
来源:互联网 发布:码字软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 11:03

第一种就是selection sort排序,如果是升序的话就是从剩下的元素中选择最小的元素放到元素的最前面。


// 1. Find the smallest element in the range between left hand and the// end of the vector, and point at that element with your right hand (rh).// 2. Move that element into its correct position by exchanging the elements// indicated by your left and right hands.void sort(Vector<int> & vec) {    int n = vec.size();    for (int lh = 0; lh < n; lh++) {        int rh = lh;        for (int i = lh + 1; i < n; i++) {            if (vec[i] < vec[rh]) rh = i;        }        int tmp = vec[lh];        vec[lh] = vec[rh];        vec[rh] = tmp;    }}


代码实现,时间复杂度O(n * log(n))

// 1. Divide the vector into two halves.// 2. Sort each of these smaller vectors recursively.// 3. Merge the two vectors back into the original one.void sort(Vector<int> & vec) {    int n = vec.size();    if (n <= 1) return;    Vector<int> v1;    Vector<int> v2;    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {        if (i < n / 2) {            v1.add(vec[i]);        } else {            v2.add(vec[i]);        }    }    sort(v1);    sort(v2);    vec.clear();    merge(vec, v1, v2);}// Because the input vectors are sorted, the implemntation can always// select the first unused element in one fo the input vector to fill// the next position.void merge(Vector<int> & vec, Vector<int> & v1, Vector<int> & v2) {    int n1 = v1.size();    int n2 = v2.size();    int p1 = 0;    int p2 = 0;    while (p1 < n1 && p2 < n2) {        if (v1[p1] < v2[p2]) {            vec.add(v1[p1++]);        } else {            vec.add(v2[p2++]);        }    }    while (p1 < n1) vec.add(v1[p1++]);    while (p2 < n2) vec.add(v2[p2++]);}


Quick Sort Algorithm



void sort(Vector<int> & vec) {    quicksort(vec, 0, vec.size() - 1);}// The Quicksort algorithm begins by "partitioning" the vector so// that all elements smaller than a designated pivot element appear// to the left of a boundary and all equal or larger values appear// to the right.void quicksort(Vector<int> & vec, int start, int finish) {    if (start >= finish) return;    int boundary = partition(vec, start, finish);    quicksort(vec, start, boundary-1);    quicksort(vec, boundary+1, finish);}// The distinction between small and large is made by comparing// each element to the pivot value, which is initially taken// from vec[start].int partition(Vector<int> & vec, int start, int finish) {    int pivot = vec[start];    int lh = start + 1;    int rh = finish;    while (true) {        while (lh < rh && vec[rh] >= pivot) rh--;        while (lh < rh && vec[lh] < pivot) lh++;        if (lh == rh) break;        int tmp = vec[lh];        vec[lh] = vec[rh];        vec[rh] = tmp;    }    if (vec[lh] >= pivot) return start;    vec[start] = vec[lh];    vec[lh] = pivot;    return lh;}