
来源:互联网 发布:数码兽传说 网络侦探pc 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 06:56


package part1.week3.quicksort;import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdRandom;/** . * Learn from coursera. * @author aerfalwl * */public class QuickSort {    public void sort(Comparable[] a) {        StdRandom.shuffle(a);        sort(a, 0, a.length - 1);    }    private void sort(Comparable[] a, int lo, int hi) {        if (lo >= hi) {            return;        }        int p = partition2(a, lo, hi);        sort(a, lo, p-1);        sort(a, p + 1, hi);    }    /**     * This function is what teacher taught in the coursera's class.     * @param a     * @param low     * @param hi     * @return     */    private int partition2(Comparable[] a, int low, int hi) {        int i = low, j = hi + 1;        while (true) {            while (less(a[++i], a[low])) {                if (i == hi) {                    break;                }            }            while (less(a[low], a[--j])) {                if (j == low) {                    break;                }            }            if (i >= j) {                break;            }            exchane(a, i, j);        }        exchane(a, low, j);        return j;    }    private void exchane(Comparable[] a, int i, int j) {        Comparable temp = a[i];        a[i] = a[j];        a[j] = temp;    }    private boolean less(final Comparable a, final Comparable b) {        return a.compareTo(b) < 0;    }}

之后自己写了一个,但是却错误百出!下边这个是我想到的第一个版本,因为老师给的版本是++i, –j,我就想着,我要变成i++,j–,于是就变成了下边的版本,但是不是运行结果不正确,就是报数组越界,最后原因如下图注释所示。(注意,在该函数中,hi一定是大于low的,可以在sort函数中发现这一点)

/**    /**     * This function is wrong, because i is increased by 2 at the first step.     * The first step is i = low + 1, the second step is i++, so this may make     * outOFrange of array.     * @param a     * @param low     * @param hi     * @return     */    private int partition3(Comparable[] a, int low, int hi) {        int i = low + 1, j = hi;        while (true) {            while (less(a[i++], a[low])) {                if (i == hi) {                    break;                }            }            while (less(a[low], a[j--])) {                if (j == low) {                    break;                }            }            if (i >= j) {                break;            }            exchane(a, i, j);        }        exchane(a, low, j);        return j;    }

之后我想,既然++, –运算符这个复杂,我就不嵌套使用了,于是出现了下边的版本。这个代码在输入数组不全是相等的时候能正确运行,但是如果输入数组中的数字全部都一样,就会死循环。我们先假设输入数字不全都相同。

/**     *      * @param a     * @param low     * @param hi     */    private int partition(Comparable[] a, int low, int hi) {        int i = low + 1, j = hi;        while (true) {            while (i <= hi && less(a[i], a[low])) {                i++;            }            while (j >= low && less(a[low], a[j])) {                j--;            }            if (i >= j) {                break;            }            exchane(a, i, j);        }        exchane(a, low, j);        return j;    }


/**     * This function is different from partition, but it works too.     * @param a     * @param low     * @param hi     * @return     */    private int partition4(Comparable[] a, int low, int hi) {        int i = low + 1, j = hi;        while (true) {            while (i < hi && less(a[i], a[low])) {                i++;            }            while (j > low && less(a[low], a[j])) {                j--;            }            if (i >= j) {                break;            }            exchane(a, i, j);        }        exchane(a, low, j);        return j;    }


/**     * This function is wrong, it's only a little different from function partition.     * But be careful that a < b is not equal to !(b < a).     * We can draw it in the 数轴,!(b<a) contaions condition b == a.      * @param a     * @param low     * @param hi     * @return     */    private int partition5(Comparable[] a, int low, int hi) {        int i = low + 1, j = hi;        while (true) {            while (i <= hi && less(a[i], a[low])) {                i++;            }            while (j >= low && !less(a[j], a[low])) {                j--;            }            if (i >= j) {                break;            }            exchane(a, i, j);        }        exchane(a, low, j);        return j;    }


private int partition6(Comparable[] a, int low, int hi) {        int i = low + 1, j = hi;        while (true) {            while (i < hi && less(a[i], a[low])) {                i++;            }            while (j > low && !less(a[j], a[low])) {                j--;            }            if (i >= j) {                break;            }            exchane(a, i, j);        }        exchane(a, low, j);        return j;    }



q:what is the expected running time to find the median of an array of n distinct keys using randomized quick-select?
a: linear (not linearithmic) (This is the main advantage of quickselect over quicksort the expected number of comparares is linear instead of linearithmic)

在普通的快排算法中,如果要排序的数组中含有重复的值(duplicate key),该算法会有缺陷。如果在排序的时候将与哨兵值相同的值全放在一边,就会花费1/2N*N次比较,如果遇到与哨兵值相同的值的时候停下来,一共会花费NlgN次比较。下边的算法不会出现这种问题。

public void threeWaySort(Comparable[] a, int lo, int hi) {        if(hi <= lo) {            return;        }        Comparable v = a[lo];        int lt = lo;        int gt = hi;        int i = lo;        while(i <= gt) {            int ans = a[i].compareTo(v);            if(ans < 0) {                exchane(a, i++, lt++);            }            else if(ans > 0) {                exchane(a, i, gt--);            }            else{                i++;            }        }        threeWaySort(a, lo, lt - 1);        threeWaySort(a, gt + 1, hi);    }



Java提供的Arrays.sort()中对于primitive data type,使用的是two-quick-sort,对于reference type,使用的排序方式为MergeSort。

The java API for Arrays.sort()for reference type requires that it is stable and guarantees nlogn performance. Neither of these are properties of standard quicksort.

Quicksort uses less memory and is faster in practice on typical inputs(and is typically used by Arrays.sort() when sorting primitive types, where stability is not relevant).