Fetch and await

来源:互联网 发布:2017淘宝评价记分规则 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 02:35
  • 老朋友Ajax
  • Promise
  • Fetch API
  • await

await/async 是 ES7 最重要特性之一,它是目前为止 JS 最佳的异步解决方案了。虽然没有在 ES2016 中录入,但很快就到来,目前已经在 ES-Next Stage 4 阶段。



老朋友 Ajax

// 获取产品数据
ajax(‘products.json’, (products) => {
console.log(‘AJAX/products >>>’, JSON.parse(products));

// 获取用户数据ajax('users.json', (users) => {    console.log('AJAX/users >>>', JSON.parse(users));    // 获取评论数据    ajax('products.json', (comments) => {        console.log('AJAX/comments >>>', JSON.parse(comments));    });});

不算新的朋友 Promise
Promise 已经被提及已久了,也是 ES6 的一部分。Promise 能消除 callback hell 带来的厄运金字塔,相比起来代码更清晰了,但还是达不到编写同步代码的直观程度。

// Promise
// 封装 Ajax,返回一个 Promise
function requestP(url) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
ajax(url, (response) => {

// 获取产品数据
requestP(‘products.json’).then((products) => {
console.log(‘Promises/products >>>’, products);
// 获取用户数据
return requestP(‘users.json’);
}).then((users) => {
console.log(‘Promises/users >>>’, users);
// 获取评论数据
return requestP(‘comments.json’);
}).then((comments) => {
console.log(‘Promises/comments >>>’, comments);
强劲的新朋友 Generators
Generators 也是 ES6 一个新的特性,能够 暂停/执行 代码。yield 表示暂停,iterator.next 表示执行下一步,如果你不了解Generators 也没关系,可以忽略它直接学习 await/async。

// Generators
function request(url) {
ajax(url, (response) => {

function *main() {
// 获取产品数据
let data = yield request(‘products.json’);

// 获取用户数据let users = yield request('users.json');// 获取评论数据let products = yield request('comments.json');console.log('Generator/products >>>', products);console.log('Generator/users >>>', users);console.log('Generator/comments >>>', comments);


var iterator = main();
碉堡的朋友 await/async
与 Promise 结合使用

// 封装 Ajax,返回一个 Promise
function requestP(url) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
ajax(url, (response) => {

(async () => {
// 获取产品数据
let data = await requestP(‘products.json’);

 // 获取用户数据let users = await requestP('users.json'); // 获取评论数据let products = await requestP('comments.json');console.log('ES7 Async/products >>>', products);console.log('ES7 Async/users >>>', users);console.log('ES7 Async/comments >>>', comments);

与 Fetch API 结合使用:

(async () => {
// Async/await using the fetch API
try {

     // 获取产品数据    let products = await fetch('products.json');    // Parsing products    let parsedProducts = await products.json();    // 获取用户数据    let users = await fetch('users.json');    // Parsing users    let parsedUsers = await users.json();    // 获取评论数据    let comments = await fetch('comments.json');    // Parsing comments    let parsedComments = await comments.json();    console.log('ES7 Async+fetch/products >>>', parsedProducts);    console.log('ES7 Async+fetch/users >>>', parsedUsers);    console.log('ES7 Async+fetch/comments >>>', parsedComments);} catch (error) {    console.log(error);}

再次结合 Fetch

(async () => {
let parallelDataFetch = await*
(await fetch(‘products.json’)).json(),
(await fetch(‘users.json’)).json(),
(await fetch(‘comments.json’)).json()
console.log(‘Async parallel+fetch >>>’, parallelDataFetch);
使用 await/async 用同步的思维去解决异步的代码,感觉非常酷非常爽!

// jQuery
$.getJSON(‘/users’).then(success, fail)

// Axios
axios.get(‘/users’).then(success, fail);

// Backbone
users.fetch().then(success, fail)

// Fetch (hey, you need to download 4-5kb min+gz of Fetch and Promise polyfills if you have IE<=11 or older mobile browsers)
// There’s actually more request config & response verification that should be done if you want it as robust as the xhr libs
// And you can’t cancel these, but they do stream
fetch(‘/users’, {credentials: ‘same-origin’})
.then(function(response) {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
else {
// Reject the response since it’s not a 200-level response (i.e. there’s no usable data here)
throw new Error(‘Throw or else you’ll be trying to response.json() on 404s!’);