闭了,对参数SelectionKey执行取消处理                    cancelledKey(sk);                } else if ( sk.isValid() && attachment != null ) {                    // 如果参数SelectionKey有效并且带有附件                    if (sk.isReadable() || sk.isWritable() ) {                        if ( attachment.getSendfileData() != null ) {                            processSendfile(sk,attachment, false);                        } else {                            unreg(sk, attachment, sk.readyOps());                            boolean closeSocket = false;                            // Read goes before write                            if (sk.isReadable()) {                                // 处理Socket NIO读操作                                // processSocket()是所属NioEndpoint实例的方法,                                // 如果有线程池,他会将具体操作交给SocketProcessor和线程池完成,                                // 如果没有线程池,他会将具体操作交给SocketProcessor和当前线程完成,                                 if (!processSocket(attachment, SocketEvent.OPEN_READ, true)) {                                    // 处理失败,需要关闭参数SelectionKey对应的套接字通道                                    closeSocket = true;                                }                            }                            if (!closeSocket && sk.isWritable()) {                                // 处理Socket NIO写操作                                // processSocket()是所属NioEndpoint实例的方法,                                // 如果有线程池,他会将具体操作交给SocketProcessor和线程池完成,                                // 如果没有线程池,他会将具体操作交给SocketProcessor和当前线程完成,                                                                 if (!processSocket(attachment, SocketEvent.OPEN_WRITE, true)) {                                     // 处理失败,需要关闭参数SelectionKey对应的套接字通道                                    closeSocket = true;                                }                            }                            if (closeSocket) {                                // 处理失败,需要关闭参数SelectionKey对应的套接字通道,                                // 现在对其执行取消操作                                cancelledKey(sk);                            }                        }                    }                } else {                    //invalid key,对于无效的SelectionKey,做取消操作                    cancelledKey(sk);                }            } catch ( CancelledKeyException ckx ) {                // 出现异常,作取消操作                cancelledKey(sk);            } catch (Throwable t) {                ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t);                log.error("",t);            }        }        public SendfileState processSendfile(SelectionKey sk, NioSocketWrapper socketWrapper,                boolean calledByProcessor) {            NioChannel sc = null;            try {                unreg(sk, socketWrapper, sk.readyOps());                SendfileData sd = socketWrapper.getSendfileData();                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {                    log.trace("Processing send file for: " + sd.fileName);                }                if (sd.fchannel == null) {                    // Setup the file channel                    File f = new File(sd.fileName);                    @SuppressWarnings("resource") // Closed when channel is closed                    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);                    sd.fchannel = fis.getChannel();                }                // Configure output channel                sc = socketWrapper.getSocket();                // TLS/SSL channel is slightly different                WritableByteChannel wc = ((sc instanceof SecureNioChannel)?sc:sc.getIOChannel());                // We still have data in the buffer                if (sc.getOutboundRemaining()>0) {                    if (sc.flushOutbound()) {                        socketWrapper.updateLastWrite();                    }                } else {                    long written = sd.fchannel.transferTo(sd.pos,sd.length,wc);                    if (written > 0) {                        sd.pos += written;                        sd.length -= written;                        socketWrapper.updateLastWrite();                    } else {                        // Unusual not to be able to transfer any bytes                        // Check the length was set correctly                        if (sd.fchannel.size() <= sd.pos) {                            throw new IOException("Sendfile configured to " +                                    "send more data than was available");                        }                    }                }                if (sd.length <= 0 && sc.getOutboundRemaining()<=0) {                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                        log.debug("Send file complete for: "+sd.fileName);                    }                    socketWrapper.setSendfileData(null);                    try {                        sd.fchannel.close();                    } catch (Exception ignore) {                    }                    // For calls from outside the Poller, the caller is                    // responsible for registering the socket for the                    // appropriate event(s) if sendfile completes.                    if (!calledByProcessor) {                        switch (sd.keepAliveState) {                        case NONE: {                            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                                log.debug("Send file connection is being closed");                            }                            close(sc, sk);                            break;                        }                        case PIPELINED: {                            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                                log.debug("Connection is keep alive, processing pipe-lined data");                            }                            if (!processSocket(socketWrapper, SocketEvent.OPEN_READ, true)) {                                close(sc, sk);                            }                            break;                        }                        case OPEN: {                            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                                log.debug("Connection is keep alive, registering back for OP_READ");                            }                            reg(sk,socketWrapper,SelectionKey.OP_READ);                            break;                        }                        }                    }                    return SendfileState.DONE;                } else {                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                        log.debug("OP_WRITE for sendfile: " + sd.fileName);                    }                    if (calledByProcessor) {                        add(socketWrapper.getSocket(),SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);                    } else {                        reg(sk,socketWrapper,SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);                    }                    return SendfileState.PENDING;                }            } catch (IOException x) {                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Unable to complete sendfile request:", x);                if (!calledByProcessor && sc != null) {                    close(sc, sk);                }                return SendfileState.ERROR;            } catch (Throwable t) {                log.error("", t);                if (!calledByProcessor && sc != null) {                    close(sc, sk);                }                return SendfileState.ERROR;            }        }        protected void unreg(SelectionKey sk, NioSocketWrapper attachment, int readyOps) {            //this is a must, so that we don't have multiple threads messing with the socket            reg(sk,attachment,sk.interestOps()& (~readyOps));        }        protected void reg(SelectionKey sk, NioSocketWrapper attachment, int intops) {            sk.interestOps(intops);            attachment.interestOps(intops);        }        // 超时处理        protected void timeout(int keyCount, boolean hasEvents) {            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();                        // This method is called on every loop of the Poller. Don't process            // timeouts on every loop of the Poller since that would create too            // much load and timeouts can afford to wait a few seconds.            // Poller线程的每个运行循环loop中都会调用该方法,但是不要每个循环loop中都要真正            // 处理超时,因为这会增加很多工作量,而且已经发生了的超时timeout稍微多等个几秒钟            // 也能承受。            // 但是,在以下几种情况下必须要处理超时 :             // However, do process timeouts if any of the following are true:            // - the selector simply timed out (suggests there isn't much load)            // - the nextExpiration time has passed            // - the server socket is being closed            if (nextExpiration > 0 && (keyCount > 0 || hasEvents) && (now < nextExpiration) && !close) {                // 判断是否不需要处理超时,不需要处理的话直接返回                return;            }            //timeout 现在要处理超时了            int keycount = 0;            try {                for (SelectionKey key : selector.keys()) {                    keycount++;                    try {                        NioSocketWrapper ka = (NioSocketWrapper) key.attachment();                        if ( ka == null ) {                            // 取消SelectionKey:没有附件的key不支持,关闭其对应的socket                            cancelledKey(key); //we don't support any keys without attachments                        } else if (close) {                            // 要关闭服务了                            key.interestOps(0);                            ka.interestOps(0); //avoid duplicate stop calls                            // 处理SelectionKey                            processKey(key,ka);                        } else if ((ka.interestOps()&SelectionKey.OP_READ) == SelectionKey.OP_READ ||                                  (ka.interestOps()&SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) == SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) {                        // 正常服务状态下,感兴趣的操作有读写操作,现在检查是否有超时发生                                                              boolean isTimedOut = false;                            // Check for read timeout                            if ((ka.interestOps() & SelectionKey.OP_READ) == SelectionKey.OP_READ) {                            // 是否发生了读超时                                long delta = now - ka.getLastRead();                                long timeout = ka.getReadTimeout();                                isTimedOut = timeout > 0 && delta > timeout;                            }                            // Check for write timeout                            if (!isTimedOut && (ka.interestOps() & SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) == SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) {                             // 是否发生了写超时                                long delta = now - ka.getLastWrite();                                long timeout = ka.getWriteTimeout();                                isTimedOut = timeout > 0 && delta > timeout;                            }                            if (isTimedOut) {                            // 如果发生了读超时或者写超时,调用所属NioEndpoint的processSocket()                            // 处理 SocketTimeoutException异常                                key.interestOps(0);                                ka.interestOps(0); //avoid duplicate timeout calls                                ka.setError(new SocketTimeoutException());                                if (!processSocket(ka, SocketEvent.ERROR, true)) {                                    // 处理失败,处理取消的SelectionKey,管壁其连接                                    cancelledKey(key);                                }                            }                        }                    }catch ( CancelledKeyException ckx ) {                         // 处理异常,处理取消的SelectionKey,管壁其连接                        cancelledKey(key);                    }                }//for            } catch (ConcurrentModificationException cme) {                // See                log.warn(sm.getString("endpoint.nio.timeoutCme"), cme);            }            long prevExp = nextExpiration; //for logging purposes only            nextExpiration = System.currentTimeMillis() +                    socketProperties.getTimeoutInterval();            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {                log.trace("timeout completed: keys processed=" + keycount +                        "; now=" + now + "; nextExpiration=" + prevExp +                        "; keyCount=" + keyCount + "; hasEvents=" + hasEvents +                        "; eval=" + ((now < prevExp) && (keyCount>0 || hasEvents) && (!close) ));            }        }    }


具体实现如下 :

    /**     * 往Poller对象的事件队列插入的待处理的事件的抽象,可以被Poller缓存循环回收利用以避免GC成本     * PollerEvent, cacheable object for poller events to avoid GC     */    public static class PollerEvent implements Runnable {        // 待操作的 NioChannel        private NioChannel socket;        // 在待操作的 NioChannel上所关注的操作        private int interestOps;        private NioSocketWrapper socketWrapper;        public PollerEvent(NioChannel ch, NioSocketWrapper w, int intOps) {            reset(ch, w, intOps);        }        public void reset(NioChannel ch, NioSocketWrapper w, int intOps) {            socket = ch;            interestOps = intOps;            socketWrapper = w;        }        public void reset() {            reset(null, null, 0);        }        // PollerEvent 事件的执行        @Override        public void run() {            if (interestOps == OP_REGISTER) {            // 如果在待操作的socket上所关注的操作是OP_REGISTER,则将其注册到            // 待操作的socket的Poller的Java NIO selector上关注其NIO事件OP_READ读数据                try {                    socket.getIOChannel().register(                            socket.getPoller().getSelector(), SelectionKey.OP_READ, socketWrapper);                } catch (Exception x) {                    log.error(sm.getString("endpoint.nio.registerFail"), x);                }            } else {                final SelectionKey key = socket.getIOChannel().keyFor(socket.getPoller().getSelector());                try {                    if (key == null) {                        // The key was cancelled (e.g. due to socket closure)                        // and removed from the selector while it was being                        // processed. Count down the connections at this point                        // since it won't have been counted down when the socket                        // closed.                        socket.socketWrapper.getEndpoint().countDownConnection();                    } else {                        final NioSocketWrapper socketWrapper = (NioSocketWrapper) key.attachment();                        if (socketWrapper != null) {                            //we are registering the key to start with, reset the fairness counter.                            int ops = key.interestOps() | interestOps;                            socketWrapper.interestOps(ops);                            key.interestOps(ops);                        } else {                            socket.getPoller().cancelledKey(key);                        }                    }                } catch (CancelledKeyException ckx) {                    try {                        socket.getPoller().cancelledKey(key);                    } catch (Exception ignore) {}                }            }        }        @Override        public String toString() {            return "Poller event: socket [" + socket + "], socketWrapper [" + socketWrapper +                    "], interestOps [" + interestOps + "]";        }    }


Tomcat NioEndpoint内部类Acceptor
Tomcat NIO 基本架构