
来源:互联网 发布:steam mac 中文游戏 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 06:15


  • 1、RedisPlugin —–>MemCachePlugin
import com.danga.MemCached.SockIOPool;import com.jfinal.kit.StrKit;import com.jfinal.plugin.IPlugin;/** * @author daiwenjun * 2017年12月11日 */public class MemCachePlugin implements IPlugin {    private String cacheName;    private String host;    private Integer port;    public MemCachePlugin(String cacheNameParam,String hostParam, Integer portParam) {        if (StrKit.isBlank(cacheNameParam))            throw new IllegalArgumentException("cacheNameParam can not be blank.");        if (StrKit.isBlank(hostParam))            throw new IllegalArgumentException("hostParam can not be blank.");        this.cacheName = cacheNameParam.trim();        this.host = hostParam;        this.port = portParam;    }    @Override    public boolean start() {        //服务器监听IP:端口        String [] addr ={host+":"+port};          Integer [] weights = {3};          SockIOPool pool = SockIOPool.getInstance(cacheName);          // 设置服务器信息         pool.setServers(addr);          pool.setWeights(weights);       // 设置初始连接数、最小和最大连接数以及最大处理时间         pool.setInitConn(50);         pool.setMinConn(50);         pool.setMaxConn(1000);         pool.setMaxIdle(1000 * 60 * 60 * 6);         // 设置主线程的睡眠时间         pool.setMaintSleep(30);         // 设置TCP的参数,连接超时等         pool.setNagle(false);         pool.setSocketTO(3000);         pool.setSocketConnectTO(0);         // 初始化连接池         pool.initialize();         MemCache.init(pool);        MemCache.addPool(pool,cacheName);        return true;    }    @Override    public boolean stop() {        return true;    }}
  • 2、Redis ——> MemCache
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;import com.danga.MemCached.MemCachedClient;import com.danga.MemCached.SockIOPool;/** * @author daiwenjun * 2017年12月11日 * TODO */public class MemCache {    private static volatile SockIOPool pool;    private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, SockIOPool> cacheMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SockIOPool>();    static synchronized void addPool(SockIOPool cache, String cacheName) {        if (cache == null)            throw new IllegalArgumentException("cache can not be null");        if (cacheMap.containsKey(cacheName))            throw new IllegalArgumentException("cache already exists");        cacheMap.put(cacheName, cache);    }    static SockIOPool removeCache(String cacheName) {        return cacheMap.remove(cacheName);    }    public static SockIOPool use(String cacheName) {        return cacheMap.get(cacheName);    }    public static void init(SockIOPool poolParam) {        MemCache.pool = poolParam;    }    public static MemCachedClient getMemCachedClient(String cacheName) {        return new MemCachedClient(cacheName);    }    public static SockIOPool getSockIOPool() {        return pool;    }}
  • 3、封装工具类
import olo.qd.plugin.MemCache;import com.danga.MemCached.MemCachedClient;import com.danga.MemCached.SockIOPool;import com.jfinal.kit.StrKit;public class MemCacheFactory {    /**     * 1分钟过期     * */    public static final int ONE_MINUTE = 60;    /**     * 3分钟过期     * */    public static final int THREE_MINUTE = 60 * 3;    /**     * 1小时过期     * */    public static final int ONE_HOUR = 60 * 60;    /**     * 1天过期     * */    public static final int ONE_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24;    /**     * 1周过期     * */    public static final int ONE_WEEK = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;    /**     * 1月过期     * */    public static final int ONE_MONTH = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; // 最大不能超过30天    /**     * 永不过期     * */    public static final int ALWAYS = 0;    public static final String SERVER1 = "server1";     public static final String SERVER2 = "server2";    private static MemCachedClient cacheClient = null;    private static SockIOPool pool = null;    //传参使用    public static MemCachedClient getInstance(String name) {        if (StrKit.isBlank(name)) {            name = SERVER1 ;        }        if(pool == null) {            pool = MemCache.use(name);        }        if (cacheClient == null) {            cacheClient = MemCache.getMemCachedClient(name);        }        return cacheClient;    }    public static void setMemCachedClient(MemCachedClient cachedClient) {        if (cachedClient != null) {            cacheClient = cachedClient;        }    }    /**     * 缓存对象      * */    public static void add(String name,String key, Object obj, int time) {        MemCachedClient memcache = getInstance(name);        if (memcache != null) {            memcache.add(key, obj, time);        }        memcache = null;        System.out.println("*******新增: serverName="+name+"  key="+key+"  value="+obj +"  time="+time);    }    /**     * 获取对象     * */    public static Object get(String name,String key) {        MemCachedClient memcache = getInstance(name);        Object obj = null;            if (memcache != null) {                obj = memcache.get(key);            }        memcache = null;        System.out.println("*******根据key查询: serverName="+name+  "   key="+key+"  value="+obj);        return obj;    }    /**     * 删除对象     * */    public static void delete(String name,String key) {        MemCachedClient memcache = getInstance(name);            if (memcache != null) {                memcache.delete(key);            }            System.out.println("*******根据key删除: serverName="+name+  "   key="+key);    }    /**     * 清空缓存     * */    public static void flushAll(String name) {        MemCachedClient memcache = getInstance(name);            if (memcache != null) {                memcache.flushAll();            }            System.out.println("*******清空memcahe      serverName="+name);    }}
  • 4、在Jfinal的MainConfig中的configPlugin配置中添加插件配置:
MemCachePlugin SERVER1= new MemCachePlugin("server1", ip, port);me.add(SERVER1);MemCachePlugin SERVER2= new MemCachePlugin("server2", ip, port);me.add(SERVER2);
  • 5、代码中的具体使用示例:
//新增MemCacheFactory.add(MemCacheFactory.ZHMOBIADMIN, DEMO_KEY, list, MemCacheFactory.ONE_DAY);//取值MemCacheFactory.get(MemCacheFactory.ZHMOBIADMIN, DEMO_KEY);//删除MemCacheFactory.delete(MemCacheFactory.ZHMOBIADMIN, DEMO_KEY);